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To all Crownline owners

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Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Feb 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/26/98

It's no secret that crownline boats are very good boats. I recetly had a bad
experience with a member of their support team (actually the VP of
marketing). After purchasing the top of the line boat from Crownline I had
some problems and gues what this guy said when I got upset:

You are only one, we have thousands of clients...... (Dave Sundin)

If you do deal with Crownline there is a very nice guy (Jim Duff) that will
be very helpfull, but if you hate stupid sarcasm and an arrogant pencil
pusher don't talk with Dave Sundin.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia


Feb 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/27/98

Charles you worm. How would you like it if I copy the crap you wrote on the
Crownline forum and post it here along with your apology. You act like a
immature child, which you are, get reprimanded by everyone on the forum
including the moderator, Dave Sundin, addmit you were wrong, then come here to
slam Dave???? You've got some small balls!!!!!!!!

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Feb 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/27/98

You MORON keep these comments for yourself.

First of all I called Crownline to get a few minor issues fixed (I waited
over 6 months...)

And do you know what Dave S. answered:

" You are only one client, we have thousands...." D. Sundin

You should understand that after purchasing THE MOST expensive boat they
build I have the right to get something fixed within a decent amount of

Anyway, your brain is too small to understand what's behind my posting. Now
you know and if you own a Crown.... it could happen to you too. Consider
that only 100 boats like mine were built and sold....

Before calling people names ASK.

Your calling people names is really unappreciated and uncalled for.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia
1997 Crownline 330 CR
1998 Hatteras 67' Sportsdeck

Avreco wrote in message <>...

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Feb 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/27/98


Proove me wrong.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia
.... a few toys

S. McNab

Feb 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/28/98

I am not privy to the details of Charles minor problems. My experiences
with Crownline (as a customer) have been outstanding to say the least. If
there is another company (in any industry) that treats its customers as
well, I would buy from them too. Few places can one find online assistance
from current customers and company representatives in near real time.
Their website is visited daily by owners of many different boat brands.
All this to experience the congenial demeanor of the participants, the
helpful advice offered by customers and company reps, and the comradery of
fellow boat owners as we collectively wait for spring to arrive.

Once again, is an excellent web site hosted by a
fantastic company.

Scott McNab
<no assets listed>

In article <6d7ud7$>, "Charles A. Ambrosecchia"

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Feb 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/28/98


We had nice discussions on the Crown forum and we know who we are.

The minor problems is my way to keep it low, but the problems are not minor:

Electrical outlets popping for no reason
Breakers popping for no reason
Decals peeling off for no reason
Head door being warped so bad that you can't open it
Plexiglass shower door cracked for no reason
Trim gauges never worked
Access door to the galley won't open
Radio keeps burning out.....
AC got noisy.... and that's under the main statesroom bed... (indeed I
cleaned the colling pickup filter but didn't help....)

etc. etc. etc.

Plus add: all my postings on the forum have been deleted (all helpful
suggestions....) and yesterday they decided to let the reapirs slide and
tell the dealer to hold off....

Well Scott: Sadly I had to get my attorney on this case for breach of
warranty contract. Is this the way you would like to get things resolved?
not me for sure. They disappointed me very badly and I always spoke nicely
about them...... And you can check on their forum.....

What's your opinion now? Jim has been the only person whom acted in somewhat
of a professional manner.... but lately he hasn't returned any phone call.


1997 Crownline 330 CR (opal)
1998 Hatteras 67' Sportsdeck (white and navy)

S. McNab wrote in message ...

Feb 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/28/98


Since this discussion is about me personally, I felt I (and only I) should set
the record straight. (I thank the others for standing in my defense)

Yes, I said these words "You are only one client, we have thousands...."to
Charles. BUT he takes this statement out of context. In this message, he
suggests that it was in response to a request for service he thinks he is not
getting. NOT!

That statement was in response for banning him from our forum for displaying
the same childish trash and defamation he displays here. My statement
reflects the fact that I will SATISFY the thousands of our other customers at
that forum by insulating them from the verbal abuse he continues to display
here. He is "one customer" that is bothering "many others". There is no
need for that behavior on our corporate site and we will not stand for it..

Charles, your FLAMES speak loud and clear as perfect examples to
justify why you were tossed from there and thus, why you feel you have to
defame me personally. Everyone can easily see that.

With that explanation, I am dropping this discussion. Charles may continue to
rant and rave all he wants. He only continues to show exactly why I was forced
to do what I have done and justify it completely. I will not participate
with this any more.

Dave Sundin

In article <6d7ud7$>,
"Charles A. Ambrosecchia" <> wrote:
> You MORON keep these comments for yourself.
> First of all I called Crownline to get a few minor issues fixed (I waited
> over 6 months...)
> And do you know what Dave S. answered:
> " You are only one client, we have thousands...." D. Sundin
> You should understand that after purchasing THE MOST expensive boat they
> build I have the right to get something fixed within a decent amount of
> time.
> Anyway, your brain is too small to understand what's behind my posting. Now
> you know and if you own a Crown.... it could happen to you too. Consider
> that only 100 boats like mine were built and sold....
> Before calling people names ASK.
> Your calling people names is really unappreciated and uncalled for.
> Charles A. Ambrosecchia
> 1997 Crownline 330 CR
> 1998 Hatteras 67' Sportsdeck

> Avreco wrote in message <>...
> >Charles you worm. How would you like it if I copy the crap you wrote on
> the
> >Crownline forum and post it here along with your apology. You act like a
> >immature child, which you are, get reprimanded by everyone on the forum
> >including the moderator, Dave Sundin, addmit you were wrong, then come
> here to
> >slam Dave???? You've got some small balls!!!!!!!!
> >

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading


Mar 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/1/98

As a Crownline owner and frequent follower of their forum I agree with Dave's
post 100 %. I am sure over a very short period of time that this forum will be
oveflowing with similar experiences with Chuck.

Dave, thanks for sparing us!!!


Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

Well Dave, your arrogant response to an understandably upset customer caused me
to not buy the Crownline 202BR, but instead a SeaRay 210 BR this weekend. Oh
well, I would only have been "one client", you won't miss me.... But how many
"one Clients" can your company afford to lose? Isn't every one of your
customers "one client"....

Dave Brown

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

Did you actually *read* his response? The 'one customer' quote was taken
entirely out of context and was fully explained to this newsgroup (it
was not even necessary that he respond in here, but he did). In my
opinion, Crownline not only makes one of the best boats I've seen, they
back up their commitment to the customer like no other company I have
dealt with.

Given the customer service reported by Brunswick/Sea-Ray owners in this
NG, you may well have gone from the frying pan to the fire.

And no I don't sell Crownline, it just pisses me off when someone makes
a decision based on incomplete information. And you sir, have done just


Dave Brown
Brown's Marina

M. Stern

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98
to Charles A. Ambrosecchia


As I recall you tried to sell your boat on Crownlines Web site. At that
time you said great things about the boat and Crownline and the only
reason you wanted to sell it was that your family was growing. I guess
from reading your postings here and in the user forum that either you
weren't truthful then or now, which is it?

If you have been deleted from the Crownline Forum it was due to YOUR
childish postings and bashings. Now that you aren't allowed there you
have come here to back at the company. Those of us that know your
history will always be here to respond to your wild postings.

Enjoy, and remember we are watching.

Michael Stern

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

In regards to your message stated below, it seems very strange to base your
purchase on what one person had to say about Crownline. It seems that you
were hearing just one side of the story and not getting the FULL story. There
is a lot more to this situation than what I'm sure you were told by
Charles.....a LOT more.

I am sorry that you purchased your boat based on "hear-say". Crownline has
and always will be one of the best boats AND supporting companies on the
market. It may have done you a lot better before your buying decision to
verify and authenticate the bad stories about Crownline that you have been
told. I'm sure that you would have made a different choice if you had ALL the
facts given to you.

I do hope you enjoy your boat. Boating of any type is truley enjoyable, as
long as it is safe. I just wish that you would have checked Crownline out
better and became one of the "Crownie" family.

Safe Boating to ya'!

Jim S......

In article <>, (RKOETTING) wrote:
> Well Dave, your arrogant response to an understandably upset customer caused
> to not buy the Crownline 202BR, but instead a SeaRay 210 BR this weekend.
> well, I would only have been "one client", you won't miss me.... But how
> "one Clients" can your company afford to lose? Isn't every one of your
> customers "one client"....

