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New Olfa Mat smells like a skunk!

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Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 4:33:04 AM5/8/05
I received my new mat this week from the Olfa Company, I think it is much
better then the old one I had just like it,
But I have found a problem with it, or my Husband has.
(head cold and I am unable to smell, but I do have a window of smell from
time to time)
Anyhow since it has been in the home, He has fussed about the house
smelling, we did not know where the smell was coming from and had no idea.
until today.
when we was above the mat winding up a clock today, he noticed the smell
very strong, I guess he took his nose down the mat.. and it is the same
smell he has been smelling. a smell of skunk and burned plastic is how it
puts it, even I from time to time smell a faint odor of skunk but I did not
put two in two together.

Anyhow I am wondering if anyone else has this problem, I do think I remember
post from the past from others who companied about a the smell of a Olfa
With my old one, I never had a smell,
I wonder if there is a way to cut down the smell of the new mat?

I think we might have found the answer to the Olfa Mat Smell problem that
some have..
Maybe the Olfa mat's they buy our brand new, just hot of the press.. Where
as others Mats that we buy have been sitting in the store for a long time
and the new smell has decreased in time.
If this is what is really going on, how would be remove the smell?
Please keep in mind, once again I have only been able to smell the skunk
smell once or twice a day due to the head cold I have been dealing with, So
the full effect of the mat, only hits me a once or twice per day

Christina Hilburn
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Sally Swindells

May 8, 2005, 5:24:53 AM5/8/05
On Sun, 8 May 2005 03:33:04 -0500, "Christina in Ok"
<> wrote:

>I think we might have found the answer to the Olfa Mat Smell problem that
>some have..
>Maybe the Olfa mat's they buy our brand new, just hot of the press.. Where
>as others Mats that we buy have been sitting in the store for a long time
>and the new smell has decreased in time.
>If this is what is really going on, how would be remove the smell?
>Please keep in mind, once again I have only been able to smell the skunk
>smell once or twice a day due to the head cold I have been dealing with, So

>the full effect of the mat, only hits me a once or twice per day.

We use black plastic refuse bin liners and when I unroll a new one
there is always a very strong smell of burnt rubber. However the smell
does wear off.

I wonder if this is something to do with the manufacturing process of
black plastic (mats are black inside aren't they) - we never get the
smell with the green bags, or with other plastic bags we use.

As your mat was a lovely 'hot off the press' one I think you will find
the smell will disappear with time. Perhaps you could put it in a
shady spot outside during the day so the smell can dissipate, and when
it is inside put it in a plastic bag so it will not upset your DH
(except when you are using it, of course - then keep the door shut!

The other 'solution' would be to ring Olfa for advice - what must the
factory smell like!
Sally at the Seaside~~~~~~~


May 8, 2005, 9:03:00 AM5/8/05

"Christina in Ok" <> wrote in message

Yes, I **definitely** know what he is talking about. I remember reading
here that some were complaining about a "chemical" smell, but I was
thinking -- "It isn't chemical -- it's SKUNK!" :-O

It does dissipate over time, but we are talking weeks, not hours or days.


Susan Laity Price

May 8, 2005, 10:21:33 AM5/8/05
Sally has the right idea to put the mat outside in the shade but be
sure it is very flat. Lay it on a table not on the ground.

I have trouble with packing material from China. One local quilt shop
has lovely new shopping bags which you receive if you spend over $50.
Of course I have been given several. They mean for you to keep your
unfinished quilt in the bag but I can't have it in the room. I have
passed them on to friends who can't figure out what I am smelling.
Different smells effect people differently.


Debi Matlack

May 8, 2005, 10:24:32 AM5/8/05
Yeah, mine smelled skunky for a while after I got it. It eventually goes

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

"Christina in Ok" <> wrote in message

Sherry Starr

May 8, 2005, 11:48:35 AM5/8/05
I always have that problem with the mats. They don't have to be hot off the
press to have that smell. A lot of times at the LQS or Jo-Ann's, you can
just follow your nose and find the mats. The last time I bought one with
that "skunk" smell, I took it outside and laid it on our picnic table for a
few days. It still smelled bad so I got a small bowl, filled it with water
and added about 1/4 cup lemon juice to it. I very lightly sponged this
mixture on the mat. It dried quickly - I'm in Texas - the board didn't
warp, and it took away the smell. It didn't smell like lemon juice either.
A lady in my guild, put very diluted tomato juice on hers, and left it
outside. She said if it is supposed to work on dogs that get sprayed by a
skunk, it might work on her mat. She said it took the odor out, but it took
about 2 days to dry. She said she thinks she put too much on it. Her mat
didn't warp either, and works just fine. The smell will eventually go away,
but it takes quite awhile. Another lady said that she leaves her next to
the air freshener she has plugged into her electrical outlet. She says that
will take care of it in a few days.

