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Hell Takes Back One of its Own

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Aug 24, 2019, 1:17:20 AM8/24/19


Aug 24, 2019, 2:11:10 AM8/24/19
On Friday, August 23, 2019 at 6:17:20 PM UTC-7, Clave wrote:

Oh, I see, this is about Koch. When I clicked on your post I figured maybe Ruth Bader Ginsberg had died and I had missed the news story.


Aug 24, 2019, 3:02:22 PM8/24/19
Which goes to your lucidity.


Aug 24, 2019, 6:27:22 PM8/24/19
On Friday, August 23, 2019 at 9:17:20 PM UTC-4, Clave wrote:

The Koch Brozz aren't/weren't conservatives.

They're actually "one of you."

They're RINOs, and when they saw that the "Tea Party Movement" didn't benefit the RINO Republican establishment (like McCain/Romney), but broke to the enormous benefit of real conservatives (that would be the voters with 75% of Republican electorate), and enabled "a Sarah Palin," the Koch Brozz (along with the RINO, Republican establishment of course) pulled their support.

Note the total demise, even of the spoken words of "Tea Party" in every facet of government and media; even on FO

What was once a legitimate presence in the House with the 2010 House elections producing some +- 80 successful candidates who claimed to be Tea Party: this quickly dwindled to an eventual, total wipeout where, magically, "The Freedom Caucus" appeared; with Jourdon and Meddows in the top leadership positions.

Whenever these Freedom-Caucus-frauds appear for a TV interview, I keep waiting for a real conservative anchor (there aren't any, and Hannity isn't intelligent enough) to ask (yell): "Where is the Tea Party! What have you done to them! Do you have them held captive a mile-down by elevator ride in the bowels of the Capital Building in gimp outfits! What happened!"

These are from the same publican fraud-group who pretended to be investigating "Fast and Furious," "Benghazi," "Uranium One," the IRS scandal etc.
They strung-it-out (claiming White House stonewalling) until Holder leisurely departed as AG in year seven of the Obama administration, and Obama retired without a smidgen of evidence being presented.

With a big surprise, conservative-Republican White House being elected in 2016 (as opposed to the expected Democrat, or at least RINO-Republican White House), what did they do for a "stonewalling excuse?"

They didn't have one, of course: instead, the chairmen (among others) of these House investigative committees all retired, and retired in the prime of their careers at that!

Zero explanation for why they retired, and no explanation demanded by the media (that was nice of the media to not put Republicans on-the-spot; when's that ever happened before?); even Hannity, who gushes praise upon them in their new rolls as FOX, paid, "contributing-commentators."

The list includes, but not limited to: Darryl Issa (his Orange County seat flipped poof! to a Democrat the 2018 House elections), Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffitz (early, to take advantage of a FOX TV-appearance-"payroll-contract"), PaUl Ryan, eventually, to "spend more time with my family." Paul Ryan, whose "kids" must be in their mid-thirties by now; and who really must have some major "pent-up-chomping-at-the-bit" to spend more time with Dad.

So, with that, we'll leave-off my "politics-education for the dumassed" for now; but try to pay attention to: who's whose opponent(s) in the future (ya know, if you could, which you obviously can't).

+- 80


Aug 24, 2019, 6:40:42 PM8/24/19
On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 11:27:22 AM UTC-7, Travel wrote:

> The Koch Brozz aren't/weren't conservatives.
> They're actually "one of you."

Clave is too stupid to even know that, he just parrots what the Left wants him to think. Koch was for same-sex marriage, also pro-abortion. But Clave thinks he was conservative. Clave's a clown.

And as usual, Travel is the only person on this newsgroup who has a clue.


Aug 24, 2019, 8:01:29 PM8/24/19
On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 11:27:22 AM UTC-7, Travel wrote:
> On Friday, August 23, 2019 at 9:17:20 PM UTC-4, Clave wrote:
> >
> The Koch Brozz aren't/weren't conservatives.

End RussianTraveler read...



