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Really bad trunk leak on a 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP

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Mike Howells

Jun 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/14/97

I have a brand new 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP and noticed some moisture in
the trunk area. I removed the cover to the spare tire and found about 10
gallons of standing water where the spare tire sits. I had to remove
EVERYTHING and unplug the rubber plugs to unplug the water. The water
flowed out like a broken aquarium.

The car trunk smells like total mildew now and the trunk carpet is in bad
shape. Can you confirm if this is a warranty issue? Also, has anybody else
experienced this problem with 1997 Grand Prix's? I can't find where the
leak is coming from so I have a feeling they'll probably have the car in
service for quite a long time. When I drain the trunk it fills right back
up again when it rains. Oh the fun of owning a new car.
Mike Howells


Jun 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/14/97

Ewww....... I'd say this certainly WAS a warranty issue. Take that car
back to the dealer and just go home, indicating you'll be back when they've
fixed it. They'll probably put in a new rubber around the trunk. Sounds as
if that might be the problem. It would also be appropriate for you to
demand that they clean the moldy mess, too, IMHO.

Mike Howells <> wrote in article


Jun 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/14/97
to Mike Howells

Mike Howells wrote:
> I have a brand new 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP and noticed some moisture in
> the trunk area. I removed the cover to the spare tire and found about 10
> gallons of standing water where the spare tire sits. I had to remove
> EVERYTHING and unplug the rubber plugs to unplug the water. The water
> flowed out like a broken aquarium.
> The car trunk smells like total mildew now and the trunk carpet is in bad
> shape. Can you confirm if this is a warranty issue? Also, has anybody else
> experienced this problem with 1997 Grand Prix's? I can't find where the
> leak is coming from so I have a feeling they'll probably have the car in
> service for quite a long time. When I drain the trunk it fills right back
> up again when it rains. Oh the fun of owning a new car.
> --
> Mike Howells
Youuuu betcha! There is nothing in the owners manual that discusses a
feature where you can keep goldfish alive in the trunk!!

My wife had been looking at used cars last fall and noticed that 90% of
all GM trunks are moldy and mildewed and that the floor under the trunk
mats are rusted from so much moisture. She never found any goldfish but
she sure did find water. Each time she questioned the salesperson they
gave her some cock and bull story about the trunk being accidently open
when they took it thru the car wash or equivalent bull.

We now have a 92 Pontiac Bonneville which is dry as a bone - no leaks,
no moisture. So it looks like it can be done, make a GM with a dry
trunk. Something definately went wrong at the GM design board to have
so many cars with wet trunks.

Chilton, Motor and Haynes have their place but there is nothing like the
Manufacturer's Shop Manual for the detailed explanation and diagrams you
need to do some serious work. Get it from your local public library -
it's FREEEEEE!!!

Edward Kim

Jun 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/15/97

Mike Howells ( wrote:
: The car trunk smells like total mildew now and the trunk carpet is in bad

: shape. Can you confirm if this is a warranty issue? Also, has anybody else
: experienced this problem with 1997 Grand Prix's? I can't find where the
: leak is coming from so I have a feeling they'll probably have the car in
: service for quite a long time. When I drain the trunk it fills right back
: up again when it rains. Oh the fun of owning a new car.

My friend owns a '97 Grand Prix GT and he had the same EXACT problem.
Took it in for warranty work and no more problems to speak of.

+Edward Kim +
+Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 +
+uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!+
+1996 Mustang GT White/Black interior 5-speed +
+SVO 3.55s, SVO subframes, K&N w/o air intake silencer +


Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97

In article <5ntbkh$8j3$>, "Mike Howells" <> wrote:

> I have a brand new 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP and noticed some moisture in
> the trunk area. I removed the cover to the spare tire and found about 10
> gallons of standing water where the spare tire sits. I had to remove
> EVERYTHING and unplug the rubber plugs to unplug the water. The water
> flowed out like a broken aquarium.

> The car trunk smells like total mildew now and the trunk carpet is in bad
> shape. Can you confirm if this is a warranty issue? Also, has anybody else
> experienced this problem with 1997 Grand Prix's? I can't find where the
> leak is coming from so I have a feeling they'll probably have the car in
> service for quite a long time. When I drain the trunk it fills right back
> up again when it rains. Oh the fun of owning a new car.

Welcome to the wonderful world of GM.

Mark J. Rinehart

Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97

In article <5ntbkh$8j3$> "Mike Howells" <> writes:

> I have a brand new 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP and noticed some moisture in
> the trunk area. I removed the cover to the spare tire and found about 10
> gallons of standing water where the spare tire sits. I had to remove
> EVERYTHING and unplug the rubber plugs to unplug the water. The water
> flowed out like a broken aquarium.
> The car trunk smells like total mildew now and the trunk carpet is in bad
> shape. Can you confirm if this is a warranty issue? Also, has anybody else
> experienced this problem with 1997 Grand Prix's? I can't find where the
> leak is coming from so I have a feeling they'll probably have the car in
> service for quite a long time. When I drain the trunk it fills right back
> up again when it rains. Oh the fun of owning a new car.

> Mike Howells

I have a 95 GP GTP. My trunk leaked on 4 different occasions - the
first 3 occasions, the rear windshield seal was allegedly the problem.
Oddly enough, the fourth occasion allegedly didn't involved the rear
windshield - isn't that interesting, considering that the NJ lemon law
can be invoked on the 4th fix of the same warranty item, for the same
exact problem? - anyway, on the 4th occasion, I was told that the rear
spoiler and 2 body seams were the problem - this, even though the leak
was in exactly the same place as the 1st three times.

YES - if yours were my car, I'd have it back to the dealer so fast,
their heads would be spinning.



Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97

In article <*W0lph*-16069711...@>, *W0lph* (*W0lph*) writes:
|> In article <5ntbkh$8j3$>, "Mike Howells" <> wrote:

|> > I have a brand new 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP and noticed some moisture in
|> > the trunk area. I removed the cover to the spare tire and found about 10
|> > gallons of standing water where the spare tire sits. I had to remove
|> > EVERYTHING and unplug the rubber plugs to unplug the water. The water
|> > flowed out like a broken aquarium.
|> >
|> > The car trunk smells like total mildew now and the trunk carpet is in bad
|> > shape. Can you confirm if this is a warranty issue? Also, has anybody else
|> > experienced this problem with 1997 Grand Prix's? I can't find where the
|> > leak is coming from so I have a feeling they'll probably have the car in
|> > service for quite a long time. When I drain the trunk it fills right back
|> > up again when it rains. Oh the fun of owning a new car.

|> Welcome to the wonderful world of GM.