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98


I didn't want to bash Crownline at all but one of their pencil pushers even
after becoming VP of marketing doesn't know what commitment means and
doesn't know rule number one of a successfull business: THE CLIENT IS ALWAYS

The boat has many less problems than my buddy's Sea Ray...
1997 Sundancer 340
And Jim Duff (a truly concerned and NICE guy) is taking care of this one
too... He went out of his way before already and I truly appreciate his


Dave is an arrogant young $#$#@%(*, waste of your time.


Dave Brown wrote in message <>...

>> Well Dave, your arrogant response to an understandably upset customer
caused me
>> to not buy the Crownline 202BR, but instead a SeaRay 210 BR this weekend.
>> well, I would only have been "one client", you won't miss me.... But how
>> "one Clients" can your company afford to lose? Isn't every one of your
>> customers "one client"....

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98

Ever heard of you catch more flies with honey than.......Etc.
Was hoping for a fast clean repair.....


M. Stern wrote in message <>...

M. Stern

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98
to Charles A. Ambrosecchia


Talk about arrogant young $#$#@(*, you seem to speak out of both sides
of your face. When Dave was your pal helping you, you spoke highly of
him. When he cut you off at his company's owners forum for bashing
others you turned on him.

The customer is always right is true up to a point. You have gone far
beyond that point.

You need to learn to tell the whole story and not just the part that
makes you look right. You said Dave had removed your postings on the
company's forum, that too is not 100% true. He did delete your bashing
but a quick search showed dozens of remaining postings.

So as I said in a private email, we will be watching to make sure you
tell the FULL truth and not the Charles version of the truth.



Michael Stern

Mar 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/3/98
to Charles A. Ambrosecchia


Maybe you should take your own advise.

By the way, whats your point.


Mar 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/4/98

Just a opinion ,I don't know who's telling the truth but as a small business
person myself.I always try to work out a compromise with a customer,who feels
they have a problem.In most cases a solution can be worked out,it seems from
reading your column and the company's response to your complaints,that this
argument has taken on personal ramifications and finger pointing.My suggestion
is start from square one and both try to reason in private.I dont care how
strong or good a companies product is.A customer's complaint should always be
taken extremely seriously.Its sad to see the boating forum used for these
purposes.It doesn't present a good image for our hobby,especially to
newcomers.Mike no one wins with a attorney,but at the same time Dave,it does no
good to have your company's name splashed in bad light across a forum like
this.Here's hoping a reasonable solution can be worked out.

Al Mark

Mar 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/4/98

Dear Mr./Ms. User 797894,

Nice try for a generic solution to the Charles problem. But, it is obvious
that you don't know Charles. Use the Deju News service and filter on
Charles' address. You'll find that he is the consumate egotistical
complainer, whether it be his Calloway Corvette, Jeep GC, Ferrari, or in
this case, his Crownline boat (oops, don't forget the "330 CR" portion).

I am a Crownline owner and am extremely satisfied with both the product
and the management of the Crownline company. I am also a daily reader and
sometimes participant in the Owner's Forum. It has been my perception, for
as long as I've been reading the forum, that Charles is either an idiot or
a sixth grader. Dave Sundin has bent over backwards on numerous occasions
to make allowances for Charles' predictable behavior. A couple of months
ago, I decided to stop participating in the forum because of Charles's
ranting and Sundin's seeming refusal to bounce this irrational fool from
the forum.

I now congratulate Dave Sundin for doing what he needed to do, regardless
of his feeling that the customer is always right. Thanks Dave! The forum
is now, once again, a super place to find out about boating; the only
place to address specific model oriented questions; all with the active
participation of a concerned customer oriented management. What more can
you ask of any company?

->Just a opinion ,I don't know who's telling the truth but as a small business
->person myself.I always try to work out a compromise with a customer,who feels
->they have a problem.In most cases a solution can be worked out,it seems from
->reading your column and the company's response to your complaints,that this
->argument has taken on personal ramifications and finger pointing.My suggestion
->is start from square one and both try to reason in private.I dont care how
->strong or good a companies product is.A customer's complaint should always be
->taken extremely seriously.Its sad to see the boating forum used for these
->purposes.It doesn't present a good image for our hobby,especially to
->newcomers.Mike no one wins with a attorney,but at the same time Dave,it
does no
->good to have your company's name splashed in bad light across a forum like
->this.Here's hoping a reasonable solution can be worked out.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/5/98

Totally unecessary.... Indeed you will find a very long attack from one
IDIOT whom GOT fired from his pencil pushing position after being proven
wrong on all alligations.

I do indeed have a lot of toys and enjoy them.... But I expect them in
perfect shape always:

Never had a problem with Callaway on my 2 months old Vette
Never Had a problem with my Hatteras
Never had a Problem with Audi

Most of the postings attacking me on the forum and NGs are a result of
chronic jealousy and you "al Mark" have shown this on the Crownline
forum.... if you wish I can publish your comments....

It all comes down to: I am 24 1/2 and work my butt of to afford nice
toys.... which I WANT perfectly working to specs. EASY.

The fact that you need to specify:

>this case, his Crownline boat (oops, don't forget the "330 CR" portion).

Shows that you suffer from a big complex of inferiority.... Do you have a

Al: wise up and grow up, don't try to attack someone who expects what he
pays for, and before making a post like this one research the issue (read
all postings) and then post here. You have posted nonsense and you refer to
a poor jealous guy who got cought with his paints down....


Al Mark wrote in message ...

Dave Brown

Mar 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/5/98

Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:

> Totally unecessary.... Indeed you will find a very long attack from one
> IDIOT whom GOT fired from his pencil pushing position after being proven
> wrong on all alligations.

Is this the post? I'd be intersted in hearing your side.

Subject: Re: Charles A. Ambrosecchia at a glance
From: Scott Campbell <>
Date: 1998/01/12
Message-ID: <>

Why is the date on the HTML file for this page only several minutes
before this
message was posted? Good cover...just in time, though.
Incidentally, Charles answers his own 888 business telephone...quite
Of course that could be because the number he lists on his business web
site is
actually his home phone number, which is at a different address entirely
(315 King St)
from his business address (PO Box 271), which is a post office box.
Boy, talk about
putting your employees in tiny cubicles all day...try being productive
working in a
post office box! Barely enough room for a tiny plant and one of those
computers, I dare say! Tough running a multi-quadrillion dollar
conglomerate out of a Post Office box these days, isn't it?
(Oh, that info is from handy reverse directory
provider...and it's
public info, so don't have out to me about posting your home address.)
Boy, you got one up on me, though. When I started my networking
consulting business
out of a post box, I didn't make enough for a used honda scooter, let
along an F40!
I'm impressed...
A tip, time use Mail Boxes Etcetera. That way, you get a
real street
address instead of a PO Box number. For some silly reason, a bunch of
companies and most reputable software/hardware manufacturers patently
refuse to
deliver to PO boxes. I remember that made it real tough for me to do
I couldn't seem to get anyone to deliver the NIC cards, hubs, PC's,
routers, software,
etc to me so I could install them for my customers. Pissed off a bunch
of customers
that way, I did.
And Charles, you really should put your company name in the Yellow Pages
for Port
Chester,'ll get a lot more business that way. Especially
considering a dozen
or so competitors are already listed there. You might make sure you're
listed with
800-555-1212 under MasterNet as well, since they don't seem to know
about you. I
contact a lot of businesses this way. Always good for business when
people are able
to actually, you know, find you.
And you almost had me with that scanned picture of your key ring...too
bad the
attachment didn't come through (*ahem*)And people, according to his bio,
he doesn't
have MBA's. He has two masters', in Industrial Management and Computer
Let's be precise here.
Even given that one can complete a full technical undergrad and two
Masters' in, let's
be generous, 6 years (took me 5.5 for one technical undergrad and an MBA
while working
full this seems more than a fair estimate to me)...that makes
him 18 when he
started. long as you're not supporting a racing career
for nearly
every Eurpopean auto maker, and trying to keep a dozen or so businesses
running while
doing it. Not to mention finding time to date and get married.
I can easily believe the fickle hand of fate can lavish untold wealth on
any poor sot
lucky enough to pick the proper numbers or be born to fortune, but time
is an
invariant that tells the truth of Mr. Ambrosecchia's yarn. No amount
of money can
buy you a 34 year olds' life a decade early.
If anybody really wants to verify this rot, do a verification of
credentials from the
Zurich Polytechnic or MIT. Or check for tax ID numbers on a couple of
"companies". Or pretend to employ his services and request business
and/or bank
references. That should sort it out. Or, check with the auto companies
he claims to
have served and see if they have any info on him...that could be a
hoot. I'd do it
myself, but alas, I'm already convinced.
Or Charles, how about firing up the old scanner and posting up copies of
diplomas, ECNE, MCSE, and vendor certifications. C'Mon man, the
gauntlet has been
dropped...honor demands you flood us with JPG's that will turn our own
around and ram it down our own throats! C'mon, I haven't eaten crow in
days...make me pay! Do it! Do it!

