Dudley Charles Ankerson 1978 Buenos Aires, 1985 Mexico, 1993 Madrid. DOB
1948; Dr.
Raymond Benedict Barthol Asquith 1983 Moscow, 1992 Kiev. DOB 1952;
Kerry Charles Bagshaw 1982 Geneva, 1988 Moscow. DOB 1943; OBE.
Ian Clive Barnard 1994 Geneva. DOB 1965.
Richard Martin Donne Barrett 1983 Ankara, 1988 New York, 1997 Amman. DOB
James Lloyd Baxendale 1994 Cairo (MECAS), 1997 Amman. DOB 1967.
Jonathan Beales
Peter John William Black 1974 MECAS, 1977 Kuwait, 1980 Amman, 1987
Dhaka. DOB 1946.
Jamie Blount
Rupert Bowen 1990 Windhoek, 1992 Tirana.
Andrew Jonathan Corrie Boyd 1981 Accra, 1988 Mexico City, 1996
Islamabad. DOB 1950.
Andrew James Brear 1994 Santiago. DOB 1960.
Christopher Mark Breeze 1988 Nicosia, 1994 New Delhi. DOB 1963.
Alastair Breeze
Richard Philip Bridge 1986 Warsaw, 1988 Moscow. DOB 1959.
Stuart Armitage Brooks 1972 Rio, 1975 Lisbon, 1979 Moscow, 1987
Stockholm, 1993 Moscow. DOB 1948; OBE.
Christopher Parker Burrows 1982 East Berlin, 1987 Bonn, 1993 Athens. DOB
George Benedict Joseph P Busby 1989 Bonn, 1992 Belgrade. DOB 1960; OBE.
Geoff Chittenden
Robert John Paul Church 1976 Bankok, 1981 Berlin, 1986 Nairobi, 1989
Bangkok, 1997 Nairobi. DOB 1947.
Timothy Clayden 1991 Warsaw, 1995 Lagos. DOB 1960; Wanker.
Martin Hugh Clements 1986 Tehran, 1990 Vienna. DOB 1961.
John Donovan Nelson Clibborn 1966 Nicosia, 1972 Bonn, 1972 Brussels,
1988 Washington. DOB 1941; CMG.
Peter Salmon Collecot 1980 Khartoum, 1982 Canberra, 1993 Jakarta. DOB
Andrew David Cordery 1975 Nairobi, 1977 New York, 1984 Lusaka, 1988
Berlin, 1995 Oslo. DOB 1947.
Sherard Louis Cowper-Coles 1980 Cairo, 1987 Washington. DOB 1955; CMG,
Keith Craig DOB 1961.
John Martin Jamie Darke 1988 Cairo, 1996 Dubai. DOB 1953.
Michael Hayward Davenport 1989 Warsaw, 1996 Moscow. DOB 1961.
Peter Brian Davies 1983 Rome, 1988 Peking, 1996 Jakarta. DOB 1954,
Richard Billing Dearlove 1968 Nairobi, 1973 Prague, 1980 Paris, 1987
Geneva, 1991 Washington. DOB 1945;
John Deerlove
Keith Derek Evetts 1975 Warsaw, 1977 Maputo, 1983 New York, 1986
Kingston, 1988 Lisbon. DOB 1948; OBE.
Michael Edward Joseph Feliks 1993 Peking. DOB 1964; Dr.
Robert Dominic Russell Fenn 1985 Hague, 1988 Lagos, 1992 New York. DOB
Nicholas Bernard Frank Fishwick 1988 Lagos, 1994 Istanbul. DOB 1958; Dr.
Richard George Hopper Fletcher 1968 Athens, 1969 Nicosia, 1973
Bucharest, 1985 Athens. DOB 1944; CMG.
Richard Andrew Foulsham 1984 Brunei, 1986 Lagos, 1995 Rome. DOB 1950.
Rosalind Mary Elizabeth Fowler 1990 Hong Kong. DOB 1965.
