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The Easiest and Most Straight-Forward Free Roulette System

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Ion Saliu

Apr 20, 2020, 8:29:18 AM4/20/20
A gambling related resource, although it does not cover blackjack. It is the easiest and most straight-forward free roulette system based on wheel bias. This system does work in the long-run by assuring wins to a majority of roulette players.

The system is based on roulette numbers that show repeats in the last 15-30 spins -- one or two marquee screens. If no repeats, then the player selects the last 6 numbers displayed on the marquee. The zero (0 or 00) should not be discarded of!

We can rely on the normal probability rule. We look at a frequency report for all roulette numbers in 30 spins (2 screens of the marquee). It is very easy to do a quick mental report and write down the repeats. We we'll notice frequencies between 0 (no-appearance) to 2 (repeats). Chances are good some of the repeat-numbers indicate a running bias at that particular roulette table. By contrast, some of the ruleta numbers not showing could indicate so called 'sleepers'. Some sleepers can skip well over 100 spins, even 300 spins!

You can study this roulette system in full detail, with analyses of real casino spins (Hamburg Spielbank)"
• The the easiest and most straight-forward free roulette system - a winner in the long-run (even after 100 spins).

While in this Usenet group, don't miss the best blackjack card-counting system of all time. Most likely, it is the only counting system that really works:!topic/rec.gambling.blackjack/lGy-ccJnla4
• ABC: The Best-Ever Blackjack Card-Counting System

Ion Saliu (royalty-name Parpaluck),
Founder of Gambling Mathematics,
The Best-Ever Roulette Player,
The Best Blackjack Player of All Time.

Ion Saliu

Jun 5, 2020, 8:30:43 AM6/5/20

You can get lost easily in public forums like this Usenet group. THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY POSTS!!!

To solve the problem, I created a thread referring to the most relevant articles, materials, debates, systems, fights, etc. I keep it updated and make sure it shows at the top of this Google group:!topic/rec.gambling.blackjack/yHJJBp0F9OU
• The Best RGB Posts All-Matters Blackjack, Strategies, Systems, Card Counting, Inevitable Fights.

Ion Saliu (royalty-name: Parpaluck),
Founder of Blackjack Mathematics
• The Mental: Blackjack System Based on Fundamental Formula of Gambling.

Ion Saliu

Mar 29, 2023, 9:30:21 AM3/29/23
Search-engine programming advanced with rapid paces. Now, they can interact with Netizens almost like human beings. There are AI chatbots that behave in the manner of human researchers. Read what the “artificial humans” “think” of ‘Ion Saliu’ and his gambling theories, blackjack covered as well.
• A Practical Essay on Artificial Intelligence, AI Chatbots Regarding Ion Saliu.
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