When GM designed the 1st gen Saturn, they didn't provide drainage for the
trunk. So when you open a wet trunk lid, all the water falls into the trunk.
Seems like a design flaw. I wouldn't be surprised if GM doesn't give a damn
about customers complaining wet trunks.

reverse my login name and remove "anti.spam." to reply by email.
91 Isuzu Stylus XS -- shares the showroom floor with Saturn
97 Acura Integra GS-R

Victor Smith

Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97

On 16 Jun 1997 19:17:57 GMT, (wong) wrote:

>When GM designed the 1st gen Saturn, they didn't provide drainage for the
>trunk. So when you open a wet trunk lid, all the water falls into the trunk.
>Seems like a design flaw. I wouldn't be surprised if GM doesn't give a damn
>about customers complaining wet trunks.

Yeah, this reminds me of Honda designing tail-light lenses that fill
with water every time it rains. Been happening for years. I wouldn't
be surprised if Honda doesn't give a damn about customers complaining
about burnt out tail-lights and strange sloshing noises.


Andi Baritchi

Jun 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/16/97

Mike Howells wrote:
> I have a brand new 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP and noticed some
> moisture in
> the trunk area. I removed the cover to the spare tire and found about
> 10
> gallons of standing water where the spare tire sits. I had to remove
> EVERYTHING and unplug the rubber plugs to unplug the water. The water
> flowed out like a broken aquarium.
> The car trunk smells like total mildew now and the trunk carpet is in
> bad
> shape. Can you confirm if this is a warranty issue? Also, has anybody
> else
> experienced this problem with 1997 Grand Prix's? I can't find where
> the
> leak is coming from so I have a feeling they'll probably have the car
> in
> service for quite a long time. When I drain the trunk it fills right
> back
> up again when it rains. Oh the fun of owning a new car.

Funny how the Maximas are well-built -- something that Pontiac leaves to
be desired.


#include <disclaimer.h>

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| Computer Science & Eng. |
| University of Texas at Arlington |
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Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97

Victor Smith ( said something like:
: Yeah, this reminds me of Honda designing tail-light lenses that fill

: with water every time it rains. Been happening for years.

It has? Funny, of the seven Hondas I've owned, and in which I've driven a
quarter million miles, I've never had this happen. Which of your Hondas
had this problem, Vic? Years and models, please.

> B E N T L E Y <

Victor Smith

Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97

On 17 Jun 1997 13:52:13 GMT, (Bentley) wrote:

>Victor Smith ( said something like:
>: Yeah, this reminds me of Honda designing tail-light lenses that fill
>: with water every time it rains. Been happening for years.
>It has? Funny, of the seven Hondas I've owned, and in which I've driven a
>quarter million miles, I've never had this happen. Which of your Hondas
>had this problem, Vic? Years and models, please.

Seven Hondas?! My God, is this the same same Bentley who has so many
times trumpeted his eclectic taste in cars? Which other cars have you
owned seven of, may I ask?
I hardly expected this response from you, oh impartial one, who has oft
railed against slamming a mfg for the anecdotal sins of a model.
May I remind you that my post to which you've taken offense, in response
to a post from Mr. Honda (probably Isaac) Wong, who was in agreement
with Mr. Nissan Wolph, which bashed all of GM because of reported
leaking trunks in new Pontiacs, was a simple tit-for-tat?
As for how many Honda's I've owned, that number probably equals the
sum of the number of Pontiacs owned by mssgrs. Wong and Wolph.
And my reply was in keeping with the 'let's be fair' rules of conduct
you have so often espoused.
But you have shown your Honda fanaticism once again, in blinding
yourself to this well known Honda problem of leaking headlights and wet
trunks (and BTW, to me, this problem, like the leaking Pontiacs, ain't
no big THANG).
Attached, since you asked, is but a sample of posts noting this
problem, from R.A.H of course (you see, I am truly eclectic in my
I have taken the liberty of including some 'leaking Del Sol sunroof'
posts, since the Del Sol is one of the SEVEN Honda's you have purchased.
I have, mercifully, ignored the many posts about the proliferate leaking
of water into the passenger compartment Honda A/C's are wont to do, and
the subsequent stench many Honda owners put up with.
I am not knocking Honda here, as I think they are fine cars, but simply
answering your post.
And pointing out, as I tried to do in the post to which you responded,
that it is not fair to slam a mfg because of isolated (and sometimes, in
the larger scheme, unimportant), problems.

Hereya go, Bent, and my apologies for dupes, and more apologies to those
who *didn't* ask, for this outrageously large post. Hey, at least I
didn't post a binary of 'my Accord', or ' my Mugen stickers', as happens
so often in R.A.H.:)

Subject: Re: Help! Leaking tallights
From: Dwayne Clipperton <>
Date: 1997/05/09
Message-Id: <>

Gennady, Samokhin wrote:
> In article <>, says...
> >
> >I have a '90 Prelude that has BOTH the tail light pieces showing
> >condensation. Most noticeable after a hard rain or car wash. This
> >problem has been progressing to its present stage of both lenses. It
> >was just one lens.
> I had a leak in the left taillight of my 86 Accord. It was not just the
> condensation, but about 2 inches of water after each rain. I removed the

For my car, it was an epidemic. Every little
rain would blow another bulb.

What worked for my old beater ('84 Prelude) was to
drill two small holes in the bottom of each lens.

I was concerned that the bolts may be rusted
and was beyond the point of spending money and
effort on the car.

From: (Andrew Congdon)
Date: 1996/09/03
Message-Id: <50fk4c$>

In article <>,
Andy <> wrote:
>I have a 1991 Vtec CRX. The problem i have is that whenever we have a
>reasonable downpour i get a leak from the hinges of the boot lid,
>which somehow, end up under the back seat soaking it and smelling like
>an elephants danglies. Any suggestions ??

C'mon there ain't that much room in the back seat!
Then again if I can get 3 people in my back seat...

Have you checked it isn't the tail light lenses leaking, this seems
quite common. Having said that I also have a leak onto the back seat
from one of the hatch struts but I've never been able to work out
where it starts.

Subject: Re: Help! Leaking tallights
From: (Norman Chi-Bon Li)
Date: 1997/05/07
Message-Id: <5kqcc8$hiu$>

GFT ( wrote:
: I have a '90 Prelude that has BOTH the tail light pieces showing
: condensation. Most noticeable after a hard rain or car wash. This
: problem has been progressing to its present stage of both lenses. It
: was just one lens.

: Curious to know if there is a fix. I have talked with a couple of
: people who say they had to replace the lens for a couple of hundred
: bucks each side. The center piece with the "PRELUDE" logo is fine.

