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Brian Anthony

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James L. Hankins

Mar 14, 2010, 7:29:31 PM3/14/10
This is for any newbies reading this newsgroup.

What follows is old-hat to those who posted here during the years that Brian
Anthony also posted. But just to clear some things up, Brian was a prolific
poster who made an incredible number of handicapping picks. He kept
meticulous records of his picks and he was very good at it. As handicappers
go--at least those with the balls to post their picks in a public forum for
others to review--Brian was without peer in my experience.

A poster named Gary Collard also posted picks around the same time. Collard
is a very poor handicapper with a losing record, but carries on as if he is
a good handicapper. It is a little bit creepy the way he does it, seemingly
with no awareness or shame about what he does. Brian (and others) caught
Gary Collard lying and cheating about his picks and nailed him on it.
Collard's usual MO was to label his picks as something different, then he
would make a pick, and if it lost he would then claim that it didn't count;
if it won he would count it. On other occasions he would just outright lie.
Because Brian exposed Collard's lies repeatedly, Collard developed an almost
pathological hatred for Brian. This is evidenced in Collard's replies to
Brian when Brian posted here, but is most clearly underscored in Collard's
bile since Brian stopped posting. Collard's personality type is that of a
comletely self-absorbed, almost sociopathic personality. He ignores his own
failings, seems to have no comprehension of his own shortcomings, and has a
super-inflated conception of his own opinions. He is the worst kind of
hypocrite---one who seems to be unaware of his own hypocrisy, yet continues
to engage in it. So, for the new readers, when Gary Collard makes a comment
about Brian Anthony, it will most likely be negative. The reason for it
will be that Collard dislikes Brian Anthony because Brian Anthony exposed
Collard as a liar and a cheat. Collard is extremely bitter about it.

Jason or James Catron, who lies even about his own name, is more
straightforward. He makes no pretense about being rational or about liking
Brian. They disliked each other from the beginning, probably because they
are both spirited personalities. Catron's criticisms of Brian are different
than Collard's. Whereas Collard just makes shit up with abandon because he
was shamed by Brian, Catron just hurls insults because that's just the way
he is. There is no pretension with Catron and his motives are pure at least
to the extent that admits not liking Brian and just likes to flame.

More complex is Atlanta Ranger. Ranger was usually a rational poster, but
for some reason has seen fit to hurl insults and criticisms of Brian Anthony
after Brian quit posting. It's difficult to divine the reasons why. I will
give him the benefit of the doubt and just chalk it up to a lapse of good
judgment and common sense, and maybe a lapse of maturity which happen to us
all from time to time.

I posted here for years, as did HC, and we disagreed with Brian Anthony on
several things (I disagreed with him quite forcefully on a playoff system
for college football), but our exchanges were civil and constructive because
if you approached Brian that way he reciprocated.

Several months ago, Brian Anthony stopped posting for reasons unknown. My
sense is that something profoundly debilitating happened to the man since I
doubt he would just stop posting of his own volition. But I don't know, nor
to my knowledge has anyone been able to verify why Brian stopped posting.

I *do* know that Collard, Catron, and Ranger seem to have racked up some
posts that take post shots at Brian for no clear reasons that I can
understand other than what I have articulated above (Collard is a
pathologicaly liar with no self-awareness and is bitter about being exposed
by Brian as a cheater and a fraud; Catron is just an obnoxious asshole who
regularly had flame wars with Brian and just doesn't like him personally;
and Ranger, who is usually reasonable, just had a fit of immaturity and bad

So, when anyone new here reads flames against Brian Anthony by Gary Collard,
James/Jason Catron, or Atlanta Ranger, now you know why.

Atlanta Ranger

Mar 25, 2010, 6:22:32 PM3/25/10

"James L. Hankins" <> wrote in message

We will agree to disagree.

I will make this clear. I have not and will not attack him personally. He
has done that to many. I am limiting it to stuff on this newsgroup. There
are some things I do know about him for a fact--again, I am not talking
about personal stuff, I don't play that game. I mean there are endless cases
of him being guilty of projection--taking his own personal weakness and
shortcomings and projecting them on others here at RGS.

