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The Leftist War on Self-Defense

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Andre Jute

May 17, 2023, 5:58:21 PM5/17/23
Another shocking abuse of prosecutorial power by by a municipal prosecutor, the notorious Alvin Bragg:
The Leftist War on Self-Defense byJohn and Andy Schlafly
Andre Jute
The Long March of Soros through American institutions is sickening.

Tom Kunich

May 17, 2023, 6:18:23 PM5/17/23
I will settle for no less than Alvin Bragg's expulsion from the bar. But that is New York and they would much rather release a cold blooded murderer back into the community than receive protection while police do nothing but sit on their hands.

John B.

May 17, 2023, 8:27:39 PM5/17/23
On Wed, 17 May 2023 15:18:19 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:
But Tommy, that's the way the U.S. legal system works, isn't it? You
kill someone and they arrest you. There was no self defense involved.
The victim was waving his arms and shouting and Penny walked up behind
him and placed him in a choke hold.

What is your argument? If you don't like the way someone is acting
then you have a right to kill him?

John B.

May 18, 2023, 5:33:44 AM5/18/23
It's useless to try to reason with the dumb and dumber twins. You'd have more luck trying to reason with a drunk. I mean, you're talking about one idiot who thinks the trump legal team was denied discovery in the Jean Carroll case, the other idiot who thinks there was no recession before Obama took office, and the both of them who think the secretary of the treasure runs the federal reserve. The sum total of their correct knowledge of the the American political and judical systems couldn't fill a BR-RS405-R caliper.


May 18, 2023, 9:43:39 AM5/18/23
On 5/18/2023 4:33 AM, wrote:
I'm reserving judgement (although I have opinions from
watching the video). Once the other passengers testify the
case should be more clear and I trust Mr Penny will be

Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April, 1971

Tom Kunich

May 18, 2023, 11:35:44 AM5/18/23
Slocomb believes that he is safely ensconced far away in a socialist country and is safe from danger. So he feels the need to espouse all of the rancor he feels for being an utter failure in life.

I do not believe that Alvin Bragg has the slightest intent to end or lessen the charges against someone that was stepping in to stop a criminal act. I will not be satisfied until he is expelled permanently from the Bar Association.

Frank Krygowski

May 18, 2023, 11:46:47 AM5/18/23
On 5/18/2023 11:35 AM, Tom Kunich wrote:
> I do not believe that Alvin Bragg has the slightest intent to end or lessen the charges against someone that was stepping in to stop a criminal act. I will not be satisfied until he is expelled permanently from the Bar Association.

I strongly suspect this will be yet another issue Tom will never be
satisfied with. And there are so many!

Tom is a very unhappy person.

- Frank Krygowski

Catrike Rider

May 18, 2023, 12:04:56 PM5/18/23
The irony bell is ringing

Tom Kunich

May 18, 2023, 12:26:23 PM5/18/23
During Vietnam I forgone finishing high school to volunteer to defend my country. Frank crawled into the deepest hole he could find to hide because he had to show his wonderful bravery. Nothing has changed to this day. He is still the crawling on the ground cowardly worm he always was. Frank's entire life has been unhappy and what do you want to bet that he assigned good grades to students who threatened him against giving them bad grades? There was obviously something going on when the University refused to say he taught mechanical engineering. There was most definitely something going on when I quoted the university website and Krygowski stated that I was spreading rumors. Sounds to me like he has a serious problem with authority when they have power over him. But socialist policies he all for since communism is his kind of life. After all, it worked so well in the USSR and China and North Korea. He and that dumb freak of nature, Slocomb believe that one socialist policy makes a complete socialism because they're not smart enough to know that communism was a name decided upon because there were competing parties with socialism in their names.

Frank Krygowski

May 18, 2023, 3:15:47 PM5/18/23
On 5/18/2023 12:26 PM, Tom Kunich wrote:
> During Vietnam I forgone finishing high school...