: Ideas on a fix is appreciated.

: Thanks,

: Grant

You have exactly the same problem I've been having with my '90 Prelude
well. It happened to me about half a year ago and it started to get
after all the snow during the winter. I posted the exact same message as
you to look for help on a solution and several people have suggested
you can take the lens out and use RTV (I think) to seal the edges of the
lens where the water is supposed to drain by and down to the ground.
Some people suspected that the seal around the lens is cracked,
allowing water to leak in.

I haven't been able to fix it yet because of the weather here. It's been
raining too much. The best thing to do is to wait for a stretch of sunny
days before attempting a fix because you want to completely dry out your
lens before sealing it or you'll risk leaving it moist inside allowing
condensation to form. You'll also want to give the RTV time to settle
place or whatever. So I'm still waiting for the weather the get better
before I fix my taillights. Oh, and if you want to do it properly, you
also go to your dealer and buy the proper gaskets which cost about $25
for each side. Much cheaper than replacing the entire lens unless its
cracked. Good luck!

Subject: Re: Water in Tail-lights
From: (Robert Morella)
Date: 1997/01/19
Message-Id: <5bsav2$>

My 90 Accord does the same thing. It's a combination of the gasket
drying out and the edges of the lights being improperly glued
together. I fixed it by coating both sides of the gasket with a thin
layer of RTV and then sealing up the edge-seams of the lenses with
more rtv sealer. It was very tough to get them completely dried out. (Norman Chi-Bon Li) wrote:

>Hi people,

>I was just wondering if any of you have experience water leaking into your
>tail-lights and staying in there. Well, my 1990 Prelude has this problem.
>I think the water in there was responsible for my brake lights shorting
>out a couple of times too. I'm not too sure of where the water is leaking
>in from but the problem has led to water leaking into the trunk as well,
>because you can access the tail-light compartment through the trunk.

>If anybody has encountered this problem, could you offer me some advice?
>I've been told that I should drill a hole at the bottom of the compartment
>to allow the water to leak out. I haven't looked into that yet but I want
>to see if there is some way I can seal up the leak, if I can find it.

Subject: Help! Leaking tallights
From: (GFT)
Date: 1997/05/07
Message-Id: <>

I have a '90 Prelude that has BOTH the tail light pieces showing
condensation. Most noticeable after a hard rain or car wash. This
problem has been progressing to its present stage of both lenses. It
was just one lens.

Curious to know if there is a fix. I have talked with a couple of
people who say they had to replace the lens for a couple of hundred
bucks each side. The center piece with the "PRELUDE" logo is fine.

Subject: Re: Leaky trunk in '86 Prelude
From: (Robert Morella)
Date: 1997/01/20
Message-Id: <5c0j77$>

The taillamp gaskets dry out and leak. Also the lens assemblies are
not always as watertight as they're supposed to be. Get a couple of
tubes of RTV sealant. take out the taillights and 'goop it up'.

Make sure the electrical connections are not getting wet..spray some
WD-40 on them just in case. (Pat & Molly Ringe) wrote:

> (Pat & Molly Ringe) wrote:

>>Anyone heard of leak problems with Prelude Trunks? My '86 has apx.
>>140K on it and the trunk seems to be perpetually wet along the rear
>>end. Not soaked, just damp, almost as if it were very heavy
>>condensation. The weatherstripping seems to be intact, so I'm a bit
>>puzzled...I live in Seattle, so it's wet a lot of the time, but I've
>>never had this problem with any of my other cars.

>>My roommate's '92 Civic is apparently doing the same thing - she's the
>>one who heard about the 'well-known' leak problem...

Subject: Water in Tail-lights
From: (Norman Chi-Bon Li)
Date: 1997/01/17
Message-Id: <5boula$>

Hi people,

I was just wondering if any of you have experience water leaking into
tail-lights and staying in there. Well, my 1990 Prelude has this
I think the water in there was responsible for my brake lights shorting
out a couple of times too. I'm not too sure of where the water is
in from but the problem has led to water leaking into the trunk as well,
because you can access the tail-light compartment through the trunk.

If anybody has encountered this problem, could you offer me some advice?
I've been told that I should drill a hole at the bottom of the
to allow the water to leak out. I haven't looked into that yet but I
to see if there is some way I can seal up the leak, if I can find it.

Subject: Re: Water leak in Odyssey..repaired but now what?
From: (G McGrew)
Date: 1996/09/14
Message-Id: <51f1is$>

If the rust isn't extensive and the seat doesn't stink of mildew, this
reasonable. As long as he is guaranteeing look-like-new results and no
of rust for the remainder of the warantee, I would give them a chance.

In article <50hipb$>, (Kenneth Lew)
#The Honda dealer appeared to have fixed the water leak in my less than
#one year old minivan. Apparently, the latch for the back door was loose
#tightening it fixed it. Now when I park my car nose down on my
#steep driveway I experience no leak. Now I need to restore my third
#seat to its original state. The metal portion of the seat
#is rusted and the fabric has rust stains, because the seat was folded
#into the floor compartment and seating in the water when the leak
#The Honda regional rep wants to sand the rust away from the seat
#frame, replace the seat fabric and chemically steam the rust stain
#off the floor carpet. He think's that replacing the seat is not
#waranted. Any opinions? Thanks in advance.

From: (Andy)
Date: 1996/09/01
Message-Id: <>

I have a 1991 Vtec CRX. The problem i have is that whenever we have a
reasonable downpour i get a leak from the hinges of the boot lid,
which somehow, end up under the back seat soaking it and smelling like
an elephants danglies. Any suggestions ??
Thanking you all in advance.

Subject: Want info for CRX (/ Civic) rust FAQ
From: (RogerTIII)
Date: 1997/04/18
Message-Id: <>

I have an '85 CRX DX that's had some rust problems, and have belonged to
the CRX List long enough to know that some CRXes (and Civics too, no
doubt) are so rusted the jack "hard points" just crush on many cars (and
that many 2nd gen. Rexes leak water lots of places, inviting rust
wholesale). CRXes are great cars that are no longer made, so for the
Owner's Club home page (, its newsletter and whoever else,
going to compile a FAQ on dealing with rust and would appreciate any
knowledgeable input (best way to prevent / deal with drain hole
best rust prevention and mending techniques, etc.). Honda has no plans
replace the CRX (sorry, Del Sol owners, but your cars have _way_ too
chassis flex and radically insufficient cargo space to be a "true" CRX),
so something's needed to preserve these backroad-eating spacious roofed
go-karts before their floorpans all vanish.

