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Trance-Formation of America: Project Monarch (excerpt #1)

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Dec 24, 2001, 2:20:56 PM12/24/01
Dissociative Identity Disorder "DID" (formerly termed Multiple
Personality Disorder) is the mind's sane defense to an insane
situation. It is a way of dealing with trauma that is literally
"too horrible to comprehend". Incestuous rape violates primitive
instincts and surpasses pain tolerance. By compartmentalizing the
memory of such horrendous abuse, the rest of the mind can function
"normally" as though nothing has happened. This compartmentalization
is created by the brain actually shutting down neuron pathways to a
specific part of the brain.

These neuron pathways are triggered open again when the abuse
recurs. The same part of the brain that is already conditioned
to the trauma deals with it again-and-again as needed. As a child,
I was dissociative of my father's abuse. I was totally unable to
recall his sexual abuse, even in his presence, until I saw and
felt his penis. As quickly as I felt the terror from conditioned
response, I was remembering the abuse and how to deal with it.
My neuron pathways opened up instantaneously to the part of my
brain that previously endured the trauma. This part of my brain
developed into a personality of its own - which belonged to my
father - which he ‘rented’ out and later sold to the U.S. Government
as will be explained and detailed in the following pages.

My father's sixth grade education had earned him a job as a worm
digger for local sport fisherman. By the time I was six years old,
however, his pornographic exploitation of my older brother Bill
and me had provided enough income to move us into a bigger house
nestled in the Michigan sand dunes. My father was right at home
there. The tourists and drug dealers who littered the eastern shore
of Lake Michigan further supplemented his income by paying for
perverse sex with us children. My father also became involved in
illicit drug sales.

Soon after we moved, my father was reportedly caught sending kiddie
porn through the U.S. Mail. It was a bestiality film of me with my
Uncle Sam's Boxer dog, Buster. My Uncle Bob, also implicated in
manufacturing the porn, informed my father of a U.S. Government
Defense Intelligence Agency TOP SECRET Project to which he was privy -
Project Monarch. This Project Monarch mind control operation was then,
as now "recruiting" multigenerational incest abused children with
Dissociative Identity Disorder for its "genetic mind control studies".
I was a prime "candidate", a "chosen one".

I had learned to read at the young age of four due to my photographic
memory, which is the result of DID. Government researchers involved
in MK Ultra Project Monarch knew about the photographic memory aspect
of MPD, as well as other resultant "super human" characteristics.
Visual acuity of an MPD is 44 times greater than that of the average
person. My developed and unusually high pain threshold plus
compartmentalization of memory were "necessary" for military and
covert operations development. Additionally, my sexuality was
primitively twisted since infancy. This programming was appealing to
perverse politicians who believed they could hide their actions deep
within my memory compartments which cliniticians refer to as personalities.

My father seized the opportunity as it would provide him immunity
from prosecution. He was hurriedly flown to Boston for a two week
course on how to raise my brother and I for this off-shoot of MK Ultra,
Project Monarch. Immediately after my father's return from Boston, I was
routinely prostituted to then Michigan State Senator Guy VanderJagt.
VanderJagt later went on to become a U.S. Congressman and eventually
chairman of the Republican National Congressional Committee that put
George Bush in the office of President. I was prostituted to VanderJagt
after numerous local parades in which he participated in, at the
Mackinac Island Political Retreat, and in my home state of Michigan
among other places. My Uncle Bob helped my father decorate my bedroom
in red, white and blue paneling and American flags. He provided assistance
in scrambling my mind according to Project Monarch methodologies. This
was to confuse fantasy with reality when it came to fairy tale themes,
particularly Disney stories and the Wizard of Oz, which laid the base
for future programming.



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