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I AM ACCUSED OF RAPING LITTLE GIRLS by admitted CIA Agent. Kent Police Inspector Lee Nieles

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Feb 8, 2019, 10:59:51 PM2/8/19
CC: following his being severely
reprimanded and demoted because of my complaint about his earlier

Turby <> commented in the article <q3j8ul$72s$>...
> On 2/7/2019 9:03 PM, wrote:
> > Turby <> commented in the article <q3ig8v$tim$>...
> >>
> > Who are you?
> I am a CIA agent, looking for lunatics. Found one.

I doubt you are a CIA agent. It is more likely you work in some menial
capacity, requiring no brains, for the British State. Police?

Here is the explanation of why the "pigshit", "bastard" British race should be eliminated >

Kent County Police have approved it and seemingly agree the pigshit
bastard British race should be eliminated.

How should I do this?

> > Who is paying and playing you?
> As I said, the CIA.

You are a liar. CIA agents would not admit this.

> > You must not post on my forum here again.
> >
> I never did. This is not your forum. It is an open forum dedicated to
> the subject in its title, not chicken feed, nor insanity

That is your opinion, but you did not register the account for this
forum with wordpress.

> BTW, raped any little girls recently, or do you stick to poultry?

raped any little girls recently, or do you stick to poultry?
raped any little girls recently, or do you stick to poultry?

Archived and reported to Detective Chief Inspector 46010977 Lee Neiles.

On the basis that exactly the same accusation was made, I suspect your
real email is and you are he, who the other criminals
like paedophile Inspectors Mike Matson and John Molloy criminally
thwarted me from having extradited.!search/"Shantanu Panigrahi"

Do you agree with this >>

How I investigated the State to identify the State-Organised
Persecution on Me

Since the draft of the book that I had submitted to AuthorhouseUK,
Olympia Publishers and my sister for publishing by Gyanajuga
Publications of Bhubaneswar Inda, the State was aggravated and launched
a complete cover up by Kent Police of the criminalities that I had
suffered as a victim with the following letter on 10 November 2015,
quoting CO/00212/15. This was a total cover up and deceitful in that it
did not acknowledge that the letter had been drafted solely because of
the Case that I had lodged at Medway County Court against the Police.
Further, it made no mention of Internet Complaint, Greenwich Legalities
and UKIP Proceedings issues that the Police had been asked to
investigate. Your letter that I received yesterday concerning the
investigation and prosecution of criminals who have terrorised me in
the four cases that I reported to Kent Police (Greenwich Legalities,
Internet Complaint, UKIP Proceedings and Shell Tribunal) is a
deliberate act of covering up the criminalities that I reported to the
Police. I am therefore planning to renew my referral of this criminal
act by you and Inspector Shambler to the Administrative Court of the
High Court despite the fact that the Court criminally harassed me when
I last approached it about your persecuting officers at various levels
and positions. You should accordingly subject yourself to the Crown
Prosecution Service for the issue of this letter at this time so as to
be prosecuted for your roles in the criminality. Please note that
failure of the Crown Prosecution Service to charge you may lead to my
having no alternative to issuing private prosecution proceedings
against you personally. After waiting several days for a reply and with
none coming, I decided that I would have to go down the route of a
private prosecution of the Police and to prepare for it sent the
following email again to PSD Kent Police.