Subject: Want info for CRX (/ Civic) rust FAQ
From: (RogerTIII)
Date: 1997/04/18
Message-Id: <>

I have an '85 CRX DX that's had some rust problems, and have belonged to
the CRX List long enough to know that some CRXes (and Civics too, no
doubt) are so rusted the jack "hard points" just crush on many cars (and
that many 2nd gen. Rexes leak water lots of places, inviting rust
wholesale). CRXes are great cars that are no longer made, so for the
Owner's Club home page (, its newsletter and whoever else,
going to compile a FAQ on dealing with rust and would appreciate any
knowledgeable input (best way to prevent / deal with drain hole
best rust prevention and mending techniques, etc.). Honda has no plans
replace the CRX (sorry, Del Sol owners, but your cars have _way_ too
chassis flex and radically insufficient cargo space to be a "true" CRX),
so something's needed to preserve these backroad-eating spacious roofed
go-karts before their floorpans all vanish.

Subject: Re: Water in Tail-lights
From: (Michael )
Date: 1997/02/02
Message-Id: <5d2oob$>
Newsgroups: (Norman Chi-Bon Li) wrote:
Yes I have encounted this problem on my 1990 Accord. It was more like
condensation a pool of water. The answer is to remove the offending
lamp drain it out seal it clear bathroom sealant and Bob is your
Uncle. It worked for me Norman.
>Hi people,

>I was just wondering if any of you have experience water leaking into your
>tail-lights and staying in there. Well, my 1990 Prelude has this problem.
>I think the water in there was responsible for my brake lights shorting
>out a couple of times too. I'm not too sure of where the water is leaking
>in from but the problem has led to water leaking into the trunk as well,
>because you can access the tail-light compartment through the trunk.

>If anybody has encountered this problem, could you offer me some advice?
>I've been told that I should drill a hole at the bottom of the compartment
>to allow the water to leak out. I haven't looked into that yet but I want
>to see if there is some way I can seal up the leak, if I can find it.

Subject: Re: Accord Trunk Leak?
From: (Brian Palmer)
Date: 1996/07/25
Message-Id: <4t768n$>

"Eric S. Korenman, TJUH Radiology" <> wrote:

>I have had a used '92 accord for about a year now and have
>recently noticed water collecting in the trunk on the
>driver's side. (left side)

>I pulled back the trunk liner and found that the water
>was collecting near the air vent on the floor of the trunk.
>The radio antenna is above the collection of water.
>Water collects collects even when the car is just left out in the rain.

>Is the vent or the antenna the more likely culprit?
>Antenna funtions just fine.
>Anyone had similar problems? Solutions?

Try the sunroof drain. It connects up with the antenna drain and has
a tendency to get clogged. Also the tail light gaskets can sometimes
leak. Best way to check is with a helper hosing the area down while
you watch inside with a flashlight.....

Subject: Re: Leaky trunk in '86 Prelude
From: (Brent Rowe)
Date: 1997/01/23
Message-Id: <5c8q63$eqo$>

: (Pat & Molly Ringe) wrote:
: >Anyone heard of leak problems with Prelude Trunks? My '86 has apx.
: >140K on it and the trunk seems to be perpetually wet along the rear
: >end. Not soaked, just damp, almost as if it were very heavy

I have an '85 with water problems...found this out about 3 weeks after
purchase. Looked under the trunk bottom and found about 5 gallons of
water marinating my spare tire.

If you take out the spare tire, you'll notice a drain hole with a plug
in it... take this plug out, or put a hole in the rubber part.

In my case, it isnt a design problem, my trunk lid is rusted out.

Subject: Leaking Prelude
From: (Peter Cheng)
Date: 1996/11/20
Message-Id: <56vhqo$>

I have a 88 Prelude and water is leaking in when it rains. It
used to be leaking from the truck to the back passenger seat and
floor. But I took off all the back lights and put sealing on it.
That helped.
But this year, rainy season started again, and it is leaking.
This time it does not appear to be coming from the truck. It seems
only the left back passenger floor is flooded. I can't find any water
in the truck or the side of windows.
Does anyone know where the leak maybe coming from?
Any help is appreciated.

Subject: Civic Leaks
From: "Patrick J. Smith" <>
Date: 1996/11/14
Message-Id: <>

I just bought a used 94 Civic Si. There was quite a bit of
rain here last weekend - much of it ended up on the floor of my
car. (we're talking puddles here!)

I took it back to the dealer I bought it from (Nissan). The
mechanics took a look at it and determined the following.

- water does not leak in through the sun roof - it drains as it should
- water does not leak in if the fans are turned off

- water leaks in if the fans are on, and fresh air mode is selected.

They told me there is no fix for this - don't drive with the fans
on in a rainstorm. I have a hard time believing that Honda would
design a ventalation system that leaks when it's raining.

I called the previous owner who assured me that he had never seen
anything like this. I have all the service records and everything
looks like it's in order.

So - has anyone ecountered this before? Does it seem reasonable to
you. I'm taking the car to honda in a couple of days to see what
they think.


Subject: Re: Leaking Prelude
From: slartibartfast <>
Date: 1996/11/25

I had this problem with my previous prelude. We took out the back seat
and underneath were some leaky rubber seals. It wasn't too hard to fix,
especially considering what an incovenience the water behind the
passenger seat was.

Good luck, Dave.

On 20 Nov 1996, Peter Cheng wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a 88 Prelude and water is leaking in when it rains. It
> used to be leaking from the truck to the back passenger seat and
> floor. But I took off all the back lights and put sealing on it.
> That helped.
> But this year, rainy season started again, and it is leaking.
> This time it does not appear to be coming from the truck. It seems
> only the left back passenger floor is flooded. I can't find any water
> in the truck or the side of windows.
> Does anyone know where the leak maybe coming from?
> Any help is appreciated.

Subject: Re: Del Sol
From: Beth <>
Date: 1996/09/10
Message-Id: <>

K. Martin wrote:
> I'm thinking about buying a '94 or '95 del Sol. I was wondering what
> driving the car in the winter is like--does the top leak, do the wipers
> and defrosters work well enough for good visibility in the rain? I would
> appreciate any comments regarding this car.
> Thanks.

I have a 93 Del Sol (bought in Dec. '92) and I still like it. I live
north of Boston so the car and I have had our share of winter driving
fun. So far it's been just fine. I've skidded a few times in the snow,
but that had more to do with me that the car. The defroster works great
and being able to crack the rear window helps a lot.

My car does leak, a lot. I have used all kinds of treatments on the
gaskets (including replacing), and so far nothing has helped. FWIW, I
know people who have more recent Del Sols and they say they don't have
the same problems. The other issue is that the car creaks and squeaks
over every bump. It's much worse in the winter.

