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Penatagon RESCUE? Open, Bloody, Questions. Part 1. We May Not Rescue Them From a Fire

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Carol A. Valentine

Jun 27, 2002, 6:03:37 PM6/27/02
Pentagon RESCUE?
Open, Bloody, Questions . . .

by Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
This article available at:
Copyright, June, 2002
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes

* * *

"There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension."
-- Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense, speaking of missing
Pentagon personnel on September 11, 2001 -- just nine hours after impact.

* * *

"And just as we may not rescue them from a fire, so may we not
rescue them from a collapse [of debris] or from water or from
anything that may destroy them."

* * *

June 23, 2002 -- The recent movie "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man
Behind)" deals with an important lesson -- the military has two
jobs. The military must destroy the enemy's forces and they must
ensure the survival of their own. "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man
Behind)" dramatizes a story of survival: the heroic efforts of
soldiers who attempted to rescue their fellows who were trapped
behind enemy lines in Mogadishu, Somalia. The rescuers
themselves become trapped, and they, too, needed to be rescued.

For about 140 minutes, "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)"
deals with how much soldiers -- from the generals down to the
enlisted man -- care about each other. We see soldiers risking
their lives to get their wounded buddies, risking grenades,
risking machine gun fire, risking rockets, risking belligerent
mobs -- all to rescue other soldiers. We hear dialogue that goes
like this:

"Medivac! Medivac!"
"No man gets left behind,"
"You all right?"
"No man gets left behind,"
"We won't leave you behind,"
"If he don't get to the hospital in 1/2 hour, he's in trouble!"
"No man gets left behind."

At one point, two soldiers are talking about a helicopter crash.
The dialogue goes something like this: "There can't be any
survivors," says the first man. The second replies: "We don't
know that, we gotta go back and look!"

At the conclusion of the movie, soldier hero Sgt. Hoot Gibson is
asked why he risks life and limb in these military actions: Is he
a war addict? Hoot replies:

"It's about the man next to you."

Camaraderie, being a team member -- that's what the US military
is about.

Or is it?

What would you think of a military that refused to rescue its
soldiers from certain death -- even though those soldiers were
within arm's reach, right in the Pentagon office building?

What would you think of a military that publicly pretended
rescue, but meanwhile deceitfully ensured the deaths of its own soldiers?

What would you think of a military that gave away the its
rightful jurisdiction over military matters to perfidious
civilians, and stood by while the civilians let US soldiers die?

Who would support such a military?

As you read this article, keep in mind that on September 11, the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was General Henry Hugh
Shelton. Shelton is a former Commanding General of the 101 and
82nd Airborne Divisions. He is a former Commanding General of
the XVIII Airborne Corps, and a former Commander in Chief of the
Special Operations Command. It was Special Operations that
conducted the "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)" mission in
Mogadishu, Somalia. (See Shelton's career highlights at: cached at:

There's what you need to know: On September 11, the top
commander of the entire US military machine was intimately
familiar with aircraft, aviation fuel fires, aircraft rescue, and
the ideals depicted in "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)."

However, those who directed the 9-11 rescue at the Pentagon did
these amazing things:

* They sprayed the aviation fuel fire with water. Every
housewife knows you don't spray water on a grease or oil fire;
both military and civilian aviation fire fighters know you don't
spray water on an aviation fuel fire.
* They allowed the fire to spread until the upper floors of
the Pentagon collapsed, burying Army and Navy personnel in the
debris and further hampering their rescue.
* Once the upper floors collapsed, the directors of the
rescue flouted standard rescue procedures for collapsed
* While there should still have been hope of finding
survivors alive, they used a wrecking ball to demolish sections
of the building still standing. Many additional tons of debris
crashed down upon the already buried victims, almost certainly
collapsing any spaces or voids which may have sheltering victims
in the original debris.
* When qualified emergency medical technicians arrived by
helicopter to rescue the victims, they were ordered to leave and
forbidden from returning. One wave of survivors were brought
out, and then there were no more . . .
* One flimsy excuse after the other was used to stop the work
and delay rescue operations.
* Civilian rescuers worked long shifts and became exhausted
with wrongheaded methods. Meanwhile, thousands of able-bodied
military personnel at nearby bases -- including those specially
trained in putting out aviation fires -- sat and watched the
drama on Tee Vee.
* Surviving military intelligence officers lost jurisdiction
over military intelligence documents and those documents were
collected by civilians not cleared to see them.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon front office made a media spectacular of
the fire. Donald Rumsfeld and other Pentagon officials wrung
their hands and cried, "How awful, how awful" for days, stoking
up passions for a war.

