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Real liberals celebrate Kwanzaa

110 vistas
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Andre Jute

no leída,
18 dic 2022, 4:53:21 a.m.18/12/2022
Christmas is so conservative. So this year I'm celebrating Kwanzaa instead, demonstrating how woke I am, and how topical now that the FBI is so much in the news with the Twitter exposures. If you don't know what Kwanzaa is, and how it originated, here's a good primer:

I bet the resident RBT "liberals" are too icky-sticky in the mud, too set in their systemic racist ways to have caught on to the Kwanzaa spirit yet, and will never understand how cool it is, especially for Africans like me (give or take some melanin) with our natural rhythm.

I'd better be on my treadmill before I do myself harm falling down laughing.

Andre Jute
That too. -- Punchline of a radio series I contributed to.

Tom Kunich

no leída,
18 dic 2022, 1:15:28 p.m.18/12/2022
Remember that the Black Panthers started in Oakland where I was born and raised. It isn't as if the Black Panthers were all that hot shit either. Between the Black Panthers and another black group the black community was destroyed with the belief in hating whitey even though Oakland was about as desegregates and equal opportunity as you could get. The black kids in my neighborhood had EXACTLY the same opportunities as I did. Mind you I had no opportunities when they put me in the dumb kids class because I wasn't white enough. But it wasn't as if all of the shop classes weren't open to all of the black kids as well. And those shop classes led to being machinists, mechanics and carpenters under the protection of unions until the union leadership took the stupid position that the workers should be making the same as the CEO. Look at what that caused.

Andre Jute

no leída,
22 dic 2022, 5:25:48 p.m.22/12/2022
Damnit to hell! More fake racist news!
Hey, happy holidays all the same, even to those who celebrate Kwanzaa.
Andre Jute
See how woke I am?

Tom Kunich

no leída,
23 dic 2022, 12:10:10 p.m.23/12/2022
Democrats believe that any made up holiday is fine as long as it is racist.

no leída,
23 dic 2022, 1:18:23 p.m.23/12/2022
Yes Dakota, you're so woke you masquerade as an american housewife.

Andre Jute

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 6:24:35 a.m.28/12/2022
You just gotta give the pinkos credit for providing a laugh even when the weather is too bad to cycle.
Democrats Continue to Celebrate Kwanzaa in the Most Cringeworthy Ways
Right here American leaders prove they are so gullible, they need their own Slow Johnny to look up stuff on Ann Coulter -- see below for the definitive version of Kwanzaa, a fake holiday invented by an FBI stooge only two years before Horselaugh Harris was born.
On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 9:53:21 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 9:44:25 a.m.28/12/2022
On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 6:24:35 AM UTC-5, an androgynous failed writer belched:
> >
<snipped right-wing bullshit>
> >
> Right here American leaders prove they are so gullible, they need their own Slow Johnny to look up stuff on Ann Coulter -- see below for the definitive version of Kwanzaa, a fake holiday invented by an FBI stooge only two years before Horselaugh Harris was born.
> >

_all_ holidays are fake, dakota.
- Jesus wasn't born on December 25
- Jesus didn't resurrect on the first sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox
- the American "thanksgiving" wasn't codified as holiday until Abraham Lincoln, the FDR moved it up a week to help spur christmas sales.
- New Years day is completely arbitrary - different cultures celebrating at different times of the year

Any "holiday" you can think of is some sort of arbitrary anthropocentric designation invented by whatever culture was dominant at the time. What's really going on here is your apartheid roots rearing its ugly head to denigrate an afro-centric cultural celebration that isn't specifically defined by your white racist christian upbringing.

BTW - I noticed you were rather unceremoniously removed from Bandon's wikipedia entry of notable residents once the page was taken over by the local tourism board. Man that must have _really_ sucked, to be dissed by wikipedia!

Andre Jute

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 11:37:11 a.m.28/12/2022
On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 2:44:25 PM UTC, wrote:
> BTW - I noticed you were rather unceremoniously removed from Bandon's wikipedia entry of notable residents once the page was taken over by the local tourism board. Man that must have _really_ sucked, to be dissed by wikipedia!
it's only little people like you who want to be on Wikipedia. Some jerk I called Worthless Wickie, a member of the Magnequest Scum, put me on Wikipedia and worthless clowns like you kept boosting the entry. When I complained, some poncey little man at Wiki OberHauptQuartier told me I could "come once a day and correct the entry about you", as if he was doing me a favour. I said, "Fine. I'll come once a day, but not to give pompous idiots like you free editorial services. Instead I'll spend that time every day investigating Jimmy Wales's expense accounts on behalf of the donors. And when he is forced by the uproar to resign, I'll do the same for every other member of the board, and when I finish with them, I'll come for the poncier volunteers like you. I imagine you'll be gone the moment Jimmy's successor discovers your fuckups caused his removal. You want to play?" He saw the logic and good sense of doing exactly as I told him to do, and killed the entry about me before sunset. I still don't know why anyone would want to be on an "encyclopaedia" written by the least capable and most ignorantly tendentious members of society. The little fuckwit was unable to answer that question, as you have already proven yourself to be by your idiocy quoted above.
Tell me, sparky, don't you have anything to do with your holiday other than to stalk me? Are you really so dull that these details of my reclusive if somewhat bizarre life are so much more interesting than your permanent misery?
Unsigned so as not to encourage Wikipedia Trailer Park Trash.
Charisma is the art of infuriating surplus breathers by merely lounging elegantly.