I requested Mt Lee J. Catling, Head of Professional Standards
Department of Kent Police to avail himself to the Crown Prosecution
Service (CPS) for its consideration of its charges that I have sought
for prosecution. Your silence in this matter is unacceptable. I need to
know whether Mr Catlin voluntarily or through the processes of policing
has brought this Case to the CPS. If the referral was not made I need
the full written reasons. If the referral was made I need to know if
this was a voluntary decision by Mr Catlin or a decision of the Police
Force responsible. If the referral to the CPS was made I need the full
arguments presented to the CPS, and the written decision of the CPS
with reasons. Please note that the information I am seeking will be
rightly required by the Magistrate or Judge presiding over the private
prosecution that I have to consider in due course so that it is in the
interest of justice through due process that I am informed now of the
decisions that have been taken. When no email acknowledgement came I
decided to seek legal assistance to take this action and emailed a
local Solicitor Fosters Law by forwarding my Freedom of Information Act
email. It said that it did not undertake such actions but gave me the
details of Hodge Jones and Allen Solicitors who specialised in taking
actions against the Police. I asked Fosters Law to forward my email to
this Firm but it would not respond to this request and I said to that
that I considered this to be wrong and appropriate for investigation by
the Legal Ombudsman. It did not reply. That evening I deposited a
message in the contact point website of Hodge Jones and Allen giving
details of Fosters Law and asking if it had referred the Case to this
firm. It would not answer the question, but indicated that it was
willing to examine whether it could help me with legal assistance.
Email correspondence followed but it seemed to be getting nowehere so
that on 23 November 2015 I lodged a formal complaint at Legal Ombudsman
for the lack of progress. The Legal Ombudsman did not reply but Hodge
Jones and Allen resumed correspondence with me by email. I provided
details of what I required comprehensively as follows. With regard to
the Shell Tribunal matter, on 20 November 2015 I received a letter
(dated 19 November 2015) in the post delivered to my house from
Employment Tribunals (Montague Court, 101 London Rd, West Croydon,
Surrey, CR0 2RF) citing Case No 2302960/2014 C, as follows: Regional
Employment Judge Hildebrand has instructed me to write to the claimant.
This case is closed and no further correspondence can be entertained.
Signed: Zionah Jaldo, For Secretary of Employment Tribunals.

The £5 million Claim that I lodged earlier in the summer at at Medway
County Court against Kent Police that I wished the firm to activate on
a No Win No Fee basis. I would like the dispute to be resolved under
Abuse of Police Powers, Human Rights and Harassment or discrimination
by Police. Specifically, It was entirely improper conduct for Mr Nigel
Shambler (PC) to telephone me one morning under false pretences and
when I said that I did not wish to talk to the Police in view of their
brutal treatment of my reports of crimes he sent me an email to
manipulate the legal proceedings that I had undertaken. This was
evident from the fact that when I followed up his email with pertinent
and relevant questions on how Judge Kurrein got hold of a specific
document of mine to the Employment Appeal Tribunal, he terminated the
discussion which indicated that he was protecting the Tribunal
officials from their criminal acts against me. This was covered up by
Mr Catling in his letter to me of 10 November 2015, which I strongly
protested about as Fosters law is aware. The outcome I wish to achieve
is for the Police to be prosecuted for these acts in their protection
of the criminals in the Shell Tribunal, Greenwich Legalities, UKIP
Proceedings and Internet Complaints issues and thereby leaving me
vulnerable to legal problems arising from my protests. I had therefore
asked Medway County Court for £500 million in damages from Kent Police
for what I suffered. This is the kind of financial outcome I would
settle for on a No Win No Fee basis that your Firm could undertake on
my behalf, as I made clear to Fosters Law in relation to my financial
situation. I am accordingly waiting for the telephone call that you
indicate that I will now receive from your colleague Brenel. I require
a solicitor because the criminal stooge Judge Hildebrand has seemingly
issued a threat to me that I must not myself as claimant write to the
Tribunal again to point out the unlawful nature of its interpretation
and implementaion of TUPE regulations with the submitted evidence that
I had stayed the Case against Shell in 2008 pending investigations of
criminality in the workplace against me.

Again Hodge Jones and Allen stalled me and with the Legal Ombudsman
also taking no action I decided that the two of them were part of a
concerted attempt by the judicial authorities of the State to deny me
access to the justice that I was now in the process of seeking.
Accordingly, I decided that this had to be a corporate private
prosection for those so united to prevent me from pursuing my judicial
attempts. I write concerning my emailed letter of complaint sent to you
at 10.34 am on 23 November 2015, to which I did not receive a reply
following the autoresponse acknowledgement that was returned to me by
email. After seemingly agreeing to activate my £50 million Claim at
Medway County Court against Kent Police on a 'No Win No Fee' basis, the
firm has not written to this Court with the urgency that was implicit,
to my knowledge. For these reasons, if I do not receive your reply to
this complaint to discipline Hodge Jones and Solicitors by 3.00 pm
today, corporate private prosecution should commence for criminal
conspiracy against this company at Chatham Magistrates Court, as
previously stated to you. I am therefore copying this email to this
Court for action from this time if I do not receive any information on
the compensation payment that I have demanded. I forward to you my
latest communication to the Legal Ombudsman to brief you on the
obstacles placed before me in accessing civil justice. Accordingly, I
wish to undertake the private prosecution of this Legal Ombudsman for
the reason that my complaints of criminal conspiracy that have resulted
in loss of income and other judicially-accruing benefits have been
ignored by him. Please let me know if the Legal Ombudsman is immuned
from such an action by virtue of the office he holds. There was no
immediate reply; but this was a Saturday so offices are closed.

