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Has anyone here cycled in China before?

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Félix An

Dec 18, 2023, 4:04:44 AM12/18/23
I'm currently in Hangzhou, and I have a road bike, and during the
summer, I will often go for rides through the picturesque mountains of
Xihu and sometimes climb the hill to the Longjing Tea Village. Has
anyone here cycled in China before? Does anyone here have some good
routes to share?

Bob Martin

Dec 19, 2023, 12:39:02 AM12/19/23
Anne Mustoe, an elderly English woman, has cycled extensively all around the world,
including China, mostly alone, and chronicles her travels in her very entertaining books.
I can recommend them to all cyclists.

"A Bike Ride: 12,000 miles around the world"
"Lone Traveller: One Woman, Two Wheels and the World"
"Che Guevara and the Mountain of Silver: By bicycle and train through South America"

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