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Re: according to GUARDIAN news .. GRU paid TALIBAN to kill US FORCES and UK forces in Afghanistan

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Jun 28, 2020, 1:25:00 PM6/28/20
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:rda394$470$

>> Oleg ... are you disputing this ?
>> Please offer counter punch
> There were some leaks from a secret MI6 report that the China's secret
> services have established a child trafficking from Pakistan to China.
> Because, according to the traditional Chinese medicine, the young human
> meat is good for health and rejuvenation, so the CPC bosses eat it.
> I believe it may well be true.


Whites don't eat human fetuses and placentas like yellow
folks do. I think your soup's getting cold, Charlie Chan...

No one could accuse The Chinese of being squeamish about the things they
eat - monkeys' brains, owls' eyes, bears' paws and deep fried scorpions are
all items on The menu. But most dishes revered as national favourites sound
as harmless as boiled rice when compared to the latest pint de jour
allegedly gaining favour in Shenzhen - human foetus.

Rumours that dead embryos were being used as dietary supplements started to
spread early last year with reports that some doctors in Shenzhen hospitals
were eating dead foetuses after carrying out abortions. The doctors
allegedly defended their actions by saying the embryos were good for their
skin and general health.

A trend was set and soon reports circulated that doctors in the city were
promoting foetuses as a human tonic. Hospital cleaning women were seen
fighting each other to take the treasured human remains home. Last month,
reporters from EastWeek - a sister publication of Eastern Express - went to
Shenzhen to see if the rumours could be substantiated. On March 7, a
reporter entered the state-run Shenzhen Heath Centre for Women and Children
feigning illness and asked a female doctor for a foetus. The doctor said the
department was out of stock but to come again.

The next day the reporter returned at lunch time. The doctor eventually
emerged from the operating theatre holding a fist size glass bottle stuffed
with thumbsized foetuses.

She said: "There are 10 foetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can
take them. We are a state hospital and don't charge anything.

"Normally, we doctors take them home to eat - all free. Since you don't look
well, you can take them."

Not every state hospital is as generous with its dead embryos as the Health
Centre for Women and Children. At the Shenzhen People's Hospital, for
example, the reporter was in for a surprise.

When a Ms. Yang, the head nurse, was asked for foetuses, she looked anxious
and asked other staff to leave. After closing the door, she asked the
undercover buyer in a low voice: "Where did you (get to) know that we sell

The reporter answered: "A doctor friend in Hong Kong told me."

"Who? What is his/her name?"

The reporter was not prepared for this line of questioning and could not
come up with a name. Yang told him that foetuses were only for sale within
the hospital, and were not for public purchase. She added that some staff
would, however, sell the foetuses on to Hong Kong buyers.

The reporter learned that the going rate for a foetus was $10 but when the
merchandise was in short supply, the price could go up to $20. But these
prices are pin money compared to those set by private clinics, which are
said to make a fortune selling foetuses. One chap on Bong Men Lao Street
charges $300 for one foetus. The person in charge of the clinic is a man in
his 60's. When he saw the ailing reporter, he offered to take an order for
foetuses that had reached full-term and which, it is claimed, contain the
best healing properties. When a female doctor named Yang - no relation - of
Sin Hua clinic was asked whether foetuses were edible, she said
emphatically: "Of course they are. They are even better than placentas.

"They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger and are good for
kidneys. When I was in an army hospital in Jiangti province, I often brought
foetuses home. They were pink, like little mice, with hands and feet.
Normally, I buy some pork to make soup (with the foetuses added). I know
they are human beings, and (eating them) feels disgusting. But at that time,
it was already very popular."

A Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong claims he has been eating foetus soup for more
than six months. To begin, the man, in his 40's, would make the trip to
Shenzhen frequently for business and was introduced to foetuses by friends.
He says he met a number of professors and doctors in government hospitals
who helped him buy the foetuses. "At first, I felt uncomfortable, but
doctors said the substances in foetuses could help cure my asthma. I started
taking them and gradually, the asthma disappeared," Cheng said.

Now, Cheng only eats foetuses occasionally to top up his treatment, but
there was a time when he made regular cross border trips with the gruesome
merchandise. "Everytime [I made the trip], I carried a Thermos flask to
Shenzhen and brought the foetuses back to Hong Kong to make soup. If they
gave me 20 or 30 at a time, I put them in the refrigerator. I didn't have
the soup every day - it depended on the supply.

"Usually, I washed the foetuses clean, and added ginger, orange peel and
pork to make soup. After taking it for a while, I felt a lot better and my
asthma disappeared. I used to take placenta, but it was not so helpful."
When asked if he was concerned about the foetuses containing diseases, Cheng
was dismissive. "I bought them from government hospitals. They would check
the pregnant women before doing the operations and only sell them to me if
there was no problem. Also, I always boil them over high heat which kills
any bacteria." Although Cheng has overcome any squeamishness over eating
foetus soup, he says he draw the line at consuming whole dead embryos. He
also refrains from telling people of his grisly dietary habits.

