What's the advantage of this?
nothin new:
Not only did this new design work supremely well, but Horace Bates had
clearly pulled a master stroke in that the new frame and fork could be
instantly recognised as a Bates - even from a brief glance as a rider
sped past or from a fuzzy photograph on 1930s newsprint. The unique and
easily identifiable design of the Bates with its strange double-curved
fork design proved to be a real boon in marketing terms. Not only did it
win races but it was clearly different to other racing cycles at a time
when competition was fierce."
What more could you ask?
Same advantage as those goofy looking designer stems from Cinelli and
"A fool and his money are soon parted."
Thomas Tusser, English Farmer and Writer 1524-1580 :)
It looks, like, way cool.
I wonder how would they cut and wrap the cf cloth in the mold to
eliminate wrinkles ? it might in fact be very prone to unexpected
failure as a result I think.
"The crap we sold you last season is no good. Here's the new one"
Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April, 1971
And if you have Wavy Gravy on your mp3....
All the guys at the coffee shop will get woodies when I pull in... Is it
me or my bike? ;-)
[cT = 0.87]
practical or theoretical?
the practical is product differentiation. the theoretical is the
disruption of road shock path of travel. now, you go ahead and weigh up
which you think prevails...
Must be the pink lycra that does it????
Ah. The unique shape makes it a slightly more effective wedge for
parting fools from their money.
it reduces vibration and can increase the turning power
That's the ticket, they'll love it, curvy like Bette Grable!
<stubs out Pall Mall>
The serrated edge also makes a better squirrel killer too!
Turning power?
My first reaction was that these are the cycling equivalent of bull horns
on the hood of a Cadillac pimpmobile.... ;-)
Then I wondered how many endangered antelopes gave up their horns to make
bike forks?
Pimp my ride...
The Huckabee Wheelmen will be thrilled!
Multiple choice:
A) Head turning
B) Inventory turning
C) Stomach turning
Only if the squirrel has accepted Jeeeeezus prior to departing this
mortal coil.
Dear Chas,
The waviness of the fork offers increased turning power.
Also known as fork-torque.
This is crucial when eating spaghetti. Noodles tend to slip off
straight tines.
Carl Fogel
Lycra isn't only for bicyclists. NFL and NBA players wear it with pride.
What is that stretch material baseball players wear in their pants?
Michael Press
In the name of the Downtube, the Headtube and the Wavy Fork
Naw man, trust me, I'm in the belt buckle of the bible belt--part of
the trinity has to be indivisible like the Holy Spirit! The Lord
speaks mysteriously through vertical compliance and horizontal
cyclin...@gmail.com wrote:
> it reduces vibration and can increase the turning power
Head turning or stomach turning?
Got some numbers on that?
Is that why they are always scratching their privates? ;-)
If I used straight tines instead of brake wire to operate my v-brakes I
guess I might feel concerned over that.... ;)