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Daniel Shultz - 2010 RGA Game Contest Coordinator

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May 9, 2011, 9:33:23 AM5/9/11
How about an update, Daniel? The last we heard from you, May 1 was the
aniticipated contest finish date. Now we're at May 9 and we've heard shit
squat from you.

If you're abandoning the contest, Daniel, after hijacking it, the least you
could do is have the fucking balls to let us know, so we can set about
finding a reliable contest coordinator.

I hope you prove me wrong and announce the results but I'm starting to
suspect you're flaking out, big time. You invested as much time as anyone.
Actually more. So I don't get it. But can you at least have the fucking
decency to let us know what the fuck you're doing after keeping everyone on
ice all this time??


Mark Steere Games


May 9, 2011, 10:39:52 AM5/9/11
Much as I like to disagree with Mark, on this occasion I must confess
to utter failure.

May 9, 2011, 2:32:25 PM5/9/11

On 9-May-2011, christian <> wrote:

> Much as I like to disagree with Mark, on this occasion I must
> confess to utter failure.

Daniel was on iggc this morning, so he's basically just ignoring us. I don't
understand the wimpout. Why put all that work into the contest and then
totally wimp out right before the end?

Just render a verdict, Daniel. If you've got 5 judges. If you've got 3
judges. If you've got just Declan. Render a fucking verdict. Close out
the contest.

Christian, fellow contestants, what do you want to do? If Daniel has really
flaked out, which, now looking back at how he tried to disqualify a third of
the games six months into the contest, wouldn't surprise me, we could find a
bgg aficionado to run the contest there. I think bgg is pretty much set up
for it. It'll be biased and sucky compared to what Daniel promised us, but
I think I'd rather have biased and sucky closure to the contest than none at

Daniel S.

May 9, 2011, 4:10:03 PM5/9/11
Life took a twist, I'm working on it, I'll push it up a notch, I'm not
ignoring you, I appreciate the feedback/prodding, but fuck off already
about the disqualification stuff that got sorted.

Just for clarity, my responsibilities as I understand them:

start a contest: Check
negotiate the judging process with y'all: Check
get judges to play all the games: Not Check
Undergo voting process: Not Check
Provide results by a certain date: Fail (as truthfully noted by

Sorry guys. Here's my spiel/update

I'd like to finish this contest. I can finish off with 3 judges in a
week or 4 judges in two weeks since all judges just need to play 1
game each and the fourth judge will be back from traveling 16th. It
would be great if the 5th judge wanted to finish, but unfortunately I
think that one's probably not possible anymore. So if these terms
work for yous then I'll continue and it'll be over soon.

As for the video: It'll bottleneck the whole thing even more so I'm
gonna (hopefully understandably) opt out of that one. Fail? ok Fail.
I'd like to say that I'll do it after the contest, but I think it
would be better to just be surprised if one actually emerges.


May 9, 2011, 5:41:31 PM5/9/11

On 9-May-2011, "Daniel S." <> wrote:

> Life took a twist, I'm working on it, I'll push it up a notch,
> I'm not ignoring you, I appreciate the feedback/prodding,

Thank you.

> but fuck off already about the disqualification stuff that
> got sorted.

lol, I've got a goat here who responds to the name Daniel's goat. Is anyone
missing a goat?

> Provide results by a certain date: Fail (as truthfully
> noted by Christian)

At least provide more frequent updates. You're stopping in to provide input
on the next contest while not having wrapped up the last one.

I'm only thinking of Christian. At his age (speaking of goats, lol), every
day is a blessing from Gordon. We may have to nominate someone to accept
the honor posthumously for him in case he wins.

> Sorry guys. Here's my spiel/update
> I'd like to finish this contest.

Well I hope so! After everything you put us through. Gordon (the real,
shemale God who rules with her immaculate, artificial vagina) have mercy if
you don't. I can't stop Christian from roasting you alive.

> I can finish off with 3 judges in a week or 4 judges
> in two weeks

Three judges would be my two cents. If it's anything like Hex Oust, 3 is a
whole lot better (as a group size) than 2 or 1, but not much worse than 4

Let's add a couple of "cushion" days and make it ten days from now.


> As for the video: It'll bottleneck the whole thing

Fuck the video.

Daniel S.

May 17, 2011, 10:51:57 AM5/17/11
So, the ball is rolling pretty fast at this point.
Just a few more games to be played and everything should be squared
away by May 19th.
By the grace of hydrogen we have 5 judges again!

...back to life,


(be nice to me. I'm a human.)