All in all it's been a good car. In 3.5 years and 50K miles I've
the tires once and I just got a new battery. I average around 32 MPG and
the clutch is still going strong.

Subject: Re: Civic Del Sol?
From: may...@Ra.MsState.Edu (Natalie Maynor)
Date: 1996/08/11
Message-Id: <maynor.8...@Isis.MsState.Edu>

Tony Esporma <> writes:

>There was a service bulletin out for the sunroof on the early
>DelSols. Did you ever complain to your dealer about it? They
>should have fixed it under warranty if so.

They installed something called a "rattle kit" and something else
called a "leak kit." The two worked about equally well. The roof
continued to rattle and leak.

Subject: Re: Del Sol
From: Beth <>
Date: 1996/09/10
Message-Id: <>

K. Martin wrote:
> I'm thinking about buying a '94 or '95 del Sol. I was wondering what
> driving the car in the winter is like--does the top leak, do the wipers
> and defrosters work well enough for good visibility in the rain? I would
> appreciate any comments regarding this car.
> Thanks.

I have a 93 Del Sol (bought in Dec. '92) and I still like it. I live
north of Boston so the car and I have had our share of winter driving
fun. So far it's been just fine. I've skidded a few times in the snow,
but that had more to do with me that the car. The defroster works great
and being able to crack the rear window helps a lot.

My car does leak, a lot. I have used all kinds of treatments on the
gaskets (including replacing), and so far nothing has helped. FWIW, I
know people who have more recent Del Sols and they say they don't have
the same problems. The other issue is that the car creaks and squeaks
over every bump. It's much worse in the winter.

All in all it's been a good car. In 3.5 years and 50K miles I've
the tires once and I just got a new battery. I average around 32 MPG and
the clutch is still going strong.

Subject: Re: Honda Del Sol
From: (Winston Mo)
Date: 1996/04/10
Message-Id: <4khu8e$>


I bought a NEW 95 Si A/T it is pretty good, although the roof
do make little noise.

Get a bigger engine one instead of the S, it offers a better
horse and brakes, But do not offer Power Door lock as a 93 but in 95
have it

When buying a used one, make sure it don't leak water, and the
moding around the top do not dry or crack, because it tends to leak
water when get old, so have dealer change it if is does.

Good luck

Subject: Water vapour in tail light assembly
Date: 1996/06/10
Message-Id: <4phrpb$>

The tail light assembly on my 1990 Civic seems to be trapping some water
vapour and I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem.

I removed the light assembly from the body of the car to have a closer
and sure enough there was some condensation on the inside of the plastic
lense. I was able to clean the condensation through the holes where the

However, there are two plastic lenses - an inner one which is part of
whole light assembly and an outer one that fits sunggly over the inner
Somehow some vapour is also getting between the two plastic lenses.

Has anyone been successful at removing the outer lense and then
it? Also, is there any way to prevent such condensation from
Has anyone tried drilling a small hole into the light assembly?

Subject: Re: my pretty new EX smells like a moldy garbage can
From: manoj George <>
Date: 1996/12/01
Message-Id: <>

check to see if the smell is coming from the doors. Sometimes if there
is a leak water will fill up in the doors and start to smell..i think
there might be a release of some kind on the bottom of the door...Go and
get the dealer to check it out...afterall they have your money, make
sure they fix all the bugs with the car!!!

AQUA wrote:
> On 21 Nov 1996 00:55:18 GMT, <devilcar> wrote:
> >I have a '96 civic EX coupe and we just got our first rain of the season
> >a week ago. Ever since then, my car has smelled like rotting fish
> >and now a mildewy garbage can. I've searched my car for any kind
> >of food particle and have failed to find any. It doesn't seem
> >to be coming out from my
> >
> >Please post any replies and thanks in advance!
> >

Subject: Re: del Sol leaking window rubber
From: (Bentley)
Date: 1996/11/29
Message-Id: <57lvk4$>
Newsgroups: said something like:

: I have a '92 CRX (alias del Sol) that leaks above the driver's side top
: front corner.

: Has anyone experienced this? Has Honda replaced these rubber seals for free?

I've not, but I've talked to some other owners who have. Dunno how long
warranties run in Australia, but it would over on a 92 up here. One
I've noticed, however, is that a good dealership will replace piddly
things like this for free. Also, be sure to keep the seals well-lubed
a silcon spray: It will help redice (or eliminate) the squeaks in cold
weather, and it will help keep the rubber firm and tight against the

: ps: This has gotto be the best little car in the world!

Except for the leak, right? :)

> B E N T L E Y <

93 del Sol Si

Subject: Re: 97 Acc EX Is All Wet
From: (Jason P Mcdonald)
Date: 1996/10/25
Message-Id: <54qcvh$>

Tim Morrissey ( wrote:
: Hey,

: We have a 97 Accord EX that seems to have a water leak. The carpet and
: mat on the drivers side is wet, real wet; not just tracked in/wet shoes
: wet. It is not the A/C condensor. The windows have been up and the sun
: roof has been closed but there has been lots of rain.
: Obviously we are going back to the dealer but does anyone have any ides on
: this?
: Timmy
: Dine Right and Dine On Time

Our 96 Accord had a very similar problem which turned out to be
that leaves and other small debris were clogging the A/C, and the water
was overflowing onto the floor (passenger side in our case). If your
shop is going for the quick-fix, they just use compressed air to blow
the system clean and send you on your way, but the problem will come
(at least it did for us). To really fix it, they have to actually get
the A/C system. It certainly sounds like the same thing --
try to listen for a sloshing-water sound which seems to be coming from
behind the dashboard.

Subject: Re: Water dripping when A/C on.
From: (Brian K Smith)
Date: 1996/06/17
Message-Id: <4q40ih$>

In article <>,
Andrew Lavigne <> wrote:
>I've got a '95 Integra, and yesterday I noticed a few drops of water from
>underneath the dash on the passenger side while I had the A/C on for a while.
>Is this some sort of normal condensation from the evaporator in the dash,
>or is this indicative of some sort of leak?

This is perfectly normal from any air conditioner. Happens with my 96
Integra. It will happen even more when it's humid out.

Subject: Re: Honda del Sol owner experience
From: (daniel smead)
Date: 1996/05/18
Message-Id: <4nleol$>

In a previous article, (Ray Turner) says:

>I'm considering a '96 del Sol. Any owners out there?
>How about wind noise or roof leaks in the rain?
>Any other reliability problems?
>Thanks for your advice.