Sherry Starr

"Christina in Ok" <> wrote in message


May 8, 2005, 12:57:15 PM5/8/05
I had that same problem with my Olfa mat when it was new. My husband named
the mat "Stinky". I think it took a couple of months to go away but I did
not try treating it with anything. I wonder if it would help if you washed
it with a baking soda and water solution? You might could even just shake
dry baking soda on it and leave overnight.

Bonnie in Missouri

"Christina in Ok" <> wrote in message


May 8, 2005, 1:05:20 PM5/8/05
if it smells like skunk, rub it with tomato... just kidding!

Christina in Ok wrote:

Dr. Quilter
(take the dog out for a walk)

Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 9:53:52 PM5/8/05
Hi Sally, I have no place to lay it outside flat. so I did the next best
thing.. I put it into a trash bag that has a lovely peach smell..
My sewing machine and cutting is in the kitchen, the living room is right on
top of the kitchen! LOL So we have no door to close LOL
"Sally Swindells" <> wrote in message

Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 9:55:06 PM5/8/05
Yes I also remember lots of post about the mats myself..
but could not remember what the outcome of it was.

"WhansaMi" <> wrote in message

Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 9:57:18 PM5/8/05
I have some trash bags that I bought this week when I was out of town, they
have a peach smell inside, so I put the mat in the bag... Its been in it all
day today.. and I don't want to test it out just yet. :)

"Susan Laity Price" <> wrote in message

Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 9:58:35 PM5/8/05
yep I thought the smell would eventually go away also.. too LOL
"Debi Matlack" <> wrote in message

Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 10:01:16 PM5/8/05
Sherry that is funny " just follow your nose and find the mats"

"Sherry Starr" <> wrote in message

Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 10:02:56 PM5/8/05
I am just going to try the trash bag approach, if its still bad in a few
days.. I will find something a dryer sheet and place in the bag with it.. I
"muse9" <> wrote in message

Christina in Ok

May 8, 2005, 10:03:18 PM5/8/05
I have blooms but not tomatoes yet ! LOL

"DrQuilter" <> wrote in message

Maureen Wozniak

May 9, 2005, 8:47:12 AM5/9/05
I've never had a problem with a stinky mat, but I know others here have
complained. I wonder if some of us are just more sensitive to whatever
chemicals that go into making the mat than others.


Dee in Oz

May 9, 2005, 8:21:00 PM5/9/05
I thought of this thread last night while watching 'Mythbusters'
They proved 2 method to get rid of skunk stink to be true.
1. Tomato juice
2. Peroxide, baking soda and ? I've just fogotten ahhhhh

Dee in Oz


May 9, 2005, 11:36:46 PM5/9/05
On Mon, 09 May 2005 12:47:12 GMT, Maureen Wozniak
<> wrote:

>I've never had a problem with a stinky mat, but I know others here have
>complained. I wonder if some of us are just more sensitive to whatever
>chemicals that go into making the mat than others.

It's not always a chemical sensitivity. Some people just smell
everything far more intensely than other people. Just like some
people can hear better than others. To those with a higher than
average sense of smell, a good odor can be overpowering, and a stinky
one can be absolutely horrendous.

I have one small cutting mat and I won't be buying a bigger one until
I can find one that doesn't reek of skunk. All of the ones I've found
lately really stink. I don't know why the small one didn't, but I'm
grateful that I found it.

Debra in VA

Dee in Oz

May 10, 2005, 7:19:21 AM5/10/05
DD just told me
?= dishwashing detergent

dee in Oz


May 10, 2005, 10:58:17 AM5/10/05
hints from heloise in the 70's gave a hint that i have used ever since. DS
works on cars and i wash his shop towels and greasy oily jeans with this
mix. 1/2 C laundry detergent, 1/2 C bleach, 1/2 C dishwasher soap. It
removes all the grease and oil and then I just wash as usual and they come
out perfect every time. This mix also removes baby food and formula stains
on baby bibs. Test for colorfastness first.

/ \
"Dee in Oz" <> wrote in message

Pati Cook

May 11, 2005, 6:38:26 PM5/11/05
You might try sprinkling it with baking soda. Let it sit overnight,
take it outside to shake off what you can. Wipe down with a damp sponge
and dry. Should help.

Pati, in Phx


May 14, 2005, 2:44:38 PM5/14/05
right. I have a VERY good sense of smell, which is not always a
blessing. sure, you enjoy good smells more than the average folk, but
when there is a bad smell it kills you (I cannot stand unwashed people
for example... even when others don't notice, I feel like puking!). But
of course, as with everything, some smells might bother some people more
than others. For example, I kind of like the smell of kerosene and skunk...

> It's not always a chemical sensitivity. Some people just smell
> everything far more intensely than other people. Just like some
> people can hear better than others. To those with a higher than
> average sense of smell, a good odor can be overpowering, and a stinky
> one can be absolutely horrendous.
> I have one small cutting mat and I won't be buying a bigger one until
> I can find one that doesn't reek of skunk. All of the ones I've found
> lately really stink. I don't know why the small one didn't, but I'm
> grateful that I found it.
> Debra in VA


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