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Calif. pot farmers used 15-year-old girl as sex, drug slave: authorities

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Eric Holder Gun Sales

Jul 31, 2013, 10:35:55 PM7/31/13
Two Northern California men forced a 15-year-old girl to work on
their pot farm and locked her in a tiny metal toolbox for days
on end, authorities said.

Ryan Balletto, 30, and Patrick Pearmain, 24, allegedly had sex
with the teen as well on their Clearlake farm of more than a
thousand marijuana plants.

"Pot is one thing, but sexually abuse — that's very bad," said
local Jimmy Martinez. "That's absolutely wrong."

Police said they found a rack to hold someone captive among a
slew of bondage sex devices near the box, which had holes for
breathing, reported local station reported KCRA.

The men called the teen "a trooper" because she did not yell for
help when they locked her in the box, she told police.

Cops also uncovered a massive arsenal of military-grade weapons.
They called it "the largest and most sophisticated bulk of
weapons seized in recent Lake County Sheriff's Office history."

The stash included assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, loaded
magazines, night-vision devices, body armor and face masks,
authorities said.

"They grow pot everywhere in Lake County," said Bob Clouse, who
lives nearby. "It's ridiculous that they get away with it,
especially that much."


KENYAN_ILLEGAL8 minutes ago
@IRT FAN, aka JIM RADBURN aka CHANGE PLEASE aka a bunch of other
trolling socks...

Do you really believe the nonsense you're spouting or did your
daddy drop you out the window on your head a few dozen times too
JIM RADBURN24 minutes ago
2 less radical right wing NRA members on the street.
Reply4 replies+1
RLTMD17 minutes ago
Your an idiot and a radical. What they did is horrible but your
statement is just plan stupid and what is wrong with America
today. They deserve the maximum penalty under law but you just
put your blinders on and blame everything on one group who is
mostly law bidding.
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KENYAN_ILLEGAL10 minutes ago
I wonder what his response will be when they find some of the
weapons came from Eric Holders entrapment program.
KENYAN_ILLEGAL15 minutes ago
Sorry Jim, neither one of them is, or ever has been a member of
the NRA. Unlike you Obama voters, the NRA has no problem with
the public identification of their members.
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IRT FAN8 minutes ago
Kenyan, how do YOU know they aren't NRA members? You must have
special insight...just like you "know" that PRESIDENT Obama is
an illegal. Hah!
MEL5437 minutes ago
These guys should be given the option of DP or a swim from San
Francisco to the Farrallones Islands (during great white shark
mating season). If they make the swim w/o being eaten, they can
stay on those rocks until they die. Send a boat alongside to
chum the waters, though, and make sure no one tries to rescue
CHANGEPLEASE53 minutes ago
of course NRA they will lobby against it, they won't be able to
destroy the inner cities if there is a database containing who
owns what.
Reply2 replies+1
KENYAN_ILLEGAL18 minutes ago
Since when do criminals buy those kinds of weapons legally? You
can't just walk into a gun store and buy them like you can buy a
birth certificate in Hawaii.
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IRT FAN6 minutes ago
The crooks buy their weapons from those who HAVE purchased them
legally. Like the guys who flocked to gun shops this year, to
stockpile weapons in advance of new state and Federal gun laws.
Where do you think all those guns are going?
For those wondering why these animals were able to amass such an
arsenal without being detected I suggest you ask this of the
NRA. There should be a database containing who has what and how
many but the NRA has lobbied against it for years.
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KENYAN_ILLEGAL17 minutes ago
Sure...pot growing criminals, drug dealers are going to register
their illegally purchased weapons. Gotcha. How many times did
you vote for Obama?
MARIS 611 hour ago
Numerous federals... They'll not see the light of day for quite
some time...
Now we know who are supplying the inner cities with drugs and
guns. They are reduced to enslaving their own.......pathetic.
Marijuana is a harmless drug... Sex with children is OK if the
child enjoys it.

Is this not what the psychology professors tell us at most

Keep on trusting them until this great country is a shell of
what it used to be...
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DBMERCAZ55 minutes ago
I dunno about you, Frank, but I don't agree with what you posted
about maryjane and what amounts to child abuse. But I bet alot
of people do agree with one or the other (or both!), and that is
part of why the US has so many problems
CROSSTOWN51 minutes ago
This country has many problems. It is far from "great"
JOHN WESTON37 minutes ago
I take Psychology. No professor has told me either.

But everybody knows Pot is ok and should be legal.
RLTMD13 minutes ago
Are you fricking serious. Sex is children is ok if they enjoy
it. You should go back home to the middle east where they re
still in the 6th century.
STAMPSROCK1 hour ago
As horrific as this is, there are 2 parents out there glad to
know their daughter was not murdered. Not sure if she'll ever be
the same, but she is alive and has a chance to rebuild her life
and reunite with her loved ones.
SUCKERMC2 hours ago
Now how are the drugs getting into the inner-cities?


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