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mRNA vaccines and the WHO

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Tom Kunich

May 29, 2023, 4:13:37 PM5/29/23

The World Health Organization has released a study that shows that Covid-19 vaccines CAN cause Multiple Sclerosis (the shedding of the protective sheath on important nerves.)

Of course immediately the "fact checkers" jumped in to say that the study was either incorrectly done or was entirely misinterpreted by everyone but themselves.

But two important findings were that although these cases appeared shortly after vaccinations, there were NO time constraints on when this could appear since it is not the spike proteins causing this loss of the myelin coating but rather an autoimmune response that many doctors have been very concerned with because of the way the body reacts to very large amounts of spike proteins.

These studies began when it was noticed that people who already had MS and it was under control with various medications had it suddenly reactivate after vaccinations.

If MS is appearing in the brain a likely outcome is stroke.

So those who, in order to prove me wrong when I warned against these vaccines, ran down and got their own vaccinations are liable to see rather more than just the possibility of MS but literally hundreds of autoimmune diseases.

So keep a close watch over your health.

Tom Kunich

May 29, 2023, 5:02:05 PM5/29/23
And the funniest part is that the same people in an attempt to prove me wrong, will not keep close watch over their own health. But note - the rapid and large growth of dementia is probably caused by an autoimmune disorder. Certainly Slocomb cannot recognize this occurring with him.

To get to this point - I said that the vaccines might cause an AIDS-like disease that is not curable (well without endangering your own health even more) HIV is a VERY rare virus in the body and it triggers autoimmune responses which is why AIDS patients were sick all the time. In order to detect the presence of HIV, my machines were used to multiply the virus usually by something like 40 million times for it to be detectable. Now how do you detect an autoimmune disorder that you purposely caused by getting vaccinated?

These things in general only happen to a small amount of the vaccinated population for many reasons, so just hope that you're not on one of those most endangered groups all to save yourself from an asymptomatic or very mild illness.

John B.

May 29, 2023, 7:06:24 PM5/29/23
And from AP news
False. A database on the WHO website includes an abstract for a
conference presentation about research that examined two recent cases
of MS. The research found there might be a potential link to COVID
vaccines, but did not definitively conclude the shots triggered the
neurological disease, according to the global health agency and
multiple sclerosis experts.

In simple terms a somewhat abbreviated excerpt from some research that
might show something, but that hasn't been reviewed or verified by

If Tommy were to see a youtube presentation that said "The Moon is
falling", he would undoubtedly start digging a bomb shelter.

John B.

Tom Kunich

May 29, 2023, 8:43:25 PM5/29/23
I see that there is another posting so it is either Slocomb or Liebermann. I guess they haven't done their homework. If it is Slocomb he doesn't even know how to read since I covered all of the bases in the posting. Many of the boards have taken down the actual WHO study but there is the PubMed mention:

That IS the USA National Institute of Health. If it is Liebermann just remember - he said that he could tell what is going on in my computer by the HEADER on my posting. Now that really takes a hell of a lot of nerve.

Frank Krygowski

May 29, 2023, 9:25:00 PM5/29/23
Someone named Tom Kunich once promised to post only on bike related issues.

I suppose he doesn't remember that.

- Frank Krygowski

John B.

May 29, 2023, 10:22:12 PM5/29/23
On Mon, 29 May 2023 17:43:24 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:

>On Monday, May 29, 2023 at 2:02:05?PM UTC-7, Tom Kunich wrote:
You didn't even take the time to read the study... which is available
for free in the Web.

But as you are too lazy, here is what it says, in part:

"Background: Vaccinations provided the most effective tool to fight
the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It is now well established that COVID-19
vaccines are safe for the general population; however, some cases of
rare adverse events following immunization have been described,
including CNS Inflammatory Demyelinating Events (CIDEs). Although
observational studies are showing that these events are rare and
vaccines' benefits highly outweigh the risks..." and goes on to say,
"collecting and characterizing post-COVID-19 vaccine CIDEs might be
relevant to single out potential risk factors and suggest possible
underlying mechanisms"

And, I might add that the "study" lists only 6 cases studied out of
how many vaccinations world wide? I read 12.7 billion shots world wide
and 612 million shots in the U.S.


John B.


May 30, 2023, 4:54:31 PM5/30/23
On 2023-05-29, John B <> wrote:
> On Mon, 29 May 2023 13:13:35 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
><> wrote:
>>The World Health Organization has released a study that shows that Covid-19 vaccines CAN cause Multiple Sclerosis (the shedding of the protective sheath on important nerves.)
>>Of course immediately the "fact checkers" jumped in to say that the study was either incorrectly done or was entirely misinterpreted by everyone but themselves.
>>But two important findings were that although these cases appeared shortly after vaccinations, there were NO time constraints on when this could appear since it is not the spike proteins causing this loss of the myelin coating but rather an autoimmune response that many doctors have been very concerned with because of the way the body reacts to very large amounts of spike proteins.
>>These studies began when it was noticed that people who already had MS and it was under control with various medications had it suddenly reactivate after vaccinations.
>>If MS is appearing in the brain a likely outcome is stroke.
>>So those who, in order to prove me wrong when I warned against these vaccines, ran down and got their own vaccinations are liable to see rather more than just the possibility of MS but literally hundreds of autoimmune diseases.
>>So keep a close watch over your health.
> And from AP news
> False. A database on the WHO website includes an abstract for a
> conference presentation about research that examined two recent cases
> of MS. The research found there might be a potential link to COVID
> vaccines, but did not definitively conclude the shots triggered the
> neurological disease, according to the global health agency and
> multiple sclerosis experts.
> In simple terms a somewhat abbreviated excerpt from some research that
> might show something, but that hasn't been reviewed or verified by
> anyone.
> If Tommy were to see a youtube presentation that said "The Moon is
> falling", he would undoubtedly start digging a bomb shelter.