Tom Kunich

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 11:52:20 a.m.28/12/2022
If Flunky gets more self important he is likely to explode. I'm told that he thinks that I live in a "hovel". That suggests to me that he has a mortgage from here to the next century. Anger at the successes of others appears to be his way of life.


no leída,
28 dic 2022, 12:02:18 p.m.28/12/2022

The unions who run the United States Postal Service had
their Christmas on Monday the 26th.

Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April, 1971

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 12:43:18 p.m.28/12/2022
On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 11:37:11 AM UTC-5, an androgynous failed writer screeched:
> On Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 2:44:25 PM UTC, wrote:
> >
> > BTW - I noticed you were rather unceremoniously removed from Bandon's wikipedia entry of notable residents once the page was taken over by the local tourism board. Man that must have _really_ sucked, to be dissed by wikipedia!
> >
> it's only little people like you who want to be on Wikipedia.

I have no desire to be on wikipedia.

> Some jerk I called Worthless Wickie, a member of the Magnequest Scum, put me on Wikipedia and worthless clowns like you kept boosting the entry.

You're a lying sack of shit. Haven't you learned yet the Internet never forgets? You posted the original entry. A detractor wouldn't have posted:

"South African born Andre Jute, noted vacuum tube hi-fi designer, cyclist, music collector and critic, author, economist, psychologist, soldier and advisor to statesmen worldwide has made his home in the vicinity for many years." (,_County_Cork&oldid=124777302#People)

No, dakota, that was you, through and through. One of the "Magnequest Scum" found out you posted about yourself, and made edits:

" Mister Andre Jute McCoy,a writer of vanity novels and diarrhea-mouthed, long winded poster to the Usenet - where he pretends to be famous."

> When I complained, some poncey little man at Wiki OberHauptQuartier told me I could "come once a day and correct the entry about you", as if he was doing me a favour. I said, "Fine. I'll come once a day, but not to give pompous idiots like you free editorial services. Instead I'll spend that time every day investigating Jimmy Wales's expense accounts on behalf of the donors. And when he is forced by the uproar to resign, I'll do the same for every other member of the board, and when I finish with them, I'll come for the poncier volunteers like you. I imagine you'll be gone the moment Jimmy's successor discovers your fuckups caused his removal. You want to play?" He saw the logic and good sense of doing exactly as I told him to do, and killed the entry about me before sunset.

Well well, there's yet another tall tale from the vapid pen of andre/andrew/dakota. Oh Sure! We're all completely convinced that you would have had any influence on Jimmy Wales or that some administrator kowtowed to your empty threats.

No, skippy, What happened was you went in repeatedly to correct the entry, and it was repeatedly changed back. The list of changes between you and various other editors is below. It's rather extensive, and you gave up in then end. The only

> I still don't know why anyone would want to be on an "encyclopaedia" written by the least capable and most ignorantly tendentious members of society. The little fuckwit was unable to answer that question, as you > have already proven yourself to be by your idiocy quoted above.

What idocy would that be, skippy? the part where you post a link to the town hall trash site? or the idiocy where I school you on the mutability of holiday celebrations since the beginning of recorded history?

> Tell me, sparky, don't you have anything to do with your holiday other than to stalk me?

I do have free time, and ripping you and tommy to shreds is great entertainment.

> Are you really so dull that these details of my reclusive
> if somewhat bizarre life are so much more interesting than your permanent misery?'s just so much fun watching you thrash about as if you life still had any meaning - as if you had any lasting legacy - so much that the tourism board of Bandon removed your entry once they locked the page down . Even _they_ don't think you're worth mentioning.

> Unsigned so as not to encourage Wikipedia Trailer Park Trash.
> Charisma is the art of infuriating surplus breathers by merely lounging elegantly.

LOL...Here's some charisma for you:

Andre once thought he was famous enough to add himself to the Bandon Ireland wikipedia page.

