Turner Phil
"Phillip Hall" <phi...@familyhall.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
I am a timber merchant from Western Australia specialising in woodturning.
There are about 3,000 different species of eucalypts and they vary
differently depending on which region of the country they are native to.The
same species grown in different parts of the of the country will behave
As a rough rule eucalypts are strong but prone to splitting. Without the
species being identified I would recommend that you cut the spindle to
slightly larger than the stock you require and the place the timber in a
dark ,shady place to dry out.
I am not a fan of green turning but this will work on some species as will
microwaving. It is just a matter of luck.
Some scent off the timber but not that much
Fran in Ireland
"Phillip Hall" <phi...@familyhall.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
Spy in Hawaii (Maui)
dba: Waipoli Woods
Secret Identity: Ji Fay (don't tell anyone, or else...)
I think Eucalyptus leaves are what the Koala bears eat at night which acts
as an aphrodisiac for them. That is why they are hard to find during the day
since they are "stoned" and simply don't move much. I would therefore be
careful of the vapors produced since they may cause some similar effects in
Carpe Diem,
George K
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Before you buy.