I've got a '94 del Sol Si. The top does leak a little. Wind noise with
the top off is pretty low for a convertible, especially if you leave the
windows up for highway driving. If you're willing to overlook a few
of water on your knee, and don't have a need for a back seat, it's a
decent little car. And I've heard that the leaking water problem has
fixed in the newer cars, although I guess we'll have to wait until the
'96s are a few years old to find out.

Subject: Re: Leaking Backup Lights
From: (Glenn/Linda)
Date: 1996/04/13
Message-Id: <>

In article <4kheui$>, (Evelyn
Albrecht) wrote:
> >Interesting...from reading yours & similar posts this seems to plague
> >89-90 Civics. I have a 90 Civic DX and I noticed this problem within
> >one year after puchasing it new...
> My '92 Civic Si also collects water in the left-side backup light box
> and trunk, where it must leak out of the light box as well as into it.


And I thought I was the only one with this problem! I have a 1988 CRX si
and as soon as we get heavy rain, my tail light gets flooded with water
and leaks into the "trunk" area.The result is a gallon of water in my
and the lovely smell of mildew for weeks. The dealer has told me he has
seen this many times.

Subject: Re: Honda Del Sol
From: may...@Ra.MsState.Edu (Natalie Maynor)
Date: 1996/04/08
Message-Id: <maynor.8...@Ra.MsState.Edu>
Newsgroups: (Jason Rae) writes:

>I am planning on buying a used Del Sol ('93). Any comments on them?

Be prepared to watch water trickling down inside the car when it rains.
Even after installation of the "leak kit" (I think that's what they
called it), it will leak. Just like after installation of the "rattle
kit," it will continue to rattle at least a little bit.

Although I am still a very loyal Honda supporter, I will say that the
closest Honda has ever come to screwing up was with the del Sol. I
kept my '93 del Sol a little over two years, which was longer than the
only other person I know personally who had one kept his. I loved the
color of mine (a really great blue) and found it fun sometimes (with the
top off), but otherwise I wasn't wild about it. The roof rattled and
leaked. Getting in and out of it was uncomfortable. The fuzzy black
interior was ugly and sucked up dog hairs like crazy. Fooling with
taking the top off and storing it in the trunk was a bother.

>What would be a good price for an average one?

I don't remember now what I got for trading mine in about a year ago.

Subject: Re: Leaking Backup Lights
From: (Evelyn Albrecht)
Date: 1996/04/10
Message-Id: <4kheui$>
Newsgroups: (Francis DeBernardo) writes:

>Pauly Keyz ( wrote:
>: I have a 1990 Civic LX Sedan and have been dripped on numerous times
>: while bending over my trunk. I look up and water is coming from the gray
>: plastic boxes where the backup lights are concealed. I've had the
>: tailight gaskets replaced three times and after one of our rainstorms, I
>: found the problem has not gone away.
... snip ...

>Interesting...from reading yours & similar posts this seems to plague
>89-90 Civics. I have a 90 Civic DX and I noticed this problem within
>one year after puchasing it new...

My '92 Civic Si also collects water in the left-side backup light box
and trunk, where it must leak out of the light box as well as into


Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97
to (Bentley) said:
>Victor Smith ( said something like:

>: Yeah, this reminds me of Honda designing tail-light lenses that fill
>: with water every time it rains. Been happening for years.

>It has? Funny, of the seven Hondas I've owned, and in which I've driven a
>quarter million miles, I've never had this happen. Which of your Hondas
>had this problem, Vic? Years and models, please.

My sister's '91 Civic DX sedan has this problem. Not real
bothersome, except that it dumps some water in the trunk after a
rain. Victor, since you know of it, is there an easy fix? TSB?
I thought it might just be her car, so I haven't given it much

For email, remove second "y" from

Victor Smith

Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97

Not hard to fix. See my post to Mark. New gaskets and RTV sealant.
Might not even need new gaskets, but just RTV if the old gaskets aren't
torn up. BTW, you can find gasket material at a good hardware store,
and cut your own. Might be cheaper.


Sloan E. Essman

Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97

Sounds terrible Mike. Mine had just a little moisture under the top mat
that probably came from just normal condensation. The carpet is dry.

For reference, normally, the trunk should seal against the rubber that
runs around the entire trunk. When you open the trunk lid, it drains
onto the back glass and then runs down below the trunk weather stripping
and out the drain holes behind the tail-light assemblies.

Any idea where your water is coming in from?



Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97

The problem as I explained to him is that the new body of the '97 Grand
Prix has trouble in the trunk. Where the sheet metal pieces in the wheel
house meet the seams are not properly sealed. When he drives the water
from the tires splashes up into the trunk through the improperly sealed
Unfortunately, as long as he is moving, water is leaking into the trunk.
There is a fix that involves using a specific sealant to seal these

Tom Pschar

Jun 17, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/17/97

Andi Baritchi wrote:
> Funny how the Maximas are well-built -- something that Pontiac leaves to
> be desired.

Get a clue. That sample size of one means a lot.

Hey, my trunk doesn't leak! I've just raised the quality of the Grand
Prix by 50%!

> --Andi


Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

>Mike Howells wrote:

[leaky trunk]

>Funny how the Maximas are well-built -- something that Pontiac leaves to
>be desired.

Funny, Nissan designed leaky fuel injectors instead. Go figure, you may
need some "poor soul" in Pontiac with a trunk full of water to put out
your engine fire.

mrivers *(at)*

These addresses are not mine, but from companies who persist at spamming.
They are here for targeting by other spammers who scan newsgroups.


Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Victor Smith ( said something like:
: Seven Hondas?! My God, is this the same same Bentley who has so many

: times trumpeted his eclectic taste in cars?

Trumpeted? I've pointed out that I've owned cars from three continents,
seven countries, and more than a few manufacturers, especially when asked.

: Which other cars have you owned seven of, may I ask?


: May I remind you that my post to which you've taken offense, in response

: to a post from Mr. Honda (probably Isaac) Wong, who was in agreement
: with Mr. Nissan Wolph, which bashed all of GM because of reported
: leaking trunks in new Pontiacs, was a simple tit-for-tat?

You may, but it's a lame excuse. Here's how I saw the exchange:

1. started the thread, complaining of leaks with his
Grand Prix.

2. says he's had the same problem with his Accord.

3. says take it back to the dealer and
make them fix it (good advice, thinks I)

4. says his friend had the same problem with
the same car.

5. says he and his wife were car shopping and
noticed the same problem with many GM cars they drove.

6. W0lph* makes a snide comment about GM.

7. says his 95 GP suffered from the same
problem, 4 times.

8. opines that Saturns have a design flaw in
which water from an opened trunk cascades into the trunk (and he's
right). He goes on to slam GM in general (so to speak).