Seems one of your fans got hold of it here:

More fan-based activity here:

Apparently someone got tired of that "nonsense":

but your fans weren't having any of that!

oops! then that one's gone too :(

aaaand, we're back

only to be cancelled once again!

Back again!

And another fan chimes in....

Only to be cancelled again!

Wow, this guy Cliff really seems to like you!

Apparently 'Ardfern' seemed to think your entire biography was "vandalism" (can't say as I blame him)

But Cliff comes back to the rescue!

Oh no, it seems like Riana is _no_ fan of Andre (People: ugh)

Once again, Cliff comes back to the rescue!

but, all good things come to an end. The Bandon Ireland page was locked, and the administrators (under the auspices of of the Bandon Tourism board) deemed Andre "not famous enough" - and he was summarily removed....Permanently.

We should be so lucky!!!

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 12:47:11 p.m.28/12/2022
None of this is about me sparky.

> I'm told that he thinks that I live in a "hovel".

You do. you incessantly complain about what shithole you live in.

> That suggests to me that he has a mortgage from here to the next century.

Mortgages come and go. My current equity is nearly double my outstanding principle.

> Anger at the successes of others appears to be his way of life.

and once again, irony meters all over the internet explode.....

John B.

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 5:37:05 p.m.28/12/2022
Well, that makes sense. It gives them a 3 day weekend. If Christmas
Eve is a holiday in the U.S. as it is here.


John B.

John B.

no leída,
28 dic 2022, 6:54:17 p.m.28/12/2022
And even worse, Jesus's name wasn't "Jesus" :-)

John B.

Andre Jute

no leída,
31 dic 2022, 12:44:12 p.m.31/12/2022
On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 9:53:21 AM UTC, Andre Jute wrote:
It's true, real liberals celebrate Kwanzaa. President Badfinger Biden said so, even if he couldn't pronounce the name right (my googlebug Slow Johnny will find the link for us), and who would dare to suggest Dopey Joe isn't a real liberal, just measuring by the damage he's done?
Andre Jute
Sometimes it takes a while for me to be proven right, but the Biden Administration has been working overtime to prove me right.

Tom Kunich

no leída,
31 dic 2022, 2:44:06 p.m.31/12/2022
Well, the one high point is that if Flunky actually had a job, the very fact that he does absolutely nothing makes him surplus to needs and any CEO in his right mind would fire him. Despite the lack of volunteers in the military and Dopey Joe spending the entire 10 year income of the USA taxable income, it is very likely that they will reduce military retirement pay. They can't for social security because there are simply too many voters dependent entirely on SS. Frank will continue to tell us how his investment haven't lost any value. And imply social responsibility from buying a Tesla. Poland is a tiny town so an electric car, while practical in his situation, is only so because, lying about them being "green", brings about mass production. Elon Musk is making Rockefeller look like a two bit loser and the woke can't stop him. Twitter now has less that 20% of the employees they had and no free donuts. And membership has risen dramatically. Facebook membership is not "falling" because once a member always a member but participation is nearing nothing. Facebook now is becoming a job advertising site.

Jeff Liebermann

no leída,
31 dic 2022, 5:01:49 p.m.31/12/2022
On Sat, 31 Dec 2022 11:44:04 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:

>Facebook membership is not "falling" because once a member always
>a member but participation is nearing nothing. Facebook now is
>becoming a job advertising site.

Wrong (as usual).

"Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 3rd quarter

"Forecast of the number of Facebook users in the United States from
2019 to 2028"

The part about "once a member, always a member" might be true in your
case. Is this you?
Jeff Liebermann
PO Box 272
Ben Lomond CA 95005-0272
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558


no leída,
31 dic 2022, 5:27:01 p.m.31/12/2022
On 12/31/2022 2:01 PM, Jeff Liebermann wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Dec 2022 11:44:04 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
> <> wrote:
>> Facebook membership is not "falling" because once a member always
>> a member but participation is nearing nothing. Facebook now is
>> becoming a job advertising site.
> Wrong (as usual).


Jeff Liebermann

no leída,
31 dic 2022, 7:49:45 p.m.31/12/2022
On Sat, 31 Dec 2022 14:26:57 -0800, sms <>
Maybe. It all depends on the assumptions made by whomever is selling
the data. The report seems to concentrate on the younger generations,
which history has proven them to follow the trends, fashions and fads.

Oddly, I'm seeing some of my older former customers and friends using
Facebook marketplace. It's very much like Craigslist and so far not
too many scams and scammers. I mostly check the free lists:
Facebook may have finally done something right:
We also have a bunch of local groups who use Facebook. For example,
Ben Lomond Neighbors:
My guess(tm) is that Facebook is still growing in the seniors age
range. This is only a guess(tm).