I had no hesitation in blogging this letter for I had wanted to update
my website for long and this situation seemed ideal for making an open
display of my disgust with the British State, and simultaneously and
effectively issuing a challenge to anyone to consider refuting the
allegations that I have made and whether or not I was justified in my
actions. The problem was that I received a letter from Kent Police
dated 10 November 2015 (as I was minding my own business without a care
in the world) and it did not take long for me to realise that this had
legal implications for my future which needed to be addressed if I was
to attain my objective of self-preservation with dignity; nothing more.
I had to deal with the dangers to me arising from this letter
especially since Regional Employment Judge Hildebrand also sent me a
letter, this time dated 19 November 2015 that I received on 20 November
2015. So I found myself in a position that I had still not got my Shell
petrol station job back (which would have been quite a lot better than
the job I am doing now waking up at 4.30 am in the morning to go to a
Newsagents and mark papers and carry them about for £6 per hour cash in
hand), let alone getting back my cherished scientific job at the
University of Greenwich where I had become a world-renowned and
established Tropical Poultry Nutritionist with specialism in non-
ruminant nutritional toxicology as well as a specialist in Agricultural

This was not justice; and there was still the issue of my MSc
dissertation that the University of London is not considering which
means that my MSc that I worked so hard for is being witheld from me -
which formed part of the proceedings in the Greenwich Legalities issue
under Case No ME010463 of Medway County Court. So with the court not
acting and Police not acting to resolve these personal legal issues
relating to the court and tribunal processes I still had to, once
again, do my level best to counter these letters in order to try and
attain the restoration of my job prospects myself with my own efforts
by whatever legal means that were available for me to deploy. In this
regard I had heard about private prosecutions of those who I had
considered had stood in my way to securing justice. I felt that this
was the only means left for working towards the objective of securing
my future for if it proved successful I could then lodge a claim for
damages to get financial redress. As a last resort the idea was simple,
no? But I did not have a clue on how to go about private prosecutions.
I thought this was too good an opportunity to miss in order to get some
specialist legal advice. I did four extra hours of work at the Till in
this Newsagents that I work for from 12.00 to 4.00 pm today for which
the owner of the shop paid me £20 in cash.

Everything that has happened was necessary for me to have determined
the workings of the British State from direct experience which would
form part of end of my book. One way or the other I had been generating
into the open the mechanisms of a highly secretive State which allowed
its politicians to contemplate war in different parts of the world
without any legal clearance - on the advice of an Attorney General, not
a court of law because there is no written constitution to regulate
society. Prime Ministers did as they wanted depending on how they dealt
with the arithmetic of Party politics and the wider Parliamentary
support and consequent electoral imperatives. My clock checking for
messages had not been as intensive in recent weeks as they used to be
those following a spiritual path need 'professional' help to bring them
into line with what the State desires its citizens to be. The State
should have taken note that it did not own me. I was a freebird who had
to have a free mind to know what is right and what is wrong and do the
right thing from that knowledge.

