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Valentines Day is special to Hawaiians

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Ed P

Feb 14, 2024, 9:21:43 PMFeb 14


Feb 14, 2024, 10:11:51 PMFeb 14
On Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 4:21:43 PM UTC-10, Ed P wrote:

I didn't know this factoid. Thanks. In retrospect, the Hawaiians may have overreacted just a tiny bit. Look at it from their viewpoint - this guy who is supposed to be a god keeps dropping in demanding stuff from your village. After a while, you just gotta club him over the head and spill his brains all over the rocky shores. It was nothing personal. The Hawaiian regarded him as a powerful chief having plenty of mana and handled his remains with respect. They even ate his heart and other parts of him in order to imbibe themselves of his mana. In the end, they returned his long bones to his people. That's real class.
As it goes, anybody can overreact a tiny bit - even Floridians. The important part is no harm, no foul.


Feb 15, 2024, 1:28:06 PMFeb 15
On Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 4:21:43 PM UTC-10, Ed P wrote:

For the Hawaiians and much of Polynesia, Cap'n Cook isn't much of a heroic figure. Who can blame them? Some alien comes to your town bringing diseases and death. The alien knows that this is going to kill off a lot of natives but he just didn't care. For a great many people in the Pacific, it's the Hawaiians that were the heroes.


Feb 15, 2024, 2:00:48 PMFeb 15
On 26 January 1788, Captain Cook first set foot on Australian soil.
Chinese, Portuguese and Dutch had already been here, but didn't hang
around. January 26 is now a national holiday in Australia. It's called
Australia Day. Indigenous people and those on their side call the day
Invasion Day and want the date of Australia Day changed. I couldn't
agree more.

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 15, 2024, 3:25:48 PMFeb 15
It doesn't matter who the heroes were. Guns, germs, and steel
carried the day.

Cindy Hamilton


Feb 15, 2024, 3:31:48 PMFeb 15
A lot of native Hawaiians are reluctant to call themselves "Americans." Things were a lot simpler back in the days when the history of the Kingdom of Hawaii was suppressed. My guess is that in the future, the Hawaiians will gain back the sovereignty of their Kingdom.
Breakfast this morning was crepes. It was okay, I guess. I haven't made crepes since I was in high school. These were filled with sliced banana. If I had some Nutella, I'd have spread that on too. Nutella and bananas seem to be a thing in the US.


Feb 15, 2024, 3:37:41 PMFeb 15
You're wrong about that. It was rocks, wooden spears, and knives given to the Hawaiians by Cook, that carried the day.


Feb 15, 2024, 4:16:12 PMFeb 15
On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 12:31:44 -0800 (PST), dsi1
Most of the time countries refuse to give up any land area. They'd
rather go to war to increase their land area. The US and Europe don't
do that anymore, but why would the US let go of Hawaii?
Is that whipped cream or ice cream?

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 15, 2024, 4:23:22 PMFeb 15
I meant in the long run.

Cindy Hamilton

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 15, 2024, 4:24:09 PMFeb 15
On 2024-02-15, dsi1 <> wrote:
> On Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 9:00:48 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
>> On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 10:28:02 -0800 (PST), dsi1
>> <> wrote:
>> >On Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 4:21:43 PM UTC-10, Ed P wrote:
>> >>
>> >
>> >For the Hawaiians and much of Polynesia, Cap'n Cook isn't much of a heroic figure. Who can blame them? Some alien comes to your town bringing diseases and death. The alien knows that this is going to kill off a lot of natives but he just didn't care. For a great many people in the Pacific, it's the Hawaiians that were the heroes.
>> >
>> >
>> On 26 January 1788, Captain Cook first set foot on Australian soil.
>> Chinese, Portuguese and Dutch had already been here, but didn't hang
>> around. January 26 is now a national holiday in Australia. It's called
>> Australia Day. Indigenous people and those on their side call the day
>> Invasion Day and want the date of Australia Day changed. I couldn't
>> agree more.
> A lot of native Hawaiians are reluctant to call themselves "Americans." Things were a lot simpler back in the days when the history of the Kingdom of Hawaii was suppressed. My guess is that in the future, the Hawaiians will gain back the sovereignty of their Kingdom.

Only if the law changes. It's illegal to secede from the union.

Cindy Hamilton


Feb 15, 2024, 4:41:13 PMFeb 15
The Soviet Union broke apart into different countries. Didn't the UK break apart from the EU? Didn't Ireland break apart from the UK and Northern Ireland? The US could break apart into separate states too. This was unthinkable a decade ago but things have changed. A lot of people no longer have faith in our process of electing leaders or our constitution. My guess is our union is too far gone to survive.
That's whipped cream and caramel sauce. Americans like their pancakes on the sweet side.


Feb 15, 2024, 5:20:08 PMFeb 15
On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 13:41:08 -0800 (PST), dsi1
I don't think the US will fall apart. I also don't see the advantage
to anybody, although I don't know about Hawaii's perspective.
>That's whipped cream and caramel sauce. Americans like their pancakes on the sweet side.
Me too, although I can't remember the last time I had a pancake or

Dave Smith

Feb 15, 2024, 5:55:07 PMFeb 15
There is a lot of truth to that. I would suggest that the English had a
way of making alliances with some of the locals and then planting some
of their own kind on the soil to ensure loyalty, something that the
Americans have tried to emulate. Give them some infrastructure and a
semblance of a fair government and you have acquired some territory for
your empire. Sometimes the people you plant there rebel, like in Ireland
and the US.