Andre Jute

no leída,
1 ene 2023, 6:46:46 a.m.1/1/2023
Facebook is full of Nigerian "princes" trying to rip off somebody and Facebook does nothing about it, presumably for fear that the usual woke clowns will accuse them of racism, though in fact they're displaying mere incompetence in not sloughing off the spammers. Good luck to Elon Musk! -- AJ

Tom Kunich

no leída,
1 ene 2023, 12:33:32 p.m.1/1/2023
Everything about Facebook is phony. The have 330 million Indians using it for 300 postings a day and Facebook uses that for proof that they are being used by 99 billion people a day. Actually Facebook themselves have admitted that not only is their base shrinking but the most important part of their base - the younger generation who now see Facebook as a site for old people with old ideas.

But don't you dare say that to Liebermann since he will proclaim you a liar and cite some idiot site to prove himself clever beyond belief.
"2. Young People Aren't Interested: Young people are flocking to TikTok, but that's not the only platform they're favoring over Facebook. Children and teenagers are more likely to connect through games like Fortnite and Roblox, or platforms like Discord, than they are Facebook."

When you have a fool that has absolutely no business on this site posting you can expect nothing but mindless drivel from him.


no leída,
1 ene 2023, 2:05:38 p.m.1/1/2023
Regarding bitching about The Face Book[1] it reminds me of
Woody Allen's quip about two old ladies in a restaurant,

"Oy, the food here is lousy."
"Yes, and such small portions."

[1] I have never signed up for it or visited it so my
comments are about bitching not about The Face Book itself.

Tom Kunich

no leída,
1 ene 2023, 4:31:14 p.m.1/1/2023
Long ago after they satisfied themselves that my opinions were conservative they found a really stupid reason to shut my account down and it is that way to today.

Jeff Liebermann

no leída,
1 ene 2023, 9:58:29 p.m.1/1/2023

no leída,
2 ene 2023, 10:33:29 a.m.2/1/2023
On Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 9:58:29 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Jan 2023 09:33:30 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
> <> wrote:
> >
> I get "X-Forbidden" when I try to view that URL. It should be:
> <>
> --

Tom - exhibiting his usual technological ineptitude - give two old links; one from October 2021 and one from february 2022. He concatenated them resulting in the browser error.

And as usual tom is wrong.
Datareportal has an annual report from July '21 to july '22

A slight loss in _monthly_ active users over the past three months, but increases in every other category:

- Change in Facebook’s monthly active users
- -Change in the number of Facebook monthly active users around the world in the past 3 months: -2 million (Apr 2022 to Jul 2022)(a)
- -Quarterly change in Facebook’s global monthly active users: -0.07% (Apr 2022 to Jul 2022)(a)
- -Change in the number of Facebook monthly active users around the world in the past 12 months: +39 million (Jul 2021 to Jul 2022)(a)
- -Annual change in Facebook’s global monthly active users: +1.3% (Jul 2021 to Jul 2022)(a)

- Change in Facebook’s daily active users
- -Change in the number of Facebook daily active users around the world in the past 3 months: +8 million (Apr 2022 to Jul 2022)(a)
- -Quarterly change in Facebook’s global daily active users: +0.4% (Apr 2022 to Jul 2022)(a)
- -Change in the number of Facebook daily active users around the world in the past 12 months: +60 million (Jul 2021 to Jul 2022)(a)
- -Annual change in Facebook’s global daily active users: +3.1% (Jul 2021 to Jul 2022)(a)

Yes, these are global stats. US stats show a shift in the demographic as the users are getting older, but no real decrease in the number of users. Tommy's articles point out the loss in certain demographics, which notably don't discuss the any change changes or losses in absolute users. In fact, his first link specifically addresses the "aging up" issue. Statista however predicts a steady increase in the number of US users (this was actually referenced in tommys second link). But then, no one here is surprised that tommy gives links completely contradicting his claims.

Apparently Dakota Franklin (andres female persona) hasn't posted on "her" facebook page in a while, but "she" apparently has some unrequited followers:

Roger Merriman

no leída,
2 ene 2023, 10:59:33 a.m.2/1/2023
I use it for my club group chat, ie put rides up and so on. Mostly plus
photos folks put up mainly family and close friends.

Roger Merriman

Tom Kunich

no leída,
2 ene 2023, 11:34:18 a.m.2/1/2023
Facebook gets marketing revenue by claiming members. Who in their right mind would believe their claims?

no leída,
2 ene 2023, 3:36:40 p.m.2/1/2023
lol....tommy, the economic genius who claims to have argued economics with Janet Yellin, thinks facebook makes money by inflating their membership...