Do I believe that the well-meaning, desperate, and exhausted
rescuers we saw on TV intended anything but the best? No. I
believe the people doing the work had the very best intentions
and were trying to save lives. But they were relying on the
leadership to make decisions. They naturally followed orders as
they are trained to do. Among the people I accuse are:

* Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at that time, Gen.
Henry Hugh Shelton,
* Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense,
* Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense,
* Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Undersecretary/Comptroller of DoD,
* Secretary of the Army Thomas E. White,
* Other commanders of the National Military Command Center,
* Other "John Does" -- persons whose names remain hidden to
the public at this time.


Government and quasi-government sources were used, including:
The DoD's American Forces Information Service (AFIS)
The AFIS's Defense Visual Information Center
The Military District of Washington
and standard news coverage -- Associated Press, Reuters, UPI, etc.


"And just as we may not rescue them from a fire, so may we not
rescue them from a collapse [of debris] or from water or from
anything that may destroy them."

Here are the major points I will cover in Part I:

Aviation Fire Control Requires Foam
Military Uses Foam On Jet Fuel Fires
Water, Not Foam, Was Used On Pentagon Flames
Effect Of Using Water? Fire Continued to Spread
Airport Firetruck Used Water Despite FAA Regulations
Was There Really A Jet Fuel Fire?
Military Firefighters Close To Pentagon
Military Firefighters Fail to Show
Pentagon Watched 9-11 On Tee Vee"911? Help! Pentagon Here!
Send Civilians!"
Rumsfeld, Top Brass Knew What Was Happening
Fire As A Media Spectacular
Rumsfeld's Crystal Ball: "There cannot be any survivors ..."
Rumsfeld's Predictions Come True
Emergency Medical Technicians Told To Get Out And Stay Out
Air Space Not Too Restricted
Concern For Civilians?
Area Hospitals Puzzled By Low Number Of Surviving Victims
Army "Supports" FBI And Fire Department
FBI Looking For Osama's Fingerprints?
Black Hawk Down Meets Pentagon Down
Fire Used As Excuse To Stall Rescue
Fire Used To Explain Deaths
Fire, She Keep On Burn'in . . .
Millions Of Gallons Of Water Used

Let us begin by accepting one of the Official Truths of 9-11:
American Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, and exploding jet
fuel caused an inferno. The fire obviously threatened the lives
of those still in the building, and it threatened to spread. It
had to be put out quickly.

Liquid petroleum fires present a special problem to firefighters.
Ordinarily, water is used to douse building fires. But liquid
fuel floats on the top of water, giving the fuel access to
oxygen. Thus water does not extinguish a liquid petroleum fire.

Special foams have been developed to extinguish liquid petroleum
fires. Those foams are mixtures that float on the surface of the
fuel and cut off the oxygen, suffocating the combustion.

If you want to know more about extinguishing fires, try:
cached at:

If you want to learn about aircraft rescue procedure and the
routine use of foam, visit this page: at:

In the above pages, notice the emphasis on speed in fighting
fires. Aviation fire-and-rescue people have only about two
minutes to rescue passengers before it is too late to help. And
foam is THE tool of choice because it puts out liquid fuel fires efficiently.

If you go to the Aviation Fire Journal you will see photos of
special foam spraying trucks used at airports, and a photo of
three firefighters extinguishing an aircraft fire with foam.
cached at:


We have already seen from the above referenced Aviation Fire
Journal webpage that foam is used to fight fires at civilian
airports, but now let's turn our attention to what happens in
military aviation. Visit the DoD's Defense Visual Information
Center at:

and put "rescue" in the DVIC search engine. On March 23, 2002, I
did that, and when I scrolled down, I found the following three photos:

Each of them shows foam being sprayed on aviation fuel fire. I
cached each photo. Here they are.

The photo bearing the ID DMSD0001393
is cached at:

The text under this photo reads:
"Two crash fire rescue Marines fight a jet fuel fire to sharpen
their skills in the event a real fire emergency were to arise."
The photo bearing the ID DMSD0001394
cached at:

The text under this photo reads:
"Two crash fire rescue Marines fight an extremely hot jet fuel
fire to sharpen their skills in the event a real fire emergency
were to arise." [sic]
The photo bearing the ID
DMSD0001395 01395.JPG
cached at:

The text under this photo reads:
"Members of a crash fire rescue team advance into a fire pit in
order to dowse an extremely hot jet fuel fire to sharpen their
skills in the event a real fire emergency were to arise."
You will find more photos of military aviation firefighter
training at the Unofficial United States Air Force Crash
Rescue/Air Rescue Firefighter Web Site Training Page:

You will find a wealth of similar pages by conducting your own
Internet search or following links on the pages already cited.