Hank Rogers

Feb 15, 2024, 7:09:18 PMFeb 15
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On 2024-02-15, dsi1 <> wrote:
>> On Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 10:25:48 AM UTC-10, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On 2024-02-15, dsi1 <> wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 4:21:43 PM UTC-10, Ed P wrote:
>>>> For the Hawaiians and much of Polynesia, Cap'n Cook isn't much of a heroic figure. Who can blame them? Some alien comes to your town bringing diseases and death. The alien knows that this is going to kill off a lot of natives but he just didn't care. For a great many people in the Pacific, it's the Hawaiians that were the heroes.
>>> It doesn't matter who the heroes were. Guns, germs, and steel
>>> carried the day.
>>> --
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> You're wrong about that. It was rocks, wooden spears, and knives given to the Hawaiians by Cook, that carried the day.
> I meant in the long run.

Shhh. Uncle Tojo has much aloha for da hawayans.


Feb 15, 2024, 7:27:56 PMFeb 15
On 2/14/2024 9:21 PM, Ed P wrote:

Oh Ed... there's always this (which has nothing to do with Hawaii):

Chicago gangsters and bootleggers, Al Capone!


Golden One

Feb 16, 2024, 12:40:53 AMFeb 16
Captain Cook landed in Australia 29th April 1770. 26th January 1788 was the date the first fleet landed at Sydney Cove and planted the flag to claim the land, having first arrived at Botany Bay on 20th January 1788. Yes the date of Australia Day should be changed, it has changed several times over the years. A large section of the Australian public is racist, either overtly or passively, after all the majority of Australians don't even want the first people recognised in the Constitution.



Feb 16, 2024, 1:37:56 AMFeb 16
I stand corrected.

If you're referring to the The Voice referendum, for which I voted
Yes, I don't think all No voters are racists. It was presented and
explained poorly and most people didn't really know what a Yes would


Feb 16, 2024, 7:59:49 AMFeb 16
Bruce wrote:
> If you're referring to the The Voice referendum, for which I voted
> Yes, I don't think all No voters are racists. It was presented and
> explained poorly and most people didn't really know what a Yes would
> mean.

i think the constitution should be color blind (as it
should also not be dealing in religion) so to me having
some element of society set apart in a constitution adds
an element of class to the whole thing and that should
always be avoided.


Dave Smith

Feb 16, 2024, 9:07:25 AMFeb 16
All people are equal but some are more equal that others.

Ed P

Feb 16, 2024, 9:38:57 AMFeb 16
Spending money is a religious experience. It is stamped with "In God We

Golden One

Feb 18, 2024, 9:22:14 PMFeb 18
I voted yes, too. I guess it depends where you live as to how much racism you see. I live in the midwest of WA where racism is rampant. Some people have no compunction about saying the most vile things openly.

Meanwhile, I don't know if I am going to make it through summer without melting. Hottest Feb on record. So far about 12 days over 40C, 8 of those 46+, topped out yesterday at 49.5, already 44 at 8.30 this morning. Yesterday I did some Foodbank deliveries about 2 hours inland where it hit 53C. You won't see that temperature recorded anywhere, they don't have an official recorder.

Had a fabulous kitchen sink salad for dinner, topped with grilled squid and a Thai inspired dressing of my own invention.



Feb 18, 2024, 10:06:50 PMFeb 18
On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 18:22:11 -0800 (PST), Golden One
I never see any racism, but I also don't often see people, indigenous
or not. Working from home and living in the countryside, I see more
kangaroos than people.

Those temperatures are terrible. I don't think anybody in Australia,
from farmers to greens, still denies climate change.


Feb 19, 2024, 3:26:58 PMFeb 19
Golden One wrote:

> On Friday 16 February 2024 at 14:37:56 UTC+8, Bruce wrote:
> > On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 21:40:49 -0800 (PST), Golden One
> > <> wrote:

> > If you're referring to the The Voice referendum, for which I voted
> > Yes, I don't think all No voters are racists. It was presented and
> > explained poorly and most people didn't really know what a Yes
> > would mean.
> I voted yes, too. I guess it depends where you live as to how much
> racism you see. I live in the midwest of WA where racism is rampant.
> Some people have no compunction about saying the most vile things
> openly.

This true but some folks live with their head in the sand and that's
true everywhere.

> Meanwhile, I don't know if I am going to make it through summer
> without melting. Hottest Feb on record. So far about 12 days over
> 40C, 8 of those 46+, topped out yesterday at 49.5, already 44 at 8.30
> this morning. Yesterday I did some Foodbank deliveries about 2 hours
> inland where it hit 53C. You won't see that temperature recorded
> anywhere, they don't have an official recorder.

Ouch! I've never benn to austrailia in full summer nor inland. Darwin
normally for me as the US Navy ships types that pull in there are
Amphibious assault types. I did 7 years homeported in Sabebo Japan on
2 amphibs, so saw Darwin a fair amount.

