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Access Q -- Popo Agie R., Wyo

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Robert K. Heineman

Dec 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/2/98
Driving back to SLC after turkey day in Sheridan, Wyo., I was wishing
I had my boat when I got to the Popo Agie River flowing north from the
Boysen Reservoir to the town of Thermopolis. It looked like a fun
pool-drop class III from the one rapid I stopped to scout from the
road. Possibly IV elsewhere -- one has to keep moving on 500 mile
The guidebook (Dan Lewis -- Paddle and Portage, The Floater's Guide to
Wyoming Rivers, copyright 1991) tersely says that boating on the Wind
River Indian Reservation, where this stretch is located, is
prohibited. Wondering if anyone knew if this was current info, why,
and if there was any way to get permission from the tribe. I'm
willing to respect their religious beliefs, but am hoping they might
respect ours. Also curious if anyone has done this stretch, and what
it's like..
I'm cc'ing access coordinator Jason Robertson at American Whitewater ( ). Any informative replies please do likewise.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." --unknown


Ann R Tickamyer

Dec 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/2/98
Last times we were out there (95,97) the Reservation was running raft
trips but no longer selling permits to private boaters. From what I've
seen of raft customers & their respect for anything, I'd say the Indian
religious tradition in question is capitalism.



Dec 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/8/98
I live in Riverton is the Wind River that was dammed to form Boysen
Res...the beautiful water in the Wind River canyon is... smile..."the Wind
River"... the Popo Agee (which is pronounced the "pah posha" (its French)
actually flows down from the Wind River Mtns and are major sources for the
Wind River.

As to closures for non-natives on the Wind River has to do with
local politics, the local racists, and more than anything major conflict
over water allocation for experience has been when the
Shoshone/Arapahoe start saying "no", it's because they are fed up with being
expected to say "yes Boss", and rolling over. Dewatering of the Wind River
for whitemans irrigation) several years destroyed a tribal trout fishery
project. I would suggest patient respectful and slow contact with some one
within either the Shoshone /Arapahoe tribal Admin...and remember these are 2
separate people with little in common culturally except some white ass hole
stuck them on the same Reservation...lastly they have political
disagreements within their own split tribal administration ( sort of like
the Balkan's) don't expect them to speak with "ONE VOICE"... work with

And yes..I have looked at the Wind River many times in the Canyon and
thought... I could do this in an open canoe...and walk home.. SMILE

and by the way ...skip the "we will respect their rights if they respect
ours "attitude,,,,,,that attitude created the access problems for hunters,
ranchers, fisherman, and canoeists, who seek access to the Rez....this is
Indian Land...not yours white boy..and if that sounds racist... then think
what this is American land, not Indian sounds like to them...Attitude check,
before firing mouth, please.


Robert K. Heineman wrote in message <7424vt$7t6$>...

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