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Orca Torch - leak?

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Apr 2, 2011, 1:09:08 PM4/2/11


I'm having a confusing time setting up my Orca torch - I don't think it
should be this hard!! I used this design of torch in my silversmithing
classes and never had any troubles...

The handle attaches into the hose by a screw setting. I have screwed
this in as far as it goes, but there is still some thread sticking out
and when I switch the gas on it leaks from here.

I do not know what is going wrong and it is driving me mad! I have
basically unpacked it from the box and put it together and it's just not

Can anyone help put me back on track??!!

Thank you thank you!


Ted Frater

Apr 3, 2011, 1:09:05 PM4/3/11

Take it all apart.
check the hose connections.
sometimes they have a shoulder that goes through the nut that screws
onto the hand piece.
Make sure its through the nut.
They jam up sometimes. and prevent the nipple from seating properly.
check that the hoses from the tanks? we call them cylinders here in
the UK, are connected theright way round,
i set up some propane and oxy tanks the other day and i had the hoses
back to front. the anti flash back connectors are one way valves and
being the wrong way round no gas came through!!.
hope this helps.
In Dorset

Mar 22, 2012, 10:47:24 PM3/22/12
I've had the exact same problem! Driving me crazy!!! =20
Ted=85much appreciate your time taken for recommendation, but I don't under=
stand =85 my hose is sealed not by a screw setting, but by inserting the fe=
male end from the Orca into the hose, which has a clamp that tightens with =
a screw fitting. =20
any chance you could try to explain what you mean by 'shoulder'?
I actually purchased a new Smith hose with screw endings, but no way could =
I get the female end to fit the new hose. =20
Now I'm wondering if the problem is because I don't have either a blow-back=
preventer or gauges, neither of which my teacher used, and when I asked th=
e store from which I purchased the Orca, they said that "everything was inc=
luded in the kit"!

I've asked my husband to take the whole kit and caboodle to local welding s=
tore for advice, while I am out of town. I'll let you know what happens if=
you want.


On Saturday, April 2, 2011 1:09:08 PM UTC-4, AntoniaP wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a confusing time setting up my Orca torch - I don't think it
> should be this hard!! I used this design of torch in my silversmithing
> classes and never had any troubles...
> The handle attaches into the hose by a screw setting. I have screwed
> this in as far as it goes, but there is still some thread sticking out
> and when I switch the gas on it leaks from here.
> I do not know what is going wrong and it is driving me mad! I have
> basically unpacked it from the box and put it together and it's just not
> right.=20
> Can anyone help put me back on track??!!
> Thank you thank you!
> --=20
> AntoniaP

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