Not to stray too far from bikes, but Dr. Campbell, who is one of the sources
I look at as he always has links to the documents he's quoting also mentions
that the WHO has mentioned a possible MS link.

Anecdotally, my cousin's wife got diagnosed w/ ALS in 2022 I don't know if
she took the vaccines and of course stories don't prove anything.


Tom Kunich

May 30, 2023, 6:17:23 PM5/30/23
I have yet to see one "fact check" site that knew anything about anything. They are simply in business to protect the Democrat machine.

The NCIS agent who saved my life used to quote "fact check" sites to prove me wrong. And about things I know like the Bible. I KNOW spectroscopy and so I know that CO2 has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change.. And all of the fact check sites with one voice saying that CO2 causes man-made global warming are so full of crap and that mindless whimp Obama saying that 99% of "scientists" agree when you can't get TWO scientists to agree on the exactly wavelength of the color RED and MOST of real Climate scientists stated unequivocally that CO2 could not cause global warming since CO2 was 400% of present during the last Ice Age and the Antarctic Ice Cores showed that levels of CO2 trailed changes in mean global temperature.

So I finally gave up trying to explain anything to him. Now he's on a kick that Californians moving to Arizona are the cause of the Democrat takeover of the state. And yet HE doesn't vote and neither do most of his conservative friends. Most of the ex-Californians moving to Phoenix are strongly middle of the road after running from California's Liberal Living Hell. If indeed Democrats were elected and not installed via election fraud, why aren't Arizonan Republicans delivering a real message of hope?

John B.

May 30, 2023, 7:01:21 PM5/30/23
On Tue, 30 May 2023 20:54:28 -0000 (UTC), pH <>
Yes, as I wrote above
"The research found there might be a potential link to COVID vaccines,
but did not definitively conclude the shots triggered the neurological
disease, according to the global health agency and multiple sclerosis

But, on the other hand some 265.6 million in the U.S., about 80% of
the population, have received at least 1 shot of the vaccine.
And how many have developed MS?

John B.

John B.

May 30, 2023, 10:40:19 PM5/30/23
On Tue, 30 May 2023 15:17:21 -0700 (PDT), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:
Well Tommy,

The sea levels are rising.
The arctic ice levels are decreasing.
The glacier are receding.

And the CO2 levels are the highest that they have been in the last 2
million years.

Is there any coalescence? I don't know and you don't know but CO2
level increases appear to equate with the phenomena mentioned above.

By the way it is well known that the causes of the ice ages, were
primarily driven by periodic changes in the Earth’s orbit.


John B.

Rolf Mantel

Jun 7, 2023, 9:02:49 AM6/7/23
Am 29.05.2023 um 22:13 schrieb Tom Kunich:
> The World Health Organization has released a study that shows that
> Covid-19 vaccines CAN cause Multiple Sclerosis (the shedding of the
> protective sheath on important nerves.)

This fact is well-known to any MD who has MS, like my sister. (slightly
re-formulated: any virus infection and any vaccination against virus
infections can trigger a surge of MS to anybody susceptible, and if this
is the first surge ever you would formulate it as 'trigger MS'). Given
that she works in a lung clinic, it was clear that in her situation the
vaccination was better than catching the disease.

In the end, the three Covid injections did *not* trigger a surge for my
sister but suffering Covid a few months ago did.


Tom Kunich

Jun 7, 2023, 11:13:56 AM6/7/23
Rolf, perhaps you better talk to your sister more seriously. Young people are not common victims of MS from vaccines period, They are also not commonly victims of Myo or Peri carditis dropping dead during normal athletic pursuits. The NUMBERS of these occurrences are so far out of line with past experience that it is ridiculous to say that because it has been known to happen we shouldn't be surprised that 28 days after a second covid-19 vaccination we should EXPECT outbreaks of other deadly or serious diseases. This also discounts large increases in excess deaths that don't appear to be connected with covid-19 and that ONLY the vaccinated have been suffering and the unvaccinated are not seeing. If you wish to think that a disease that has been shown to ONLY to be deadly to old people with multiple serious comorbidities should have been answered not with improved treatment methods but with a drug so experimental that the pharmaceutical companies would only experiment on the human race if given legal protection was any sort of an answer then ask yourself why normally healthy people under 50 had a close to zero chance of dying from covid-19 unless vaccinated.
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