By now we have established that knowledgeable fire fighters
never, never, never, use water to fight petroleum fires.
However, here is what happened:

"Outside, the Arlington County police and fire departments
arrived and started securing the area and pumping water on the
blaze." ("September 11 at the Pentagon," American Forces Press
Service, October 11, 2001.
cached at:

Look at this photo from the American Forces Information Service. 4122I-031&vn=&ref=defenselink
cached at:

The caption reads:
"Firefighters work to put out the flames moments after a hijacked
jetliner crashed into the Pentagon at approximately 0930 on Sept.
11, 2001. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jason Ingersoll)
(Released)" What wrong with this picture? Well, we know military
men are precise about keeping time. What time did the Boeing 757
hit the Pentagon? Depending on the report you read, the event
occurred at 9:40 a.m. (Time Magazine), 9:43 a.m. (CNN), or even
9:45 a.m. (Miami Herald).

It surely would taken the Arlington Fire Department five or ten
minutes to arrive at the Pentagon and set up the hoses. That
would suggest the Marine's photo was taken somewhere between
09:45 to 9:55 a.m., fifteen minutes later than he states.

It's an odd photo -- the much of the "water" being sprayed by the
firetruck appears to be white out. The jet originates from the
lower left side of the picture, to the left of the fire truck,
and the water fans out broadly but does not lose any of its
opacity. But notice that the upper floors had not yet collapsed
at the time the photo was taken.


But what was the result of using water to extinguish a jet fuel
fire? Predictably, the fire continued to spread. Soon the upper
floors and the roof were involved, and they collapsed. We should
be surprised? M%204122I-031&vn=&ref=defenselink
cached at:

The photo taken after the collapse was taken by Jason Ingersoll,
the same Marine who took the photo of the fire truck spraying
water on the fire at "0930." The caption on the photo taken
after the collapse, however, reads:
"The pentagon [sic] in flames just minutes after a hijacked
jetliner crashed into the building on Sept. 11, 2001. (U.S.
Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jason Ingersoll) (Released)" No, this
second picture could not have been taken "just minutes" after
impact. According to photographic evidence the upper floors did
not collapse immediately, and surely the Marine photographer knew
exactly when he took this photo. Furthermore, a CNN 9-11 time
line available on the Net states:

"10:10 a.m.: A portion of the Pentagon collapses." So the second
photo was taken approximately 30 minutes after the impact event.
Thirty minutes is not "just minutes" after impact. Now let's
return to the American Forces Press Service coverage:

"Fire continued to burn the Pentagon and spread in unrenovated
sections. Flames ignited core materials in the layered roof and
were particularly difficult to get at. Pools of aviation fuel
would ignite occasionally and create thick black smoke over the
building . . ."

"AT 6:00 p.m., with the building still on fire . . ."
("September 11 at the Pentagon," American Forces Press Service,
October 11, 2001.
cached at:


We have just seen that military aviation firefighters are trained
to use foam on aviation fuel fires. Are civilian aviation
firefighters dumb enough to use water? No, not at all. FAA
regulations require civilian airports to have firetrucks equipped
to spray foam, and just two years ago the Detroit City Airport
was cited by the FAA because it would not follow these

According to newspaper reports, Detroit City Airport firefighters
had been asking airport fire department for more foam because
their supplies were low, but for weeks the firefighters received
no response. Then, shortly after midnight June 21, Secret
Service agents notified City Airport firefighters to expect First
Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton to arrive the next day on a Lear jet.
Mrs. Clinton would be in Detroit for a $1,000 a person
fund-raiser for New York Senate campaign.

The next day the firefighters got the 150 gallons of foam they
had been requesting.
(Detroit News, "FAA criticizes City Airport for Violations,"
November 5, 2000.
cached at:

But look at this photo from the Military District of Washington's webpage,

The caption under the photo reads:
"Fire truck 345 from Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Fire Department throws a stream of water into the collapsed point
of impact as smoke billows from the Pentagon shortly after an
airplane slammed into the west side of the building."

Why is the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fire
Department spraying water on the Pentagon fire, when FAA
regulations require airport firefighting trucks to use foam? It
is inexplicable -- unless, of course, you consider the entire
"rescue" mosaic.


This photo shows firefighters from the Alexandria Fire Department
spraying water on the debris.
cached at:

Makes one wonder, doesn't it? Perhaps all these firefighters
knew what we don't -- maybe there was no aviation fuel in the
Pentagon that day . . . no aviation fuel means no airplane, no
airplane means no truth in the Official Story. That's one explanation.


Andrews Air Force Base, home of Air Force One, is 9 1/2 miles
from the Pentagon, as the crow flies,. Bolling Air Force Base is
1 1/2 miles from the Pentagon, as the crow flies. Quantico
Marine Base (home of Marine Helicopter Squadron One) is 23 miles
from the Pentagon, as the crow flies.

There should have been no problem getting aviation fire fighters
from Andrews, Bolling or Quantico to the Pentagon, pronto, to put
the fire out and rescue their comrades. The soldiers in "Black
Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)" did not hesitate to crash
through enemy lines, through crowds throwing grenades, through
machine gun fire, rocket launchers, armed militia, etc., to
rescue their comrades. The servicemen at Andrews, Bolling, or
Quantico were in friendly territory. All they had to do was
travel a few miles along the Beltway or Interstate 95.