Michael Roger Fox 1993 Geneva. DOB 1958.
Richard Ogilby Leslie Fraser-Darling 1973 Helsinki, 1984 Washington. DOB
Robert Andrew Fulton 1969 Saigon, 1973 Rome, 1978 Berlin, 1984 Oslo,
1989 New York. DOB 1944.
Kevin Andrew Garvey 1981 Bangkok, 1985 Hanoi, 1992 Phnom Penh. DOB 1960.
John Henry Cary Gerson 1969 Hong Kong, 1971 Singapore, 1974 Peking, 1987
Hong Kong. DOB 1945.
Andrew Patrick Somerset Gibbs 1979 Rio, 1984 Moscow, 1987 Pretoria. DOB
1951; OBE.
Sean Goodman
Anita Goodman
Jacqueline Goodman
Keith Rutherford Gosling 1975 Singapore, 1978 Vienna, 1986 Manila, 1993
Tel Aviv. DOB 1944; OBE.
Roger Patrick Hamilton 1978 Jakarta, 1982 Tokyo, 1984 Hong Kong, 1989
Copenhagen. DOB 1948.
Roger John Hargreaves 1973 Hong Kong, 1976 Sanaa, 1985 Hong Kong, 1996
Wellington. DOB 1950.
Samuel Andrew Roland Hatfield 1995 Lagos. DOB 1963.
Steven John Hill 1988 Vienna, 1996 New York. DOB 1962.
Katherine Sarah-Julia Horner 1985 Moscow, 1997 Moscow. DOB 1952.
Thomas Rober Benedict Hurd 1995 Warsaw. DOB 1964.
Robert Mitchell Forest Kelly 1974 Nairobi, 1980 Turkey, 1981 Ankara,
1995 Ottowa. DOB 1946.
Theodore Maurice Kenwrick-Pierc 1974 Brussels, 1982 Nicosia, 1988 Hague,
1994 Athens. DOB 1948.
Alex Kershaw 1997 Geneva. DOB 1967.
Nicholas John Andrew Langman 1986 Montevideo, 1988 New York, 1994 Paris.
DOB 1960.
Edmund John Scott Latter 1994 Istanbul. DOB 1968.
Jeremy John Legge 1987 Lusaka, 1994 Vienna. DOB 1961.
Gareth Geoffrey Lungley DOB 1971.
Christine Anne MacQueen 1984 Brasilia, 1989 New York, 1990 Paris. DOB
Norman James MacSween 1972 Nairobi, 1977 Tehran, 1983 Bonn, 1991
Stockholm, 1995 Moscow. DOB 1948.
Iain Arthur Gray Matthewson 1981 New York, 1985 Warsaw, 1993 Prague. DOB
Ian Forbes McCredie 1976 Lusaka, 1979 Tehran, 1983 Copenhagen, 1992 New
York. DOB 1950; OBE.
Patrick Joseph McGuinness 1988 Sanaa, 1994 Abu Dhabi, 1996 Cairo. DOB
1963; OBE.
Justin James McKenzie Smit 1996 Moscow. DOB 1969.
William John Clovis Meath-Baker 1988 Kabul, 1989 Prague, 1997 Istanbul.
DOB 1959.
Andrew Jonathan Mitchell 1993 Bonn. DOB 1967.
Anthony Leopold Colyer Monckton 1990 Geneva, 1996 Zagreb. DOB 1960.
Richard Peter Moore 1990 Ankara, 1991 Istanbul, 1995 Islamabad. DOB
Mark Scott Thomas Morgan 1984 Geneva, 1988 Aden, 1994 Valletta. DOB
1958; MBE.
Stuart Richard Morley 1989 San Jose, 1990 Bridgetown, 1996 Hague. DOB
Clive Dare Newell 1979 Tehran, 1982 Kabul, 1986 Addis, 1990 Bosnia, 1994
Ankara. DOB 1953.