> Had a fabulous kitchen sink salad for dinner, topped with grilled
> squid and a Thai inspired dressing of my own invention.
> JB

Grin, welcome and if you want to keep posting, you'll neew to join
Eternal Sseptember and pickup a newsreader. Thunderbird is most common
but more complex to set up. Xananews pretty much works out of the box
but a heck of a lot easier to setup. It's just as flexible and both
are still currently supported.


Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 19, 2024, 4:13:48 PMFeb 19
On 2024-02-19, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> Those temperatures are terrible. I don't think anybody in Australia,
> from farmers to greens, still denies climate change.

Nor did any of our ancient ancestors. They called it "the weather".
Starting in the mid-Seventies, meteorologists started calling themselves
climatologists and needed a cause. First, it was global cooling. I lost
my first career to that. Then, it was global warming. That didn't work
out well either.
So, now it's climate change. No Sh*t! The climate has experienced
continuous change since the planet formed. They can't go wrong with
that. Send them money! Promote the cause! After all, they're
"scientists", and junk science is a political win-win.

bruce bowser

Feb 19, 2024, 4:29:31 PMFeb 19
On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 3:26:58 PM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
> Golden One wrote:
> > On Friday 16 February 2024 at 14:37:56 UTC+8, Bruce wrote:
> > > On Thu, 15 Feb 2024 21:40:49 -0800 (PST), Golden One
> > > <> wrote:
> > > If you're referring to the The Voice referendum, for which I voted
> > > Yes, I don't think all No voters are racists. It was presented and
> > > explained poorly and most people didn't really know what a Yes
> > > would mean.
> >
> > I voted yes, too. I guess it depends where you live as to how much
> > racism you see. I live in the midwest of WA where racism is rampant.
> > Some people have no compunction about saying the most vile things
> > openly.
> This true but some folks live with their head in the sand and that's
> true everywhere.
> > Meanwhile, I don't know if I am going to make it through summer
> > without melting. Hottest Feb on record. So far about 12 days over
> > 40C, 8 of those 46+, topped out yesterday at 49.5, already 44 at 8.30
> > this morning. Yesterday I did some Foodbank deliveries about 2 hours
> > inland where it hit 53C. You won't see that temperature recorded
> > anywhere, they don't have an official recorder.
> Ouch! I've never benn to austrailia in full summer nor inland. Darwin
> normally for me as the US Navy ships types that pull in there are
> Amphibious assault types.

Whoa, Carol there you go, again. Wait a minute, now. Lets get this straight. Why do you keep talking about that stone age, Neanderthal crap? All that 60s military stuff is now obsolete. Nothing more to it. Nothing, more. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Everything now is robot, drone guided, unmanned. Everyone stays in a trailer somewhere in Florida.
Look, Carol: its like ... I don't know: seeing chainsaws with one or two small attachments flying through the air. That's all the military is now. Those 'nam days are gone forever. I don't know how many times I had to tell my Paw that, too.

> I did 7 years homeported in Sabebo Japan on
> 2 amphibs, so saw Darwin a fair amount.
> > Had a fabulous kitchen sink salad for dinner, topped with grilled
> > squid and a Thai inspired dressing of my own invention.
> >
> > JB
> Grin, welcome and if you want to keep posting, you'll neew to join
> Eternal Sseptember and pickup a newsreader.

Its a few other ones, and like for $10 or $12 bucks a year to get full usenet reading and posting. I even hear its less than that, now.

> Thunderbird is most common but more complex to set up. Xananews pretty much works out of the box
> but a heck of a lot easier to setup. It's just as flexible and both
> are still currently supported.

I can't believe you wouldn't mention Giganews or, well yeah, Eternal September. Oh Hey Carol also, over on Reddit, they're talking about other Usenet providers at this website:


Feb 19, 2024, 4:37:21 PMFeb 19
On 19 Feb 2024 21:13:40 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
Back to Fox News with you, Leo.

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 19, 2024, 4:48:38 PMFeb 19
Yeah, I thought about telling him the difference between climate
and weather, but concluded it was pointless.

Cindy Hamilton

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 19, 2024, 5:16:23 PMFeb 19
On 2024-02-19, Cindy Hamilton <> wrote:

> Yeah, I thought about telling him the difference between climate
> and weather, but concluded it was pointless.

It's all a matter of time and prognostication. Have you visited Zoltar
lately? Your money would be better spent.

Dave Smith

Feb 19, 2024, 5:29:14 PMFeb 19
I am not denying that things seem to be getting warmer and the polar
ice caps are receding. I am just not sure what the cause is. We live on
a planet that is full of molten material and apparently undergoing
nuclear reactions, and at the same time it is subject to the endless
emission of light (energy/heat) from the sun. Fifteen thousand years ago
there were glaciers practically in my back yard and they have been
receding every since. Over the last couple thousand years there have
been mini ice ages. It is not as if this is something new to us.