So did the "leave no man behind" military show up to rescue their
Pentagon comrades? No, it didn't happen.

As the photo in the September 24, 2001, Business Week (pg. 47)
shows, the US military was organized enough to have soldiers
drive an armored personnel carrier (APC) down Wall Street in New
York during the 9-11 crisis, but not organized enough to send
military aviation firefighters to the Pentagon.

On the other hand, let's not be too critical of the military
response to the fire. After all, the Marines did send a photographer.


Let's take a step back and look at what was happening before
disaster struck the headquarters of the mightiest military force
on God's Green Earth. Let us rely on the DoD's own news service,
the American Forces Press Service.

Surely AFPS had access and can give us the inside scoop.
According to AFPS, the morning of September 11 saw the folks at
the Pentagon sitting around watching the WTC towers burn on Tee
Vee, courtesy of CNN.
cached at:

When CNN announced the NYC strikes were an act of terrorism, did
any of the couch potatoes react? Did they say:

"You don't suppose they'll send planes over here, do you? After
all, those people are terrorists, and this is the Pentagon. We'd
better call Andrews Air Force Base and get some air cover . . .
." ?

No, the Pentagon couch potatoes just "exchanged shocked glances .
. ." And presumably continued to watch the drama unfold on CNN.
I wonder if they were munching on donuts or nachos as they watched?

"911? HELP!

BLAM! Flight 77 (allegedly) hits the Pentagon. How do the couch
potatoes respond? The American Forces Press Service report tells
us: "Outside, the Arlington County police and fire departments
arrived and started securing the area and pumping water on the
blaze" but mentions not one word about how the Arlington County
Fire Department was alerted to the situation.

We can imagine General Couch Potato dialing 911:

"Hello? 911? This is the Pentagon. We're sitting around
watching Tee Vee and just found out from CNN that half of our
building just got blown away, and hey, there's a fire . . . can
y'all send a few trucks over? Yeah. Its an aviation fuel fire,
so make sure to spray water on it, orright?"
Now some may point out that the Arlington County Fire Department
has an agreement with the Pentagon to handle fire emergencies
(SOP#OPS EMS 10). Obviously this agreement was made to handle
everyday fires started by exploding Pentagon coffee pots, or file
cabinet fires. It is ridiculous to suggest the Pentagon had this
agreement to handle acts of war on the Pentagon.

And Pentagon personnel knew that the September 11 events were
acts of war. They were watching CNN, and CNN had just told them.

No, the couch potatoes should have ordered air cover over DC when
the first news from New York broke. And failing that, once the
9:40 a.m. (or 9:43, or 9:45) event occurred, the military should
immediately have ordered military aviation firefighters to put
out the blaze.

Local civilian fire departments handle ordinary building fires.
They don't handle aviation fuel fires. Local fire stations
should not have been on the scene that day. Their presence acted
as a distraction. Their presence distracted attention from the
simple fact that no one in the Pentagon was taking proper
measures to put the fire out.


It might be comforting to think that Rumsfeld, Shelton, and the
top brass were all out playing golf that day and not on hand to
see what was going on, but that was not true. The American
Forces Press Service tells the story as if these were heroic lads:

"One area never closed: the National Military Command Center.
Rumsfeld and the senior leadership repaired to the facility and
monitored DoD activities worldwide. At one point, smoke grew so
thick in the faculty that there was talk of evacuating, but
Rumsfeld scotched it."

What is the National Military Command Center, mentioned above? See

So the top commanders of each of the services were on site. Each
of the services uses aviators, each of the commanders HAD to know
water does not extinguish aviation fuel fires, yet all of them
let the farce continue.


Had the fire been put out quickly with foam, Rumsfeld would have
lost valuable public relations mileage. The "stubborn" fire at
the Pentagon was just one facet of a campaign designed to whip
the American pubic and military into a bloodlust for a war on
Islam. From a propaganda viewpoint, the higher the casualty
list, the better.

The American Forces Information Service describe the press gala
on September 11 this way:

"Across Washington Boulevard from the Pentagon, the press set up
shop at the navy Annex Exchange gas station and broadcast the
fire fighting activities. With Correspondents' Corridor closed,
reporters dictated stories using cell phones. TV trucks with
antennae showed up and eased some of the communications problems.

"At 6:00 p.m, with the building still on fire, Pentagon officials
announced Rumsfeld would have a press conference in the Pentagon.
Buses arrived at the gas station to take reporters,
photographers and videographers to the Pentagon.

"Inside the River Entrance of the building the smoke hit like a
physical force. People could not see to the end of the hallways
and it was tough to breathe. The smell of burning insulation and
electrical wiring permeated the briefing studio.

