Mark Mocho
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I have had several adventures just installing a regular tube and tire on one-piece wheels. They all required a lot of time, a hydraulic press, specially built plywood and steel tools and extensive use of the French language. (As in "Excuse my French.") I don't think these methods would work with a solid tire unless you had even more specialized tools and the ability to swear in at least twenty languages. My suggestion is to go with a tire and tube and fill with a two-part foam. Note that some foam is too rigid, and all will add weight- Some will nearly double the weight of the tailwheel. One-piece wheels are to be avoided at all costs because they were designed to piss us off. And they do so admirably.
Much easier to replace the one-piece wheel with a split wheel. And if you do use a foam filled tire, be sure to update your Weight & Balance calculations.
I have, however, replaced the tube in my wing wheel with a foam insert and I like it a lot. It's more difficult to install than a tube, but I only had to do it once. My tail dolly wheel has also been replaced with a solid tire. The joys of living in a desert, where all plants have a defense mechanism.