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Cake for 125 people!

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May 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/1/98

I need help...

I need to make cake(s) for 125-150 people and don't know where to begin. I
will make sheet cakes but don't know what sizes and how much they will
serve. And also how much batter or how many mixes to use for each pan.
Thanks for any and all help!!!


Carla Backitis

May 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/1/98

Wow! My husband behind me just commented "she doesn't need help, she needs a
good stiff drink"! Afraid I can't help you there, being new to baking myself,
but wanted to wish you good luck!!

Carla in FL

Van Gogh's Ear

May 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/2/98

Okay, I dont remember much from my bakery days, i just waited on counters and
took cake orders and i have been away from the job for a couple of years. A
Full sheet cake will serve between 90 and 100 people, that is a cake with 2
layers of cake and 1 layer of filling. A full sheet with an extra layer, 3
layers of cake and 2 layers of filling. will serve probably between 120 and
140 people. a 16 inch round layer cake with 3 layers of cake and 2 layers of
filling should serve between 85 and 100 people.

Sheet cakes

1/4 sheet with 2 layers of cake and 1 layer of filling wil feed 20- 25 people
1/4 sheet with 3 layers of cake and 2 layers of filling will feed 30-35 people

1/2 sheet with 2 layers of cake and 1 layer of filling will feed 45-50 people
1/2 sheet with 3 layers of cake and 2 layers of filling will feed 55 - 70
3/4 sheet with 2 layers of cake and 1 layer of filling will feed 75-85 people
full sheet with 2 layers of cake and 1 layer of filling will feed between 85
and 100 people.
Full sheet with 3 layer of cake and 2 layers of filling should feed between
120 and 150 people.

As for batter per pan, i use 2 boxes of cake mix per 1/4 of a sheet. This way
the cake is high enough to form a decent size layer of cake. i f you are doing
a full sheet <i never made one but have made a half sheet and believe i used 4
boxes of cake mix> you have to fill the pan at least half way with cake mix so
the layer is of a good height.

Remember not everyone will eat cake and im sure you are likely to have other
desserts and such at this gathering. Heres just another lil something i
learned. Cookie trays are done per pound usually, and 1 pound of the bakery
type cookies typically serves 6 people. Or so that was our guide in the bakery
where i worked.

I dont remember all the round equivilents. as far as cake sizes go. i really
do hope the stuff i do remember helps... I know the 16" round was the largest
our bakery delt with
as far as round cakes go, and i know that you were probably better off getting
a sheet cake at the time. Good luck with the cake. And if ya need anymore
information let me know ill see what i can do/remember



May 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/2/98

First thing, if you are using box mixes, I suggest Duncan Hines because it
gives you more batter. The generic mixes will yield less batter. A box can
make anywhere between 4-6 cups of batter, so be safe and measure. Starting
with a 9x13" cake... a 2 layer cake this size will serve 54. It will take 7
1/2-8 cups of icing PER CAKE (you will make 2 of these, so figure about 16
cups of batter, at least three mixes for the entire cake.) Bake each cake at
350 degrees for about 35-40 minutes. It will use about 8 cups of icing for
FINISHED CAKE (2 layers).
For a 11"x15", double layer, the serving size will be about 80, using 10
1/2-11 cups of batter PER CAKE. Bake each at 325 degrees PER CAKE for 35-40
minutes, using about 10 cups of icing.
For a 12"x18", a double layer will serve 108, using 13 1/2- 14 cups of
batter PER CAKE. Bake at 325 degrees PER CAKE for 40-45 minutes each, using
about 12 cups of icing.
Make sure you put these on a VERY STIFF board, or use 3 cake boards
(cardboard) taped together for each. IF YOU WANT TO ONLY MAKE ONE LAYER<
then divide the serving size by 3 to determine serving amounts. If you need
any more info, feel free to email me, deleting the "nospam" from my address.

Eric wrote in message <>...

Melba's Jammin'

May 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/2/98

Let's see what I remember from when I used to do that, Diane....
A foil half-sheet pan (rectangular) from what used to be Maid of
Scandinavia (now Sweet Celebrations)
was for 48 2-inch squares. Two cake mixes.
I have a 14" square pan that takes two mixes and yields 49 2-inch squares.
Do they have to be displayed or will the whole cake never be publicly
viewed? Foil pans are
nice; they have clear plastic lids for them. Can be cut and served from
the pan, though they're
not the most attractive display. The 14" square can be put on a board for
display before cutting.
I used to use plywood boards that I'd cover -- very sturdy for transporting.
Does that give you a start?

In article <>, "Eric" <> wrote:

>I need help...
>I need to make cake(s) for 125-150 people and don't know where to begin. I
>will make sheet cakes but don't know what sizes and how much they will
>serve. And also how much batter or how many mixes to use for each pan.
>Thanks for any and all help!!!



May 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/3/98

Thank you all for your responses and helped a lot and I
appreciate it bunches!!!

Diane :)

Eric wrote in message <>...


May 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/3/98

On the 9x13 size, it says it will take 7 cups of should read 7
cups of BATTER..thanks
CakeLady wrote in message <6if8k8$7ep$>...

Wayne and Betsy Holbrook

May 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/28/98

I just did dessert for 400 at church - found a great and easy recipe -
all plates came back CLEAN!
Bake a store-bought box german chocolate cake in a sheet pan. (We had
double size pans at church, so I did two boxes per pan.)
(At that point I wrapped the cooled cakes well and froze them.
Day before serving - thaw cakes well.) Poke holes all over the cake
with a wooden spoon handle or similar. Pour 1 can sweetened condensed
milk into holes. After that soaks in well, pour 1 12-oz jar caramel
ice cream sauce over top and spread. Spread one 12 oz. cool whip over
cake and sprinke with 6 crushed heath bars. Refrigerate overnight.
I cut each recipe into 12 pieces, because we were only serving desert
and wanted generous servings. I think you could easily cut into 16.
Good Luck!


May 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM5/29/98

>I need to make cake(s) for 125-150 people and don't know where to begin. I
>>will make sheet cakes but don't know what sizes and how much they will
>>serve. And also how much batter or how many mixes to use for each pan.
>>Thanks for any and all help!!!

You can use a 1/2 sheet pan (12/18). It is the largest sheet pan that will fit
in a standard oven. Each one makes 48 2x2" servings. Use 16 cups of cake
batter (3 mixes if you use those) and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or
untill done.


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