"As Rumsfeld, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen.
Henry Shelton, Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Sen. Carl
Levin, ranking minority member Sen. John Warner, and Army
Secretary Thomas White came into the studio, one side of the
building was still on fire."
"Rumsfeld expressed his sorrow over the loss of life at the
building ...."

Do you believe Rumsfeld felt any grief over those he was doing
nothing to help?

Missing from the media spectacular was THE key 9-11 player: the
commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command
(NORAD), Ralph E. Eberhart; as commander of NORAD, it was
Eberhart's job to keep American skies safe. But Rumsfeld &
Company kept Eberhart safely tucked away. At 6:42 p.m. on
September 11 Donald Rumsfeld held a national press conference.
Eberhart did not even show up then.


Emergency rescue experts say earthquake victims who are buried in
debris can survive up to 12 days (more below.) Rumsfeld held
his September 11 press conference approximately nine hours after
impact. He made this statement:

"There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension."
cached at:

How could Rumsfeld KNOW no more survivors would be found in the
Pentagon debris, when earthquake experts give victims a 12-day
chance of survival? At this point, the Pentagon victims had only
been buried nine hours. Why the hurry to pronounce them all dead?

Gen. Shelton was at Rumsfeld's side during this press conference.
He of course uttered pious statements about "barbaric terrorism
carried out by fanatics against both civilians and military
people, acts that have killed and maimed many innocent and decent
citizens our country." Oddly, however, Mr. Derring-do Shelton
did not say a word about the rescue efforts which were murdering survivors.

He said:
"I will not tell you up front, I have no intentions of discussing
today what comes next, but make no mistake about it, your armed
forces are ready."
Yes, our armed forces were ready, all right, Mr. Rescue Shelton.
Ready to let civilian firemen squirt water on an aviation fuel
fire while men died under the debris. And you stood by and
watched . . . you watched it going on for days . . .

Aside from Rumsfeld, who spoke about the rescue efforts? Sen.
Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who
uttered this inanity: "Our intense focus on recovery and helping
the injured and the families of those who were killed is matched
only by . . . [rah, rah, war, war ] . . ."


No survivors were found on September 12 and 13, or on any other
day thereafter, just like Rumsfeld predicted.

"As of Thursday morning [September 13], about 70 bodies had been
removed from the buckled section of the Pentagon as
search-and-rescue workers toiled around the clock with little
hope of finding more survivors. Anyone who might have survived
the initial impact and collapse could not have survived the fire
that followed." ("Pentagon Says About 190 People Dead,"
September 13, by Robert Burns, AP Military Writer, Associated
Remember heat travels UP, not down. Those still buried in the
rubble may well have been protected from the fire above them.

On September 14, the Pentagon announced 126 DoD personnel were
dead. On September 15, the figure was lowered to 124 because
two people had been double-counted. On October 11, 2001, when
President Bush spoke at a Pentagon memorial service, he confirmed
125 DoD deaths. ("Memorial Service Honors Pentagon Victims,"
American Forces Information Service, Oct. 11, 2001.)
cached at: 2001memorial

Remember Rumsfeld's words on September 11:
"There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension."
So Rumsfeld's predictions came true. After the first round of
victims escaped, there were no more survivors . . . He's quite
a clairvoyant, isn't he? What are the statistical chances of
Rumsfeld being 100% right in circumstances like those?


We all know that when a person is seriously ill or injured, he
must be given medical attention as soon as possible. Delay may
cost the victim's life. That's why we have ambulances, and
that's why ambulances have sirens.

On September 11, three members of a Washington Hospital Center
MedStar Transport helicopter team responded to the emergency at
the Pentagon. Several days later, (September 14) they were
interviewed by Kathy Fowler of WJLA-TV (ABC-Channel 7) in the
Washington, DC area. Luckily, I have a copy of that interview.

The MedStar pilot and crew were among the very first at the
scene, according to the WJLA report. When they arrived, they
were told that another suicide plane was on the way and they
should LEAVE.

How does that comport with the "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man
Behind)" philosophy? Here we have civilians showing up to
perform rescues and the military (or whoever was controlling the
Pentagon scene then) ordering them to abandon the victims on the
pretext of an unconfirmed and unfounded report.

The MedStar people, to their eternal credit, refused to leave.
By the time they did, they had helped eight victims and were
taking another to the hospital. Speaking of the rescued victim,
one of the crew told Fowler on camera:

"She hugged me three times and said thank you for saving my life."
Then Fowler told the audience:

"After the crew transferred one patient back to the Washington
Hospital Center, they were not allowed to go back because of the
restricted air

So what we have is this: MedStar arrived and was immediately
ordered to leave. They refused, rescued eight people, took one
to the hospital, and were prevented from coming back.