Zou Qin, 32, a woman from Hubei with the fine skin of a someone several
years younger, attributes her well preserved looks to a diet of foetuses. As
a doctor at the Lun Hu Clinic, Zou has carried out abortions on several
hundred patients. She believes foetuses are highly nutritious and claims to
have eaten more than 100 in the past six months. She pulls out a foetus
specimen before a reporter and explains the selection criteria. "People
normally prefer (foetuses of) young women, and even better, the first baby
and a male." She adds: "They are wasted if we don't eat them. The women who
receive abortions here don't want the foetuses. Also, the foetuses are
already dead [when we eat them]. We don't carry out abortions just to eat
the foetuses.

"Before, my sister's children were very weak. I heard that foetuses were
good for your health and started taking some to my nephews," Zou says,
without remorse. "I wash them with clear water until they look transparent
white and then stew them. Making soup is best." But she admits there are
drawbacks to this dubious delicacy. "Foetuses are very smelly and not
everybody can take the stink," she said. "You can also make meat cakes by
mixing foetuses with minced meat but you have to add more ginger and chives
to get rid of the smell."

Hong Kong legislator Dr. Tan Siu-tong is surprised that it could be within
anyone's capability to overcome the stench of a dead foetus, even if their
stomachs are lined with lead. "When all the placental tissue is dead, the
smell is awful and is enough to make you feel sick. It is like having a dead
mouse in the house," he said.

The foetuses allegedly eaten by the Chinese are all provided by China's
extensive abortion services. Last year, doctors in the People's Hospital -
the biggest hospital in Shenzhen - carried out more than 7,000 terminations,
509 on Hong Kong women. The Hong Kong Family Planning Association (FPA)
estimates that 24 per cent of all abortions on Hong Kong women are performed
in the dubious surroundings of a Chinese hospital. A Ms. Li from Hong Kong
has had two abortions in Shenzhen but has never heard of people eating
foetuses. "But I didn't want the babies, so after the abortions, I just left
them with the hospital," she says. "I didn't want to look at them, and I
certainly didn't want to keep them. Foetuses of two or three months are just
water and blood when they come out. They are so small, how can you eat

Doctors in the territory have responded with disgust and incredulity to
stories of people supplementing their diets with foetuses. Many have read
articles of foetal cannibalism but none has been able to verify the reports.
They are treating the issue with skepticism. Dr. Margaret Kwan, a
gynecologist who until two weeks ago held the post of chief executive at the
FPA, says: "This is the strangest thing I have ever heard coming out of
China. I just hope it is not true."

Dr. Warren Lee, president of the Hong Kong Nutrition Association, is aware
of the unsavory rumours. "Eating foetuses is a kind of traditional Chinese
medicine and is deeply founded in Chinese folklore. In terms of nutrition, a
foetus would be a good source of protein and fats, and there are minerals in
bone. But I don't know if eating foetuses is just folklore or more than
that," he says. According to Lee, it is conceivable that foetuses are rich
in certain hormones that are beneficial to the adult human body, but should
this be the case, the foetal matter would have to be converted into an
injectible form for best results, as most hormones including the hormone for
diabetes, insulin - are broken down in the digestive system before they have
a chance to be absorbed by the body.

But Lee suggests that anyone who eats a foetus would be seeking a remedy
that is far more elusive than a hormone or mineral. "Some people may think
there is also an unidentified substance or chemical that has healing powers,
but there is no evidence that this is true." Lee urges people to be wary -
"There are people out there who just want to make money and they will come
up with all sorts of formulas or substances, which, they say will cure

As a child, Patrick Yau was fed on human placentas by his mother who worked
at a local hospital, but in his current position as a psychologist with the
Social Welfare Department he is both repulsed and shocked by the notion of
eating foetuses. "As a Catholic, I object to abortions because I believe the
foetus is a human life, and I certainly object to eating a dead baby after
it has been aborted," he says. Yau concedes that in China, where the one
child policy has turned abortions into an acceptable remedy to an
unfortunate human blunder, people may have adopted a new outlook on life
before birth, such that embryos are stripped of their status as human

But Tang fails to understand how anyone anywhere can convince themselves
"that they are just eating an organism when they are actually eating a dead
body". "It may not be a formed human being, but when they think about it
most people would think: 'Ugh! No, I can't eat that.' I don't think
civilized people with an education could do that sort of thing."

Dr. Wong, a Hong Kong doctor who practices Western medicine, thinks only the
ignorant would eat human foetuses. He explains that foetuses contain
mucoploysaccharide, which is beneficial to the metabolism, but states that
it can be found in a lot of other food - Chinese doctor Chu Ho-Ting agrees
that there is no place for foetuses in medicine, and suggests that it might
even be unhealthy if the pregnant woman was infected by disease.

"Most bacteria can be killed under 100 degree heat but some require 400
degrees. Some people believe eating foetuses can strengthen the immunity of
the human body against diseases, but this is wrong. Although foetuses
contain protein, they are not as nutritious as placenta, which contains
different kinds of nutrients. But even placenta has to be taken with other
Chinese herbs." (dead link)

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