Feb 19, 2024, 5:37:47 PMFeb 19
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 21:48:31 GMT, Cindy Hamilton
<> wrote:

>On 2024-02-19, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> On 19 Feb 2024 21:13:40 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
>><> wrote:
>>>Nor did any of our ancient ancestors. They called it "the weather".
>>>Starting in the mid-Seventies, meteorologists started calling themselves
>>>climatologists and needed a cause. First, it was global cooling. I lost
>>>my first career to that. Then, it was global warming. That didn't work
>>>out well either.
>>>So, now it's climate change. No Sh*t! The climate has experienced
>>>continuous change since the planet formed. They can't go wrong with
>>>that. Send them money! Promote the cause! After all, they're
>>>"scientists", and junk science is a political win-win.
>> Back to Fox News with you, Leo.
>Yeah, I thought about telling him the difference between climate
>and weather, but concluded it was pointless.

His mind is made up. I guess this is what happens after watching only
Fox News for who knows how many years and getting the same nonsense
repeated and confirmed all that time.


Feb 19, 2024, 5:39:00 PMFeb 19
On 19 Feb 2024 22:16:16 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
I was expecting a post like the following from you:

"Zeitgeist. Think about it. Think harder."


Feb 19, 2024, 5:40:01 PMFeb 19
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 17:29:09 -0500, Dave Smith
<> wrote:

>On 2024-02-19 4:13 p.m., Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
>> Nor did any of our ancient ancestors. They called it "the weather".
>> Starting in the mid-Seventies, meteorologists started calling themselves
>> climatologists and needed a cause. First, it was global cooling. I lost
>> my first career to that. Then, it was global warming. That didn't work
>> out well either.
>> So, now it's climate change. No Sh*t! The climate has experienced
>> continuous change since the planet formed. They can't go wrong with
>> that. Send them money! Promote the cause! After all, they're
>> "scientists", and junk science is a political win-win.
> I am not denying that things seem to be getting warmer and the polar
>ice caps are receding. I am just not sure what the cause is. We live on
>a planet that is full of molten material and apparently undergoing
>nuclear reactions, and at the same time it is subject to the endless
>emission of light (energy/heat) from the sun. Fifteen thousand years ago
>there were glaciers practically in my back yard

Lol, how to make everything and I mean EVERYTHING about Dave Smith.

Ed P

Feb 19, 2024, 7:06:16 PMFeb 19
We burn about 100 million tons of fuel every day for about 100 years.
Think that may do something?


Feb 19, 2024, 8:00:52 PMFeb 19
Ed P wrote:
> We burn about 100 million tons of fuel every day for about 100 years.
> Think that may do something?

of course they don't care, they'll be dead before it ruins
their afternoon meals.

their children and children's children will think them rather
ignorant and destructive.



Feb 20, 2024, 4:43:26 AMFeb 20
True! Where I'm sitting there was 3 km of ice, all created without the
help of any human beings. Then people were farming grapes, and vikings had
farms on greenland, again without any help from people. Now the world has
gone mad and thinks we'll die tomorrow.

Also CO2 has been 10x what it is now, and the planet was basically covered
in plants.

But I think one of the following will happen:

1. Politicians go over board with the martyrdom and sacrifice, so quality
of life for the common man and the financial destruction due to climate
policys become so severe, that the public flips out and elects a dictator
who says "f*ck this" and goes too far in the other direction with
punishment of the climate priests and too few environmental laws and only
focusing on industry.

2. Politicians realize that we cannot achieve our climate goals with
sacrifice, and they also realize they were wrong, and the issue will just
"fade out" and everyone continues as usual. Only a few fanatics will harp
on it but will be largely ignored. Climate change was a power grab by
politicians, but the sacrifices weretoo severe so they dropped it.

3. Science will catch up with climate goals, and enable us to achieve them
without too many sacrifices. Then the hysterics will be ignored, and the
world will move on.

Given the authoritarian trend in europe I fear 1 in the near term but I
hope for a combination of 2 and 3.


Feb 20, 2024, 2:44:08 PMFeb 20
I suspect we are in a mini-warming period. When my Grandfather was
still of an age, he did skating on the Hudson. Besides the pollution
now, it's just not warm enough to freeze over for that anymore.


Feb 20, 2024, 2:49:41 PMFeb 20
Darwin is a city in Australia. North eastern tip.

I mentioned only free ones.


Feb 20, 2024, 2:58:31 PMFeb 20
On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:43:52 +0000, "cshenk"
<> wrote:

>Dave Smith wrote:
>> I am not denying that things seem to be getting warmer and the polar
>> ice caps are receding. I am just not sure what the cause is. We live
>> on a planet that is full of molten material and apparently undergoing
>> nuclear reactions, and at the same time it is subject to the endless
>> emission of light (energy/heat) from the sun. Fifteen thousand years
>> ago there were glaciers practically in my back yard and they have
>> been receding every since. Over the last couple thousand years there
>> have been mini ice ages. It is not as if this is something new to us.
>I suspect we are in a mini-warming period.

Not just mini. The planet's going to hell and right-wingers are making
it worse.

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 21, 2024, 7:23:22 PMFeb 21
Do you still believe in Trump/Russia collusion? It has been thoroughly
debunked. That's four years of your life believing a delusion.
Do you think that Hunter's laptop was a conspiracy? I'm told [and have
never checked!] that you can see his "junk" online. I see him with a
crack-pipe in his mouth, passed out on Fox News. They blur the "junk"
Do you see any if this, or are your "news sources" protecting your
delicate sensibilities from reality?
Now Biden/Ukraine collusion is a very different story. Let's start with
him boasting about how he got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired on live TV
while Vice-President. OOps!