Now who would prohibit a MedStar helicopter to return to the
scene of a disaster and take victims to the hospital? Those
MedStar helicopters should have been given military escorts to
and from the disaster site. What could be more important than
immediate professional medical care for the 9-11 victims?


Despite what the MedStar people were told, the air space was not
quite as restricted as the Pentagon indicated. Here is a photo
of a military helicopter flying over the crash site conducting
"aerial survey." If the US military could conduct surveillance
over the crash site, it surely could have seen to it that the
MedStar helicopters were safely escorted to and fro.
at: closed

This photo shows what appears to be the same chopper, now
described as an Army "Red Cross" helicopter.
cached at:

It is of utmost importance that the injured should be moved only
by trained people. Improper handling of an injured person can
result in his death or permanent paralysis. In this photo, we
see that the Pentagon allowed the Park Police helicopter to land
and do "rescue" work. The Park Police are part of the National
Park Service. They are not trained emergency medical people.
Nor is the helicopter marked as an emergency medical chopper.

Why did they stop MedStar's trained professionals but allow
National Park Service employees to handle the injured? Something
stinks here.


Perhaps you think that the MedStar team was chased away because
those in charge of the crash site were concerned for the safety
of civilians. If so, recall that civilian firemen were present
at the scene, using water on a petroleum-fueled fire when they
should have been using foam. They were not chased away.

Some, upon learning qualified emergency medical rescue people
were turned away from the Pentagon disaster site, may insist
there "must" have been a good reason for keeping them out. But a
tree is judged by the fruit that it bears. So let's look at the fruit.


Area hospitals geared up to handle a large number of injured
survivors, and were most surprised when few showed up.

"But only about 80 people were treated at area hospitals,
according to Walter Reed officials. At Virginia Hospital Center
in nearby Arlington, over 100 nurses and 50 doctors were called
in -- 16 times the normal emergency staffing. They treated 44
victims in the first 24 hours, more than any other hospital in
the region. But it was a mere trickle compared with what they
expected. Inova Alexandria Hospital treated just 22 victims, 16
of whom were released Tuesday. Six patients were helicoptered
from the Pentagon to Washington Hospital Center. 'We got the
first wave, says Marion Jordan, director of the hospital's
renowned burn unit. 'After than, nothing.' In the end, his
trauma teams treated about as many people as they would from a
large house fire." (US News & World Report, Sept. 14, 2001, pg.

"In the end, his trauma teams [at the nearby Washington Hospital
Center] treated about as many people as they would from a large
house fire." What's wrong with this picture? Then, later on
the same page:

"Waiting for survivors: Navy Lt. Charles McGill, 26, who had
worked at the Pentagon for just four weeks, joined a group of
people who calmly evacuated the massive building, then made his
way around the perimeter to where dark, heavy smoke poured out.
He lined up to be a stretcher bearer. He and his fellow
volunteers, four to a board, were told that during these first
hours only survivors would be moved. 'In three hours, no one came
out.'" (US news & World Report, Sept. 14, 2001, pg. 51.)

Repeat: Navy Lt. Charles McGill said:
"In three hours, no one came out."

Then, on the next page:
"At the Pentagon, two trauma teams remain on the scene in two
triage tents, with the workers replaced every eight hours. Lt.
Col. James Goff, assistant chief of surgery at Walter Reed, says
that no survivors have been removed from the building since the
early hours Tuesday." (US News and World Report, September 14,
2001, Pg. 52.) Repeat:
"[N]o survivors have been removed from the building since the
early hours Tuesday."


During Donald Rumsfeld's September 11 press conference, Secretary
of the Army Thomas E. White spoke gobblegook, thus:
"I think it's fair to say at this point that the fire is
contained, and will shortly, if not already, be sufficiently
controlled to allow entry into the building. That entry will be
supervised by the FBI, who are in charge of the site, assisted by
the fire departments that are present. We, on the Army side,
will support them as they go in the building and search for
casualties and bring them out . . ." (
cached at:

What was White talking about? Who is the "them" White is
referring to?
". . . support them as they go in the building and search for
casualties and bring them out . . ." ? Obviously he was talking
about FBI agents. The FBI is going to rescue Pentagon personnel!
But FBI agents are not medically trained, and they are not
rescuers. They are assassins. Look at what they did to Melissa
Morrison, a 7-year-old Davidian child, when they "rescued" her in
Waco nine years ago:

Why would the Army transfer the rescue of Army personnel over to
the FBI? Why weren't soldiers and Army medics rescuing other

Shortly after the 9:40 a.m. event, it was announced that the
explosion and fire was caused by American Airlines Flight 77,
which had been commandeered by terrorists and purposely flown
into the Pentagon -- conveniently missing the offices of Rumsfeld
and the Joint Chiefs, of course. Putting out the fire and
rescuing the buried victims should have been the first order of
business. Surely the FBI did not need to take control over the
site to look for fingerprints on the fuselage or other "clues."
So why did the FBI have control of the site?