jay felter <> wrote in article
> Just a bit of history to qualify this poster/poser:
> 12/18/96 Charles has a 92 Z28 25th Anniv. with 635HP,
> 230 MPH, Koni & Fiberglass Body
> 4/5/97 Is the "Chief Network Engineer" at MasterNet Intl.
> and gives accounting advice. Sells "Proton Computer
> Systems" and announces that MasterNet has formed
> "MBA Financial Corp."
> 7/25/97 Gives advice to CPA's - Charles now owns
> Master Net USA, Italy, and Germany, advises someone
> to use a spellchecker.
> 7/31/97 Has problems with his 97 Jeep Grand Cherokee,
> reveals that he has a Lamborghini.
> 10/7/97 Charles reveals he bought a "Crownline 330"
> powerboat in June and is happy with it. He is the
> happy owner of a 65' Hatteras also.
> 10/14/97 Charles owns a "pretty large company" he used to
> have a 67' Hatteras.
> 10/15/97 Charles is now a "Networking Team Leader"
> 12/15/97 Charles reveals he "used to race for BMW" and
> raves about his 98 C5 Callaway Corvette.
> 12/17/97 Charles recalls "retorquing" a kid who tried to
> mess up his 98 C5 with a screwdriver. Later
> reveals that the kid was in the hospital for a
> long time and now details Charles' cars.
> 12/19/97 Charles reveals that his wife has MB 600SL.
> 12/19/97 Charles reveals that his father has an F50 and is
> an attorney for Ferrari.
> 12/19/97 Now Charles owns an F40.
> 12/20/97 Charles is a "formula racer" who gets free seats
> from Recaro for his C5 Vette.
> 12/20/97 Charles remembers that he owns/owned a 348,
> Testarossa, 512 TR and an F40.
> 12/20/97 Charles posts his various titles and company
> holdings, mentions that his mother drives and
> Audi and his sister a Vette (this in the Ferrari
> ng)
> 12/22/97 Over in the Vette ng, Charles reveals that he gets
> a "major price cut" from Calloway.
> 1/8/98 Charles announces he is "very disappointed" with
> the MB S500 after a test drive. His wife has an
> Audi S8 now, Charles has an F50, Vette C5, 97
> SL500, remembers that he used to have a 95 AMG
> SL500 and a 190 2.3 16V.
> 1/8/98 Charles reveals he was Michael Schumacher's "best
> friend" while he was at Benetton.
> 1/8/98 Audi ng - "S8" changes to an "A8" that Charles has
> had for two weeks.
> 1/10/98 Charles reveals that he raced Mercedes-Sauber,
> Porsche, BMW, and Audis in "Sport Turism" class in
> Europe. SL500 AMG is now a 93 (was a 95 2 days ago),
> he reveals that he gets a 39% discount from MBZ
> because he raced and worked with them.
> 1/10/98 Charles reveals the colleges he attended while
> getting a dual MBA along with his internships at
> Benz, Porsche, Audi, and Ferrari. He know how
> much it costs to produce a car because of this.
> 1/10/98 S500 test drive at 120 MPH - compares steering to
> his yacht (which one?). SL500 AMG is now a 92.
> 1/10/98 Charles reveals he has a Lamborghini Diablo VT.
> 1/10/98 Reveals that he started his business two years ago
> with a credit card and now has 170 employees. He
> is now 25 years old.
> 1/11/98 Reveals that he used to have a Viper before the C5
> 1/11/98 Wife's Audi S8 now has 475 HP (4.2). Charles goes
> 180 MPH Today in the Audi and has it checked by
> a friendly trooper with RADAR.
> 1/11/98 Charles shares the fact that he speaks 7 languages
> fluently.
> 1/11/98 Audi S8 is now European version but is down to
> 375 HP.

Its Mingo

Mar 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/5/98

Wow! Now this thread's really getting interesting!

>Incidentally, Charles answers his own 888 business telephone...quite
>Of course that could be because the number he lists on his business web
>site is

>actually his home phone number, which is at a different address entirely......

(much snipping)

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/5/98

Mr Brown:

An accurate research of the follow ups will show:

Dave Brown wrote in message <>...

>Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:
>> Totally unecessary.... Indeed you will find a very long attack from one
>> IDIOT whom GOT fired from his pencil pushing position after being proven
>> wrong on all alligations.
>Is this the post? I'd be intersted in hearing your side.
>Subject: Re: Charles A. Ambrosecchia at a glance
>From: Scott Campbell <>
>Date: 1998/01/12
>Message-ID: <>
>Why is the date on the HTML file for this page only several minutes
>before this

The site was and is still under development.

>message was posted? Good cover...just in time, though.
>Incidentally, Charles answers his own 888 business telephone...quite
>Of course that could be because the number he lists on his business web
>site is
>actually his home phone number, which is at a different address entirely
>(315 King St)

My home address is in CT.... That's all. The number (with my name) is my
direct fax number.... just try it....

>from his business address (PO Box 271), which is a post office box.
>Boy, talk about
>putting your employees in tiny cubicles all day...try being productive
>working in a
>post office box! Barely enough room for a tiny plant and one of those
>computers, I dare say! Tough running a multi-quadrillion dollar

With over 300 pieces of mail/day.... try to ask the mail-man to bring it up
here... Anyway: that way we get the mail by 9:00 AM and not 2:00 PM (the
bank closes at 3 PM)

>conglomerate out of a Post Office box these days, isn't it?
>(Oh, that info is from handy reverse directory

Go and try....

>provider...and it's
>public info, so don't have out to me about posting your home address.)
>Boy, you got one up on me, though. When I started my networking
>consulting business
>out of a post box, I didn't make enough for a used honda scooter, let
>along an F40!
>I'm impressed...
>A tip, time use Mail Boxes Etcetera. That way, you get a
>real street
>address instead of a PO Box number. For some silly reason, a bunch of
>companies and most reputable software/hardware manufacturers patently
>refuse to
>deliver to PO boxes. I remember that made it real tough for me to do
>I couldn't seem to get anyone to deliver the NIC cards, hubs, PC's,
>routers, software,
>etc to me so I could install them for my customers. Pissed off a bunch
>of customers
>that way, I did.

That is not our case.... suppliers have a precise shipping address...

>And Charles, you really should put your company name in the Yellow Pages
>for Port
>Chester,'ll get a lot more business that way. Especially
>considering a dozen
>or so competitors are already listed there. You might make sure you're
>listed with
>800-555-1212 under MasterNet as well, since they don't seem to know
>about you. I

A better look (and I posted a scan of it) will show our quarter page and 1/2
page ads in NY CT and NJ (over $27K month)

We hate unsollicited sales calls at our expenses.... that should be

>contact a lot of businesses this way. Always good for business when
>people are able
>to actually, you know, find you.
>And you almost had me with that scanned picture of your key ring...too
>bad the
>attachment didn't come through (*ahem*)And people, according to his bio,
>he doesn't
>have MBA's. He has two masters', in Industrial Management and Computer
>Let's be precise here.

Incorrect..... read again

>Even given that one can complete a full technical undergrad and two
>Masters' in, let's
>be generous, 6 years (took me 5.5 for one technical undergrad and an MBA
>while working

It didn't take me as much.... That's why you are an *Employee* and I am an

>full this seems more than a fair estimate to me)...that makes
>him 18 when he
>started. long as you're not supporting a racing career
>for nearly
>every Eurpopean auto maker, and trying to keep a dozen or so businesses
>running while

I am proud to be able to say that I PAID for my education....

