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Brains (Yiddish word & recipe)?

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Lori Lee

Jun 30, 2004, 11:10:02 AM6/30/04
This is a 2 part question:
1st, would anyone know the yiddish word for brains (as a food product,
not as in "smarts").
2nd, when I was growing up in NYC we would get brains as a cold
appetizer in Jewish restaurants. Mixed with radish, I believe.
Delicious! Might anyone have a recipe?

Thanks you all.

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Jun 30, 2004, 9:36:53 PM6/30/04
"Lori Lee" asked us

>1st, would anyone know the yiddish word for brains
>(as a food product, not as in "smarts").

Sorry, can't help on that one.

>2nd, when I was growing up in NYC we would get >brains as a cold appetizer
in Jewish restaurants. Mixed >with radish, I believe.
>Delicious! Might anyone have a recipe?

I don't have a recipe for what you've mentioned...but I do for other ways of
cooking brains.

These recipes are from The Complete American-Jewish Cookbook, edited by
London and Bishkov.

Basic cooking method:
Brains of calf, lamb, and beef may be prepared, although calf's brains are
the most delicately flavored. Soak brains in cold salted water for 30
minutes. Remove membrane. Simmer in 1 qt. water to whci has been added 1
tsp salt and either 1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice. Drain and break/slice
into pieces. Allow 1 pair brains per serving.

Fried brains
Cut drained, cooked brains in 1/2" thick slices. Roll in fine breadcrumbs.
Brown in hot fat. Season w/ salt and pepper.

Sweet & Sour Calf's Brains

1 set calf's brains 1/2 tsp salt
1 onion, sliced 1/4 c gingersnap crumbs
3 or 4 slices celery root 2 tbsp brown sugar
3 whole peppers 1/4 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp vinegar or 1/4 c seedless raisins
lemon juice

Soak calf's brains in cold water to cover, 1 hr. Drain, remove membrane.
Place brains, onion, celery root, and whole peppers in saucepan. Add water
just to cover. Put 1 tbsp vinegar/lemon juice and 1/2 tsp salt in water.
Bring to boil and simmer 20 minutes. Remove brains. Combine gingersnap
crumbs, brown sugar, cinnamon, and raisins and moisten w/ 2 tbsp
vinegar/lemon juice. Add to liquid in pan. Bring to boil and cook until
blended and smooth, 10 minutes. Serve cold, garnished w/ lemon wedges.
Serves 4.


Jun 30, 2004, 9:37:56 PM6/30/04
More recipes from the same source

Brain Fritters

1/2 lb cooked calf's brains
3 eggs
1/3 c flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
3 tbsp cold water

Slice cooked brains 1/4" thick. Beat eggs, stir in flour, salt, pepper, and
cold water to make thick batter. Dip sliced brains in batter. Fry in hot
fat until browned on both sides. Serves 4.

Scrambled Brains w/ Eggs

1/2 lb cooked brains
4 eggs
2 tbsp ketchup
1/4 tsp salt
dash of Worcestershire sauce
4 tbsp cooking fat
4 slices toast
2 tbsp minced parsley

Cut cooked brains in 1/2" pieces. Beat eggs slightly and add seasonings and
brains. Heat fat in skillet. Pour in brain-egg mixture. Cook slowly,
stirring enough to scramble. Serve on hot toast, garnished w/ parsley.
Serves 6

Lori Lee

Jul 1, 2004, 3:58:46 PM7/1/04
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 19:36:53 CST, "signman" <> wrote:

>"Lori Lee" asked us
>>1st, would anyone know the yiddish word for brains
>>(as a food product, not as in "smarts").
>Sorry, can't help on that one.
>>2nd, when I was growing up in NYC we would get >brains as a cold appetizer
>in Jewish restaurants. Mixed >with radish, I believe.
>>Delicious! Might anyone have a recipe?
>I don't have a recipe for what you've mentioned...but I do for other ways of
>cooking brains.

Thank you for the excellent recipes.

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Ari's Judaica Treasures

Jul 1, 2004, 4:50:05 PM7/1/04
Lori Lee <> wrote in message news:<>...

> This is a 2 part question:
> 1st, would anyone know the yiddish word for brains (as a food product,
> not as in "smarts").

I don't know if this is Yiddish or Hungarian, but we called it
Grashratza (or something sounding like that)

Jul 6, 2004, 8:31:22 AM7/6/04
The jiddish name for 'Brains' is hirnlech or hirnlach (ch as in
scottish loch)

On 30 Jun 2004 15:10:02 GMT, Lori Lee <>

David S

Jul 16, 2004, 8:17:47 PM7/16/04
The Weinreich dictionary gives the following Yiddish for brains:
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