:-) A statement that proves itself true!

- Frank Krygowski

Tom Kunich

May 18, 2023, 5:58:49 PM5/18/23
I received an email telling me that exact American/English was more important to Krygowski than the truth which he has never been very close friends with. I think that perhaps he can tell us all again that I'm lying when I quote the University of Youngstown. I guess he really hates to discover that the University never held him in very high reguard while my high school held me in sufficient respect to award me a diploma despite never finishing the last three months. He is driven absolutely crazy by the fact that I am financially independent whereas he is dependent completely on his teacher's pension which is shrinking daily under his lord and master Joe Biden and that Ohio itself isn't on particularly sound financial footing with the belief that the Constitution is meaningless. Krygowski is praying that the state of California can find a way to steal my money away and give it to him. He thinks that standing in front of young people and repeating the same thing over and over, year after year is more valuable than assisting in the discovery of the cause of AIDS. Or designing boards for the International Space Station. Or programming the poison gas detectors for the Army. Or countless medical and laboratory instruments to make leaps forward in health and science. While he droned on as his students fell asleep and cursed his very existence. All that wasted time when they could have been learning something of value. Oh, wait ONE of his past students thanked him for helping him on to a future in engineering - probably by showing him what would happen to the student should he listen to Krygowski's sputtering's instead of cracking open the books and learning on his own.

John B.

May 18, 2023, 8:22:02 PM5/18/23
On Thu, 18 May 2023 09:26:21 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:
"went to defend my country" You mean like invading a country that had
fought their colonial master and defeated them, just as the U.S. did
in 1776?

As for "communism", "Communism" derives from the French communisme,
which developed out of the Latin roots communis and the suffix isme.
One of the first uses of the word in its modern sense is in a letter
sent by Victor d'Hupay to Nicolas Restif de la Bretonne around 1785,
in which d'Hupay describes himself as an auteur communiste ("communist

As for looking things up on Google... a far superior method of
learning when compared relying solely on a vivid imagination


John B.


May 18, 2023, 8:31:37 PM5/18/23
Simple analysis misses the tragedy of the Vietnamese people,
South, North and communist:

You can't say communism has improved Vietnam. Or Venezuela.
Or North Korea...

John B.

May 18, 2023, 8:43:20 PM5/18/23
On Thu, 18 May 2023 08:35:41 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:

>On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 6:43:39?AM UTC-7, AMuzi wrote:
>> On 5/18/2023 4:33 AM, wrote:
>> > On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 8:27:39 PM UTC-4, John B. wrote:
>> >> On Wed, 17 May 2023 15:18:19 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >>> On Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 2:58:21?PM UTC-7, Andre Jute wrote:
>> >>>> Another shocking abuse of prosecutorial power by by a municipal prosecutor, the notorious Alvin Bragg:
>> >>>> The Leftist War on Self-Defense byJohn and Andy Schlafly
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>> Andre Jute
>> >>>> The Long March of Soros through American institutions is sickening.
>> >>>>>
>> >>> I will settle for no less than Alvin Bragg's expulsion from the bar. But that is New York and they would much rather release a cold blooded murderer back into the community than receive protection while police do nothing but sit on their hands.
>> >> But Tommy, that's the way the U.S. legal system works, isn't it? You
>> >> kill someone and they arrest you. There was no self defense involved.
>> >> The victim was waving his arms and shouting and Penny walked up behind
>> >> him and placed him in a choke hold.
>> >>
>> >> What is your argument? If you don't like the way someone is acting
>> >> then you have a right to kill him?
>> >> --
>> >
>> > It's useless to try to reason with the dumb and dumber twins. You'd have more luck trying to reason with a drunk. I mean, you're talking about one idiot who thinks the trump legal team was denied discovery in the Jean Carroll case, the other idiot who thinks there was no recession before Obama took office, and the both of them who think the secretary of the treasure runs the federal reserve. The sum total of their correct knowledge of the the American political and judical systems couldn't fill a BR-RS405-R caliper.
>> >
>> I'm reserving judgement (although I have opinions from
>> watching the video). Once the other passengers testify the
>> case should be more clear and I trust Mr Penny will be
>> exonerated.
>Slocomb believes that he is safely ensconced far away in a socialist country and is safe from danger. So he feels the need to espouse all of the rancor he feels for being an utter failure in life.
"Socialist country" and we just had an election and the incumbent's
didn't win (:-)