>doing it. Not to mention finding time to date and get married.
>I can easily believe the fickle hand of fate can lavish untold wealth on
>any poor sot
>lucky enough to pick the proper numbers or be born to fortune, but time
>is an
>invariant that tells the truth of Mr. Ambrosecchia's yarn. No amount
>of money can
>buy you a 34 year olds' life a decade early.

94 Hrs. of work /week can do it.....

>If anybody really wants to verify this rot, do a verification of
>credentials from the
>Zurich Polytechnic or MIT. Or check for tax ID numbers on a couple of
>"companies". Or pretend to employ his services and request business
>and/or bank
>references. That should sort it out. Or, check with the auto companies
>he claims to
>have served and see if they have any info on him...that could be a
>hoot. I'd do it
>myself, but alas, I'm already convinced.
>Or Charles, how about firing up the old scanner and posting up copies of
>diplomas, ECNE, MCSE, and vendor certifications. C'Mon man, the
>gauntlet has been
>dropped...honor demands you flood us with JPG's that will turn our own
>around and ram it down our own throats! C'mon, I haven't eaten crow in
>days...make me pay! Do it! Do it!

I have posted copy of registrations (Cars), copy of licenses etc. While this

Said he had a masters degree, owned a big company etc... at the end he is
the Service tech at an auto financial company ..... I went as far as posting
his direct phone number there....

That's the power of RESOURCES.......

>jay felter <> wrote in article
>> Just a bit of history to qualify this poster/poser:
>> 12/18/96 Charles has a 92 Z28 25th Anniv. with 635HP,
>> 230 MPH, Koni & Fiberglass Body


>> 4/5/97 Is the "Chief Network Engineer" at MasterNet Intl.
>> and gives accounting advice. Sells "Proton Computer
>> Systems" and announces that MasterNet has formed
>> "MBA Financial Corp."

Masternet has spun off MBA Financial

>> 7/25/97 Gives advice to CPA's - Charles now owns
>> Master Net USA, Italy, and Germany, advises someone
>> to use a spellchecker.

I hated some CPA who stated that only CPA's can reppresent a client in front
of the IRS and state tax commision.... Enrolled agents can do it as well and
EA can reppresent the client in fron of ANY state, while CPA are limited to
the state they are licensed to parctice.... (my wife is a CPA)

>> 7/31/97 Has problems with his 97 Jeep Grand Cherokee,
>> reveals that he has a Lamborghini.

So what?

>> 10/7/97 Charles reveals he bought a "Crownline 330"
>> powerboat in June and is happy with it. He is the
>> happy owner of a 65' Hatteras also.


>> 10/14/97 Charles owns a "pretty large company" he used to
>> have a 67' Hatteras.

So what?

>> 10/15/97 Charles is now a "Networking Team Leader"

I don't need to say President or CEO every time, while in a NG with pairs I
use the same title they use.... after all we were all network engineers and
this title reflects what I actually *do* in the company

>> 12/15/97 Charles reveals he "used to race for BMW" and
>> raves about his 98 C5 Callaway Corvette.

So what?

>> 12/17/97 Charles recalls "retorquing" a kid who tried to
>> mess up his 98 C5 with a screwdriver. Later
>> reveals that the kid was in the hospital for a
>> long time and now details Charles' cars.

Natural..... wouldn't everybody....

>> 12/19/97 Charles reveals that his wife has MB 600SL.

Mistype for 500SL

>> 12/19/97 Charles reveals that his father has an F50 and is
>> an attorney for Ferrari.


>> 12/19/97 Now Charles owns an F40.

Always had it

>> 12/20/97 Charles is a "formula racer" who gets free seats
>> from Recaro for his C5 Vette.

So what.... jealous?

>> 12/20/97 Charles remembers that he owns/owned a 348,
>> Testarossa, 512 TR and an F40.

Consistent with previous posting..... Included pictures in the reply...

>> 12/20/97 Charles posts his various titles and company
>> holdings, mentions that his mother drives and
>> Audi and his sister a Vette (this in the Ferrari
>> ng)

S what?

>> 12/22/97 Over in the Vette ng, Charles reveals that he gets
>> a "major price cut" from Calloway.

Actually Callway..... so what again?

>> 1/8/98 Charles announces he is "very disappointed" with
>> the MB S500 after a test drive. His wife has an

>> Audi S8 now.Charles has an F50, Vette C5, 97

>> SL500, remembers that he used to have a 95 AMG
>> SL500 and a 190 2.3 16V.

The S8 was my wife's Birthday and Xmas gift in 1997..... posted copy of

Only one 500 SL (he confused himself....) I have the pleasure to *drive* the
F50 since it's in my storage-garage

>> 1/8/98 Charles reveals he was Michael Schumacher's "best
>> friend" while he was at Benetton.

So what?

>> 1/8/98 Audi ng - "S8" changes to an "A8" that Charles has
>> had for two weeks.

A8 is the body style.... S8 is the package..... learn about these cars.....
Just like A4 and S4... or A6 and S6

>> 1/10/98 Charles reveals that he raced Mercedes-Sauber,
>> Porsche, BMW, and Audis in "Sport Turism" class in
>> Europe. SL500 AMG is now a 93 (was a 95 2 days ago),
>> he reveals that he gets a 39% discount from MBZ
>> because he raced and worked with them.

AKA Employee discount...... so.......

>> 1/10/98 Charles reveals the colleges he attended while
>> getting a dual MBA along with his internships at
>> Benz, Porsche, Audi, and Ferrari. He know how
>> much it costs to produce a car because of this.

That's what I have studied for..... BTW include FIAT

>> 1/10/98 S500 test drive at 120 MPH - compares steering to
>> his yacht (which one?). SL500 AMG is now a 92.

Two different cars.....

>> 1/10/98 Charles reveals he has a Lamborghini Diablo VT.

VTC to be correct

>> 1/10/98 Reveals that he started his business two years ago
>> with a credit card and now has 170 employees. He
>> is now 25 years old.

Always been 24.... born in 1973

>> 1/11/98 Reveals that he used to have a Viper before the C5


>> 1/11/98 Wife's Audi S8 now has 475 HP (4.2). Charles goes
>> 180 MPH Today in the Audi and has it checked by
>> a friendly trooper with RADAR.

So what? Can't have friends?

>> 1/11/98 Charles shares the fact that he speaks 7 languages
>> fluently.

Well, so what? Do you need to speak another language? I do speak 7 other

>> 1/11/98 Audi S8 is now European version but is down to
>> 375 HP.

We were discussing the off the line HP rating of this car in several parts
of the world as people from Norwy reported a different HP rating and Euro
cars have usually more HP and USA models.....


Mar 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/6/98

Charles, Do you really think that readers of this news group don't know you
for what you really are? What about the readers of all the auto groups that
have been bashing you? Last I looked there were over 1200 postings either by
you, or about you. Seems to me that folks have caught on to you. Time to
change your name and try again. I would respond to you resume, but for 24
1/2 year old you seem to have done it all. Plus have time to work "96" hours
a week, When do you ever have time to enjoy all your toys? I guess its a
hard life to be as good as you are. But then your the only one who knows the
"facts". The rest of us are just non believers. In article
<6dmdfe$>, "Charles A. Ambrosecchia"
<> wrote: > > Totally unecessary.... Indeed you will

find a very long attack from one > IDIOT whom GOT fired from his pencil
pushing position after being proven > wrong on all alligations. > > I do

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----

Its Mingo

Mar 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/7/98

>I would respond to you resume, but for 24
>1/2 year old you seem to have done it all. Plus have time to work "96" hours
>a week, When do you ever have time to enjoy all your toys? I guess its a
>hard life to be as good as you are. But then your the only one who knows the
>"facts". The rest of us are just non believers.

Seems like we would have seen an article in Fortune by now.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/7/98

Actually was in Inc.magazine....


Its Mingo wrote in message

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/7/98

Just to be fair:

My toy cars take me from home to work to my clients and back.
The Floating toys keep me in peace during the summer week-ends (wish I could
use them in winter)

And for the record my last vacation was a 3 days quick deal (200 miles away)
for my honey moon.