Aug 24, 2019, 8:13:52 PM8/24/19
On 2019-08-24 11:27 a.m., Travel wrote:
> On Friday, August 23, 2019 at 9:17:20 PM UTC-4, Clave wrote:
> The Koch Brozz aren't/weren't conservatives.
> They're actually "one of you."

They support massive cuts to social programs, the gutting of emissions
regulations and fund climate change deniers. What could be more

So no, they are decidedly "actually" NOT "one of us".

<snip gobbledygook>


Aug 24, 2019, 8:20:33 PM8/24/19
Libertarians' belief in individual freedom does not make them Democrats.


Aug 24, 2019, 11:39:41 PM8/24/19
They're helping you, dumbass. Like McCain and Romney. They pretend-conservative to get elected, stupid. That's what a RINO is, moron; all of whom are against Trump; and that, decidedly, is quite right up your ass.

When you're at your most idiotic, could you please use your Bradly K, Sherman sock puppet? No particular reason, I just want to determine if you get stupider when using one compared to the other.

Will in New Haven

Aug 24, 2019, 11:56:28 PM8/24/19
On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 4:13:52 PM UTC-4, Dutch wrote:
No, they weren't. They favored the rights of gays to marry and several other things you lot favor but they did not fall into lockstep on every issue. You and Travel have the same complaint about them.
They didn't follow (either) party line. And, so, you demonize them* because, unlike you, they don't lick the boots of the (possibly well-meaning) authoritarians people think of as liberals and don't follow the insane postures of the right.

*quite literally demonize "Hell takes back one of its own."
when the moronic birther movement plagued President Obama, you lot called for civility. You wouldn't know civility if it bit you on the ass.

Will in Deerfield Beach

Will in New Haven

Aug 24, 2019, 11:58:35 PM8/24/19
So, not being a Democrat is a mortal sin?

Will, a libertarian, in Deerfield Beach

Will in New Haven

Aug 25, 2019, 12:00:42 AM8/25/19
Keep purifying the Republican party. Eventually, you will hold your conventions in a phone booth. Neither side, when it wins, remembers losing. They think they have triumphed forever.


Aug 25, 2019, 12:25:03 AM8/25/19
Fuck you and your "civility" in the neck. I don't recall a peep from
you when they were burning Obama in effigy, much less all the rest of
the racist shit you conservatives have heaped on Obama and the Clintons
for the last generation.

It really takes a dickhead of a conservative to tell us who we should
love and admire.

Again, fuck you.


Aug 25, 2019, 12:31:36 AM8/25/19
On 8/24/2019 5:25 PM, Clave wrote:
> On 8/24/2019 3:56 PM, Will in New Haven wrote:
>> On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 4:13:52 PM UTC-4, Dutch wrote:
>>> On 2019-08-24 11:27 a.m., Travel wrote:
>>>> On Friday, August 23, 2019 at 9:17:20 PM UTC-4, Clave wrote:
>>>> The Koch Brozz aren't/weren't conservatives.
>>>> They're actually "one of you."
>>> They support massive cuts to social programs, the gutting of emissions
>>> regulations and fund climate change deniers. What could be more
>>> "conservative"?
>>> So no, they are decidedly "actually" NOT "one of us".

And another thing:

>> No, they weren't. They favored the rights of gays to marry and several
>> other things you lot favor

Yeah, while their MONEY went to anti-gay Republicans.

I guess you just forgot about that part.

but they did not fall into lockstep on
>> every issue. You and Travel have the same complaint about them.
>> They didn't follow (either) party line. And, so, you demonize them*
>> because, unlike you, they don't lick the boots of the (possibly
>> well-meaning) authoritarians people think of as liberals and don't
>> follow the insane postures of the right.
>> *quite literally  demonize "Hell takes back one of its own."
>> when the moronic birther movement plagued President Obama, you lot
>> called for civility. You wouldn't know civility  if it bit you on the
>> ass.

