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Lou Holtman

Feb 18, 2024, 2:36:06 AMFeb 18
I should have left already a while ago but Google groups made it too easy and once in a while there was a subject worth while engaging in but that only lasted a couple of posts. Now Google Groups will be discontinued and to be honest there is nothing that motivates me setting up an other server/reader. To all the reasonable people ' all the best' and to the rest 'get a life'. Nothing in life is just black or white.

Lou, I'm on Strava

Roger Merriman

Feb 18, 2024, 5:54:21 AMFeb 18
Sorry to see you go!

Frank Krygowski

Feb 18, 2024, 10:40:57 AMFeb 18
Me too.

- Frank Krygowski

Andre Jute

Feb 18, 2024, 11:30:27 AMFeb 18
On Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 7:36:06 AM UTC, Lou Holtman wrote:
> I should have left already a while ago but Google groups made it too easy and once in a while there was a subject worth while engaging in but that only lasted a couple of posts. Now Google Groups will be discontinued and to be honest there is nothing that motivates me setting up an other server/reader. To all the reasonable people ' all the best' and to the rest 'get a life'. Nothing in life is just black or white.
> Lou, I'm on Strava
Thanks for your biking input to my various choices, Lou.
Andre Jute
Also with one foot out the door already.


Feb 18, 2024, 11:30:51 AMFeb 18
On 2/18/2024 1:36 AM, Lou Holtman wrote:
> I should have left already a while ago but Google groups made it too easy and once in a while there was a subject worth while engaging in but that only lasted a couple of posts. Now Google Groups will be discontinued and to be honest there is nothing that motivates me setting up an other server/reader. To all the reasonable people ' all the best' and to the rest 'get a life'. Nothing in life is just black or white.
> Lou, I'm on Strava

Best wishes to you, Mr Holtman.
I appreciated your contributions here.
Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April, 1971

Sir Ridesalot

Feb 20, 2024, 10:08:05 AMFeb 20
On Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 1:36:06 a.m. UTC-6, Lou Holtman wrote:
> I should have left already a while ago but Google groups made it too easy and once in a while there was a subject worth while engaging in but that only lasted a couple of posts. Now Google Groups will be discontinued and to be honest there is nothing that motivates me setting up an other server/reader. To all the reasonable people ' all the best' and to the rest 'get a life'. Nothing in life is just black or white.
> Lou, I'm on Strava

Ditto. I considered getting a newsgroup reader but if I were to Killfile the trolls and ignored the off-topic posts and thread hijackings there would not be much to read. Just not worth the troubel for me.

I hope those who remain stay healthy.

May your punctures be few and the wind always at your back.


Radey Shouman

Feb 20, 2024, 3:53:54 PMFeb 20
Sir Ridesalot <> writes:

> On Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 1:36:06 a.m. UTC-6, Lou Holtman wrote:
>> I should have left already a while ago but Google groups made it too
>> easy and once in a while there was a subject worth while engaging in
>> but that only lasted a couple of posts. Now Google Groups will be
>> discontinued and to be honest there is nothing that motivates me
>> setting up an other server/reader. To all the reasonable people '
>> all the best' and to the rest 'get a life'. Nothing in life is just
>> black or white.
>> Lou, I'm on Strava
> Ditto. I considered getting a newsgroup reader but if I were to
> Killfile the trolls and ignored the off-topic posts and thread
> hijackings there would not be much to read. Just not worth the troubel
> for me.

Sorry to see you go. If you're an emacs user there is always gnus,
which I find quite congenial. Not worth learning emacs for, though.

> I hope those who remain stay healthy.
> May your punctures be few and the wind always at your back.
> Cheers

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