I love my job and my clients and they love me. Simple. What do you think I
am doing on Sat at 9:51PM in the office? (Vette in the lot)

I have a dream and another 5 months to fulfill it.... YES beeing at the
level of a 50 year old.

I strive of my professionalism, job knowledge and public recognition.
Michel: there is no need to argue... Just understand that I like to get what
I pay for, my 330 still has a problem and Crownline dumped the dealer, other
dealers refuse to fix the problems because they DIDN't sell the boat and
Dave was no help. Jim Duff has been very helpfull.

To answer the original question: Do you know many people that are willing to
loose $40K in 5 months on a new boat? If you want to sell the boat would you
say all the minor problems? Sorry but try to understand.

Charles wrote in message <6dpehl$492$>...
>Charles,Do you really think that readers of this news group don't know you

>for what you really are? What about the readers of all the auto groups
>have been bashing you? Last I looked there were over 1200 postings either
>you, or about you. Seems to me that folks have caught on to you. Time to

>change your name and try again.I would respond to you resume, but for 24

>1/2 year old you seem to have done it all. Plus have time to work "96"
>a week, When do you ever have time to enjoy all your toys? I guess its a
>hard life to be as good as you are. But then your the only one who knows

>"facts". The rest of us are just non believers.In article


Mar 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/7/98

Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:
> Actually was in Inc.magazine....
> Charles

Volume and Issue number? Page number?

Just curious. Thanks in advance.


Mar 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/8/98

Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote>

>My toy cars take me from home to work to my clients and back.
>The Floating toys keep me in peace during the summer week-ends (wish I could
>use them in winter)
>And for the record my last vacation was a 3 days quick deal (200 miles away)
>for my honey moon.

Sounds nice Charles, now what issue of Inc. were you in?

Michael Stern

Mar 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/8/98


We are all waiting to hear what issue your in Charles.... That would make third
party verification of your "Stories".... till then, think of all of us as if
we're from the "Show me State"


Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:

> Actually was in Inc.magazine....
> Charles

> Its Mingo wrote in message
> <>...

> >>I would respond to you resume, but for 24
> >>1/2 year old you seem to have done it all. Plus have time to work "96"
> hours
> >>a week, When do you ever have time to enjoy all your toys? I guess its a
> >>hard life to be as good as you are. But then your the only one who knows
> the

Michael Stern

Mar 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/8/98

Just to be fair, postings on Saturday nights at 20:57 don't mean your at work,
could be home alone dreaming on your PC.

And it sounds like your Crownline problem is due to the dealer no longer selling
them. Not Crownline's support.


Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:

> Just to be fair:
> My toy cars take me from home to work to my clients and back.
> The Floating toys keep me in peace during the summer week-ends (wish I could
> use them in winter)

Must have a new toy very often... all those cars you have "had".

> And for the record my last vacation was a 3 days quick deal (200 miles away)
> for my honey moon.

All you could afford?

> I love my job and my clients and they love me. Simple. What do you think I
> am doing on Sat at 9:51PM in the office? (Vette in the lot)

Already commented on, but you seem to have time to write 100s of posting to the
NGs, time at work most be rather slow.

> I have a dream and another 5 months to fulfill it.... YES beeing at the
> level of a 50 year old.

What's that, old and gray?

> I strive of my professionalism, job knowledge and public recognition.
> Michel: there is no need to argue... Just understand that I like to get what
> I pay for, my 330 still has a problem and Crownline dumped the dealer, other
> dealers refuse to fix the problems because they DIDN't sell the boat and
> Dave was no help. Jim Duff has been very helpfull.
> To answer the original question: Do you know many people that are willing to
> loose $40K in 5 months on a new boat? If you want to sell the boat would you
> say all the minor problems? Sorry but try to understand.

That's what happens when you buy brand new and try and sell in one season. But
you should know that with all the cars you had. You most get a new one every
few months, taking a beating would be common place for you by now.. assuming
your telling us the full story...

Alley Boy

Mar 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/8/98

Red Inc.

CapnTroy wrote in message <>...
>Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote>

>>My toy cars take me from home to work to my clients and back.
>>The Floating toys keep me in peace during the summer week-ends (wish I
>>use them in winter)
>>And for the record my last vacation was a 3 days quick deal (200 miles
>>for my honey moon.

Gould 0738

Mar 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/9/98

Money is like sex was in the 10th grade.

You never knew who was really getting any or not; with one certain

The guy who couldn't shut up about how much, how often, and with whom.....he
was doing without!

S. McNab

Mar 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/9/98

Hehe! Good one.

For fun... check out:

Fortune Magazine (60th Aniversary Edition)
March 26, 1990
Page next to 110 (it's a Land's End advertisement so no page number)
I'm the goof (@ 8 oclock) in the bottom right picture.


In article <>,


Mar 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/9/98

S. McNab wrote:
>For fun... check out:
>Fortune Magazine (60th Aniversary Edition)
>March 26, 1990
>Page next to 110 (it's a Land's End advertisement so no page number)
>I'm the goof (@ 8 oclock) in the bottom right picture.
Well, at least we know one person who made it into a magazine. Gee, Charles
Ambrosecchia is strangely silent lately.

Mar 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/9/98

It jusy so happens that INC has a web site with a search engine that lets
anyone search for any topic.

If you do a search on Charles's name this is the result:

Search for: Ambrosecchia

In Entire Site
Inc. magazine
Inc. Online Features
Local Business News
Inc. Business Resources

Newest First
By Relevance

Your query matched no documents. Please try a different set of search terms.

Connect keywords with AND--Example: advertising AND internet.

Search Tips Here!

Charles we can't find you!

In article <>,

Michael Stern <> wrote:
> Charles,
> We are all waiting to hear what issue your in Charles.... That would make
> party verification of your "Stories".... till then, think of all of us as
> we're from the "Show me State"

> Michael
> Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:

> > Actually was in Inc.magazine....
> >
> > Charles
> >
> > Its Mingo wrote in message
> > <>...

> > >>I would respond to you resume, but for 24
> > >>1/2 year old you seem to have done it all. Plus have time to work "96"
> > hours
> > >>a week, When do you ever have time to enjoy all your toys? I guess
its a
> > >>hard life to be as good as you are. But then your the only one who
> > the

> > >>"facts". The rest of us are just non believers.
> > >
> > >Seems like we would have seen an article in Fortune by now.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/9/98

In reply to:

~~~~Where to find it:

Since you are all seasoned buseiness men (that read the magazine....) you
shouldn't need to ask.... anyway I have nothing to prove but... you can
check the last 2 years and you will find 3 articles about 2 of my companies
(with my name and wife).

~~~~~To why was I quite lately:

Simple:Family member in the hospital.

~~~~~~To Michael Stern:

Doubts about my Crown? You know how to get in touch with Crownline (Dave and
Jim) just ask them..... (To my knowledge THE MOST expensive boat from
If you have a problem about their phone number or e-mail address, you can
find it yourself.

~~~~~To this person:


The guy who couldn't shut up about how much, how often, and with whom.....he
was doing without!


