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Warwick and Somerset Bridles

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Casey S.

Jul 11, 2020, 11:24:11 AM7/11/20
I've recently added two new bridles to my collection, a Warwick made in England, and a Somerset from Miller's. I can't seem to find much info about the Warwick, but from what I've read about Somerset, they seem to have been made in India with the Lancer's bridles, but of much better quality and with Sedgwick leather. I believe they were probably a mid-range bridle.

The Warwick is an extra-full and came with a Blue Ribbon tag that said Quarter Horse size, which I'm thinking is the wrong tag since I can't imagine Quarter Horse size and extra-full being the same (I've owned and ridden many Quarter Horses and they were either in cob size or on the upper holes of a full size, but nowhere near oversize/extra-full). I'm wondering though, were Warwick and Blue Ribbon ever related? I know these are old, long-defunct brands and not much info is available about them, but I'm wondering if anyone here would remember anything about this.

Anyway, has anyone here had any experience with Warwick and/or Somerset bridles, and how do they hold up? So far, I'm impressed with the quality (though the Warwick is still new and needs to be broken in, and the Somerset has been sitting awhile and needs to be oiled).
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