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installing foam tire/tube onto one-piece wheel

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Mike Pollard

May 24, 2023, 1:34:49 PM5/24/23
For the tailwheel of my glider (Jantar 3), I purchased a tire with a foam-filled tube. The wheel it goes on is a one-piece. When I asked Wings and Wheels for installation instructions, they told me they didn't think it would fit on a one-part wheel, only a 2-part wheel. Does anybody know any different or a method for installing it? If it matters it is a MAX II Foam Filled 200x50 - SKU 4973.



Mark Mocho

May 24, 2023, 2:07:04 PM5/24/23
I have had several adventures just installing a regular tube and tire on one-piece wheels. They all required a lot of time, a hydraulic press, specially built plywood and steel tools and extensive use of the French language. (As in "Excuse my French.") I don't think these methods would work with a solid tire unless you had even more specialized tools and the ability to swear in at least twenty languages. My suggestion is to go with a tire and tube and fill with a two-part foam. Note that some foam is too rigid, and all will add weight- Some will nearly double the weight of the tailwheel. One-piece wheels are to be avoided at all costs because they were designed to piss us off. And they do so admirably.

Much easier to replace the one-piece wheel with a split wheel. And if you do use a foam filled tire, be sure to update your Weight & Balance calculations.

I have, however, replaced the tube in my wing wheel with a foam insert and I like it a lot. It's more difficult to install than a tube, but I only had to do it once. My tail dolly wheel has also been replaced with a solid tire. The joys of living in a desert, where all plants have a defense mechanism.

Dan Marotta

May 24, 2023, 3:36:16 PM5/24/23
I've used a hydraulic press with a short length of 4" diameter PVC pipe
and some dish detergent and water as a lubricant. It was pretty easy
with a 20 ton press!

I suspect a couple of C-clamps would work as well.


George Haeh

May 25, 2023, 1:09:46 AM5/25/23
My strongest suggestion is to buy a tube and take it to a heavy duty tire shop and ask them to have the mounted tire and tube filled with foam. They may have to send it out.

Trust me. This is a much less miserable process than mucking about with a hydraulic press.

Dan Marotta

May 25, 2023, 8:14:04 PM5/25/23
Five minutes on the press and it was done. How is that better than
running around town and possibly waiting for the wheel to be sent out?

On most airports one can find a press and someone capable and willing to
help. Make new friends! Drop by Moriarty and I'll do it for you.

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