May 17, 2011, 3:12:45 PM5/17/11

On 17-May-2011, "Daniel S." <> wrote:

> So, the ball is rolling pretty fast at this point.
> Just a few more games to be played and everything should
> be squared away by May 19th.


> By the grace of hydrogen

lol, I love it.

> we have 5 judges again!
> ...back to life,
> Daniel
> (be nice to me. I'm a human.)

Sorry about the harshness earlier. I've said that I don't care if I win the
contest and I really don't, but that doesn't mean I don't care if the
contest finishes. I do. I was beginning to think you were sweeping a
dropped ball under a threadbare rug and my response to that was essentially
disappointment, but not outrage. I'm way too flaky to do even a tenth of
the work you're putting into the contest. And it's not like we're paying
you for this. It just would have been a major setback to have to start all
over again without you.

If it were me in your shoes, having to revitalize a lagging contest, I'd
bail on the contest and pull the plug on the Internet for a while. A long
while. I know that for a fact, so I wouldn't have any really grounds for
being anything more than mildly disappointed with you quitting the contest.

I think a lot of people are watching and waiting for the contest results.
Not everyone is as vocal about it as Christian, but inquiring minds want to

Daniel S.

May 19, 2011, 7:49:44 AM5/19/11
Three games have made it to the final voting phase.
In alphabetical order the games are:

Kasanari Shogi

Congrats to the finalists!
1st, 2nd and 3rd will be announced as soon as possible.

I'm mid chaos at the moment with finalizing family vacation plans in
Ireland for Monday, running a juggling convention which starts
tomorrow here in Berlin, Hosting people at my house, new
girlfriend ;), etc... so be a bit patient if this is a day late.

There are a few questions about the final voting process that I'm
waiting on Prof. Dee for so that it's done as fair as possible. It's
no use announcing botched results. The first wave made it clear who
was in the final so I'm very happy with that.

So yeah... almost over!



May 19, 2011, 8:09:25 AM5/19/11
On May 19, 1:49 pm, "Daniel S." <> wrote:
> Three games have made it to the final voting phase.
> In alphabetical order the games are:
> Kasanari Shogi
> Mixtour
> Splay
Congrats to Larry, Greg and Dieter :)


May 19, 2011, 10:46:58 AM5/19/11

On 19-May-2011, "Daniel S." <> wrote:

> Kasanari Shogi
> Mixtour
> Splay

Congrats to all the winners and to Daniel for running the contest.

Daniel S.

May 20, 2011, 8:48:23 AM5/20/11
On May 19, 4:46 pm, wrote:

> On 19-May-2011, "Daniel S." <> wrote:
> > Kasanari Shogi
> > Mixtour
> > Splay
> Congrats to all the winners and to Daniel for running the contest.

I tried to finish the 1st 2nd and 3rd results before all the shit hit
the fan in my life, but now I'm flooded with things I have to do and
still waiting for a response from Dee. I'll be back from Ireland in
10 days or so so I'll finish up then. Sorry to delay this part, but
I'm happy to at least get the finalists posted.


Daniel S.

Jun 2, 2011, 12:44:50 PM6/2/11

Hey All

I just got back from Ireland and now I work quite a bit in the next
few days etc... I'll hopefully have the final results in a week.
Shouldn't take long actually. I may even finish before then.

all the best,

Daniel S.

Jun 7, 2011, 12:26:38 PM6/7/11

Update: All votes are in but 1 for the final results. As soon as
that vote comes in I'll tally it up and post 1st-3rd.
Woo! Nearly done! :D

Mark Steere

Jun 7, 2011, 3:09:57 PM6/7/11

Believe or not, I didn't want to win, but I was hoping to at least
come out in the top half. That didn't happen. Fuck me.

I still appreciate the work you put into it though. Gave the group
some focus and direction after fathead Taylor disrupted everything
with his months long hissy.

Daniel S.

Jun 7, 2011, 3:12:14 PM6/7/11
Got all the votes in! Results are well... i'd prefer the term ironic
I suppose, but tragic came to mind :P
There is no 1st - 3rd. Everyone scored exactly the same.

In the second and last part of the judging (this phase) the jury
person listed the 3 games determined in the 1st phase in the order
that they liked the games. For every 1st place ranking that game
scores 5 points, 2nd 3 points, and 3rd 1 point. Unfortunately in this
case they all add up to the same number. I suppose if you just take
everyone's first place ranking then Mixtour and Splay would tie for
1st. Coincidentally if you take everyone's last place ranking then
it's also Mixtour and Splay. It's a perfect draw it seems.


This means that:

M: 5+5+3+1+1 = 15
K: 5+3+3+3+1 = 15
S: 5+5+3+1+1 = 15

...I wonder how many draw situations are possible using this system.
Or rather what the ratio is between draw and non-draw outcomes.