You can said that "something bad happened to him". If so, I wish him the
best. It was my belief that he addressed personal issues--IMHO that would be
good and I wish him the best. But you may know something I don't.

I have been fair and balanced with him. I believe he was the Randy Moss of
RGS. He could and often was the best contributor here--but he HAD to and I
mean HAD to be the center of attention.

I have not and will not attack him personally, but his facade of hating
trash talking, yet the first to do it, which started this whole thing--was
hypocritical. Big deal? No, but if he can dish it out, he should be able to
take it.

Again, if something bad has happened to him--I wish him the best. I have a
close family member who is having serious health problems--six months older
than me--and it's ripping my heart out. I hope nothing like this has
happened to BA. I wish him well, but a poor old innocent victim of potshots
he is not.

I would *love* to see the return of a kindler, gentler Brian Anthony. And I
think you will find--without any doubt in my mind--a less angry BA will be
treated in kind. All bygones will be bygones.

The Catron

Apr 27, 2010, 5:52:18 AM4/27/10
I haven't logged in here in a while, i see it's been over a month
since James rambled on with one inaccurate statement after another.
First of all Jimmy, i think you take the happenings in RGS way too
seriously..i will admit that i enjoyed busting Brian's balls from time
to time, but he along with HC went at me every chance they got so it
definitely wasn't one sided and it never bothered me, it wasn't a big
deal, there is no doubt in my mind that Brian had some anger
management issues that needed to be addressed..he was just a very
strange guy that would never admit fault in any way and would lash out
at anyone who disagreed with him on any topic. Your whole post was
total nonsense and i honestly dont agree with any part of it..Brian
started problems or "flame wars" in here all the time, if you didn't
see that then you either weren't here often enough or you didn't want
to see it because it happened all the time. Any guy who took the time
to calculate what percentage of each persons posts he felt were off
topic has some serious issues.. if you weren't so busy swinging from
Brian Anthony's nuts you might see that Brian's behavior in here was
quite different then you seem to remember it.

It seems odd to me that Brian and HC left RGS at about the same time
and neither said anything, they just disappeared..i thought some
people might pop back up eventually but it's starting to look like
they might not. HC and i probably battled in here more than me and
Brian and a couple times we talked about meeting up when we were going
to be in the same area so i dont think anyone really took the
happenings in RGS nearly as seriously as you appear to Jimmy. I
sincerely hope that Brian is in a facility that can treat him for
whatever social disorders they diagnosed him to suffer from and i hope
to see him back in RGS soon after his release.

Atlanta Ranger

May 4, 2010, 6:51:19 PM5/4/10

"The Catron" <> wrote in message

I can't agree with attacking Mr. Haskins. He has been fair here. In a less
condescending way, I do agree with your accurate assessment of Anthony
allowing his personal issues and anger to spew into RGS.

He had to be the center of attention and would marginalize and demonize
anyone who threatened that status.

Atlanta Ranger

Nov 2, 2019, 10:10:26 AM11/2/19
What you got going today Brian A? Florida has you written all over it.

Gary Collard

Dec 30, 2019, 2:04:25 PM12/30/19
I don't even remember this Brian sock puppet, nice find
Gary Collard
SABR-L Moderator
Email gmcollard at verizon dot net or yahoo dot com
Twitter @LakerGMC

"Government is force, and politics is the process of deciding
who gets to use it on whom." –- Richard Grant


Nov 4, 2023, 3:49:42 PM11/4/23
"Atlanta Ranger" wrote in message

<snip long post by me about Brian>

Hello Ranger. I haven't visited this haunt in over a decade, and when I do
peek in, I find a long rambling me!

This is funny stuff. And no, Gary, I'm not a sock puppet for Brian. I was
here many years and saw your character, which is accurately set forth in the


Nov 8, 2023, 10:28:43 PM11/8/23
"Gary Collard" wrote in message news:qudhno$4j7$

I don't even remember this Brian sock puppet, nice find


Not a sock puppet. I'm James L. Hankins, the guy who posted under his real
name here for years back in the day, who authored that long-winded post, and
who knows first-hand that whatever handicapping records you claim are very
likely made-up bullshit because you've been exposed as a cheater here by
Brian and others many times.

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