We already know that when the 9-11 terror events were taking
place, Gen. Shelton was out of the country. Surely he was
informed by phone as the events were unfolding in the US. Surely
he was in a position to issue commands to the armed forces:

"Where are our people? Buried? The fire is still burning? What
the Sam Hill is going on? Put that fire out, pronto, you know
how to do it, and get our people out. Leave no man behind!" By
the time Rumsfeld gave his 6:42 press conference,
Leave-No-Man-Behind Shelton was by Rumsfeld's and White's side,
silent, when Rumsfeld told the world the FBI had "secured" the
war zone and was supervising the [non-] rescue. Remember,
Shelton was a former commander of Special Operations Command, the
"Black Hawk Down" people who performed so bravely in Mogadishu.

Of course Shelton knew about the Mogadishu rescue. The story
first appeared as a series written by Mark Bowden, and ran in the
Philadelphia Enquirer, in 1997. It was then published as a book.
Here is what Leave-No Man-Behind Shelton said to the author:

"Your account of the events in Mogadishu on October 3, 1993 is an
inspirational and evocative retelling of one of the most
significant military operations of the past 10 years. Though
there is heroism and professionalism aplenty, you also bring out
the errors and missed opportunities that contributed to the
unfortunate outcome of the mission. Both senior leaders and young
soldiers can learn much from this compelling story. . . . Black
Hawk Down will occupy an honored place in my personal library."
cached at:

Note that Shelton does not commend Bowden for the accuracy of his
accounting or call Bowden's story "true to history."

You can rest assured Mr. Rescue Shelton and all the big poohbahs
at Rumsfeld's 9-11 press conference saw the movie, too. Eight
hundred top Pentagon officials and military brass attended its
Washington, DC premier. It's hard to imagine the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff missed that event. This from The Nation,
February 25, 2002:

"The military was so helpful in making 'Black Hawk Down' that it
deserves a production credit. After vetting the script, the
Pentagon sent to Morocco (the shooting site) two C-5 transports
carrying eight helicopters and more than 100 soldiers from the
same Ranger company that fought in the Somalia raid depicted in
the movie. US Army pilots flew the helicopters in the movie's
battle scenes, and two retired soldiers who fought in the raid
served as advisers to director Ridley Scott. And the Pentagon
has been pleased with the result. 'Powerful,' Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld called it after attending the Washington Premier
along with 800 other top officials and brass . . ." ("Black Hawk
Downer," by Michael Massing, The Nation, February 25, 2002, pg.

According to an article in Counterpunch (March 1, 2002), some
"Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)" actors were given Army
Ranger Orientation Training at Fort Benning. ("An Actor Speaks
Out -- What's Wrong With Black Hawk Down," Counterpunch, March 1, 2002.)

Then the director, Ridley Scott, rushed the film's release after
9-11 (the movie was released on January 18, 2002); Scott earned a
Pentagon commendation for doing so. ("Black Hawk Down," Worker's
World, January 31, 2002.)

But what happened on September 11 at the Pentagon is in direct
opposition to the heroism depicted in the movie. "Black Hawk
Down (Leave No Man Behind)" is obviously what we're supposed to
believe -- that the lives of the grunt soldiers are precious to
the commanders of the US military. But the observable truth, the
truth that can be documented, is just the opposite.

Shelton, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Zakheim and the National Military
Command Center treated the missing Pentagon personnel as dust
motes. "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)" is obviously a
piece of embroidery. The Pentagon sham rescue is verifiable


"Search and rescue operations are continuing, but they are
stymied by at least two fires on either side of the impact area.
Firefighters are directing hoses at the flames -- manifested by
great plumes of bitter smoke -- from the center courtyard of the
Pentagon." ("No Hope of survivors in Pentagon Attack," United
Press International, September 12, 2001.)

Notice this observation: "Search and rescue operations are
continuing, but they are stymied by at least two fires . . ." Of
course the fires "stymied" the rescue. So why didn't they use foam?

Two and three days after the crash, fire was still a problem at
the Pentagon.


"The Pentagon said Wednesday no more survivors are expected to be
pulled from the tons of rubble and stubborn fires created by the
terrorist attack that collapsed a portion of the building.

"'The area of the Pentagon where the aircraft struck and burned
sustained catastrophic damage. Anyone who might have survived
the initial impact and collapse would not have survived the fire
that followed,' the Defense Department said in a written
statement." ("Officials say no more survivors expected to be
found at Pentagon; smoke lingers," Associated Press, April 12, 2001.)


So Rumsfeld and Company permitted water to be sprayed on a
petroleum fuel fire, allowed more of the building to become
involved in the fire, watched the upper floors collapse, ordered
emergency medical help off the scene and failed to order military
aviation firefighters to the scene. Now let's have a closer look
at the progress of the fire/media event.