I lived to my own perceived reality as a satya-advaitist, or truth
accommodationist. For this I must not make myself an asset to any other
person, company or State who may wish to consider hiring me to use my
talents. Who am I? Through the passage of time in the practice of satya-
advaita one determines the truth about oneself and perceives the
reality that God brings to the mind and into one's existence into which
one accommodates oneself. Thus one changes because knowledge has that
effect on the individual. I require a solicitor because Judge
Hildebrand has seemingly issued a threat to me that I must not myself
as claimant write to the Tribunal again to point out the unlawful
nature of its interpretation and implementaion of TUPE regulations with
the submitted evidence that I had stayed the Case against Shell in 2008
pending investigations of criminality in the workplace against me. The
evidence therefore shows that your Firm is part of the vendetta mounted
by the UK State against me using Judge Hildebrand and the Legal
Ombudsman, for which I have issued corporate private prosecution
proceedings at Medway Magistrates/Chatham Magistrates Court. Your
selective use here this morning of the email correspondence that took
place with your Firm itself amounts to the continuation of that
vendetta for my bringing criminals to justice that Kent Police condoned
and Medway County Court, to protect District Judge Wilkinson, decided
to prevent my litigations on. I await the reply of Medway Magistrates
to the proceedings that I have initiated at this Court accordingly.
When no reply came from the solicitors it was evidence that they knew a
lot more than they were pretending to me and were not interested in
discussing the issue. I was compelled to activate my private
prosecution proceedings directly because I could say that the Legal
Ombudsman had not specified which solicitors were included in the
complaint in the letter that I had received earlier so that there was
direct evidence of complicity and coordination in these activities.

I sent the following letter to the Medway Magistrates. In relation to
my copy-letter sent by First Class Recorded Delivery (BARCode:
KP088493223GB) addressed to Chatham Magistrates Court, I sent an email
enquiry to the Magistrate of Medway Magistrates at the following email
address on 27 Nov 2015 at 1.15 pm:; and
it was returned as undeliverable at 1.47 pm. I therefore sent it to
your email address at 1.54 pm the same afternoon. I have yet to receive
a reply to my enquiry. I then realised that there was no
acknowledgement coming and in view of the lack of a reply from ELS, I
had to seek cover in the Legal Ombudsman itself for this document had a
Case Number which the Ombudsman would have to resolve sooner or later.
I therefore replied by email as follows: I have received the final
reply of Hodge Jones and Allen Solicitors (from a Mr Nigel Richardson,
as Partner) this morning, as follows: "May I make it entirely clear
that we did not agree to take on any case or claim that you may have.
We were in the process of considering this. In light of your suggestion
that you are bringing proceedings against us, there is no question that
we can take you on as a client.' I have checked with Medway Magistrates
by email since receiving this letter and can confirm to you that there
are no legal proceedings against Hodge Jones and Allen so that its
decision not to take me on as a client is clearly wrong. In view of
this apparent unjustified closure of door on me I feel it would be
wrong of the Legal Ombudsman to wait the full 8 weeks before giving its
judgement on my application against this particular Firm of solicitors.
As regards Fosters Law I do not know whether they were obliged to
forward my email of 19 November 2015 to Hodge Jones and Allen, and if
they were whether they did so, so that I do not know whether I have a
legitimate complaint against Fosters Law.

Finally, ELS Legal has reneged on its invitation to potential clients
like me for a Free Consultation on private prosecutions that it
offered. There was no reply or even an acknowledgement all afternoon
and nothing came by way of email from anywhere. Egregious was instead
prodding me to provide him with more evidence of my complaint in the
website which I could not do for it would be pounced on and land me in
legal difficulties while the authorities still covered up the evidence
of State co-coordinated legal activities by the manipulation of these
agents of persecution. I needed to survive so would only provide
limited information on the website that as far as I was concerned I was
entitled to a free consultation from ELS on private prosecution and
when Egregious persisted, I thumped him with 'You clearly do not see
that reason I was denied consultation is because I disputed the Firm's
ethos that to undertake a private prosecution the applicant has to
prove that it is in the public interest as opposed to my view that it
should be in the private human rights interests of the victim. No
further replies came from Egregious, who was a persecutor that I used
to give me the opportunity to add comment of information that were in
my interest in the Blog. Olympia Publishers did not reply and I did not
receive a reply from AuthorhouseUK to the enquiry that I sent about the
money I have spent in self-publishing that the Courts would not
implement in the UK. Dirty pigshit race.

