I can read and I generally look things up before I post replies. You
might want to try looking things up from time to time before making
demonstrably false statements. Here's a voice of experience growing up
in the bay area in the 40's/'50s:
"Oakland did not require us to sit in the back of the bus. Here we were
allowed to drink from the same water fountain as White people. We could
even try on shoes and hats before we bought them. A lawyer, who was a
descendant of former slaves, could work in the court system, without
having to go through a white lawyer. Movie houses were not segregated;
we could choose our seats."
That isn't to say it was perfect:
"The Black struggle for racial justice in California is as old as the
state itself. By the early 1850s, hundreds of enslaved African Americans
had been forcibly imported to work the gold diggings around Sacramento.
When many of them won their freedom later in the decade, they still
faced a raft of discriminatory laws and practices. African Americans
could not legally testify against whites in courts of law, nor could
they marry across the color line. They were also routinely barred from
streetcars and viciously parodied in San Francisco’s popular minstrel
Gee, didn't you read out three libraries, but found nothing on racist
policies in California?