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Floyd Landis

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Bob Newman

Dec 27, 2006, 9:08:54 PM12/27/06
I see he is still the Tour champ. Is it a done deal? It seems like there
has been plenty of time to strip his title if they were going to do it.


Dec 28, 2006, 2:59:11 AM12/28/06
Bob Newman wrote:
> I see he is still the Tour champ. Is it a done deal? It seems like there
> has been plenty of time to strip his title if they were going to do it.


Over in the "Us Cross National Champions" thread, Bob Schwartz
and Les Earnest are arguing about whether guys who won races
between 1963 and 1969 should count as national champions,
contemporaneously, retroactively, yes for a year in 1990-1 but
not after that, or only in months with a letter "r" in their name.

Bob and Les may be tenacious like a Wolverine, but compared
to WADA and the UCI they are both models of not only rational
decsion making but catlike quickness. Retroactive testing and
retroactive results and record jiggering are Dick Pound's
Time Machine. So, I wouldn't count on a mere trifle like the
passage of time, global climate catastrophe, or the heat death
of the universe settling what race Floyd Landis did or did not win
and whose lunch money Floyd did or did not steal last year.

Morlocks rule, Eloi drool,

Donald Munro

Dec 28, 2006, 4:45:18 AM12/28/06
Bob Newman wrote:
>> I see he is still the Tour champ. Is it a done deal? It seems like there
>> has been plenty of time to strip his title if they were going to do it. wrote:
> So, I wouldn't count on a mere trifle like the
> passage of time, global climate catastrophe, or the heat death
> of the universe settling what race Floyd Landis did or did not win
> and whose lunch money Floyd did or did not steal last year.

The winner of the 2006 TDF will be determined by the quantity of dark
matter in the universe.

Davey Crockett

Dec 28, 2006, 4:52:38 AM12/28/06
Donald Munro <> writes:

If Flandis is to eccape the approaching Black Hole, he'd better charge
up some more so he can crank out enough watts to get him up to escape

-- - Merry Christmas
If man makes himself a worm he must not complain when he is trodden
on. --Immanuel Kant, German philosopher (1724-1804)

Donald Munro

Dec 28, 2006, 5:43:29 AM12/28/06
to wrote:
>> > So, I wouldn't count on a mere trifle like the
>> > passage of time, global climate catastrophe, or the heat death
>> > of the universe settling what race Floyd Landis did or did not win
>> > and whose lunch money Floyd did or did not steal last year.
Donald Munro wrote:
>> The winner of the 2006 TDF will be determined by the quantity of dark
>> matter in the universe.

Davey Crockett wrote:
> If Flandis is to eccape the approaching Black Hole, he'd better charge
> up some more so he can crank out enough watts to get him up to escape
> velocity

If its a rotating (Kerr) black hole then he could make the transition into
the ultimate track rider. However the WADA black hole appears to require
some Hawking style quantum modifications to the general theory of
relativity as it leaves the accused in a Schroedinger's cat style state of

Davey Crockett

Dec 28, 2006, 7:13:27 AM12/28/06
Donald Munro <> writes:

Davey parcels up a Gravitational SlingShot and mails it off to Floyd

-- - Merry Christmas

Here we go aagin...........
U.S. says evidence links Iran military to plots in Iraq:

The U.S. military said it had credible evidence linking Iranians and
their Iraqi associates, detained here in raids last week, to criminal
activities, including attacks against U.S. forces

Bob Newman

Dec 28, 2006, 8:20:51 AM12/28/06
I thought I asked a simple question. Thanks a lot guys.


"Davey Crockett" <> wrote in message

Bob Schwartz

Dec 28, 2006, 8:51:49 AM12/28/06
to wrote:
> Bob Newman wrote:
>> I see he is still the Tour champ. Is it a done deal? It seems like there
>> has been plenty of time to strip his title if they were going to do it.

> Bob and Les may be tenacious like a Wolverine, but compared

> to WADA and the UCI they are both models of not only rational
> decsion making but catlike quickness. Retroactive testing and
> retroactive results and record jiggering are Dick Pound's
> Time Machine. So, I wouldn't count on a mere trifle like the
> passage of time, global climate catastrophe, or the heat death
> of the universe settling what race Floyd Landis did or did not win
> and whose lunch money Floyd did or did not steal last year.

Well, they had to change the rule after the offense to get Bergman.
I've been waiting for another move like that.

Bob Schwartz


Dec 28, 2006, 11:20:51 PM12/28/06
Bob Schwartz wrote:

> Well, they had to change the rule after the offense to get Bergman.
> I've been waiting for another move like that.

If I were betting on a tactic, it would be for IV use. There are a
number of drumbeats that suggest it won't just go away, as much as it
probably should.

-dB for Landis news, research, and comment.

Donald Munro

Dec 30, 2006, 6:54:27 AM12/30/06
Bob Newman wrote:

> I thought I asked a simple question. Thanks a lot guys.

If you don't like the complexity of your universe you can always apply to
be transferred to another one.

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