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 21, 2024, 7:34:52 PMFeb 21
On 2024-02-19, Dave Smith <> wrote:

> I am not denying that things seem to be getting warmer and the polar
> ice caps are receding. I am just not sure what the cause is. We live on
> a planet that is full of molten material and apparently undergoing
> nuclear reactions, and at the same time it is subject to the endless
> emission of light (energy/heat) from the sun. Fifteen thousand years ago
> there were glaciers practically in my back yard and they have been
> receding every since. Over the last couple thousand years there have
> been mini ice ages. It is not as if this is something new to us.

We need something similar to the Siberian Traps, to show up, to show us
how insignificant we are...or perhaps a few nukes going off might do it.
Monitor Yellowstone and current events. Nothing else, climate related,


Feb 21, 2024, 7:35:09 PMFeb 21
On 22 Feb 2024 00:23:16 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
I don't give a rat's ass about Hunter Biden. Trump/Russia collusion, I
don't know. I find it a worry that Trump admires Putin. That would be
like Roosevelt admiring Hitler.

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 21, 2024, 7:41:02 PMFeb 21
On 2024-02-20, D <> wrote:

> But I think one of the following will happen:

> 1. Politicians go over board with the martyrdom and sacrifice, so quality
> of life for the common man and the financial destruction due to climate
> policys become so severe, that the public flips out and elects a dictator
> who says "f*ck this" and goes too far in the other direction with
> punishment of the climate priests and too few environmental laws and only
> focusing on industry.

> 2. Politicians realize that we cannot achieve our climate goals with
> sacrifice, and they also realize they were wrong, and the issue will just
> "fade out" and everyone continues as usual. Only a few fanatics will harp
> on it but will be largely ignored. Climate change was a power grab by
> politicians, but the sacrifices weretoo severe so they dropped it.

> 3. Science will catch up with climate goals, and enable us to achieve them
> without too many sacrifices. Then the hysterics will be ignored, and the
> world will move on.

> Given the authoritarian trend in europe I fear 1 in the near term but I
> hope for a combination of 2 and 3.

The pendulum swings. It's tending to far-left now. Nobody likes the


Feb 21, 2024, 7:58:51 PMFeb 21
On 22 Feb 2024 00:40:55 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
In which country? In Europe it's mainly the right-wing that's in
power. France, Netherlands, UK, Italy, Hungary, all right-wing.

Hank Rogers

Feb 21, 2024, 8:51:12 PMFeb 21
Is it true that biden is the one busing illegal immigrants to cities?

Hank Rogers

Feb 21, 2024, 8:55:02 PMFeb 21
Come november, it will swing to the far far right, and we may have our
first dictator back in office.

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 22, 2024, 12:56:38 AMFeb 22
In all Western countries. To the right of you does not constitute the
right. Perhaps Hungary, but I never considered Hungary as Western
European. Countries, not affiliated with the West, could give a crap
for our nonsense notions but give a thumbs up until they can take over.
Did you not know that?


Feb 22, 2024, 1:13:55 AMFeb 22
On 22 Feb 2024 05:56:31 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
The Dutch PM since 2010 (14 years!) is a member of the most right-wing
mainstream party in the country. The UK has Sunak and before him Boris
Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron, all Conservative Party. Italy
has Meloni, who's so right-wing people were worrying, Macron's a bit
less clear. The US had Trump until a few years ago and might get him
back soon. (Poor Ukraine.) Right-wing is very much in fashion.

When I was in high school, right-wingers were considered bad or at
least very misguided people. We all supported parties to the left of
the Dutch Labor party, except for a few geeks.

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 22, 2024, 2:27:02 AMFeb 22
When I was in high school, politics were not discussed. Our county was
the only Democrat county in Nevada. Our economy revolved around a ammunition
depot with union labor.
Politics weren't an issue in the halls or classes of our school. That
was a good thing. Logical thinking and politics conflict in kids minds.
Looking back, I'm glad that I grew up when and where I did.


Feb 22, 2024, 2:38:22 AMFeb 22
On 22 Feb 2024 07:26:56 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
Most of my peers supported the Pacifist Socialist Party, that wanted
the Netherlands to leave NATO. This was their election poster, on the

I thought that was dumb (leaving NATO, not the poster), so I supported
a party that was one step less left-wing.

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 22, 2024, 2:53:16 AMFeb 22
Well crap, it's in Dutch. I *do* like the section on the right. Vote
PSP!, whatever that means. ;)


Feb 22, 2024, 3:15:56 AMFeb 22
On 22 Feb 2024 07:53:09 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
It says:


PSP stands for Pacifist Socialist Party.

Leonard Blaisdell

Feb 22, 2024, 3:33:04 AMFeb 22
On 2024-02-22, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> On 22 Feb 2024 07:53:09 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
><> wrote:

>>Well crap, it's in Dutch. I *do* like the section on the right. Vote
>>PSP!, whatever that means. ;)

> It says:

> "PSP

> PSP stands for Pacifist Socialist Party.