Using a bit more brain would make you understand (and re-read) my original
posting..... Did I brag about anything? It was only a suggestion of an
alternate contact at Crownline.

~~~~ My analogy:
Only jealous (loosers) people have the time to attack someone better then

At the end: (bottom line)

I didn't loose anything, you haven't gained anything, I got my message
across to Crownline and my Crown is being fixed. A few of you proved
non-capable of reading, a few of you jealus and a few just idiots.

Guess what? At the end I achieved my goal.... how about you?

That's what a smart businessman does.... use all the resources possible to
achieve it's result.

Good bye and thanks for helping me making a lot of noise!!!!!

Charles A. Ambrosecchia
'the guy in the mobile home under the bridge' wrote in message <6e19tj$s3m$>...

Gould 0738

Mar 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/10/98

Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:

>~~~~ My analogy:
>Only jealous (loosers) people have the time to attack someone better then
>At the end: (bottom line)
>I didn't loose anything, you haven't gained anything, I got my message
>across to Crownline and my Crown is being fixed. A few of you proved
>non-capable of reading, a few of you jealus and a few just idiots.
>Guess what? At the end I achieved my goal.... how about you?

I'm becoming more impressed by this guy every minute. To be so successful, to
"better then" the jealous "loosers" and the few "just idiots" his boring
boasting irritated
is even more impressive when one considers that all of his earthly wealth has
been achieved (obviously) without benefit of tact or education.

Must be Daddy's money.......(just a guess)

Michael Stern

Mar 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/12/98

Sorry Charles,

Did a search through my Corporate Library and found NOTHING. Seems you can
fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the


Charles A. Ambrosecchia wrote:

> In reply to:
> ~~~~Where to find it:
> Since you are all seasoned buseiness men (that read the magazine....) you
> shouldn't need to ask.... anyway I have nothing to prove but... you can
> check the last 2 years and you will find 3 articles about 2 of my companies
> (with my name and wife).
> ~~~~~To why was I quite lately:
> Simple:Family member in the hospital.
> ~~~~~~To Michael Stern:
> Doubts about my Crown? You know how to get in touch with Crownline (Dave and
> Jim) just ask them..... (To my knowledge THE MOST expensive boat from
> Crownline.......)
> If you have a problem about their phone number or e-mail address, you can
> find it yourself.
> ~~~~~To this person:
> ------
> The guy who couldn't shut up about how much, how often, and with whom.....he
> was doing without!
> ------
> Using a bit more brain would make you understand (and re-read) my original
> posting..... Did I brag about anything? It was only a suggestion of an
> alternate contact at Crownline.

> ~~~~ My analogy:
> Only jealous (loosers) people have the time to attack someone better then
> them.....
> At the end: (bottom line)
> I didn't loose anything, you haven't gained anything, I got my message
> across to Crownline and my Crown is being fixed. A few of you proved
> non-capable of reading, a few of you jealus and a few just idiots.
> Guess what? At the end I achieved my goal.... how about you?

Al Mark

Mar 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/12/98

Michael Stern wrote:

->Sorry Charles,
->Did a search through my Corporate Library and found NOTHING. Seems you can
->fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the

Poor Charles, he doesn't have time to respond to this onslaught Michael.
What with the 96 hour week and his present devotion to the corvette
groupies (I'll bet they're all wowed with his knowledge).

I'm trying to figure out what night school he's been attending to get his GED.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98


Sorry for the reply.... I just realized why you like attacking me.....

I bought my 182 BR last July

Does it have to do with the fact that you have the CHEAPEST boat from Crownline
while I own the most expensive one they build (and you know....)?

Or as you stated before..... I have a answer for everything.... including tax
issues? That may have to do with the fact that today I spent all morning reviewing
my consolidated audits and my IRS form 1120 and New York CT Delaware and Nevada
state returns (indeed they were due today!), this week I may break 100 hrs!

Sorry Al but in so many instances you proved jealous.... I am looking for a new
dinghy, let me know if you want to sell you 182.




Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98

Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA wrote:

> My office is the last 5 windows on the top floor on the right!
> Don't have more time to waste with you....

Nor we with you! You taught us why fences are sometimes necessary.
Adios, Charles.

Did he ever post anything about boats and boating or were all his posts
exercises in self gratification? Yep, quite a body of work.

Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA

Mar 14, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/14/98


What's your corporate library? You may be better off by calling D&B and get one of my companies rating....


Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA wrote:

> PS:

> My office is the last 5 windows on the top floor on the right!
> Don't have more time to waste with you....

> Charles
> Al Mark wrote:
> > Michael Stern wrote:
> >
> > ->Sorry Charles,
> > ->
> > ->Did a search through my Corporate Library and found NOTHING. Seems you can
> > ->fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the
> > ->time.
> > ->
> > ->Michael
> > ->
> >
> > Poor Charles, he doesn't have time to respond to this onslaught Michael.
> > What with the 96 hour week and his present devotion to the corvette
> > groupies (I'll bet they're all wowed with his knowledge).
> >
> > I'm trying to figure out what night school he's been attending to get his GED.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Image]

Its Mingo

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

Charles said:

>What's your corporate library? You may be better off by calling D&B and get
>one of my companies rating....

I think Charles is a bit out of touch if he's not familiar with what a
corporate library is and what its resources typically consist of. D & B's are
one of the more commonly performed functions.

Michael Stern

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

Charles "MBA"

Mine is also on the top floor with glass on two sides.... must make me important too.
Just cut the bull shit.


Michael Stern

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98


The Library is a rather good one, good enough to prove you lie.


Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA wrote:

> Al:
> What's your corporate library? You may be better off by calling D&B and get one of my companies rating....
> Charles

Michael Stern

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98


Won't you ever learn. You can't judge a man's weath buy the size of his boat. But
you can judge a man buy the amount of bull shit he tries to pass off as weath. And
you my friend are very good at passing out bull shit. You aren't any thing near what
you claim to be, deal with it and grow up.


Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA wrote:

> Al:

> Sorry for the reply.... I just realized why you like attacking me.....
> -------
> I bought my 182 BR last July
> ------
> Does it have to do with the fact that you have the CHEAPEST boat from Crownline
> while I own the most expensive one they build (and you know....)?
> Or as you stated before..... I have a answer for everything.... including tax
> issues? That may have to do with the fact that today I spent all morning reviewing
> my consolidated audits and my IRS form 1120 and New York CT Delaware and Nevada
> state returns (indeed they were due today!), this week I may break 100 hrs!
> Sorry Al but in so many instances you proved jealous.... I am looking for a new
> dinghy, let me know if you want to sell you 182.
> Regards,

Charles A. Ambrosecchia,

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98


D&B can provide you with:

-Company Income
-Company size
-Company reliability

Or even Lexis Nexis.....


Its Mingo wrote:

> Charles said:
> >Al:
> >
> >What's your corporate library? You may be better off by calling D&B and get
> >one of my companies rating....
> >
> >Charles
> >
> >

Charles A. Ambrosecchia,

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98


your boat is a 27K boat.... mine 190K, not considering the Hatteras.....
It's exactly 7.04 times more expensive than yours, plus add 6K /year dockage, gas,
insurance etc. At least 3 times more expensive than your to upkeep. You know Dave's
e-mail if you doubt that I own it....

Live with it.... YOU ARE A JEALOUS IDIOT.....


Charles A. Ambrosecchia,

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

If you own the building.....

Perhaps you may wish to continue the discussion on



Michael Stern wrote:

> Charles "MBA"
> Mine is also on the top floor with glass on two sides.... must make me important too.
> Just cut the bull shit.

> Michael
> Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA wrote:

> > PS:
> >
> > My office is the last 5 windows on the top floor on the right!
> > Don't have more time to waste with you....
> >

> > Charles
> >
> > Al Mark wrote:
> >
> > > Michael Stern wrote:
> > >
> > > ->Sorry Charles,
> > > ->
> > > ->Did a search through my Corporate Library and found NOTHING. Seems you can
> > > ->fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the
> > > ->time.
> > > ->
> > > ->Michael
> > > ->
> > >
> > > Poor Charles, he doesn't have time to respond to this onslaught Michael.
> > > What with the 96 hour week and his present devotion to the corvette
> > > groupies (I'll bet they're all wowed with his knowledge).
> > >
> > > I'm trying to figure out what night school he's been attending to get his GED.
> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > [Image]

Michael Stern

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98


Get real. I don't need to brag to prove how or what I am. I just don't believe your BS.