And as usual, tommy is wrong, of course:

"Meta Platforms Inc. (META), the company that owns Facebook, primarily makes money by selling advertising space on its various social media platforms."

It's called return on investment, stupid. If the returns weren't realized, advertisers wouldn't spend the money

Jeff Liebermann

no leída,
2 ene 2023, 6:25:10 p.m.2/1/2023
On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 08:34:16 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:

>Facebook gets marketing revenue by claiming members.

Marketing does not generate revenue. Sales of advertising, services,
some products, and the sales of you personal information, generate
revenue for Facebook.

"How Does Facebook Make Money? Six Primary Revenue Streams"
"...the company earns about 85% of its money from advertising"

"While specific numbers are hard to come by, it's estimated that
Facebook earns $84 from each of its North American users, and $27 from
each of its European users."

"Looking for 2023 Facebook statistics?" (Dec 29, 2022)
"Does anyone actually use Facebook anymore? It may seem like people
are leaving the platform in droves, but the stats tell a different

>Who in their right mind would believe their claims?

Not me. I'm left minded while you are right minded.


Left brain
- Thinking in words
- Sequencing
- Linear thinking
- Mathematics
- Facts
- Logic

Right brain:
- Feelings visualization
- Imagination
- Intuition
- Rhythm
- Holistic thinking
- Arts

"The left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly than the right
brain. It’s sometimes called the digital brain. It’s better at things
like reading, writing, and computations."

"The right brain is more visual and intuitive. People sometimes refer
to it as the analog brain. It has a more creative and less organized
way of thinking."

Yep, that mostly fits. Tom, I believe I may have found your problem.
The left half of your brain is not working properly and you're running
on the right side. When you had your concussion, which side was

Andre Jute

no leída,
2 ene 2023, 7:10:41 p.m.2/1/2023
On Monday, January 2, 2023 at 11:25:10 PM UTC, wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 08:34:16 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
> <> wrote:
> >Facebook gets marketing revenue by claiming members.
> Marketing does not generate revenue.
WTF? Are you a malicious liar, Liebermann, or merely stupid. Marketing is an encompassing term including advertising, and in most cases advertising is he main budgetary component on marketing cost projections. As an instance, in my advertising agency my division was named the Marketing Services Division, because all clients understood the wide reach of the term "marketing.
> Sales of advertising, services,
That's marketing, nitwit, as you well know.
> some products,
Unspecified but marketing all the same.
and the sales of you personal information,
Peripheral input to clients' mail order marketing programs.
>generate revenue for Facebook.
You don't say! Gee, it's all marketing, because Facebook doesn't have any "product" to sell except those that are ***marketed***.
> "How Does Facebook Make Money? Six Primary Revenue Streams"
> <>
> "...the company earns about 85% of its money from advertising"
QED. Marketing.
> "While specific numbers are hard to come by, it's estimated that
> Facebook earns $84 from each of its North American users, and $27 from
> each of its European users."
Yup. By selling advertising to an inflated user base to vendors of goods and services. Marketing by any name monkeys like you looking in from the outside want to call it.
This crap arises from your all-consuming need to prove Tom wrong. But I worked in advertising, a marketing function among others, and I know better. You're a fool to try this on where I would see it, Liebermann. It's just another lie on top of all the lies you've already told. You're despicable.

Tom got it right again. Any intern who works in any branch of marketing will tell you that.

Unsigned out of contempt.

Tom Kunich

no leída,
3 ene 2023, 3:59:37 p.m.3/1/2023
It has come to the point that you can no longer blame Liebermann for his postings because he so obviously cannot understand the English Language. Though we are stuck trying to understand what language he does speak because he sounds stupid in anything he writes., And since it is all gobbledegook we can't tell what language it is he is speaking.

Facebook income is falling and that is all you need to know. The number of lies told by Facebgook is rivaled only by the stupid five here on this group.

When you lie ALL the time you lose the trust of your users.

Facebook owns YouTube and even though medical journals are showing that the vaccines are killing 100's of times more people than the covid-19 has they are still censoring people that quote those MEDICAL journals that are warning that you should NOT vaccine people under 50 and only those over 50 that have grave health considerations. As I showed by CDC information, the virus was little more dangerous than a normal influenza.

But I want to make it clear what happened. A BAT virus was chosen for an experiment in Gain-of-Function because it was easy to identify. The gain-of-function research was in increasing the infection rates of a virus. I suppose you could excuse this saying "we had to know how to treat a new virus that was wildly infectious." But that wasn't really what they were doing, they were TRYING to manipulate a virus as a learning process. To be used for Bio-warfare? Likely not because you do NOT use weapons of mass destruction that you cannot protect yourself against. So this was undoubtedly the excess pride and hubris and vanity of Chinese Scientists probably added to by Fauci.