Peter James Norris 1985 Lagos, 1990 Guatemala. DOB 1955, Dr.
Peter David Orwin 1977 Athens, 1984 Brasilia, 1989 Tel Aviv, 1996 Hague.
DOB 1944; OBE, MC.
Christopher Robert Geoffrey Pagett 1978 Havana, 1979 Lusaka, 1988
Maputo, 1997 New York. DOB 1952; OBE.
Colin Douglas Partridge 1980 Delhi, 1987 Hanoi, 1994 Hong Kong. DOB
Martin Eric Penton-Voak 1995 Moscow. DOB 1965.
Geoffrey Colin Perry 1981 Hong Kong, 1992 Geneva. DOB 1951.
Alan Petty
Richard William Potter 1985 Riyadh, 1988 Nicosia. DOB 1960.
Mark Precious Buenos Aires 1986. DOB 1960.
John Andrew Raine 1988 Kuwait, 1994 Damascus, 1997 Riyadh. DOB 1962.
Michael Charles Ramscar 1977 Lagos, 1979 Brasilia, 1986 Madrid, 1989 San
Jose, 1997 Madrid. DOB 1948.
Timothy Simeon Rawlinson 1991 Lagos, 1996 Stockholm. DOB 1962.
Richard Robert Reeve 1973 Singapore, 1977 Hong Kong, 1983 Hong Kong. DOB
Michael John Regan 1986 Kabul, 1989 Dubai, 1995 Bangkok. DOB 1955.
Peter Marius Julian Prows Reilly 1996 Khartoum. DOB 1971.
John Ridd
Janet Elizabeth Rogan 1991 Peking, 1998 Sarajevo; dob 1962.
John McLeod Scarlett 1973 Nairobi, 1976 Moscow, 1984 Paris, 1991 Moscow.
DOB 1948; OBE.
Deborah Jane Soothill 1996 Peking. DOB 1969.
Richard David Spearman 1992 Istanbul, 1997 Paris. DOB 1960.
David Spedding
Guy David St. John Kelso Spindler 1987 Moscow, 1997 Pretoria. DOB 1962.
Andrew Jeremy Stafford 1977 Stockholm, 1979 Accra, 1984 Prague, 1991
Brussels. DOB 1953.
Christopher David Steele 1990 Moscow. DOB 1964.
Geoffrey Tantum
Anthony Jonathan Terry 1970 Nairobi, 1973 Havana, 1979 Belgrade, 1986
Santiago, 1997 Geneva. DOB 1946.
Richard Paul Reynier Thompson 1991 Stockholm, 1996 Geneva. DOB 1960.
Michael Thomson
Daniel Vernon Thornton 1995 Brussels. DOB 1969.
Stuart Graham Turvill 1995 Islamabad. DOB 1971.
John Venning
Richard Vlaistow 1995 Havana.
James Spencer Kennedy Watson 1991 Kuwait, 1997 Damascus. DOB 1964.
Andrew Whiteside 1995 Budapest. DOB 1968.
Mark Williams 1995 Tehran.
Kenneth Mark Williams 1976 Kuala Lumpur, 1979 Bridgetown, 1988 Harare,
1994 Delhi. DOB 1944.
Simon Jules Wilson 1991 Athens, 1993 Zagreb. DOB 1966; OBE.
Julian Paul Geoffrey Wiseman 1978 Geneva, 1984 Dhaka, 1990 Islamabad.
DOB 1944.
David John Woods 1978 Vienna, 1981 Bucharest, 1992 Harare, 1997
Pretoria. DOB 1951.
Ian Alexander Woods 1977 New York, 1984 Berlin, 1986 Bonn, 1995 Warsaw.
DOB 1951.
Alexander William Younger 1995 Vienna. DOB 1963.
Very abstract. They missed me off the list! How dare they?
Oops. I mean, of course they did.
Just forget I said anything, okay?
