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Help! Rust on linen!

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Diane Riepe

Jan 25, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/25/97

Yesterday I went on a mad hunt for some UFO's I'd started. . . Oh, about
three years ago. I found one, the TW summer carousel, and I had done a
very bad thing. I had left my needle in the fabric when I put it away
for what I thought would be a week or so. And, Yes, you guessed it; my
needle had left rust spots in my linen. I can't tell if the stitching
will cover this, as I don't have enough done to see what's going to be
stitched and what isn't, but does anybody have a cure for rust spots?
It's a very large piece of linen, so I really don't want to scrap it,
but I also don't want to put all that work into the piece and have rust
spots in my picture when it's done.

If you have a suggestion, please e-mail me also. I seem to miss some of
the posts.


Jan 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/26/97
to Diane Riepe

Hi Diane,
I've never tried this, but have been told it works quite well for
removing rusted needle stains from work--Make a paste out of salt and
lemon juice and then rub it into the spot. Letting it sit in the sun for
a bit with this on it as well. Then rinse it thoroughly and it should be
gone. Like I said, I've never tried it, but hear it works! Good luck!

Betsy Evans

Jan 26, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/26/97

SUN? What sun? Is there a sun? I vaguely remember something shining
in the sky . . . is that what you're referring to? Ah, solar
deprivation syndrom is definitely setting in!

Yes, to be serious, lemon juice/salt works for removing rust stains -
or at least for lightening them. CAUTION: depending on the fabric
used, it may also lighten that. However, you're still getting the rust
out. It happened to me once, too. Boo, hoo. It was an expensive
workshop piece taught by Darlene O'Steen. I will always be able to see
that mark, although I don't think anyone elso can.



Jan 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM1/28/97

One other thing you might try is the conservator's formula which came via
Marion Scouler. You dissolve one part Snowy Bleach and two parts Ivory
Snow in hot water and let cool. Soak your piece in that mixture for up to
three weeks, until the stain comes out. Then rinse in cold water
repeatedly until you can "drink the water", in other words, the water is
VERY CLEAN. This is a good formula for all sorts of stains and I use it in
really sticky situations.


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