But HOW to tell if you have achieved your goal? They purposely released this. Claims of accidental release happened LONG after the virus showed up in Italy and they had a large group of Chinese laborers there that came from Wuhan. So these people were quite purposely infected with the virus before or while they were in Transit to northern Italy.

They had chosen the bat virus because it was thought to be harmless and easily identifiable. And indeed among the lower age group like the people that hunt in the bat caves, it appeared to be harmless. I can imagine that the Chinese were quite startled to discover it was so lethal to people with severe heart problems since it caused respiratory distress, the main thing that heart problems are sensitive to - lowering the amount of oxygen to the heart muscles.

What's more, I am also sure that they never guessed that the virus would spread so rapidly. As of today probably 96% of the population and antibodies from this virus. Despite the fools like Fauci making wild-ass statements, the following mutations are NOT "less lethal" but are attacking people that have poor immune systems and who have already been exposed to the virus and hence have at least partial immunity.

This also supports the claim of co-immunity from the common corona cold viruses that cause some 20% of the common colds. If this was so wouldn't it have been easier and cheaper to simply infect everyone with one of these cold viruses? (say Cov-MI16?) These do not cause the heavy respiratory distress of Cov-19 but would cause general immunity and through a DIFFERENT pathway than that of the deadly spike proteins so that it would not be effected by the mutations of the Spike proteins of Covid-19.

The truth is becoming known but will Congress take ANY steps to punish the people that caused millions of untimely deaths?

Andre Jute

no leída,
3 ene 2023, 6:31:48 p.m.3/1/2023
Don't hold your breath for responsibility for the catastrophe of COVID being brought down on one or two heads, Fauci + A N Other. I'd really like a fair proportion of the blame to land with the incompetent and/or reckless Chinese psychopaths in their administration who let this abomination first proceed and then be loosed on the world. Slow strangulation for the most guilty plotters, preferably in public and on television, would be a good start. Note that aiding and abetting the enemies of the state is treason and carries the death penalty in the US. -- AJ

John B.

no leída,
3 ene 2023, 8:40:31 p.m.3/1/2023
On Tue, 3 Jan 2023 12:59:35 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
Tommy writes "When you lie ALL the time you lose the trust of your

And in the next paragraph tells us that "Facebook owns YouTube".

The facts are that YouTube which was founded by three former PayPal
employees—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim– in February 2005,
was purchased by Google in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion, since
which it operates as one of Google's subsidiaries.

So the big question is, "Is Tommy really that stupid?" or "Is Tommy
telling lies again?"

Of course, Tommy will label this post as one posted by a member of the
"Hate Group" which really does give one an insight into Tommy's
thinking. Apparently anyone that tells the truth, that contradicts
Tommy's lies and ignorance, becomes a "Hater" in Tommy's mind.

John B.

Jeff Liebermann

no leída,
3 ene 2023, 9:51:06 p.m.3/1/2023
On Tue, 3 Jan 2023 12:59:35 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
<> wrote:

>Facebook income is falling and that is all you need to know.

Facebook doesn't declare it's income separately. Facebook's income is
declared as part of its parent company, Meta. You might want to read
the financial statements, quarterly reports, statements from your $2
million investments to help you use the correct terms.

Income (revenue) only?
I guess profits are not important, only income.

My guess(tm) is that you meant that Meta's market cap (value for the
stock) has dropped. That's true:
Wild variations in stock price are one of the joys of tech stocks.

>Facebook owns YouTube

Ummm... Google owns YouTube.

>and even though medical journals are showing that
>the vaccines are killing...

Here we go again. Yet another topic change veering into the weeds.

Roger Merriman

no leída,
4 ene 2023, 7:11:09 a.m.4/1/2023
I thought that had bee disproved left/right brain and so on?

Brain injury and how damaged a brain is, isn’t simple to see ie can be
diffuse stuff that can’t be seen by scans, and equally where the skull is
impacted and the damage to brain can be different areas as it moves, I have
damaged to front and rear for that reason.

Roger Merriman

Tom Kunich

no leída,
4 ene 2023, 12:52:39 p.m.4/1/2023
You would think that people would hold up China as how to do anything possible wrong. They are now a dying nation because of their birth policies from 50 years ago and their lockdown policies of today are killing off more. Will the Chinese continue to put up with a corrupt and insane government?