As for failure? Well money isn't the only measure of success but it is
the easiest to count. Tommy is living in a house that his mother
bought for $70,000. I'm living in a house that I bought for US$175,182

Tommy married a women and then couldn't live with her and divorced
her. I married a woman and lived with her until her death 51 years

Tommy couldn't hold a job for more then a year so. I worked for the
same company for nearly 30 years with the usual promotions and salary
increases. My last project was building a gas processing plant and I
had retired. One of the company owners called me to get me to come
back and manage the job and stated, "salary is no problem".

So much for Tom's rhetoric.

John B.

John B.

May 18, 2023, 9:29:25 PM5/18/23
For the larger portion of the U.S.'s venture in the country fatality
figures were so fanciful that there was even an article in the Air
Force Times - a newspaper published by the A.F - about it. It seems
that MACV - Military Assistance Command Vietnam - held a daily news
briefing and one of the subjects covered was number of fatalities,
both friendly and enemy. Some reporter kept track of the figures and
announced - printed in the AF Times - that "as of today we have killed
the entire population of N. Vietnam".


John B.

John B.

May 18, 2023, 9:45:34 PM5/18/23
On Thu, 18 May 2023 14:58:47 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:

>On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 9:26:23?AM UTC-7, Tom Kunich wrote:
Well a bloke named "Krygowski, Mr. Francis" is listed as "Faculty
Emeritus" and was assigned as "Engineering Technology"

And "I received e-mail". Really? From who? Can you post it so we can
read it too?

As for "assisted in discovery of the cause of AIDS" You have already
told us about that. You Were assigned to visit AIDS patients and write
down their symptoms. Something that today would probably be done with
a hand phone recording the patient's voice.

John B.

Frank Krygowski

May 18, 2023, 11:37:40 PM5/18/23
On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 5:58:49 PM UTC-4, Tom Kunich wrote:
> I received an email telling me that exact American/English was more important to Krygowski than
the truth...

Tom, _nobody_ believes you're getting emails from some anonymous spy. You're obviously reading
what's posted. Your claim makes absolutely no sense. The simple fact you believe it's
plausible makes you look even more idiotic, if not insane.

The rest of your post confirms that. I'm deleting the rest of that idiocy. It's not worth comment.

- Frank Krygowski

Andre Jute

May 19, 2023, 2:21:40 AM5/19/23
Yo, Franki-boy, you're in my thread again, spraying spittle over everyone in that censorious tone you believe is superior. We don't like you, we don't want you. Scoot, don't let the door hit you in your fat ass as you pass through it.

May 19, 2023, 5:31:16 AM5/19/23
On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 2:21:40 AM UTC-4,the shit-stained troll embarrassed himself once again by trying to censor this forum:
And this isn't your personal political toilet, you asshole. It's a cycling forum and the only reason you post here is because it's unmoderated and no one can kick you out. All you're proving is that you have completely lost any sense of integrity you _may_ have had at one time. The fact that The Irish Examiner was so ashamed of having you on their payroll that they deleted every bit of evidence that you ever wrote for them except one readers letter of complaint tells us how much of a useless vapid and pathetic excuse for a human you have become. Why don't you go whimper about left-wing politics on that hugey-huge writers forum you administer? Oh, that's right, because it doesn't exist.

fuck off and die, shit bag.

