You want to have *some* air flow. Around the edges of the doors is probably about right, if the gaps are reasonably small.
Maybe block the rotating air vent temporarily?
Just how cold are you talking about? I'm guessing not below freezing, as in that case the water content of the air is near zero anyway (it can be 100% humidity, but that's very little actual water).
Dehumidifiers are happiest working above 20C, and if I recall correctly they start to get quite ineffective below 10C.
If the temperature is below 10C / 50F then you probably want something using a desiccant, not one using the traditional fridge-like compressor system. Something like this:
According to reviews, this unit uses four times as much electricity to remove the same amount of water as a typical small compressor-based unit. I don't know what temperature that is at -- probably 20 C or warmer. That's not going to be the case at very low temperatures -- the desiccant unit keeps working pretty much as effectively right down to 1C / 34F, while a compressor unit is going to be doing nothing at that temperature.
A nice thing about dehumidifiers in winter is that they put out a lot of heat as well. I used one for my primary winter house heating for years in New Zealand. I found that a dehumidifier using 330W of electricity kept the house as warm as running a 1000W electric heater. That's for a compressor-based one.