No! PSP stands for "naked babe". What young man wouldn't vote for that?


Feb 22, 2024, 4:04:01 AMFeb 22
On 22 Feb 2024 08:32:57 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
<> wrote:

>On 2024-02-22, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> On 22 Feb 2024 07:53:09 GMT, Leonard Blaisdell
>><> wrote:
>>>Well crap, it's in Dutch. I *do* like the section on the right. Vote
>>>PSP!, whatever that means. ;)
>> It says:
>> "PSP
>> PSP stands for Pacifist Socialist Party.
>No! PSP stands for "naked babe". What young man wouldn't vote for that?



Feb 22, 2024, 4:23:39 AMFeb 22
True. I am worried about over reactions to the far right. Nationalists in
europe are gaining due to the enormous current left swing, and even if I'm
economically right, I don't want nazis going crazy on the streets. But
yes, currently europe is way, way too far to the left. Let's see after the
election to the european parliament in june if the pendulum will start to
shift back.


Feb 22, 2024, 4:27:18 AMFeb 22
That is due to the reaction to the leftism the past decade or two. France
I would not categorize a right-wing. France is center/left. Marine Le Pen
is trying but has not yet succeeded.

UK is not right-wing, it's the good old leftist "right" of europe that can
only be called "right" in europe. By american standards UK is thoroughly

Italy is a recent swing.

Hungary you are right. They have been right/nationalist for a decade I
think, if not more.

Poland shifted from right/nationalist to center recently.

An important test for the swing of the pendulum will be the elections to
the european parliament. The left is getting so nervous that you are
starting to see (at least in my country) weird coalitions between
socialists and center (which in europe is called "right") parties to try
and stop the right/nationalists from gaining ground.


Feb 22, 2024, 4:28:37 AMFeb 22
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:23:29 +0100, D <> wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Feb 2024, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
>> On 2024-02-20, D <> wrote:
>>> But I think one of the following will happen:
>>> 1. Politicians go over board with the martyrdom and sacrifice, so quality
>>> of life for the common man and the financial destruction due to climate
>>> policys become so severe, that the public flips out and elects a dictator
>>> who says "f*ck this" and goes too far in the other direction with
>>> punishment of the climate priests and too few environmental laws and only
>>> focusing on industry.
>>> 2. Politicians realize that we cannot achieve our climate goals with
>>> sacrifice, and they also realize they were wrong, and the issue will just
>>> "fade out" and everyone continues as usual. Only a few fanatics will harp
>>> on it but will be largely ignored. Climate change was a power grab by
>>> politicians, but the sacrifices weretoo severe so they dropped it.
>>> 3. Science will catch up with climate goals, and enable us to achieve them
>>> without too many sacrifices. Then the hysterics will be ignored, and the
>>> world will move on.
>>> Given the authoritarian trend in europe I fear 1 in the near term but I
>>> hope for a combination of 2 and 3.
>> The pendulum swings. It's tending to far-left now. Nobody likes the
>> middle.
>True. I am worried about over reactions to the far right. Nationalists in
>europe are gaining due to the enormous current left swing

What left swing in Europe? There is no left swing. There's a right

>, and even if I'm economically right, I don't want nazis going crazy on
>the streets.

Don't vote for Trump then. Trump's a Nazi.

>But yes, currently europe is way, way too far to the left.

No, genius, there has been a change to the right going on in Europe
for years.

>Let's see after the election to the european parliament in june if the pendulum will start to
>shift back.

You'd misunderstand and misinterpret the result. Back to Fox News with


Feb 22, 2024, 4:29:28 AMFeb 22
I'm not american but I'm pro Trump. I do not think you will have a
dictator, but a strong and principled leader who focuses on his own

The most important thing to me is that the US leaves all the climate
agreements so that china and india cannot keep using that to grow at the
expense of the western world. If that does not happen, in a generation or
two everyone will bow to chinese supremacy since everyone gullible in the
west dismantled all their industry.


Feb 22, 2024, 4:33:29 AMFeb 22
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:27:05 +0100, D <> wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Feb 2024, Bruce wrote:
>> In which country? In Europe it's mainly the right-wing that's in
>> power. France, Netherlands, UK, Italy, Hungary, all right-wing.
>That is due to the reaction to the leftism the past decade or two. France
>I would not categorize a right-wing. France is center/left.


>Marine Le Pen is trying but has not yet succeeded.
>UK is not right-wing, it's the good old leftist "right" of europe that can
>only be called "right" in europe. By american standards UK is thoroughly

The US doesn't set the standard. The US is an extreme right-wing

>Italy is a recent swing.
>Hungary you are right. They have been right/nationalist for a decade I
>think, if not more.
>Poland shifted from right/nationalist to center recently.
>An important test for the swing of the pendulum will be the elections to
>the european parliament. The left is getting so nervous that you are
>starting to see (at least in my country) weird coalitions between
>socialists and center (which in europe is called "right") parties to try
>and stop the right/nationalists from gaining ground.

What is your country?


Feb 22, 2024, 4:34:06 AMFeb 22
Sounds like heaven! Based on what I've heard, seen and read, in sweden
school is extremely politicized and extremely leftist. The children are
inculcated with the values of socialism and this is why sweden of course
has been in decline since after WW2.

