On Friday, August 23, 2019 at 9:17:20 PM UTC-4, Clave wrote:
The Koch Brozz aren't/weren't conservatives.
They're actually "one of you."
They're RINOs, and when they saw that the "Tea Party Movement" didn't benefit the RINO Republican establishment (like McCain/Romney), but broke to the enormous benefit of real conservatives (that would be the voters with 75% of Republican electorate), and enabled "a Sarah Palin," the Koch Brozz (along with the RINO, Republican establishment of course) pulled their support.
Note the total demise, even of the spoken words of "Tea Party" in every facet of government and media; even on FO
What was once a legitimate presence in the House with the 2010 House elections producing some +- 80 successful candidates who claimed to be Tea Party: this quickly dwindled to an eventual, total wipeout where, magically, "The Freedom Caucus" appeared; with Jourdon and Meddows in the top leadership positions.
Whenever these Freedom-Caucus-frauds appear for a TV interview, I keep waiting for a real conservative anchor (there aren't any, and Hannity isn't intelligent enough) to ask (yell): "Where is the Tea Party! What have you done to them! Do you have them held captive a mile-down by elevator ride in the bowels of the Capital Building in gimp outfits! What happened!"
These are from the same publican fraud-group who pretended to be investigating "Fast and Furious," "Benghazi," "Uranium One," the IRS scandal etc.
They strung-it-out (claiming White House stonewalling) until Holder leisurely departed as AG in year seven of the Obama administration, and Obama retired without a smidgen of evidence being presented.
With a big surprise, conservative-Republican White House being elected in 2016 (as opposed to the expected Democrat, or at least RINO-Republican White House), what did they do for a "stonewalling excuse?"
They didn't have one, of course: instead, the chairmen (among others) of these House investigative committees all retired, and retired in the prime of their careers at that!
Zero explanation for why they retired, and no explanation demanded by the media (that was nice of the media to not put Republicans on-the-spot; when's that ever happened before?); even Hannity, who gushes praise upon them in their new rolls as FOX, paid, "contributing-commentators."
The list includes, but not limited to: Darryl Issa (his Orange County seat flipped poof! to a Democrat the 2018 House elections), Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffitz (early, to take advantage of a FOX TV-appearance-"payroll-contract"), PaUl Ryan, eventually, to "spend more time with my family." Paul Ryan, whose "kids" must be in their mid-thirties by now; and who really must have some major "pent-up-chomping-at-the-bit" to spend more time with Dad.
So, with that, we'll leave-off my "politics-education for the dumassed" for now; but try to pay attention to: who's whose opponent(s) in the future (ya know, if you could, which you obviously can't).
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