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The Internet Stamp Store

Mar 25, 2005, 3:57:42 AM3/25/05
All Stamps/Sheetlets/Booklets/FDC are Complete Sets or S.S. from September 2004 to Now.  Conversions based upon a few days ago.  Almost all solid countries:  Barbados, Croatia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Greek Cyprus, Ireland, & Liechtenstein.
$184+  Face Value for $130 + S & H (now you can rate my S & H fees, unless this message is censored!).  I do not recall seeing an duplication, and always throw something else in to make up for any possible miscounts, although I  haven't made any yet.  Details of the breakdown can be found at
Orders for the COMPLETE LOT will CANCEL any orders for Individual Country.  Will IMMEDIATELY Notify List if that happens, or if several countries are bought, and provide a new price for what is left.  Anyone willing to commit to buying these lots every 4 or 5 months,  will be given precedence. 
I imagine around $500 face per year, from the same countries in roughly the same proportions as this lot.

I also have some interesting postally used stamps from countries like Aitutaki, Cook Islands, Christmas Island, Niue, Tuvalu and other countries rarely found used.   Since most of these countries sell Canceled stamps for the same price, face value, as mint stamps, so used stamps are worth almost the same as mint.  I haven't counted them, but I think there are enough to make a nice $20 or so lot.  Email if interested.

Complete Lot is $130 + $2.00 S&H in U.S. & Canada.  Other countries, inquire.
Individual Countries + $1.00 S&H in U.S. & Canada.  Other countries, $2 if stamps, $3 if order is for, or includes, FDC.

Prefer Cash, Money Order, Check, or electronic bank transfer.  Will try to set up NeTeller (or PayPal if no other means exists and buyer pays fees imposed by not sending immediate cash from their PayPal balance or bank account.  I HATE PayPal, and suggest NeTeller as a CHEAPER ALTERNATIVE for online payments.)  Email me with what you want and how you want to pay, and I will SEND A CONFIRMATION EMAIL.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND MONEY UNTIL YOU RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL, which will include bank info or ID for Neteller or PayPal (ugh!), as well as availability.

Again, see

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