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Campy C-Record Index Shifter Questions

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Mar 23, 2002, 12:34:35 PM3/23/02

Hi and thanks for reading.

I purchased what I was told were C-Record shifters. They appear to be
indexed, and have a red insert (gear). Can anyone tell me:

1. What I've got?

2. If it will work with a 6 speed cluster using a Nuovo Record rear
derailleur, and if not, what's required?

3. If there are other inserts possible (I've heard of a blue one) and what
they accommodate?

Many thanks,



Mar 23, 2002, 9:59:19 PM3/23/02
I've posted a picture of the shifters here:


A Muzi

Mar 23, 2002, 10:56:50 PM3/23/02
"VRW" <> wrote in message

There are several insert colors (yellow, red, white, blue, black, grey,

The red is intended for a first-series Chorus with the body set to the "A"
position and any standard six speed freewheel (Campagnolo, Maillard700,
Regina America or Oro, Suntour Winner or New Winner or Winner Pro, Shimano
New 105, New 600, DA, and even Caimi is listed although IMHO they suck.)

Recommended chains are virtually not available any longer (chain in a bike
shop is like milk in a grocery. OK, maybe more like beer) so get the widest
thing available like maybe a KMC "Z" chain.

Syncro and Syncro-II shift but not as well as current equipment. Take care
to optimize the cable routing/materials. We also buff the tops of the
insert's notches on a buffing wheel so it's less harsh shifting (emulates a
Campagnolo shift after a thousand miles) and wears the springs less.

There's no recommended insert with a 1020/a changer. If you want to give it
a go, find a floating upper pulley. There may be some insert that actually
works with your changer and some unkown freewheel spacing but it will be
serendipitous if you find it at all. For example, DA-6 DT shifters will
work with your 1020/a and a Sachs freewheel (I've seen it). You'll need
lots of patience, inserts, freewheels and luck and even then it's not a sure

No matter what, a non-sprung top pivot design with any cage of the Nuovo
Record era will index poorly if at all.
Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April 1971

Qui si parla Campagnolo

Mar 24, 2002, 10:11:05 AM3/24/02
VRW-<< I purchased what I was told were C-Record shifters. They appear to be

indexed, and have a red insert (gear). Can anyone tell me:

1. What I've got?

If a extra small lever next to the right big one-Syncro 1, if a big knurled
know, Syncro 2 shifters.

2. If it will work with a 6 speed cluster using a Nuovo Record rear
derailleur, and if not, what's required?

No it will not in indexing mode, yes in friction mode, of which there is for
both. Take the big knurled knob, pull it out, and rotateabout 90 degrees right
for friction.

3. If there are other inserts possible (I've heard of a blue one) and what
they accommodate? >>

Any insert but unless you change the rder, will not work in index mode and even
if ya changed the rder, if the freewheel isn't 'indexed', that is have teeth
prep for click shifting, will not work. Even in the best of circumstances,
these shifters worked poorly.

Peter Chisholm
Vecchio's Bicicletteria
1833 Pearl ST.
Boulder, CO, 80302

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