Michael Stern

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98


No need to fight about who's boat costs more. Its who really has what he says he has. You
can't prove you have any of the "toys" you have. Plus no one has been able to verify that
you even have a job.


Charles A. Ambrosecchia, wrote:

> Still:
> your boat is a 27K boat.... mine 190K, not considering the Hatteras.....
> It's exactly 7.04 times more expensive than yours, plus add 6K /year dockage, gas,
> insurance etc. At least 3 times more expensive than your to upkeep. You know Dave's
> e-mail if you doubt that I own it....
> Live with it.... YOU ARE A JEALOUS IDIOT.....
> Charles
> Michael Stern wrote:
> > Chuckie.....
> >
> > Won't you ever learn. You can't judge a man's weath buy the size of his boat. But
> > you can judge a man buy the amount of bull shit he tries to pass off as weath. And
> > you my friend are very good at passing out bull shit. You aren't any thing near what
> > you claim to be, deal with it and grow up.
> >

> > Michael
> >
> > Charles A. Ambrosecchia, MBA wrote:
> >

> > > Al:
> > >
> > > Sorry for the reply.... I just realized why you like attacking me.....
> > >
> > > -------
> > > I bought my 182 BR last July
> > > ------
> > >
> > > Does it have to do with the fact that you have the CHEAPEST boat from Crownline
> > > while I own the most expensive one they build (and you know....)?
> > >
> > > Or as you stated before..... I have a answer for everything.... including tax
> > > issues? That may have to do with the fact that today I spent all morning reviewing
> > > my consolidated audits and my IRS form 1120 and New York CT Delaware and Nevada
> > > state returns (indeed they were due today!), this week I may break 100 hrs!
> > >
> > > Sorry Al but in so many instances you proved jealous.... I am looking for a new
> > > dinghy, let me know if you want to sell you 182.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >


Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

Michael Stern wrote:
> Charles "MBA"
> Mine is also on the top floor with glass on two sides.... must make me important too.
> Just cut the bull shit.
> Michael

My office is in the back corner of my modest (if not spartan) single
level house and it has windows on both sides with a view of Haleakala,
mango trees, tangerine trees, orange trees, lychee trees, lemon trees,
lime trees and about 8,000 square feet of backyard that needs my

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

Well Larry:

I admire you for answering in a very smart manner.... Certain things are priceless.

The matter with Al Mark and Michael Stern is an old one... After they showed their ignorance in
the Crownline forum they looked all over for me hoping that they could discredit me. Their
biggest issue... "the guy has a answer for every question".... Last I checked knowledge is
something to be proud of... Indeed I have a Mechanical engineering background, I learned word by
word several nautical books (chapman etc.)

One of these two guys created a major issue in the forum about a $400 issue....

Now they try to attack my professional position and attempt to discredit my company etc. Any Joe
can check on Lexis Nexis, D&B... or even call the secretary of state of Delaware to chek my
companies. I am tired of this petty argument as I said earlier, my original posting "to all
crownline owners" was to suggest and publish the e-mail address of the technical MAN at
Crownline.... True I don't like Mr. Sterns and Mr. Mark's buddy at Crownline.... but even he has
to behave properly with me....

Anyway in a few weeks I will be a daddy myself and I hope that one day my son will be proud of
his Dad.


Larry KN4IM wrote:

> Just to put this stupidity in perspective, I met a man at the county
> boatramp today. He was taking his 8 yr old daughter out for her first
> ride in his new boat! His boat was a 1967 runabout powered by a
> Johnson 60hp outboard...the one with the red tank on the deck. It was
> a little dull, its gelcoat shine long gone. But neither one of you
> rich bastards could ever experience the proud smile on his face or the
> smile that little girl beamed when she said to me, "This is my Daddy's
> brand new boat!"
> I asked him how much it cost him, just for fun. I could see it was
> the best $250 he EVER SPENT IN HIS LIFE. He'll be back at work
> tomorrow. He builds cabinets in rich bastards gourmet kitchens, like
> yours.
> Sure hope he doesn't have to put up with either one of you....
> Larry....

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

One thing is for sure.... you have less headaches than me! :-)


Larry KN4IM wrote:

> My office is a cell phone in a 1986 Nissan Stanza Wagon full of church
> organ repair parts. You couldn't give me either one of them's job,
> it's driving them BOTH crazy!
> Don't look for me in Who's Who or your corporate bullshit database.
> I'm not in either.
> I gotta go now. The 18 ft of yard between my mobile home and my
> electrician neighbor's needs my attention. Guess I'll have to move
> the boat to get to the weeds.
> By the way, my office has windows ALL THE WAY AROUND! EIGHT OF THEM!
> Tinted! 4 of them even roll down! I bet if any of yours opened,
> you'd be gasping for breath from the city crap that would flood in.
> Mine open on the South Carolina country side. Your view will NEVER
> compare with mine. I'm paying 87c/gallon for mine.
> What a stupid thread.....but hidda made me doo it...hee hee.
> Larry...I gotta go. My parrots cages need dumping...(c;

Al Mark

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

->One of these two guys created a major issue in the forum about a $400
->Now they try to attack my professional position and attempt to discredit
my company etc.

Dear Mr. Charles MBA, Esq.,

Firstly, you may be assured that this will be the last time I will ever
give you the satisfaction of a reply. The world and I are getting tired of
this waste of precious bandwidth.

You have habitually contorted and fabricated "facts", and I use the two
statements as snipped above as examples. I have no idea what you are
talking about. I have not attacked your self-promoted professional
position, nor attempted to discredit your self-professed company (or is it
companies as you've stated elsewhere), nor know what the hell you are
talking about regarding a $400 issue. Nor, do I ever want to know.

For quite awhile, you've provided many hours of comic relief, but you are
getting stale, and as someone here said, a real number. I've perceived
from the first time I read your rantings on the Crownline Owner's Forum
that you were college freshman in real life. But, lately I see a pattern
of mental sickness in your postings that causes me to have sympathy for

You, Charles think that I, for one, am jealous of you and your toys.
Nothing could be further from reality. For you see, I am retired and don't
have to work 96 hours a day pursuing the madness of acquiring one
possession after another, without end, without purpose. I am retired. That
means I can choose to sleep all day if I want to, read all the books I
want to read, fish till I drop, play with my dog, watch a squirrel feed
its babies, sing a song to a grandchild, go shopping with my wife, or do
anything, anything I damn well please. Who's the richer man Charles, you
or me? You are not even close to where I'm at. You think it important that
one has a bigger boat, faster car, or more headaches than anyone else. You
may not realize it, but all you attract are the dock whores and the little
kids that think you are a "big wheel" like a moviestar when you drive by.
You're a pimp to consumption.

You have learned nothing yet in this life. I would have a 65' Hatteras, if
I chose to, or maybe I should buy your Crownline 330 and deep six it. I
have an 18' Crownline because the lake I live on is only 7 miles long and
a half mile wide. If the mood strikes me, I pull it out, stick it on my
trailer, and my wife and I take it out to the Colorado River, or anywhere
else I feel like. Why would I need fine boats such as yours. And is it
really important to you what size boat a person has Charles? I've been
there Charles - been there, done that.

But, Charles, that's not what its all about, and the pathetic part of it
is that you don't have a clue about what's important. I have raised four
fine children, sent them all to college, and so far, they have given me
three beautiful, intelligent, healthy grandchildren. This is what its all
about Charles. You will only have one chance at this life and you haven't
even started to learn what its all about yet. Better get moving, or you'll
be very disappointed downstream. Maybe your upcoming child will help you
learn. For your own good, please stop the immature focusing of your energy
on gathering the toys that don't mean shit to anyone but you and the
imagined foolish idiots you think admire you.


Brian Grant

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

You guys are all posting what appear to be perfectly legitimate,
unmunged e-mail addresses.

Why not use them instead of boring the rest of us with this crap.


Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

Hey, wait a minute. If I open my windows, I get balmy ocean breezes and
everything in my office turns to rust. Larry, I'll have you know, that
I have more weeds in my yard than you do. So there!!!!!



Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

What was that thing they say about a tree falling in the forest? Well,
to paraphrase, if nobody is around to hear a gorilla beat on his chest,
did he really do it?

Planet Nik

Mar 15, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/15/98

In article <>, "Charles A.
Ambrosecchia, MBA" <> writes
>You are actually right!

You are actually a dick head!

I don't give a toss how rich or important you are (or are not), don't
post binaries in this news group. We have to pay to download your



Larry KN4IM

Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

Larry KN4IM

Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

Greg Nardi

Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

I don't know any of these guys who are bragging about their boats, but they
must have little dicks or something. Any well adjusted adult male wouldn't
