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HELP! Ever-rude Outboard: No Pull Resistance

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James Calore

Mar 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/17/96
Since I'm not familair with outboards (or engines in general) can someone
tell me if this sounds like a major or minor repair. It's a 4.5 hp
Evinrude that has no resistance when you pull the starter cord... any
suggestions before I send it to the mechanic?


James Calore

Mar 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/18/96
In article <4iikqi$>,
(Marcus Bell) wrote:

> In article <>,
> says...

> >
> >Since I'm not familair with outboards (or engines in general) can
> someone
> >tell me if this sounds like a major or minor repair. It's a 4.5 hp
> >Evinrude that has no resistance when you pull the starter cord... any
> >suggestions before I send it to the mechanic?
> >Thanks,
> >James

> This motor has a gear-driven starter. When you pull the cord, the rope
> pulley spins its gear which causes an idler gear to swing up and engage
> the flywheel. If the idler can't swing properly (binding, needs
> lubrication), it won't engage, and the effect will be as you describe.
> That's my guess for now; sounds like a minor repair. Pop the hood, check
> out the starter, and get back to us.

Yeah, tried this... no improvement. I spray lubed the flat metal coil
spring. It pulls and returns smoothly, just doesn't engage anything. What

Chris Chubb

Mar 18, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/18/96
In article <>, says...
>Since I'm not familair with outboards (or engines in general) can someone
>tell me if this sounds like a major or minor repair. It's a 4.5 hp
>Evinrude that has no resistance when you pull the starter cord... any
>suggestions before I send it to the mechanic?

Put it into gear and pull the handle again. If the prop
turns, you have some major repairs. If the prop
does not turn, then you have prob lost the
cams that hook the pullcord to the flywheel. These
fail all the time.

If the prop is turning, you have lost compression
in the cylinder. Check to make sure that the sparkplug did not
fall out (it happens, especially with steel plugs and
aluminum heads) or that the head did not crack. (rare)

You dont mention how old the evenrude is. If it is kinda
new, it may be recoil start, which lessens the compression when
you are pulling it, then engages it again
when you release the handle.
Chris Chubb -- (Alexandria, VA)
** Leading a life of noisy desperation. **
My opinions and $0.75 will get you a cup of coffee.

Marcus Bell

Mar 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/19/96
In article <>, says...

>> >It's a 4.5 hp
>> >Evinrude that has no resistance when you pull the starter cord

>> This motor has a gear-driven starter. When you pull the cord, the rope

>> pulley spins its gear which causes an idler gear to swing up and
>> the flywheel.

>Yeah, tried this... no improvement. I spray lubed the flat metal coil

>spring. It pulls and returns smoothly, just doesn't engage anything.
What >next?
>Thanx, >James

The arm upon which the idler gear rides must be free to swing, within
certain constraints. There needs to be a bit of friction between the
pulley and the arm such that as the pulley spins, it pulls this lever up
so that the idler engages between the big gear on the pulley and the ring
gear on the flywheel. There is a coil spring that presses between the
pulley and the idler arm to provide this friction. However, friction in
the wrong spot will prevent the idler arm from swinging. So, it
sounds like either the pully isn't exerting enough, or something else is
exerting too much. Try spraying the lube where the screw passes through
the idler arm at the axis of the pulley.

This sounds like something a shop should be able to handle in 15-30
minutes. There are tricks to getting the starter off the motor if that is
necessary; the rewind spring is removed before the starter is removed
from the motor. If you don't follow the rules while removing the starter,
you could lose an eye or finger as the rewind spring leaps out at you.

Poking around a bit to try to locate the problem won't get you into much
trouble, as long as you don't remove any bolts.

Marcus. (

James Calore

Mar 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/19/96
In article <4ik38c$>, (Chris Chubb) wrote:

> In article <>, says...
> >
> >Since I'm not familair with outboards (or engines in general) can someone
> >tell me if this sounds like a major or minor repair. It's a 4.5 hp
> >Evinrude that has no resistance when you pull the starter cord... any
> >suggestions before I send it to the mechanic?
> Put it into gear and pull the handle again. If the prop
> turns, you have some major repairs. If the prop
> does not turn, then you have prob lost the
> cams that hook the pullcord to the flywheel. These
> fail all the time.

OK, Chris, I tried the test... according to the description above, the
cams are failed (gone?). Is this a job for the shop, or can I
replace/repair 'em myself?
Thanks for the help!


Mar 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/19/96
On Mar 17, 1996 18:32:40 in article <HELP! Ever-rude Outboard: No Pull

Resistance>, ' (James Calore)' wrote:

>It's a 4.5 hp
>Evinrude that has no resistance when you pull the starter cord..

Try to see if you are turning the engine over (i.e. is the starter
If so, maybe you have no compression. I would put my finger over the spark

plug hole and slowly turn by hand to see if there is any compression. Also
some oil into the cylinder to see if that makes a difference.

If that's the problem, I would be tempted to pull off the head and look...

Marcus Bell

Mar 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/20/96
In article <4ik38c$>,
(Chris Chubb) wrote:

>> Put it into gear and pull the handle again. If the prop
>> turns, you have some major repairs. If the prop
>> does not turn, then you have prob lost the
>> cams that hook the pullcord to the flywheel. These
>> fail all the time.

The cams, or "pawls" referred to here are parts found in many
above-the-flywheel starters. The gear-driven starter
on the Evinrude 4.5 does not have them. The idler gear on the
swing arm performs the function of coupling the rope pulley
to the flywheel.

As Chris correctly points out, starter pawls are a consumable
parts, wearing down because of the incredible stresses they
withstand when they engage the flywheel while the operator
yanks away.

Marcus. (

James Calore

Mar 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM3/20/96
In article <4inqnv$>,
(Marcus Bell) wrote:

So, the bottom line is that the engine has to go to the shop? These are
not repairable/replaceable items? Well, at least I'll be a more
knowledgeable customer at the repair shop. Thanks for all your help.
Appreciate it.

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