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So long and thanks for all the fish

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Andre Jute

Feb 22, 2024, 10:05:11 AMFeb 22
Thanks to those, many since departed, who offered helpful hints in my cycling, amusing conversation, the gentlemen enablers.
To the rest: You don't have to be frightened little men trying to degrade everyone else to your slough of despond. Giving up envy of your betters would be a good start.
Arriverderci to those I'll rejoice to meet again elsewhere.
Ciao to those whose names I will have forgotten by tomorrow. Stop trying to lead my life; you don't have what it takes.
As my late pal Douglas Adams used to say, "So long and thanks for all the fish."
Andre Jute
Up Google!

Tom Kunich

Feb 22, 2024, 10:46:54 AMFeb 22
The group will be lesser without you Andre. Just the hate you generate from the Stupid 4 is so amusing that it the group will be all of the lesser without you.

I have been getting a very good laugh at my statement that cancers have quadrupled from the vaccines and Liebermann's "proof" that they weren't by showing us a chart from 1975 to 2020, a year before the vaccines were released. If you can stand it, there is an hour or so with Professor Adam Dalgleish, one of the world's leading experts on oncology with almost 600 papers published on cancer research discussing the many ways that cancer has been increased from these vaccines.

I like the part when he comments about Fauci since that was a polite way of repeating my previous comments here and to him privately. Very noteworthy is his comments about the medical journals censoring his research with the comments "we don't want to frighten the public who we forced to take the vaccines".

But Liebermann sooner or later discover that he is not the expert that he believes himself with a case of explosive colorectal cancer and a sudden disappearance from this group. Just remember this Liebermann - you were vaccinated to prove me wrong.
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