Will in New Haven

Aug 25, 2019, 12:59:01 AM8/25/19
You must not have been listening (and I may not have been in this forum much) because I was opposed to the birthers even during his reelection campaign, the one where I didn't vote for him. I have never been a conservative, although I have sometimes voted for a Republican. I never told you whom you should love and admire. I just pointed out that the people you love and admire are authoritarians, as much so as Trump.

Die in a grease fire.


Aug 25, 2019, 1:06:53 AM8/25/19
On Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 5:59:01 PM UTC-7, Will in New Haven wrote:

> Die in a grease fire.

Just ignore him, Will. He hates the world.


Aug 25, 2019, 4:44:16 AM8/25/19
On 2019-08-24 4:39 p.m., Travel wrote:
> They pretend-conservative to get elected,

You mean like Donald J. Trump, a lifelong Democrat did?


Aug 25, 2019, 1:50:41 PM8/25/19
Yet in the end, not a one of you wing-nuts will address the question of why you would vote Republican just to lose you and your family’s healthcare with your preexisting condition and your kids remain in danger of automatic fire in schools – and you at gatherings.

But then, you’ve also run when it’s pointed out you fell for the GOP/Russian propaganda that Hillary was crooked and a liar and should be locked up. All I had to do was ask you what she did that was crooked – while 37 Republican controlled congressional investigations exonerated her. And you couldn’t list her lies. And you blush and hide every time trump lies (12,000 documented).

You can’t reply without showing your gullibility and hypocrisy. So you wiggle a squirm and dodge and pick on the dead – then run and hide again…

Run, cowards, run…

risky biz

Aug 25, 2019, 3:29:55 PM8/25/19
You're replying to a post typed by someone suffering from so much senile confusion that he thinks Donald Trump is conservative. The Republican Party, in general, isn't conservative, either, but most of them are at least as conservative as Donald Trump, if not more. So there's hardly any purifying taking place anywhere in that mess.

risky biz

Aug 25, 2019, 3:39:15 PM8/25/19
Tell us how you really feel.

Will in New Haven

Aug 25, 2019, 4:11:00 PM8/25/19
Probably so. But getting rid of the libertarian-leaning, which was accomplished by Bush II, was probably seen as a victory.

Will in New Haven

Aug 25, 2019, 4:12:44 PM8/25/19
I think I was out of line. That's how I feel. I stooped to his emotional level.


Aug 25, 2019, 6:47:25 PM8/25/19
Not when you consider he's the first president in (how long?) to unilaterally start a war with another country - on the first day, bombing and killing over 95,000 innocent men, women, pregnant women, and children - for no other reason than; "Opps, sorry, Cheney said you really had WMD."

Will in New Haven

Aug 26, 2019, 4:45:15 AM8/26/19
As a victory by the purify the party types, you moron. I don't know how you interpreted what I said as praise for Bush II. You must have been half asleep because I don't remember your being this stupid.

Or maybe you're senile.

risky biz

Aug 26, 2019, 7:28:33 AM8/26/19
Anyone would regret stooping to Clave's emotional level even if they did so just momentarily.


Aug 26, 2019, 1:11:18 PM8/26/19
As in, "You're with us or against us." ("And if you don't vote with us, we'll Primary you by cutting off your campaign money.")

> > Not when you consider he's the first president in (how long?) to unilaterally start a war with another country - on the first day, bombing and killing over 95,000 innocent men, women, pregnant women, and children - for no other reason than; "Opps, sorry, Cheney said you really had WMD."

> As a victory by the purify the party types, you moron.

As in one of the ways I just showed, you moron.


Aug 26, 2019, 11:20:22 PM8/26/19
On Sunday, August 25, 2019 at 9:45:15 PM UTC-7, Will in New Haven wrote:

> You must have been half asleep because I don't remember your being this stupid.

Then you just forgot. Because he IS this stupid.


Aug 27, 2019, 1:59:04 AM8/27/19
lol.. You're talking to a Lolbertarian.

They're the only people on planet Earth who make "liberals" look like they might be mature enough to have an age in two digits.
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