On September 12, we get these reports:
"Fire fighters using water cannons continued to douse the charred
building from either side of the impact area." ("Officials say
no more survivors expected to be found at Pentagon; smoke
lingers," Associated Press, September 12, 2001, 09-12-2001)

"Smoke from the blackened concrete structure drifted over
Washington and a stubborn roof fire continued to burn more than
24 hours after a high jacked fuel-laden airline slammed into a
corner of the five-sided building on Tuesday morning."
("Pentagon Reopens, Death Toll Uncertain," Reuters, September 12,
2001; reuters-09-12-2001)

"The damage to the Pentagon was extensive, compounded by smoke
and water damage from tenacious fires that burned for a day and a
half after the attack." ("Pentagon Toll at 190," New York Times,
Sept. 14, 2001,
cached at:

"Late Thursday, rescuers worked to shore up unsteady parts of the
building but flames erupted. The flare-up sent black smoke
billowing hundreds of feet into the air over Washington."
("Flight Data, Cockpit Voice Recorders Found in Pentagon
Wreckage," FoxNews, September 14, 2001,

Late Thursday, and flames were still erupting -- that is almost
60 hours after impact, folks. How many building fires you've
ever heard of last 60 hours?


So much water had been poured into the building, the Pentagon
later hired Munters Moisture Control Services to help get rid of it.

"'Millions of gallons of water flowed throughout the building
after the attack,' said Joe Kelley, Munters district manager in
the Washington DC area. In some places water was 18 inches deep
on the floors."

Part 2 to follow.

Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.

Opinion polls and survey questions help the psywarriors design
more efficient lie campaigns.
Don't answer opinion polls, whether they are being taken by
establishment media or so-called "alternate" news sources. Don't
answer opinion polls! Don't help them fool you or your neighbor.
Don't answer survey questions!

911 Lies exposed at
* Pentagon RESCUE? Open, Bloody, Questions . . .
* Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
* Flight Of The Bumble Planes
* Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets
Parts 1 & 2, "Inside Job" and 'Dumb Blondes"
* Sen. Levin, NORAD and Chabad Lubavitch
* Tooth Fairies and Suicide Bombers
* Church of The Nativity: Who's Who In Staged Siege?
* Church Of The Nativity And Waco Paradigm

* Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS
* Tom Clancy Speaks About 9-11
* Mike Rivero, Israeli Spies, and 9-11 Diversions
* Show And Tell, Mike Rivero
* The Taliban Home Video
* Osamarina bin Laden
* 911 Terror: Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
* Operation Northwoods: The Counterfeit
* Osama bin Surplus
* Osama bin CIA Agent
* Press Uses Actors In War On Islam
* Slyly Justifying War on Islam

Keith Willshaw

Jun 27, 2002, 6:54:32 PM6/27/02

"Carol A. Valentine" <> wrote in message

> Pentagon RESCUE?
> Open, Bloody, Questions . . .

Having proved you know NOTHING about fighting
large scale petroleum fires, fire rescue or the actual
events at the Pentagon you have amply proved your
suitability for the award Twit Of The Month.

In recognition of your sterling efforts in applying
stupidity above and beyond the call of duty you
are hereby awarded the honor of Kill File Entry - First Class
(Lifetime membership)



Pooh Bear

Jun 27, 2002, 8:38:04 PM6/27/02
"Carol A. Valentine" wrote:

> Pentagon RESCUE?
> Open, Bloody, Questions . . .

< snip stuff that makes Osama seem sane - maybe even Eastman >

What drugs are you on Carol ?

I've never heard such bullshit in my life.

See the Doc - and ask if he thinks you should up the dose.

Pooh Bear.

Tom Mosher

Jun 27, 2002, 11:40:30 PM6/27/02

"Pooh Bear" <> wrote in message
Caroline is right up there with Nancy Luft, Wayne Manzo and a few others -
oh, I forgot Patricia Holm-Johnson.

She's an ass who changes her story as parts of it are proven completely

Tom Mosher


Jun 27, 2002, 11:47:57 PM6/27/02
why reply to the rubbish if u know she a ass in first place?

It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
Co-ListMum, "Soap Naturally"
Aussie made Molds for sale

Limey Dave

Jun 28, 2002, 12:30:13 AM6/28/02

"Tom Mosher" <> wrote in message
Oh, like Ralphie you mean?

Limey Dave.

Pooh Bear

Jun 28, 2002, 7:00:26 AM6/28/02
JollyGreenGiant wrote:

> why reply to the rubbish if u know she a ass in first place?

That's part of the fun. Eventually you can wind them up so much that they
self-implode !

Pooh Bear


Jun 28, 2002, 11:07:40 AM6/28/02
So plonk her and move on. I did.


"Pooh Bear" <> wrote in message

0 new messages