Axiomatics, Axiomatiques, Axiomatischen, Axiomáticos, Assiomatici, Axiomatici et al.:
We are not dead — Usenet is. Google decided to kill Usenet for all intents and purposes. The beauty of Google Groups (GG) was PERSISTENCE. The messages were ARCHIVED — i.e., saved for posterity.
From February 15, 2024, the messages will get lost in the ethereal Infinity. They will be saved temporarily on each newsreader subscriber’s domain. That’s all! Only very few readers can see them, and then the messages are wiped out for good.
Many Usenet messages were also INDEXED by Google Groups. They became available in Internet searches on some queries of value to many Netizens. I know firsthand how valuable a referring source GG is (WAS!). My website has received (up to) hundreds of referrals a month from Google Groups!
Not to mention that the newsreader services are as cumbersome as the first years of personal computing.
It is far more convenient to create one’s own Google group — also FREE (e.g., moderated as well). Of course, Facebook also offers free groups ( Both services ARCHIVE and INDEX messages/postings.
O tempora! O mores!
Ion “Axiomatic Parpaluck” Saliu
Founder of Philosophical Science of Posting