But things are slowly improving due to technology. I had a colleague who
would not let her kids watch public television due to the indoctrination.
She would hand pick childrens programs with good, traditional values for
her children.


Feb 22, 2024, 4:35:46 AMFeb 22
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:29:18 +0100, D <> wrote:

>I'm not american but I'm pro Trump. I do not think you will have a
>dictator, but a strong and principled leader who focuses on his own
>The most important thing to me is that the US leaves all the climate
>agreements so that china and india cannot keep using that to grow at the
>expense of the western world. If that does not happen, in a generation or
>two everyone will bow to chinese supremacy since everyone gullible in the
>west dismantled all their industry.

Strange that right-wingers always want to destroy the planet even
faster then we're already destroying it. Don't y'all have children and


Feb 22, 2024, 4:40:55 AMFeb 22
On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:33:53 +0100, D <> wrote:

>On Thu, 22 Feb 2024, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
>> On 2024-02-22, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>> When I was in high school, right-wingers were considered bad or at
>>> least very misguided people. We all supported parties to the left of
>>> the Dutch Labor party, except for a few geeks.
>> When I was in high school, politics were not discussed. Our county was
>> the only Democrat county in Nevada. Our economy revolved around a ammunition
>> depot with union labor.
>> Politics weren't an issue in the halls or classes of our school. That
>> was a good thing. Logical thinking and politics conflict in kids minds.
>> Looking back, I'm glad that I grew up when and where I did.
>Sounds like heaven! Based on what I've heard, seen and read, in sweden
>school is extremely politicized and extremely leftist. The children are
>inculcated with the values of socialism and this is why sweden of course
>has been in decline since after WW2.

LOL, you're a simpleton.

>But things are slowly improving due to technology. I had a colleague who
>would not let her kids watch public television due to the indoctrination.
>She would hand pick childrens programs with good, traditional values for
>her children.

Little House on the Prairie, yay!


Feb 22, 2024, 4:43:18 AMFeb 22
Speaking of which, we went to visit our neighbor, who was in a terrible accident, in the hospital yesterday. She got hit by a truck nearly a month ago. I was expecting the worst. What I wasn't expecting is that she looked pretty good. She did a head plant onto the rough Hawaiian asphalt. She doesn't remember a thing about the accident and she's having a problem with her short-term memory. My guess is that there's a good chance for her to have some personality changes. Hopefully, they'll be minor.
The part of her legs that wasn't bandaged looked pretty healthy with good color and no discolorations. Strangely enough, they looked tanned. She's got a bunch of stitches somewhere but I didn't see any. She's a modest Christian lady and typically wears muumuus. I was quite taken by her good looking gams. Hopefully, nobody in the room noticed me gawking at them. Am I a bad person?


Feb 22, 2024, 4:49:15 AMFeb 22
What are gams? Legs? Maybe next time you should only visit this
Christian lady in the company of your wife. Just to avoid any
potential escalation.

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 22, 2024, 5:21:02 AMFeb 22
On 2024-02-22, Leonard Blaisdell <> wrote:
> On 2024-02-19, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> His mind is made up. I guess this is what happens after watching only
>> Fox News for who knows how many years and getting the same nonsense
>> repeated and confirmed all that time.
> Do you still believe in Trump/Russia collusion? It has been thoroughly
> debunked.

I reckon Russia didn't need cooperation from the Trump campaign to
interfere in our election. Still the optics of "Russia, are you
listening?" are just terrible.

> That's four years of your life believing a delusion.
> Do you think that Hunter's laptop was a conspiracy?

I think Hunter's laptop passed through so many hands it's useless
as evidence of anything.

> I'm told [and have
> never checked!] that you can see his "junk" online. I see him with a
> crack-pipe in his mouth, passed out on Fox News. They blur the "junk"
> pics.

So? A lot of people do illegal things.

> Do you see any if this, or are your "news sources" protecting your
> delicate sensibilities from reality?

I don't look for pictures of Hunter. I don't swing that way. I
don't watch any form of news; I read it.

> Now Biden/Ukraine collusion is a very different story. Let's start with
> him boasting about how he got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired on live TV
> while Vice-President. OOps!

The Ukrainian prosecutor was corrupt. I'd brag about getting him
fired, too.

Cindy Hamilton

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 22, 2024, 5:21:59 AMFeb 22
On 2024-02-22, Leonard Blaisdell <> wrote:
Dear God, Leo. There's precious little far left in the U.S. Just
center-right and far-right.

Cindy Hamilton

Cindy Hamilton

Feb 22, 2024, 5:26:15 AMFeb 22
On 2024-02-22, D <> wrote:
> I'm not american but I'm pro Trump. I do not think you will have a
> dictator, but a strong and principled leader who focuses on his own
> country.

You're deluded. Trump focuses on Trump.

Cindy Hamilton


Feb 22, 2024, 5:28:57 AMFeb 22
Before this war started 2 years ago, there was talk and maybe even
preparations for Ukraine to join the EU. Opponents were against the
idea because Ukraine was even more corrupt than Russia, they said.


Feb 22, 2024, 5:34:05 AMFeb 22
That's true. The thing is that Leo's so right-wing that he finds the
Republican party too left-wing.

