What is TeamSpeak 3 ATHP License and How to Get It?
TeamSpeak 3 is a popular voice communication software that allows users to chat with each other over the internet. TeamSpeak 3 can be used for gaming, education, business, or any other purpose that requires voice communication.
TeamSpeak 3 servers can be hosted by anyone who has their own server hardware and internet connection. However, if you want to host a large number of servers or slots (users), you may need a special license from TeamSpeak Systems GmbH, the company that develops and owns TeamSpeak 3.
teamspeak 3 athp license cracked
One of the license types that was available for TeamSpeak 3 was the ATHP License (Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider). This license was required for any commercial entity or hosting company that rents servers to others for profit, or provides TeamSpeak servers "free of charge to customers" via inclusion of any other for-profit services[^3^].
The ATHP License allowed the license holder to host up to 2500 virtual servers and 25000 slots, depending on the license agreement. The license holder had to pay a monthly fee based on the actual usage of the servers and slots. The license holder also had to comply with certain terms and conditions set by TeamSpeak Systems GmbH, such as providing technical support, displaying the TeamSpeak logo, and reporting usage statistics.
The ATHP License was discontinued by TeamSpeak Systems GmbH on September 30th, 2018. The reason for this decision was to simplify the licensing model and to focus on developing a new version of TeamSpeak (TeamSpeak 5) that would offer better features and performance. The existing ATHP License holders were given a grace period until December 31st, 2018 to migrate their customers to another solution or to apply for a new license type.
The new license types that are available for TeamSpeak 3 are:
Free Server License - Ideal for most clans or guilds with up to 32 concurrent users. This license is free of charge and allows you to host one virtual server on your own server hardware.
Gamer License - Ideal for all gamers and private individuals who want more flexibility and control over their servers. This license is paid annually and allows you to host up to 1024 slots and 2 virtual servers on your own server hardware.
Commercial License - Ideal for all companies or businesses who are looking for an internal voice communication solution. This license is not for reselling TeamSpeak servers or becoming an Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider (ATHP). This license is customized based on your needs and requires you to contact TeamSpeak Systems GmbH for more information.
If you are interested in getting a license for TeamSpeak 3, you can visit the official website of TeamSpeak Systems GmbH at
https://www.teamspeak.com/en/features/licensing/[^1^] and choose the license type that suits your needs. You can also find a list of Authorized TeamSpeak Hosting Providers (ATHPs) who offer TeamSpeak 3 servers for rent at
TeamSpeak 3 is a powerful and reliable voice communication software that can enhance your online experience. Whether you are a gamer, a student, a teacher, a business owner, or anyone else who needs voice communication, you can find a suitable solution with TeamSpeak 3.