Anyway. Congrats to you all. I was surprised to have enjoyed a
majority of the games in such a small contest.

Bring out the belly dancers. The contest is over!

btw... my personal favorite was/is Grabber


Jun 8, 2011, 7:51:23 AM6/8/11
Thanks Daniel!

On Jun 7, 3:12 pm, "Daniel S." <> wrote:
> ...I wonder how many draw situations are possible using this system.
> Or rather what the ratio is between draw and non-draw outcomes.
> hmmm...

The answer is 4.6% of all possible votes result in a draw.

Below is my combinatorial analysis which answers the above question.
I have verified my analysis with a very simple
computer program which I can provide on request. If anyone would care
to see/run the program, I'll post it to the r.g.a. resource


Since there are 3! (6) ways to vote and 5 players, there are 6^5
(7776) possible ways to vote.


For any ranking using this method, the total of all points is going to
be 5*5 + 3*5 + 5 = 45 points.
So the only way a 3 way tie can occur is when the points for each game
totals 45/3 = 15 points.

For a jury of 5 players there are two ways in which a sum of 15 can be


But for there to be a 3 way tie, there must be 5 5's, 5 3's and 5 1's
as per the results:

X: 5+5+3+1+1 = 15
Y: 5+3+3+3+1 = 15
Z: 5+5+3+1+1 = 15

Where (X,Y,Z can be any assignment of K,M,S)

In other words, there is no other possible way for there to be 5 each
of 5's, 3's and 1's
and have each row sum to 15 other than the configuration shown above.
Note, I have replaced
the specific game with X, y and Z. Which can be replaced with any
actual game (e.g. M, K, S).

This can be summarized as follows:

Two of the games must be the first pick for exactly 2 voters, the 2nd
pick for exactly one voter, and
a third pick for exactly 2 voters.

The other game must be a first pick for exactly one voter, a 2nd pick
for 3 voters, and a 3rd pick
for one voter.

4) Back to:


Making this more generic so that (K,M,S can be assigned arbitrarily to
X,Y,Z) we have:


There are 5! (120) ways to permute the above, but since XYZ appears
twice we must divide out 2! yielding
60 combinations.

3 games (K,M,S) can be assigned to 3 variables in 3! (6) ways (e.g. X
= K, Y = M, Z = S, X = M, Y = S, Z = K, etc...)
so 60*6 (360) possibilities


360/7776 or 4.6% of all possible votes are ties.



Jun 8, 2011, 1:14:45 PM6/8/11
On Jun 7, 9:12 pm, "Daniel S." <> wrote:
> Got all the votes in!  Results are well... i'd prefer the term ironic
> It's a perfect draw it seems.

I don't know about ironic, but I like it :)

> Bring out the belly dancers.  The contest is over!
> Daniel
> btw... my personal favorite was/is Grabber

Thanks for that footnote and for all the work Daniel, and also thanks
to all members of the jury. It has been quite a ride.
Also thanks to all contestansts of course - without you there would
have been no contest :)


Jun 8, 2011, 11:24:45 PM6/8/11
On Jun 8, 7:51 am, Greg <> wrote:
> 360/7776 or 4.6% of all possible votes are ties.

Given the above, my informal conclusion is that since only less than 1
in 20 of all possible outcomes results in a tie, that
it is a legitimate (ie. "statistically significant") tie and one that
is not due to a propensity of ties in the voting scheme.

-- Greg


Jun 9, 2011, 3:05:48 AM6/9/11
Thank you Daniel, for the effort you've put into this contest.
And a nice outcome, too -- I somehow like draws ;-)

Also many thanks to all who followed this contest with interest and
especially to Greg who contributed all the great programming stuff.

It was fun.

More about Mixtour in Nürnberg next year... :)

- Dieter


Jun 9, 2011, 8:48:18 AM6/9/11

Thanks Dieter. BTW, I'll stop analyzing the voting system, I suppose
I couldn't resist a good puzzle. :) I will mention that the
combinatorial analysis of the voting system is very much like the type
of combinatorial analysis I frequently perform on ASG's and puzzles.

Thanks again to all those who made the contest possible, including all
of the competitors. I thought the presentation of all of the games
was excellent, with some being real standouts. I found something to
like about all the games, but found it difficult to have a clear
preference for many of the games since it was hard to say that one was
better, just different in their own right. An analogy that come to
minds is figure skating. How does one compare say a Scott Hamilton to
a Katarina Witt? They're both excellent in their own right, but very
different styles.

-- Greg

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