So, we have several people with first or second hand experience with their
GM products leaking -- perhaps they were all lying, who knows.

And then we have Vic, who decides this is (another) good opportunity to
slam Honda. For whatever reason.

: As for how many Honda's I've owned, that number probably equals the

: sum of the number of Pontiacs owned by mssgrs. Wong and Wolph.

So, you have no experience in Honda ownership, yet feel compelled to
comment on them with regularity (those prunes help, heh) and to even
compile lists of their problems from the Honda newsgroup?

: And my reply was in keeping with the 'let's be fair' rules of conduct

: you have so often espoused.

When did I say that?

: But you have shown your Honda fanaticism once again, in blinding

: yourself to this well known Honda problem of leaking headlights and wet

Headlights too? Gee, I never had that problem either. Got it with the old
Saab, tho, it's a real pain. But that's the pre-GM Saab.

I guess it's time to turn in my Honda Fanatic card, as of the past ten
vehicles I've purchased, only one has been a Honda. And of the three cars
on my short list for the next purchase (to replace the one Honda, I might
add), none are Hondas. Labels are effective when they're accurate, Vic,
but this one is simply sad. And how many non-GM products have you owned,
if I may ask?

: I have taken the liberty of including some 'leaking Del Sol sunroof'

: posts, since the Del Sol is one of the SEVEN Honda's you have purchased.

I humbly submit that there has never been a del Sol with a leaking
sunroof. At least not a factory installed sunroof.

: I have, mercifully, ignored the many posts about the proliferate leaking

: of water into the passenger compartment Honda A/C's are wont to do, and
: the subsequent stench many Honda owners put up with.

Yeah, our Monte Carlo and our Buicks used to do that. Nasty.

: I am not knocking Honda here, as I think they are fine cars, but simply
: answering your post.

Um, how can I put this nicely? I can't: Bullshit. 'Fine cars' my ass.
As for knocking Honda, you took care of that in the first post.

: And pointing out, as I tried to do in the post to which you responded,
: that it is not fair to slam a mfg because of isolated (and sometimes, in
: the larger scheme, unimportant), problems.

So... why not go after the guy who started the thread? Why not tell him
"Don't worry about it, it's unimportant?"

: Hereya go, Bent, and my apologies for dupes, and more apologies to those

: who *didn't* ask, for this outrageously large post. Hey, at least I
: didn't post a binary of 'my Accord', or ' my Mugen stickers', as happens
: so often in R.A.H.:)

Often? I can only remember two, one of a VTEC jpg, and one by a fellow who
was trying to sell his Legend.

[big snip]

That's quite a list. Looks like there is some evidence that Hondas leak.
Guess I've been lucky -- my trouble-free Saab ownership would indicate
that I am. But I'm still not sure what this has to do with Pontiacs, or GM
cars in general, however. If someone posted that the ABS failed on his
Caddilac, I take it you'd immediately look up all the ABS failures on

Lloyd has trained you well, it would seem.

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

It wasn't the injectors, it is the fuel with alcohol level above 5%
sold in the US. The injectors seals were not designed to handle
it and dissolved. They didn't have problems in Japan.
I had that problem in my 200sxTurbo, the car is 11 years old,
runs well and handles better than my 96 Max...

Andi Baritchi

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97
to wrote:
> >Mike Howells wrote:
> [leaky trunk]
> >Funny how the Maximas are well-built -- something that Pontiac leaves
> to
> >be desired.
> Funny, Nissan designed leaky fuel injectors instead. Go figure, you
> may
> need some "poor soul" in Pontiac with a trunk full of water to put out
> your engine fire.
> --
> mrivers *(at)*
> These addresses are not mine, but from companies who persist at
> spamming.
> They are here for targeting by other spammers who scan newsgroups.

Actually, my '97 Maxima SE 5-speed is running just fine, fuel injectors
and all. Take a look at automobile magazine -- "Is this the best V6 in
the world, or what?" They were talking about Nissan's VQ30DE, of
course, not GM's cheapo 3.8 Series II.

Victor Smith

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

On 18 Jun 1997 01:52:31 GMT, (Bentley) wrote:

>Victor Smith ( said something like:

>: Seven Hondas?! My God, is this the same same Bentley who has so many

>: times trumpeted his eclectic taste in cars?

>Trumpeted? I've pointed out that I've owned cars from three continents,
>seven countries, and more than a few manufacturers, especially when asked.

>: Which other cars have you owned seven of, may I ask?

Seven Hondas, seven Fords, a couple of SAABS, a Monte. You are a busy
bee buyer. How old did you say you were?
>: May I remind you that my post to which you've taken offense, in response

>: to a post from Mr. Honda (probably Isaac) Wong, who was in agreement
>: with Mr. Nissan Wolph, which bashed all of GM because of reported
>: leaking trunks in new Pontiacs, was a simple tit-for-tat?

>You may, but it's a lame excuse. Here's how I saw the exchange:

Lame for me, but ok for you. I get it.

>1. started the thread, complaining of leaks with his
>Grand Prix.
>2. says he's had the same problem with his Accord.
>3. says take it back to the dealer and
>make them fix it (good advice, thinks I)
>4. says his friend had the same problem with
>the same car.
>5. says he and his wife were car shopping and
>noticed the same problem with many GM cars they drove.
>6. W0lph* makes a snide comment about GM.
>7. says his 95 GP suffered from the same
>problem, 4 times.
>8. opines that Saturns have a design flaw in
>which water from an opened trunk cascades into the trunk (and he's
>right). He goes on to slam GM in general (so to speak).
>So, we have several people with first or second hand experience with their
>GM products leaking -- perhaps they were all lying, who knows.

Oh, GM owners are liars? Thanks. I think the GM'ers can take care of
themselves, without Wolph and Wong's oh-so-helpful comments..

>And then we have Vic, who decides this is (another) good opportunity to
>slam Honda. For whatever reason.

No, I was offered a good opportunity to slam Honda Wong, and I took it.
>: As for how many Honda's I've owned, that number probably equals the

>: sum of the number of Pontiacs owned by mssgrs. Wong and Wolph.

>So, you have no experience in Honda ownership, yet feel compelled to
>comment on them with regularity (those prunes help, heh) and to even
>compile lists of their problems from the Honda newsgroup?

Geez, can't you read? Who the hell needs experience when slamming a
slammer. All I need are the facts.
>: And my reply was in keeping with the 'let's be fair' rules of conduct

>: you have so often espoused.

>When did I say that?

Don't make me get it. I've had enough DejaNews today.
>: But you have shown your Honda fanaticism once again, in blinding

>: yourself to this well known Honda problem of leaking headlights and wet

>Headlights too? Gee, I never had that problem either. Got it with the old
>Saab, tho, it's a real pain. But that's the pre-GM Saab.