> >

May 19, 2023, 5:42:55 AM5/19/23
HIV was discovered as the case of AIDS years before tommy worked as a technician on the PCR analyzer. It's just another demonstrable lie from him.

> You Were assigned to visit AIDS patients and write
> down their symptoms.

No, he wasn't. An electronics technician working on medical equipment doesn't interview test subjects. The closest tommy ever got to interviewing an AIDS victim may have been casually meeting one and having a conversation. The whole idea of him actually recording anything having to do with AIDS patients symptoms is a complete lie. The PCR system analyzes blood proteins. Someone working on developing that system wouldn't come withing three degrees of separation from the individual that contributed a blood sample. He would have to have been working in a clinical environment for that, and he didn't even lie about that on his (shameful) resume. It's just another demonstrable lie from him.

> Something that today would probably be done with
> a hand phone recording the patient's voice.

Back then, in a clinical setting - hospital/medical research facility, not an electronics company.

> --
> Cheers,
> John B.

May 19, 2023, 5:44:19 AM5/19/23
Vietnam is doing quite well for themselves these days.

John B.

May 19, 2023, 6:40:32 AM5/19/23
On Fri, 19 May 2023 02:42:53 -0700 (PDT), ""
<> wrote:
Whether Tommy actually did visit AIDS suffers or not I do not know but
he certainly told us that he did. Here on this site.

John B.

John B.

May 19, 2023, 6:44:41 AM5/19/23
On Fri, 19 May 2023 02:31:14 -0700 (PDT), ""
<> wrote:

>On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 2:21:40?AM UTC-4,the shit-stained troll embarrassed himself once again by trying to censor this forum:
>> On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 4:37:40?AM UTC+1, Frank Krygowski wrote:
>> > On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 5:58:49?PM UTC-4, Tom Kunich wrote:
>> > > I received an email telling me that exact American/English was more important to Krygowski than
>> > the truth...
>> >
>> > Tom, _nobody_ believes you're getting emails from some anonymous spy. You're obviously reading
>> > what's posted. Your claim makes absolutely no sense. The simple fact you believe it's
>> > plausible makes you look even more idiotic, if not insane.
>> >
>> > The rest of your post confirms that. I'm deleting the rest of that idiocy. It's not worth comment.
>> >
>> > - Frank Krygowski
>> >
>> Yo, Franki-boy, you're in my thread again, spraying spittle over everyone in that censorious tone you believe is superior. We don't like you, we don't want you. Scoot, don't let the door hit you in your fat ass as you pass through it.
>And this isn't your personal political toilet, you asshole. It's a cycling forum and the only reason you post here is because it's unmoderated and no one can kick you out. All you're proving is that you have completely lost any sense of integrity you _may_ have had at one time. The fact that The Irish Examiner was so ashamed of having you on their payroll that they deleted every bit of evidence that you ever wrote for them except one readers letter of complaint tells us how much of a useless vapid and pathetic excuse for a human you have become. Why don't you go whimper about left-wing politics on that hugey-huge writers forum you administer? Oh, that's right, because it doesn't exist.
>fuck off and die, shit bag.
>> >

But think how superior and important it makes him feel... thinking up
all these clever ways to insult people.


John B.

Tom Kunich

May 19, 2023, 10:08:18 AM5/19/23
Actual history is something that Slocomb is equipped to deal with. If he looks up something on Google and he can't use to make the point he would like to make he immediately goes back to his search. You will notice how he puffed out his chest making the probably false claim that he was stationed IN Vietnam at a TAC fighter group. And then the later claim that he was at Barksdale which is a SAC base and doesn't maintain any fighters on a base that is necessary to have open runways 24 hours a day for emergency launch of nuclear armed bombers during the cold war.

