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Feb 20, 2024, 6:29:25 PMFeb 20
As the time nears for the final posting on RAS we should all be shedding tears of disbelief that the end is near for RAS as we have known it for years. Just a few special thanks to many of the dedicated soaring pilots and supporters that have made this forum what it became.
So long to Eric, your dedication to motorgliders is well noted, and to The Moron From Moriarty, your foul mouth needs cleansing! Fitch, you certainly are worthy of total respect, I found your humor and overall demeanor to be entertaining. To all the wonderful ladies of WSPA, keep doing what you are doing, just don't be radical. To Kimmie and Mitch, where have you been??? To those whom have been offended by my not so offending post, hope you get over it, life is too short. To all my Canadian friends like Charles Peterson, I know you did not steal the salt and pepper shakers and the toilet paper from the rest areas in Florida, it must have been some other Canadian.
So in closing I must say that this has been a great ride through the years, no harm intended and please do not take anything that I have said as personal, it is all in fun and laughs. To my MG friend, my apologies for placing the LGBTQ sticker on your glider, it was all in fun and games, you are a good guy.
To all my motorglider friends and foe, hopefully you all started as PURIST and enjoyed those times as much as I have, there is nothing to be ashamed of owning and flying a motorglider, yet nothing to be proud of either!
Hope to see many of you in the future at the new site that will be coming soon, all of you are invited to take part and enjoy. Oh, my final farewell goes out to one of the most obnoxious, dickheads in all of soaring, 2G., AKA DSM5, what a headcase, should be in some type of institution, surrounded by the likes of other pompous belligerent jerks.
In closing, best wishes and good health to all of you and let us not forget those that we have lost in the past. Have fun, enjoy life have many laughs and take nothing serious, and as Walter Cronkite would say, "And That Is The Way It Is". So long, OBTP
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