When one's THAT right-wing what are one's ideas? No right to vote for
women? Blacks in the back of the bus? No abortion under any
circumstance? No welfare allowances for anybody? Close all homeless
shelters? It's hard to imagine.


Feb 22, 2024, 7:38:13 AMFeb 22
That naked "babe" probably calls herself a "man" now. It's trending.

PSP stands for Paint Shop Pro here. It's my favorite graphics program. :)


Feb 22, 2024, 7:49:55 AMFeb 22
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 7:51:12 PM UTC-6, Hank Rogers wrote:
> Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> > On 2024-02-19, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> >
> >> His mind is made up. I guess this is what happens after watching only
> >> Fox News for who knows how many years and getting the same nonsense
> >> repeated and confirmed all that time.
> >
> >
> > Do you still believe in Trump/Russia collusion? It has been thoroughly
> > debunked. That's four years of your life believing a delusion.
> > Do you think that Hunter's laptop was a conspiracy? I'm told [and have
> > never checked!] that you can see his "junk" online. I see him with a
> > crack-pipe in his mouth, passed out on Fox News. They blur the "junk"
> > pics.
> > Do you see any if this, or are your "news sources" protecting your
> > delicate sensibilities from reality?
> > Now Biden/Ukraine collusion is a very different story. Let's start with
> > him boasting about how he got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired on live TV
> > while Vice-President. OOps!
> >
> Is it true that biden is the one busing illegal immigrants to cities?

Absolutely, Sire Hank...!!!

Blue Denver and New York City are also sending illegals to here in Chicago...

AND just so ya know, the correct term is not "immigrants", but " illegal aliens "...




Feb 22, 2024, 7:56:54 AMFeb 22
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 7:55:02 PM UTC-6, Hank Rogers wrote:
> Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> > On 2024-02-20, D <> wrote:
> >
> >> But I think one of the following will happen:
> >
> >> 1. Politicians go over board with the martyrdom and sacrifice, so quality
> >> of life for the common man and the financial destruction due to climate
> >> policys become so severe, that the public flips out and elects a dictator
> >> who says "f*ck this" and goes too far in the other direction with
> >> punishment of the climate priests and too few environmental laws and only
> >> focusing on industry.
> >
> >> 2. Politicians realize that we cannot achieve our climate goals with
> >> sacrifice, and they also realize they were wrong, and the issue will just
> >> "fade out" and everyone continues as usual. Only a few fanatics will harp
> >> on it but will be largely ignored. Climate change was a power grab by
> >> politicians, but the sacrifices weretoo severe so they dropped it.
> >
> >> 3. Science will catch up with climate goals, and enable us to achieve them
> >> without too many sacrifices. Then the hysterics will be ignored, and the
> >> world will move on.
> >
> >> Given the authoritarian trend in europe I fear 1 in the near term but I
> >> hope for a combination of 2 and 3.
> >
> >
> > The pendulum swings. It's tending to far-left now. Nobody likes the
> > middle.
> >
> Come november, it will swing to the far far right, and we may have our
> first dictator back in office.

Yup, and won't it be GRAND to have THE DONALD back in the White House...!!!???

The LIBTARDS will SHIT their PANTZ...

GAWD, I LUV it...!!!

I'll send you some boxes of Kleenex so's you can "stanch" yer tears, Hank...





Feb 22, 2024, 8:50:17 AMFeb 22
There is no global warming dooms day. That is a myth fabricated by
politicians to make the population afraid and to make them give away their

No, I don't want to destroy the planet, but we are not destryoing the
planet. Changes in climate have always happened and are natural.

I could reverse the accusations and say that climate hysterics want to
destroy civilization by increased infant mortality, crashing financial
markets and stop scientific progress.

But I won't.


Feb 22, 2024, 8:50:44 AMFeb 22

On Thu, 22 Feb 2024, Bruce wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:33:53 +0100, D <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 22 Feb 2024, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
>>> On 2024-02-22, Bruce <Br...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>>> When I was in high school, right-wingers were considered bad or at
>>>> least very misguided people. We all supported parties to the left of
>>>> the Dutch Labor party, except for a few geeks.
>>> When I was in high school, politics were not discussed. Our county was
>>> the only Democrat county in Nevada. Our economy revolved around a ammunition
>>> depot with union labor.
>>> Politics weren't an issue in the halls or classes of our school. That
>>> was a good thing. Logical thinking and politics conflict in kids minds.
>>> Looking back, I'm glad that I grew up when and where I did.
>> Sounds like heaven! Based on what I've heard, seen and read, in sweden
>> school is extremely politicized and extremely leftist. The children are
>> inculcated with the values of socialism and this is why sweden of course
>> has been in decline since after WW2.
> LOL, you're a simpleton.

I disagree. I think you are a simpleton.


Feb 22, 2024, 8:53:56 AMFeb 22
No I think you are deluded.

Ed P

Feb 22, 2024, 9:42:19 AMFeb 22
On 2/22/2024 4:29 AM, D wrote:

> I'm not american but I'm pro Trump. I do not think you will have a
> dictator, but a strong and principled leader who focuses on his own
> country.
Thanks for that. Always good to start the day with a laugh.
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