There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable and
Paul J. Adam pa...@jrwlynch.demon.co.uk
I know that this info is indeed now 'freely' available, it however doesn't
require you to post it here. How would you like it if your father, mother,
brother, sister,etc. was named in such a way and then that info
'distributed' without care or worry by some unthinking idiot (or idiots as
the case now is)? And you can't even get the (incorrect!) service
designation right!
Paul S. Owen : Add co.uk to address when replying
Ultimo <ultimal...@angelfire.com> wrote in message
>Ummm thanks. Now what the heck am I suppost to do with this?
Forget you saw it. ;-)
{take out one to mail}
EE Canberra Tribute Site
"CyberBry" <Cybe...@tripod.removethis.net> asks:
: Ummm thanks. Now what the heck am I suppost to do with this?
Use it as a training aid for learning how to edit unnecessary
quoted text out of your posts.
"Every man should own a Browning. The details that follow that
First Commandment are a matter for doctrinal squabbling and
potential schism." -- Dave Garrett
Clever way to cover up your tue identity as a CIA plant.
> CyberBry wrote:
> >
> > Ummm thanks. Now what the heck am I suppost to do with this?
> >
> > CyberBry
> Now that you've read it you have to eat your computer.
You mean its not one of those lists where where you send a national
secret to the name at the top, remove the name and add yrs to the
bottom and wind up with hundreds of national secrets?
oh and don't drink that dihydrogen stuff, its toxic...
carry on
CyberBry wrote:
> Ummm thanks. Now what the heck am I suppost to do with this?
> CyberBry
Now that you've read it you have to eat your computer.
tengai no kyo kyaku
My god, not only does the CIA have plants spying for them, but they can
teach plants to use computers and get on the internet.
Now if the KGB could just apply that plasma cloaking technology to its own
.. <REM40@~!#.canterbury.ac.nz> wrote in message
> CyberBry wrote:
> >
> > Ummm thanks. Now what the heck am I suppost to do with this?
> >
> > CyberBry
Da, comrade Commisar.
They forgot MI6's most important espionage team. Yes, the "Shagman" Austin
Powers and Felicity Shagwell. Now if someone could just find Dr. Evil!
Paul J. Adam <Pa...@jrwlynch.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
> In article <377447...@angelfire.com>, Ultimo <ultimal_ultimus@an
> gelfire.com> writes
> >Here are 116 names of British
> >(M16) spies, information can't be clarified so far, take it for
> >abstract.
> Very abstract. They missed me off the list! How dare they?
> Oops. I mean, of course they did.
> Er.
> Uh.
> Just forget I said anything, okay?
Of course that might just have been a description of its usefulness !
Saving the world for Truth, Justice and the British Political System
Replace spam with free to reply.
Ultimo wrote in message <377447...@angelfire.com>...
>PS: Please focus on following names : Peter Brian Davies,Michael Edward
>Joseph Feliks,Rosalind Mary Elizabeth
((Much pruned))
James Bond (007)
DOB 1924
Current Status- between films
"That's my story and I'm stickin' to it"-
Chairman of EIEIO
Deathclock says I go 10-4-2058
"I'm White Knight, you're Black King, and I owe you a chessboard."
Page 57, Chapter Four,
"Tomorrow Never Dies"
Stephen McCullough
"I can only take one s**t at a time"
Churchill's responce to the announcement that
a bore was at the door while he was otherwise occupied.
You, others like you and the original "Mr. disgruntled ex-MI6 employee" may
have blood on your hands in the future. Why not go and hang around in other
newsgroups that are a bit more appropriate to your intelligence level
...some of them even have pictures ;-)
David McArthur (real name no one else's!)
Who was it that said:
"The great thing about democracy and freedom of speech is that you find out
who all the cretins are"
Ultimo wrote in message <377447...@angelfire.com>...
Just in case the bad guys missed it the first time.
Maiesm72 wrote in message <19990628145742...@ng-bg1.aol.com>...