have to feel so inadequate unless he has a problem with his willy. I've
heard that there is an inversely proportional relationship between the size
of a guy's boat and the size of his unit. Is that true Charles?

hidda <> wrote in article

> to paraphrase, if nobody is around to hear a gorilla beat on his chest,
> did he really do it?

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

In certain cases is directly proportional.....

Anyway: I didn't come here to brag about anything, my original postion was
about the alternate contact at Crownline Boats Inc. Someone felt bad that I had
a problem with their buddy and suggested another person and that's how it all
started. In my original posting I don't even mention the size of the boat...


Greg Nardi wrote:

Charles A. Ambrosecchia
MasterNET Inc.
Ambrosecchia Holdings Group LLC


Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

Larry KN4IM wrote:
> Just to put this stupidity in perspective, I met a man at the county
> boatramp today. He was taking his 8 yr old daughter out for her first
> ride in his new boat! His boat was a 1967 runabout powered by a
> Johnson 60hp outboard...the one with the red tank on the deck. It was
> a little dull, its gelcoat shine long gone. But neither one of you
> rich bastards could ever experience the proud smile on his face or the
> smile that little girl beamed when she said to me, "This is my Daddy's
> brand new boat!" ...

A post from the heart. Telling it the way it is. Would like to see the

S. McNab

Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98


Well stated. You sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

Still waiting for warm weather...


> Dear Mr. Charles MBA, Esq.,
> Firstly, you may be assured that this will be the last time I will ever
> give you the satisfaction of a reply. The world and I are getting tired of
> this waste of precious bandwidth.

>>Snippity Snip<<

Mar 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/18/98

Charles, Ignorance is a term you should be quite familiar with. Given your
abilitly to shovel so much BS around and after doing as you requested of us
to confirm that your a fake I would have thought you would hide in a corner.
But true to form, your still here trying to fool more people all the time.
Well a Lexis Nexis search came up with a BIG FAT ZERO on you and your
company. Now where should I look? In article

<>, wrote: > >
Well Larry: > > I admire you for answering in a very smart manner....
Certain things are priceless. > > The matter with Al Mark and Michael Stern
is an old one... After they showed their ignorance in > the Crownline forum
they looked all over for me hoping that they could discredit me. Their >
biggest issue... "the guy has a answer for every question".... Last I checked
knowledge is > something to be proud of... Indeed I have a Mechanical
engineering background, I learned word by > word several nautical books
(chapman etc.) > > One of these two guys created a major issue in the forum
about a $400 issue.... > > Now they try to attack my professional position

and attempt to discredit my company etc. Any Joe > can check on Lexis Nexis,
D&B... or even call the secretary of state of Delaware to chek my >
companies. I am tired of this petty argument as I said earlier, my original
posting "to all > crownline owners" was to suggest and publish the e-mail
address of the technical MAN at > Crownline.... True I don't like Mr. Sterns
and Mr. Mark's buddy at Crownline.... but even he has > to behave properly
with me.... > > Charles > ------- > Anyway in a few weeks I will be a daddy
myself and I hope that one day my son will be proud of > his Dad. > >
Charles > > Larry KN4IM wrote: > > > Just to put this stupidity in

perspective, I met a man at the county > > boatramp today. He was taking his
8 yr old daughter out for her first > > ride in his new boat! His boat was a
1967 runabout powered by a > > Johnson 60hp outboard...the one with the red
tank on the deck. It was > > a little dull, its gelcoat shine long gone.
But neither one of you > > rich bastards could ever experience the proud
smile on his face or the > > smile that little girl beamed when she said to
me, "This is my Daddy's > > brand new boat!" > > > > I asked him how much it

cost him, just for fun. I could see it was > > the best $250 he EVER SPENT
IN HIS LIFE. He'll be back at work > > tomorrow. He builds cabinets in rich
bastards gourmet kitchens, like > > yours. > > > > Sure hope he doesn't have
to put up with either one of you.... > > Larry.... > > > > Michael Stern
<> wrote: > > > > >Charles, > > > > > >No need to
fight about who's boat costs more. Its who really has what he says he has.
You > > >can't prove you have any of the "toys" you have. Plus no one has
been able to verify that > > >you even have a job. > > > > > >Michael > > > >
> >Charles A. Ambrosecchia, wrote: > > > > > >> Still: > > >> > > >> your
boat is a 27K boat.... mine 190K, not considering the Hatteras..... > > >>
It's exactly 7.04 times more expensive than yours, plus add 6K /year dockage,
gas, > > >> insurance etc. At least 3 times more expensive than your to
upkeep. You know Dave's > > >> e-mail if you doubt that I own it.... > > >> >
> >> Live with it.... YOU ARE A JEALOUS IDIOT..... > > >> > > >> Charles > >
>> > > >> Michael Stern wrote: > > >> > > >> > Chuckie..... > > >> > > > >> >
Won't you ever learn. You can't judge a man's weath buy the size of his
boat. But > > >> > you can judge a man buy the amount of bull shit he tries

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Now offering spam-free web-based newsreading

Its Mingo

Mar 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/18/98

>Charles, Ignorance is a term you should be quite familiar with. Given your
>abilitly to shovel so much BS around and after doing as you requested of us
>to confirm that your a fake I would have thought you would hide in a corner.
>But true to form, your still here trying to fool more people all the time.
>Well a Lexis Nexis search came up with a BIG FAT ZERO on you and your
>company. Now where should I look?

I suspect that Charles has just enjoyed having everyone chase around trying to
verify his identity. We'd probably be better off if we stopped paying
attention, which seems to be gradually happening anyway.

Have a good life Charles. Don't spend it all in one place.

Ken Davidson

Mar 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/18/98

Hey Al,

Let Charles and all his like be- if you keep tuning him in to the REAL
world, we god forsaken, pitiful souls out here who can do what we want when
we want will have to deal with them out in our element, part of which is on
the water.

By the way, I think many people on this pitiful thread could learn a lot by
reading Thoreaus' "Walden", or, for those who have read it in the past,
re-read it, and think about the message....... it's a great one!

I've lived among the poorest of the poor and richest of the rich growing up
in Latin America. You know, those kids on T.V., barefoot with a dirty,
ripped up T-shirt, dull eyed, staring at the camera while a voice asks for
your contribution- I can still smell them, their surroundings and the gutter
they piss in that runs between and around all their shacks, the only
"plumbing" they know. On the other hand, I was exposed to the richest
families do to my fathers position in the State Dept..- International
Banking- I grew up with their kids, went to the parties- they're the ones
who would go down a one way street the wrong way and point a gun at the
oncoming vehicle to clear the road- they literally owned the country(s). The
poorest couldn't even fathom what this thread is about, but the funny thing
is, they were happy! The richest wouldn't even blink an eye to the little
change you guys are throwing around on toys, they owned the country(s) and
all of the wealth, but they didn't have true unencumbered happiness for they
had to constantly protect themselves and their riches from attack- sort of
like corporate hostile takeovers on steroids; tanks, machine guns, armies,
or maybe a couple guys with a machine gun riding by on a motorcycle- they
invented the drive-by!

Read the thread, you can see the similarities!

As Thoreau eludes to, rather than trying to figure out how to make more
baskets to sell, I try and figure out how not to need to sell as many

Enough is enough, I'm not condemning anyone, we all have a right to believe
as we do; I do condemn this thread with it's pitiful bickering, mine

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/19/98


Search better.... PS MasterNET, Inc. is a Delaware Corp. searching in NY will do
or D&B 957360274

if you can't find anything you are really ZERO in a fianancial company......


Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/19/98

Soo? Big mouth why don't you apologyze now? There is a reason because you are a
pencil pusher at heller Financial in the Chicago office (I will save the other
fellow boaters you boss's name your phone number and extension....)

Respectfully yours,

Charles A. Ambrosecchia

Mar 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/21/98


At least you took the report and you can see:

we started 1997 with 27-30 people. A lot of administrative. We own the building
so we pay
0 rent (but our tenants pay to a "management" co. part of the holdings group), 85
was at the end of the year. You will also see that we don't owe anything to any
bank, MBA
financial is part of our conglomerate but anyway we like to pay right away.

BTW income was 3.7 to 3.8M according to the tax return check the D&B otherwise I
will need to have it corrected.

Payroll was less than 1.2 M last year that leaves a big margin, the company has
earning since the 2nd month in business.

Michael, don't you think you were wrong?

In all honesty my info were correct and I really didn't see any reason to end up
this from a boats subject.

Best Regards,

Michael Stern wrote:

> I got the D&B.... do you want me to publish it? Doesn't say much... 85 people

> generating sales of $3.5MM. Doesn't sound that good to me. I could go on but
> won't. I will though let you have the last word in public. Assuming you don't

> respond, then I get it in private. Seems like thats the best I can offer. Its
up to
> you.
> Michael

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