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A note from the Master

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Jun 18, 2016, 7:49:42 AM6/18/16
"Always file a written complaint, and demand that bikes be banned from
trails and be restricted to paved roads! Also an email complaint, so it can
be sent to headquarters. These complaints influence policy, and give rangers
an idea of where they should patrol. Each incident may not seem very
significant, but in toto, they are very significant. They prove that the
usual solution ("we just need more education") doesn't work. Mountain bikers
just don't care! They get their thrills from speed, have no empathy for
other trail users, and don't want to slow down. That is proved by every
mountain biking video. Ever see a video of mountain bikers riding at a
leisurely pace? No! They don't exist!"

Mountain bikes have wheels. Wheels are for roads.

Trails are for walking. What’s the matter? Can’t walk?

Ed Dolan the Great – Minnesota


Jul 7, 2016, 10:19:04 PM7/7/16
"At 08:39 AM 7/5/2016, "Parkinson, Aida" <> wrote:

The NPS understands that there are potential impacts from mountain biking,
as well as other activities that are permitted in national park units. In
2012, the NPS published regulations for bicycle use in NPS units. The
attached Federal Register notice covers issues relating to bicycle use on

Thanks, but there are serious problems with that document:

1. "For existing trails, the final rule prohibits bicycle use where
significant impacts would
occur." Significant impacts always occur! That is the nature of mountain
biking, which is an inappropriate use of natural areas.

2. The fact that it may be "popular" is irrelevant. Many destructive
activities (e.g. ATV use) are popular.

3. The laws of physics and biology are identical in all areas. There is no
reason to have different rules in different parks. Having to fight each new
trail is an unfair burden on people who want to protect the parks.

4. Bicycles are prohibited in wilderness, but wildlife are not restricted to
wilderness! If they deserve protection in wilderness, they deserve
protection everywhere!

5. History shows that mountain bikers have no respect for habitat, wildlife,
or other trail users. Possession of a bicycle gives one too much power
(threat of injury and disturbance of the nature experience) over wildlife
and other trail users.

6. Mountain bikers always ride through creeks, rather than carrying their
bikes. That shows that they don't care about protecting habitat.

7. There is no such thing as a "sustainable" trail. This is pure fantasy.
Eroded soil doesn't return to life nor to its position on the trail.

8. It is well known that a helmet doesn't protect one from serious injury or
death. An activity that requires a helmet is obviously inappropriate in a
national park.

9. "Generally, impacts to soils, vegetation, and wildlife from bicycles are
similar to impacts from hiking". This indicates that the NPS hasn't
understood the research on this topic, and is relying on poor "science"
written by mountain bikers. For a review refuting those studies, see

10. "Bicycling is a family-oriented activity that contributes to the health
and well being of those that enjoy it". You have really drunk the mountain
bikers' Kool-Aid! Your Final Bicycle Rule reads like mountain biking
propaganda! See for why mountain
biking is decidedly not "a family-oriented activity that contributes to the
health and well being of those that enjoy it".

11. The Rule sounds reasonable, but is not, because it relies on poor
science. It reads exactly like mountain biker propaganda. In fact, many
statements were lifted directly from such propaganda. Apparently, the Rule
was written by a mountain biker."


Jul 10, 2016, 12:08:54 AM7/10/16
" At 02:37 PM 6/30/2016, "Parkinson, Aida" <> wrote:

> Dear Mr. Lurz:

> We received your comment sent to REDW_Information on bicycle use on
> Redwood National and State Park trails. We share your concerns about
> potential conflicts among different user groups on trails and about trail
> conditions. We are fortunate that our trails are uncrowded and that trail
> users are generally considerate of other users. The majority of our trails
> that are open to bicycles are former logging roads. There are no single
> track trails or trails that have been specifically constructed for
> mountain bikes. Our primary goal for trail management is to provide a safe
> and enjoyable experience for all park users.

That ignores the wildlife - who should be your top priority! It is
impossible for me to have an enjoyable experience while knowing that
mountain biking (an environmentally destructive activity) is permitted in my
national parks! Apparently you are not familiar with the history and impacts
of mountain biking - even after I sent you the information!

> If that goal is not being met, we will reconsider how trail use is
> permitted. Thank you so much for taking the time to express your concerns.
> We invite you to visit the northern redwood parks to enjoy the many trails
> in an uncrowded setting.

I'm not concerned about "crowding" or "manners". Those are ephemeral
conditions. I'm concerned about the harm that inevitably accompanies
mountain biking: erosion, killing of animals and plants, destruction of
habitat, driving other trail users off of the trails and out of the parks,
and bad role modeling for our children (teaching them that the rough
treatment of our parks is acceptable - it's not!). Also mountain bikers'
ability to claim that mountain biking is now allowed in a national park.
Those problems cannot be cured except by restricting bikes to paved roads -
where they belong. "
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