I need help finding the engine serial number.
I took pictures and put it in a blog, figuring it would be easier than
trying to explain that dohickey or whachamacallit:
can anybody here help me?
Not sure Colisa but you can check out this forum.
Maybe one of the guys will see the post and help you out.
Husband does all the boat mechanical stuff so I am not sure
about this link It looks like it shows all the part numbers you may be
looking for. if not just disregard.
My real problem is determining WHERE to look for this engine serial
number or which one of my numbers that I can't real good is the right
number... none of them even seem to fit in the categories of serial
numbers listed online
It will be on the engine's transom mount near or around the tilt
Just look for the manufacturer's plate - might need to power wash the
area to expose the plate.
Yup....older models like my british Seagull had the model/serial number
stamped in the steel, newer models have the metal plate with the
manufacturer, model number and the serial number. Easy to find on the
bracket of my 1986 Evinrude 6hp and the 2003 Johnson 25hp
That's a 3 cylinder, 966cc, motor, not 4. With the Tracker graphics on
the cowling, it's probably the same year as the boat - give or take one
year. I don't think a lot has changed since it was built.
I used to own the same boat - a little newer - and had the 40hp ELPTO
motor. Keep the carbs clean and it will run like a champ.
I wish I never sold it. I've been looking for a new aluminum bass boat
for a while now. I can't decide on the brand or the motor I want. I
do miss freshwater fishing.
Tracker Team 175 is a great entry boat for just kicking around small
lakes and even medium lakes. Oddly, it's not tippy at all - you think
it would be, but it's not.
Another that I like a lot is the Tracker Panfish
My dealer has taken on the Starcraft series of boats and I like those
a lot - fairly cheap too considering - slightly more rigged and out
the door than Tracker - like maybe $100 or so.
And to tell the truth, I really liked the Princecraft Yukon I sold Don
- that was a sweet little boat - plenty of interior room, it was set
up to fish from, very stable and pretty quick for it's size. Very easy
to load.
That's one boat I wish I hadn't sold - especially to a Canadian. :>)
That last was a friendly dig at Don - I have no quarrel with Don, do
not intend to have one and will refuse to have one - I like him - he
treats my former boat right.
For a Canadian. :>)
Well, I have to. In the future I might be ready to move up to that Ranger
and the Yukon would provide a good reference. ;-)
He left the plug out. Kill him.
See - there 'ya go.
HE DID?!?!?!?
I had mine 4 miles offshore fishing on the reef on a few calm days
before I bought the bigger boat.
You're a braver man than I am. :>)
there's someone here who claims his father took a small outboard
runabout across the Atlantic and back. He even claims to have gotten a
fireboat welcome upon his return to NYC!
A fifteen footer, only five feet wide, with a vee bottom and a half of
a seat;) You want fishing room, you need something like this:
You know, something a 6 foot something, 2hundred and er. um,
something, overlord can stand up in;)
Aluminum, who ever heard of a boat made of Aluminum.. Might as well
paint on some noseart;)
> A fifteen footer, only five feet wide, with a vee bottom and a half of
> a seat;) You want fishing room, you need something like this:
> http://yaimkool.com/
> You know, something a 6 foot something, 2hundred and er. um,
> something, overlord can stand up in;)
> Aluminum, who ever heard of a boat made of Aluminum.. Might as well
> paint on some noseart;)
You want to promote boat sales, you ought to be showing a boat properly
and neatly painted in decent colors, and without paint peeling off of it.
One thing you can bet on, my aluminum Yukon will outlast a wood boat.
Another thing one can bet on: as long as it is in your possession, your
boat won't look like it was painted by a drunk on LSD.
As long as I don't go scraping it up...I may never need to paint it. A
little TLC will go a long ways.
Coming from this province I appreciate wood boats, but I just don't want to
have to maintain one.
>He even claims to have gotten a
>fireboat welcome upon his return to NYC!
Nitpick. There is no such thing as a fireboat, only the usual harbor
tugs which have big nozzles [called monitors] on the rear masts.
There are dedicated and designed fireboats.
I always had PFD's, a VHF (even though the cell phone always worked in
that area), and even an EPIRB. I've only felt seasick once in my life
and it was in that low boat in 1' seas.