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Late 60's Silver Beauty Battery Charger

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Michael Trew

25 dec. 2021 16:00:042021-12-25
I picked this rusty old thing up, as-is, from someone for $5... I
figured it had at least that much worth of copper in it. After sitting
in my cellar for a few years, I decided to drag it out to deal with a
chronically dead battery.

The first picture is the before picture of the wires... yikes, bare
copper. That's really good quality stranded copper though, so I did up
the "electrical tape special"... it took two rolls, see center picture
for the finished product.

Surprisingly, it works like a charm. 6, 12, or 24V battery settings, as
well as slow automatic or fast manual charge. The gauge seems to work
as well. I assume this model would have been owned by a mechanic or an
auto parts store back in the day.

The only thing that I cannot figure out; what is the "polarity protector
safety light"? It was lit the whole time that I charged the battery. I
had the "red" clamp on the positive, and the "green" clamp on the
negative. The battery charged fine, so I don't know what was up with
that. The body was not otherwise marked which terminal was which.

Scott Dorsey

25 dec. 2021 16:23:502021-12-25
Michael Trew <> wrote:
>The only thing that I cannot figure out; what is the "polarity protector
>safety light"? It was lit the whole time that I charged the battery. I
>had the "red" clamp on the positive, and the "green" clamp on the
>negative. The battery charged fine, so I don't know what was up with
>that. The body was not otherwise marked which terminal was which.

It's a lamp in series with the battery to limit current in the event you
connect it backwards. Had you connected it backwards it would have been
lit much more brightly.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."

Michael Trew

27 dec. 2021 13:14:572021-12-27
Got it, thanks!
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