Virtually everything he has posted has had a false ring to it and He claims on the one hand to have acted under orders to make war on the North Vietnamese people but someone else is making a personal war of it rather than also following orders. There is clearly a point at which you have to admit that he no longer has control of his faculties and makes any argument whatsoever to denounce me. That's fine, I am Slocomb proof and he simply makes it more and more clear what he actually is, to the rest of the people that either post, or in some cases don't post and email their opinions to me. Without the Stupid 4, there probably would be a lot more posters.

Tom Kunich

May 19, 2023, 10:14:52 AM5/19/23
Can you just imagine that Krygowski believes that anyone other than we two would put themselves up for targets for the likes of the Stupid 4? I guess that he believes that his words are pure gold and people would be proud to debate someone who is nothing more than a communist. Slocomb just told us that communism is a fine form of government and seems to have missed the 8 million people murdered for that fine form of government. For no other reason than the want of personal freedom.

Frank Krygowski

May 19, 2023, 11:46:55 AM5/19/23
On 5/19/2023 2:21 AM, Andre Jute wrote:
> ... you're in my thread again ...

:-) _Your_ thread?

Ah, the grandiose delusions of a writer who can't get published
elsewhere! How funny!

- Frank Krygowski

Andre Jute

May 19, 2023, 7:36:57 PM5/19/23
You're in my thread, Franki-boy. Fuck off.

May 19, 2023, 9:15:39 PM5/19/23
On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 11:46:55 AM UTC-4, Frank Krygowski wrote:
> On 5/19/2023 2:21 AM, Andre Jute wrote:
> > ... you're in my thread again ...
> :-) _Your_ thread?
> Ah, the grandiose delusions of a writer who can't get published
> elsewhere! How funny!

Not only can he not get published, but he actually got _un_ published. I gave his claims that he was a reporter for the Irish Examiner as much credence as any of his claims, until I came across this:

So it appears he did once write for them. However, now there is no record of his "work" at the Irish Examainer website - not even the article the letter is complaining about - save this letter of complaint. The Irish Examiner has completely purged him from their records. Such a legacy this pathetic stain of shit has left - no publisher will take his work, and his one paying gig has erased any record of his dealings except one complaint letter. How proud he must be!

John B.

May 19, 2023, 9:16:33 PM5/19/23
On Fri, 19 May 2023 07:14:50 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:

>On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 11:21:40?PM UTC-7, Andre Jute wrote:
>> On Friday, May 19, 2023 at 4:37:40?AM UTC+1, Frank Krygowski wrote:
>> > On Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 5:58:49?PM UTC-4, Tom Kunich wrote:
>> > > I received an email telling me that exact American/English was more important to Krygowski than
>> > the truth...
>> >
>> > Tom, _nobody_ believes you're getting emails from some anonymous spy. You're obviously reading
>> > what's posted. Your claim makes absolutely no sense. The simple fact you believe it's
>> > plausible makes you look even more idiotic, if not insane.
>> >
>> > The rest of your post confirms that. I'm deleting the rest of that idiocy. It's not worth comment.
>> >
>> > - Frank Krygowski
>> >
>> Yo, Franki-boy, you're in my thread again, spraying spittle over everyone in that censorious tone you believe is superior. We don't like you, we don't want you. Scoot, don't let the door hit you in your fat ass as you pass through it.
>> >
>Can you just imagine that Krygowski believes that anyone other than we two would put themselves up for targets for the likes of the Stupid 4? I guess that he believes that his words are pure gold and people would be proud to debate someone who is nothing more than a communist. Slocomb just told us that communism is a fine form of government and seems to have missed the 8 million people murdered for that fine form of government. For no other reason than the want of personal freedom.

Nope Timmy, you've got your head firmly up your arse again. I never
advocated Communism as an ideal form of government but, at least in
the countries I am familuar, with it is a vastly superior form of
government then that which preceded it.

As for people murdered for no other reason then personal freedom? Do
you know what you are talking about? After all 10 million died in the
Russian civil war when the Red Army successfully defended the newly
formed Bolshevik government against various Russian and
interventionist anti-Bolshevik armies.
The other big communist "war" was in China when something like 3.5
million were estimated to have died (nobody knows for sure).