For how long would I go on giving the benefit of the doubt that all
these persecutory attacks on me were due to guna-consciousness
controlling individuals and not a secret Establishment in the British
State who directed the responses of its citizens towards me? Egregious
continued with prods and denigrating statements in my Blog and the
following exchange took place. You asked me to get a lawyer, which I
did to help me get one or both of my jobs back. I submitted my evidence
and am clearly entitled to my Consultation that I have booked with the
Firm: Why is the ELS Firm not replying or telephoning me? You clearly
do not think that I was denied consultation because I disputed the
Firm's ethos that those bringing a Private Prosecution will need to
prove that it is in the public interest to pursue the case, rather than
private human rights interests. I do not see that Hodge Jones and Allen
Solicitors has any valid legal argument not to take me on as a client.
Solicitor Firms here in the UK have legal obligations towards
applicants for legal assistance that I will test. The idea underlying
my work for Blogging is to suggest 'Panigrahi's Law' for the world. So
kindly take note and address the following: Judges have to provide full
written reasons for their directions, rulings and judgements. This
document should state the background to the Case in terms of the
Claimant (Plaintiff) and Respondent's (or Prosecutor and Defendant's)
expressed views and statements, the relevant pieces of statutory law
that applies and how the Human Rights Convention that a country signs
up to have been accommodated. The Judge needs to do this so that an
aggrieved party can formulate the basis of his appeal or the complaint
processes permitted in a State.

Thus no secrecy is allowed for a Judge to hide under if we are not to
live in a Police State where the Judges are either expressing their
personal prejudices or are simply agents of the State upholding the
dictats of a secret and unaccountable Establishment. For example, if a
Judge says that an abuse of the process has taken place, these must be
explained on the basis of factual evidence of what the law states and
fresh directions given to the applicant of the correct course the
person needs to follow to air his complaints and obtain judicial
redress in order that when he or she follows that directed process,
court officials elsewhere are bound by law to implement the directions
that have been given by the Judge. These have never been done in the 17
years that I have struggled with the British Justice System. These
recommendations apply to the Police as well other law enforcement
agencies. No one should be entitled to fob off complainants by
suggesting to them that they should see a solicitor or the Citizens
Advice Bureau to find out how to access justice as this is a process
implicitly enforced by the UK State to thwart a complaint from being
addressed by the State. Finally,a Judge acting outside the Court
process or within it or another Law Enforcement agency such as the
Police adhere to these fundamental principles of law.

I am man of enormous knowledge (scientific and conventional) derived
from formal educational studies and direct practical experience who
lives by the principles of satya-advaita to chart his future. This
course has led me to becoming an educationalist with a mission to
eradicate the world of delusions.

You see the vote in the UK Parliament yesterday that had a majority of
174 to conduct air-strikes against Islamic State in Syria? If you have
let us see here and now if you have you anything to say about this
matter and spend your time reading other people's blogged writings to
pass apparently stupid purposeless remarks using the 'fuck' word
liberally. This is because even a person who I describe as 'shit' could
be put to use. One must always have the last word and deal with issues
that threaten your future, in this case the attempt continuously to
denigrate me with all kinds of names and finally explicitly saying that
I should take down my Blog.

The Blog is central to my future as it is the creation of several years
of study-based knowledge. I wanted to leave my mark that I had existed
on this planet as a human being. I do my job at 4.30 am wake up each
morning to wait for ideas for more blogging. It represented the
attainment of justice that I worked for as truth was established and I
could triumphantly say that I had spent my life well to good purpose.
Hence, satya-advaita had taken me to this point in establishing
'Panigrahi's law'. This had been arrived at by constantly dealing with
those who got in my way by giving them the appropriate stuffing of
truth, which in Hindi is expressed as 'gaand me danda dalna', to push
one's stick up people's arses - proverbially of course as being a

decisionwhas taken afte. I asked God whether thrme were any more
trutns left forHirm to shod mn, andHeI saidNso, so that I terminated my Ditary in thecknowledge thataill the legal agents and authorities were
manipulated by a secret and unaccountable Establishmene against me in a
Stat-oOrganised persecution. I realised that I could notfactuarly wsite
to the Legal Ombudsman because it would say that the company ELS Legal
is not part of the Case that was accepted byine against' solicitor'e
under its Case N: CMP-024216g. It had in its letter
delirned to includh
the name of aya solicitorrand hde bac dated its letter to 27 November
201e in response
to the blo post f 289 November 2015 to pretenw that it did notk now of the existence of the private prosecution Case against
the Legal Ombudsman. It had now to write to me wit in the 8 weeks in response
to the names of solicitord that I provided clearly and their
wrong doinrd that Iciated and give its response on its positiot, or I
coulddDefent myself citing
conspiracy sy statedion my application to Medway Magistrates against the Legal OmbudsmanwWith regard to corporate
prosecutio5. So I decided that I must therefore wait the full 8 weekr.
fd nothing cam,t I couldgog back to Medway Magistrates for a reply or I mlight not evenb other with tant utilt I was threateted legalys by
ome one. Soaill the way Through I had legal cover which preveneed any
action eeing taken against me.Aand hiving t us survivdn afte.tleaeing
part the British Justice Systef with my applicatiois that epposed hue
reality of now It is manipulated from bhiand thes ceves byar
secret and unaccountable Establishmene I couldbea free to Blog dway merarile. I was not otheted about anythins.

