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Feb 16, 2024, 5:10:03 PMFeb 16
Everyone should come to the realization that RAS is going down the highway and as Frank Sinatra would say, "And Now The End Is Near"! There are some aspects of RAS that I will truly miss, all the Christmas cards from the WSPA, and the Motorglider Society of America, all those letters of holiday wishes were place right by the fireplace.
Now sit tight there will be a nice farewell message to all on the final day of this expanded urinal. I hope that all who peek at the final RAS will appreciate the humor. We are only about three weeks away from the SLGP Geritol Classic and I hope to communicate with all of you from the air. I will not be dropping F bombs at you so please be kind and don't F bombs on me. OBTP

Charlie M. (UH, Pi & 002 owner/pilot)

Feb 17, 2024, 12:17:07 AMFeb 17
On Friday, February 16, 2024 at 5:10:03 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> Everyone should come to the realization that RAS is going down the highway and as Frank Sinatra would say, "And Now The End Is Near"! There are some aspects of RAS that I will truly miss, all the Christmas cards from the WSPA, and the Motorglider Society of America, all those letters of holiday wishes were place right by the fireplace.
> Now sit tight there will be a nice farewell message to all on the final day of this expanded urinal. I hope that all who peek at the final RAS will appreciate the humor. We are only about three weeks away from the SLGP Geritol Classic and I hope to communicate with all of you from the air. I will not be dropping F bombs at you so please be kind and don't F bombs on me. OBTP

Glad you dug out from low over the swamp to post here......

Tim Newport-Peace

Feb 17, 2024, 4:56:49 AMFeb 17
Usenet is not going, just Googlegroups.

As I use eternal-September, I and many others will still be able to
access RAS. Eternal-September expires spam before it can be read, so no
problem there.

It also expires OBTP, thinking he is Spam...

Feb 17, 2024, 7:17:46 AMFeb 17
Charlie, it was a real character builder, I have no lack of character! Cars were stopping on the Florida Turnpike thinking that OBTP was in need of a place to set it down but I was able to climb out of that miserable hole from 538 feet AGL. If I had a motor I would have probably spun in and killed myself like others that once posted here. That was the first time in a while that I had flown the 24, Eileen was in the 27 and I stuck those wonderful UH winglets on to give them a try, they worked!!! Getting too old and wise to do those kind of stunts again, will think twice before I do it again, after climbing out of that hole I looked into the sky and I could only think of my dear old friends E9 and Scotty cheering from the heavens above. OBTP

Dan Marotta

Feb 17, 2024, 11:18:44 AMFeb 17
There's gotta be a way to get OBTP reinstated to RAS.  I miss his light
humor and don't take any jabs as personal.  I will miss all of you as I
will not transition to google groups.  Maybe this new thing that OBTP
has been talking about will be the perfect combination of banter,
knowledge, information, and friendship that we all (mostly) love and
cherish.  I've always been a proponent of choosing what you read and, if
you read something you don't like, just stop reading.

Don't fence me in, Cowboy!  And don't fence in others that you don't
like but that I and others may really like.

Dan 5J

Tim Newport-Peace

Feb 17, 2024, 11:59:03 AMFeb 17
He could always send a request to
Wolfgang M. Weyand <wolfgang(at)>

Feb 17, 2024, 4:05:08 PMFeb 17
Dan, I am working diligently trying to get this new forum up and running ASAP, I promise you will find it as I have stated, fun and full of information. I will not be using Google as a source, it will be completely different and entertaining. Looking forward to seeing you on the new site soon, hopefully within 30 days. OBTP
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