Tom Kunich

no leída,
4 ene 2023, 1:08:09 p.m.4/1/2023
Liebermann blathers on and on as if he had a clue about the real world. As in every other thing about the human body, left and right brain functions are nothing more than theory and have been proven to be inaccurate in many cases. Lieberman isn't saying anything from a base of knowledge but because he thinks that I would care what he says and that he could insult me. Like someone that claims I never did the jobs I did, the club memberships I have etc. is going to insult me rather than make still more of a fool of himself.

John B.

no leída,
4 ene 2023, 7:19:25 p.m.4/1/2023
On Wed, 4 Jan 2023 09:52:36 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
Well, lets see...

Chinese population in 2000 was 1,264,099,069 and in 2005 it was
My goodness only 40,788,493 more? Obviously wasting away to nothing.

Chinese Economy? China GDP for 2021 was $17,734.06 billion, China GDP
for 2018 was $13,894.82 billion,
Gee, only an increase of a miserable 27% increase.

The U.S. had a GDP of 20,527.16 in 2018 and 20,893.74 in 2021, an
increase of 1.78%.

Yes Sir! there is no question that China is wasting away to nothing!
Or perhaps our resident "expert" has his head firmly wedged in his
posterior orifice?

John B.

no leída,
5 ene 2023, 5:37:02 a.m.5/1/2023
On Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 7:19:25 PM UTC-5, John B. wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Jan 2023 09:52:36 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich
> >
> >You would think that people would hold up China as how to do anything possible wrong.

suuure sparky <pats his little pointed head>

They are now a dying nation because of their birth policies from 50 years ago and their lockdown policies of today are killing off more. Will the Chinese continue to put up with a corrupt and insane government?
> Well, lets see...
> Chinese population in 2000 was 1,264,099,069 and in 2005 it was
> 1,304,887,562.
> My goodness only 40,788,493 more? Obviously wasting away to nothing.
> Chinese Economy? China GDP for 2021 was $17,734.06 billion, China GDP
> for 2018 was $13,894.82 billion,
> Gee, only an increase of a miserable 27% increase.
> The U.S. had a GDP of 20,527.16 in 2018 and 20,893.74 in 2021, an
> increase of 1.78%.
> Yes Sir! there is no question that China is wasting away to nothing!
> Or perhaps our resident "expert" has his head firmly wedged in his
> posterior orifice?
> --

While I would agree that truer words have never been spoken in this forum than the latter part of your last paragraph, Assessing economic health of china is at best difficult since the government heavily manipulates the vast majority of the data it manipulates. Most reports I read state they aren't doing any better than anyone else right now.

Andre Jute

no leída,
5 ene 2023, 6:23:20 a.m.5/1/2023
For the Left, China is a Revolutionary Romance. Duuuuullllll!!!!!! But then the left is generally dull, as people who can only destroy, never build, always are.
More interesting is the Chinese people. The problem there is that they've never been used to better leaders. Their history is one of conquest by warlords, which is how their dynasties started out. Let me ask you this: imagine you're a Chinese peasant, your fields trampled to mud repeatedly as the Nationalists and the Communists overrun your patch of the country. What difference would you see between General Chiang and Mao Tse Tung and [fill in the current dictator for life's name, and the next one and the next one]? All that is different today is that there has been (on a Chinese scale of effect) a small reverse revolution which created a gaudy aristocracy of ostentatious spenders, but it is very small and the CCP is clearly having second thoughts about them, vide the disappearance of Jack Maa, China's leading entrepreneur, founder of Aliexpress which, immediately it came under government control, became a worse service than before. Or there was the postal delivery service to foreign parts -- you can't sell internationally if you can't deliver, obvious to you and me, and even to the top of the CCP, which promised to improve deliveries. Unfortunately they don't have the faintest idea of what they're doing, and since they interfered, the delivery service has worsened by a couple or three weeks, from what I can see -- and it is easy to see, because there's a money-back guarantee if they don't deliver you stuff by the promised date, and the promised date has now shifted from about six weeks to nearer 13 (90 days), to give vendors in the system some leeway. Lenin used to say, to excuse his foulups, that things must get worse before they get better. In China they get a little better (good weather leads to a single good harvest) before they get much worse for much longer when the CCP steps in to "regulate" the small advance in their own interest.
Andre Jute
"It's the economy, stoopid." -- Jimmy Carvllle, clearest political thinker in the Democrat ranks.