As for the "personal freedom" you mention? I guess you are talking
about the freedom to not pay your taxes? To run your business any way
that you want to (Ask Andrew about that). To build your house any way
yu want to? And on and on and on...

for governmet regulations that effect you daily, from morning to


John B.

Frank Krygowski

May 19, 2023, 10:48:30 PM5/19/23
:-) Hey, congratulations! You got almost ten more words published!

... well, actually self-published, as usual. But I'm sure your tens of
thousands of online worshipers will be impressed.

- Frank Krygowski

John B.

May 19, 2023, 11:08:39 PM5/19/23
On Fri, 19 May 2023 07:08:16 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:
Gee Tommy you keep yapping and you keep getting it wrong. I wasn't
stationed at a TAC fighter group base. In fact I can't remember any
fighter's being stationed there... no, take that back, there were some
Viet Air Force "fighters" parked on the other side of the air field.

I was assigned to the 14th Air Commando Wing which was equipped, when
I was there, with AC-47 Spooky gun ships. Sometimes referred to as
"Puff the Magic Dragon" as our brag was if we got there before the VC
got through the fence we had never lost a base.

As for looking things you in Google, you ought to try it. You might
get something right for once.

But I really don't understand all the foofraa about SAC and TAC. Yes,
if you were trained to, say, empty the B-52 shit can (as you probably
were) then Yes, you were stationed at a SAC unit. After that was all
you know how to do.

BUT... if you were trained as a welder, machinist, sheet metal man,
butcher, baker, candlestick maker,... I could go on and on, or any
other skill that wasn't specific to a certain make or model airplane
then you could be assigned to any base.

In fact this was such a common happening it seems as though you are
strangely ignorant of life in the Air Force.

>Virtually everything he has posted has had a false ring to it and He claims on the one hand to have acted under orders to make war on the North Vietnamese people but someone else is making a personal war of it rather than also following orders. There is clearly a point at which you have to admit that he no longer has control of his faculties and makes any argument whatsoever to denounce me. That's fine, I am Slocomb proof and he simply makes it more and more clear what he actually is, to the rest of the people that either post, or in some cases don't post and email their opinions to me. Without the Stupid 4, there probably would be a lot more posters.

"He claims on the one hand to have acted under orders to make war"???
I was "under orders" to fix airplanes, you silly shit.

As for deriding you Tommy, you tell so many wild stories it is
difficult not to. What is you current count? Told the truth 3 times in
17 years?

For instance, you claim to be a " running mate" with Jobst, but Jobst
description of you was, "rude and obnoxious, always carping while
offering no useful information."

Did Jobst prefer to ride with people he thought "rude and obnoxious,
always carping while offering no useful information"?

I doubt it very much!

John B.

John B.

May 19, 2023, 11:50:30 PM5/19/23
On Fri, 19 May 2023 18:15:37 -0700 (PDT), ""
<> wrote:
Gee! A famous author writing fop a local newspaper? And his comment,
"However, having studied composition in Ireland and America, I believe
that our Irish academic structures are of quite a high standard and
certainly do not create an end product of composers who produce
nothing more than "skimmed milk"."

I rather liked that, Now in addition to being a secret spy, a skilled
racing car racer and all the other Tommy like claims he makes he is
now a trained composer?

And he still has the photo of the white fellow posted on his adverts.
Yet another claim to same, one supposes.


John B.

May 20, 2023, 6:17:35 AM5/20/23
Let's not forget his claims to be a trained economist and a trained psychologist.

John B.

May 20, 2023, 6:38:54 AM5/20/23
On Sat, 20 May 2023 03:17:32 -0700 (PDT), ""
<> wrote:
Well, one does tend to lose count. Doesn't one. But just think, an
individual with more talents then our very own Tommy! Amazing!


John B.

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