Oce. I felt confdment thatHet would eve me throughoOne way or the other
wthat dnd Icware.Is survivdnlgiving in the unitedKvinedom with my Blog
to shod that I am inocment of any
wron doing in theeymes of God that
matteted osat to me. For the rewor,r I had been writino these downwas
hoinrd were happeoing in my Blog and the State eeing totarly aware of
the contents of t isAddritionalC hafte. may eill hive iestigated these
aompait prooications from Egregious. I had no way ofteollingbuat I was
glaed that I had gotrids of t isscounce of problem to myxchaeces of
surviling with dignitm with my blogging activitiesiontacy. In the paat
especiallyIs noicded that Egregiou'd commenas nearly always came
latg in therday when the Stateionstitutiord werectornrend into
displasing theirim potecse so thathre wastryning to let me to take a mls take in my writings in this blo post so as to give the State an excunse
to attact me. The commenasIe posded in tias thrend were desgnsed
to help me survive by not giving theSstate thuse xcunsns but
also to let y
argumentsel abrtated to
reaely ructify the
bastarks on legal
etc. Ffullimatrcial t

Feb 9, 2019, 8:39:29 AM2/9/19
CC: following his being severely
reprimanded in 2018 and demoted because of my complaint to IOPC about
his earlier negligence and blaming Yvonne.

This decision was taken after I asked God whether there were any more
truths left for Him to show me, and He said No, so that I terminated my
Diary in the knowledge that all the legal agents and authorities were
manipulated by a secret and unaccountable Establishment against me in a
State-organised persecution. I realised that I could not actually write
to the Legal Ombudsman because it would say that the company ELS Legal
is not part of the Case that was accepted by it against 'solicitors'
under its Case No: CMP-024216. It had in its letter declined to include
the name of any solicitor and had backdated its letter to 27 November
2015 in response to the blogpost of 28 November 2015 to pretend that it
did not know of the existence of the private prosecution Case against
the Legal Ombudsman. It had now to write to me within the 8 weeks in
response to the names of solicitors that I provided clearly and their
wrong doings that I cited and give its response on its position, or I
could defend myself citing conspiracy as stated in my application to
Medway Magistrates against the Legal Ombudsman with regard to corporate
prosecution. So I decided that I must therefore wait the full 8 weeks.
If nothing came, I could go back to Medway Magistrates for a reply or I
might not even bother with that until I was threatened legally by
someone. So all the way through I had legal cover which prevented any
action being taken against me. And having thus survived after tearing
apart the British Justice System with my applications that exposed the
underlying reality of how it is manipulated from behind the scenes by a
secret and unaccountable Establishment I could be free to blog away
merrily. I was not bothered about anything.

Once I felt confident that He would see me through one way or the other
what did I care. I survived living in the United Kingdom with my Blog
to show that I am innocent of any wrongdoing in the eyes of God that
mattered most to me. For the record, I had been writing these down as
things were happening in my Blog and the State being totally aware of
the contents of this Additional Chapter may well have instigated these
rampant provocations from Egregious. I had no way of telling but I was
glad that I had got rid of this source of problem to my chances of
surviving with dignity with my blogging activities intact. In the past
week especially I noticed that Egregious' comments nearly always came
late in the day when the State institutions were cornered into
displaying their impotence so that he was trying to get me to make a
mistake in my writings in this blogpost so as to give the State an
excuse to attack me. The comments I posted in this thread were designed
to help me survive by not giving the State these excuses but also to
get my arguments elaborated to really crucify the bastards on legal

etc. Full material at

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