Andre Jute

no leída,
5 ene 2023, 7:19:08 a.m.5/1/2023
On Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 12:19:25 AM UTC, John B. wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Jan 2023 09:52:36 -0800 (PST), Tom Kunich wrote:
> >
> >You would think that people would hold up China as how to do anything possible wrong. They are now a dying nation because of their birth policies from 50 years ago and their lockdown policies of today are killing off more. Will the Chinese continue to put up with a corrupt and insane government?
> Well, lets see...
> Chinese population in 2000 was 1,264,099,069 and in 2005 it was
> 1,304,887,562.
> My goodness only 40,788,493 more? Obviously wasting away to nothing.
> Chinese Economy? China GDP for 2021 was $17,734.06 billion, China GDP
> for 2018 was $13,894.82 billion,
> Gee, only an increase of a miserable 27% increase.
> The U.S. had a GDP of 20,527.16 in 2018 and 20,893.74 in 2021, an
> increase of 1.78%.
> Yes Sir! there is no question that China is wasting away to nothing!
> Or perhaps our resident "expert" has his head firmly wedged in his
> posterior orifice?
> --
> Cheers,
> John B.
Here we have another brilliant example of Slow Johnny's consuming neeeeeeeeedd to prove Tom wrong instead turning Slow Johnny into a public idiot.
Yo, SloJoSlo, this is what I mean when I say that every time you think you have the killer shot, all you have in your hand is proof of your own lack of education and sophistication.
First of all, pay attention to where Tom tells you about the sex imbalance caused by the Chinese one-child policy starting more than fifty years back. The implications of this are all-important, because it can cause great social upheavals to have so many men without women, and it is a miracle that the CCP hasn't yet done the obvious thing and started a war (a bigger war than the ongoing border skirmishes against India). I realise that after all these lies you've told about Tom your nose is probably a couple of miles long and your eyes aren't so hot in your 88th year, but that's the problem about lies, that they require bigger lies to support them, and then bigger still, which is why I never lie -- okay, if you try looking further than the end of your nose, you might discover that whatever the Chicoms call their census bureau has already forecast a falling population in the near future; failing the Chico's, try the UN. But that isn't even the main worry for the Chicoms; they still have plenty of cannon fodder. The main worry is that for whatever future wars they plan to restore their Empire (presumably starting with recovering Taiwan and then putting down the uppity Japanese before turning north towards the rich mineral deposits of Siberia and then west to the breadbaskets of India, Russia and the Ukraine, and of course the oil of the Middle East -- a Hitlerite conquest strategy seen from the other side of the briefing slide) they will need able bodies and a lot of money. But the frustrating and dangerous result of their one-child policy from more than half a century ago is that the Chinese population will grow old before they grow rich, thereby screwing the plans of the CCP for good. This is a very crude analysis, Slow Johnny, but I didn't want to stress your capability for integrating information; the point is, all of this hides behind Tom's statement about the one child policy, and is intended by him to be understood as information of co-equivalent importance, and is so understood by educated people with some worldly sophistication. Every one of those numbers you think are so meaningful needs to be weighted not only against per capita competitive numbers elsewhere, but against Chicom ***aspirations*** to restoring the Lotus Empire (nah, I don't know what shorthand they have for it, I'm just making them a gift of that evocative slogan). And that is why, once again, you miss your target by a mile.
Andre Jute
Don't ever say I didn't do nuffink for you, Slow Johnny. That's a whole elite education in one short internet post.

John B.

no leída,
5 ene 2023, 9:16:35 a.m.5/1/2023
I can't really comment on Chinese manipulation and I doubt that
anyone outside China can either, but we do (probably) see a lot of
information that isn't of interest to others. As an example, the
numbers of Chinese tourists expected to visit Thailand in the next
year and the amount that they are expected to spend (far more then
other countries :-), progress on the Chinese financed transport system
that they are building, and so on.

It is certainly not definitive but it does give one a hint as to what
is going on..

John B.

Tom Kunich

no leída,
5 ene 2023, 11:22:53 a.m.5/1/2023
Since John is a complete fool, he doesn't understand the importance in Chinese society of having a son to carry down the family name. This means that under the one child policy, female pregnancies were terminated and now there are no women of the appropriate age to carry the country on. But Slocumb prefers to quote Google rather than know things. I can only assume that he is like my older brother and married Asian wives since they would cook compliantly. My brother would never have had any children if between the foreign woman, he hadn't accidently married a white woman. And he hardly recognizes his own children.

John B.

no leída,
5 ene 2023, 11:59:35 a.m.5/1/2023
What world are you living in?
The male population of China in 2021 was 723.11 million and the female
population was 689.49 million.
Similar a great many other countries.


John B.

Jeff Liebermann

no leída,
9 ene 2023, 6:40:41 p.m.9/1/2023
On Thu, 5 Jan 2023 03:23:18 -0800 (PST), Andre Jute
<> wrote:

>vide the disappearance of Jack Maa, China's leading entrepreneur, founder of Aliexpress...

"Jack Ma, the billionaire founder of Alibaba, just resurfaced in
Thailand hours before giving up his company. Here's a timeline of his
fall from grace." (January 7, 2023)
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