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Foo on Tesla Repair Center

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Wade Garrett

May 5, 2023, 8:26:52 AM5/5/23
A buddy has a Model 3 in need of some warranty repairs. He lives in
Alabama== where there ain't no Tesla repair centers-- so he made an
appointment at the nearest one-- in Atlanta.

He arrives after a three hour drive over for his 8:00 AM appointment
only to be told "the system" is down and the shop is on hold. Unclear
whether the problem is local, regional, national or what.

Buddy points out that the repairs on his car require wrenches and a
screw driver, not a computer...but no joy.

Five hours later, he's still sitting in the waiting room with no
estimate on when the repairs would be started. So he demands-- and
gets-- a free loaner and drives home to Alabama...only to have to return
next week after his car is fixed.


May 5, 2023, 9:18:44 AM5/5/23
All my 1965 cars get repaired in my drive with my tools.
Name your poison and live with your choice.

Andrew Muzi
Open every day since 1 April, 1971

Chris K-Man (Zickcermacity)

May 5, 2023, 1:09:48 PM5/5/23

Who/what is Foo? Besides being a late cat of mine.

Woozy Song

May 6, 2023, 10:04:31 PM5/6/23
I prefer late 90s cars. At least they had ABS, airbags, cruise control,
central locking and a few niceties. And you can connect a scan tool to
them that doesn't require subscription to manufacturer for more fees.
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