Wow, you r're really letting your hair down with all this GM praising.
Oddly enough, my headlight/tailight typo, and your remarking on it, has
worked out well. For your pleasure I've attached two posts regarding
water in the *headlights* of new Hondas. I didn't get them on DejaNews.
They're fresh, among today's postings. Ask and ye shall receive.

>I guess it's time to turn in my Honda Fanatic card, as of the past ten
>vehicles I've purchased, only one has been a Honda. And of the three cars
>on my short list for the next purchase (to replace the one Honda, I might
>add), none are Hondas. Labels are effective when they're accurate, Vic,
>but this one is simply sad. And how many non-GM products have you owned,
>if I may ask?

One Ford, one Dodge, one VW. And my GM's just add up to your Honda's.
BTW, I don't recall you mentioning owning *any* Ford in the past, save a
work van your company really owned. Care to give a few details on these
seven Fords you've owned? And I'll tell about my Buick, Pontiac, Olds,
and four Chevy's. And the Ford, Dodge and VW as a bonus.
>: I have taken the liberty of including some 'leaking Del Sol sunroof'

>: posts, since the Del Sol is one of the SEVEN Honda's you have purchased.

>I humbly submit that there has never been a del Sol with a leaking
>sunroof. At least not a factory installed sunroof.

You probably *do* believe that, deep in your Honda heart.
>: I have, mercifully, ignored the many posts about the proliferate leaking

>: of water into the passenger compartment Honda A/C's are wont to do, and
>: the subsequent stench many Honda owners put up with.

>Yeah, our Monte Carlo and our Buicks used to do that. Nasty.

Are we still living in the distant past? How about trying the '90's?
>: I am not knocking Honda here, as I think they are fine cars, but simply
>: answering your post.

>Um, how can I put this nicely? I can't: Bullshit. 'Fine cars' my ass.
>As for knocking Honda, you took care of that in the first post.

I repeat, Honda's are fine cars. Believe me or not. I just don't
think they are sainted, as you and Mr. Wong do. As to your accusation
of me knocking Honda, I simply pointed out the truth to Mr. Honda Wong,
who was bashing GM, as he has in the past. You denied that truth and
asked for proof. You got exactly what you asked for. So did he. I let
Nissan Wolph go, as he and Nissan Fred are incorrigible. Besides, the
Nissan fuel injector fires are not as numerous as the leaking Honda
Hey, I just remembered something...........
Once I was parked, making out, with my wife-to-be, in my '67 Chevy, 327
Holley Quad, Hurst on the floor. It was snowy, and the trees in the
park before us glistened through the fog on that big Chevy windshield.
The kissing was as wonderful as the wintry panorama before us, and love
was heavy in the air. I was at peace with the world, feeling a
remarkable bliss. I never knew life could be so filled with peace.
We were cuddled, gazing into each ohers eyes. I realized I had lit a
cigarette eons ago, and looked down at my hand, which rested on my knee.
The spark had burned to the filter of the cigarette, and the entire ash
was intact. I put it away in the ashtray, consumed but unsmoked, and
turning to my love, slowly brought my lips to her's.
An empty beer can bounced off the car, thrown from a car passing in the
lot behind us.
My love jerked in fright, but I merely smiled, so deep was my bliss.
'It's just some kids', I assured her. 'They're gone. They won't come
We resumed our kissing, and the sheer ecstasy of being in love only
increased, until
Another empty beer can bounced off the car.
I shoved my love aside, shifted into reverse, backed out, went into
second for traction and took after the offending car. The punks (I get
to call them punks because I was 25, and they weren't) were trying to
escape the lot, but slipping and sliding. They had waited too long
after throwing the second can, probably figuring that since I took one,
they'd give me three. Their car was a new sedan, probably their
daddy's. It was some kind of Chrysler or Ford, but don't ask me which,
as I was only familiar with GM's.
I caught them broadside, doing about 10mph on the ice, as their wheels
were spinning in their panic to escape. I'll never forget the look of
horror on the faces of the two punks in the backseat as I crunched into
the rear door and fender. The '67 Chevy was a mean-looking car.
Or perhaps they could see my face.
I pushed them up into the snowbank at the end of the lot until my wheels
started to spin, and backed up for another run at them. The back
driverside door and rear fender were dented in, and I wanted the front
door and fender.
As I shifted into second again, I heard screaming in my right ear, and
looking in that direction, I saw my love. Gee, I had plumb forgot about
her. She was saying 'Let them go!, Let them go!'. As I considered
that, they caught a grip and got away, skidding out into the street.
I drove to a different park across town, and the bliss returned for us.
I always wonder what the daddy of these kids said when he saw that
dented-in car. And if they ever threw another beer can. Now I don't
necessarily condone this type of behavior, and I have regretted doing
many youthful things, but I never regretted this.
Nice little vignette, huh Bent? Haven't thought about that for years.
Wolph threw the first can. Wong threw the second. So I dented Wong's
Honda. You throwing in with these can-tossers?
>: And pointing out, as I tried to do in the post to which you responded,

>: that it is not fair to slam a mfg because of isolated (and sometimes, in
>: the larger scheme, unimportant), problems.

>So... why not go after the guy who started the thread? Why not tell him
>"Don't worry about it, it's unimportant?"

So what, now I can only respond to thread originators? Besides, the
Pontiac guys will help him out. I don't have a Pontiac. But I do have
a couple of fine Chevy's.
>: Hereya go, Bent, and my apologies for dupes, and more apologies to those

>: who *didn't* ask, for this outrageously large post. Hey, at least I
>: didn't post a binary of 'my Accord', or ' my Mugen stickers', as happens
>: so often in R.A.H.:)

>Often? I can only remember two, one of a VTEC jpg, and one by a fellow who
>was trying to sell his Legend.

Poor memory.

>[big snip]
>That's quite a list. Looks like there is some evidence that Hondas leak.
>Guess I've been lucky -- my trouble-free Saab ownership would indicate
>that I am. But I'm still not sure what this has to do with Pontiacs, or GM
>cars in general, however. If someone posted that the ABS failed on his
>Caddilac, I take it you'd immediately look up all the ABS failures on

Most Honda owners are *lucky*. Most Honda owners have trouble-free
cars. Others aren't *lucky*, and have some problems.
This doesn't have a damn thing to do with Pontiacs. Or Cadillacs.
It has to do with your getting upset with me for pointing out to a
Honda-owning GM-basher that Hondas aren't perfect either. Live with it.

You know, your Honda stripes show through loud and clear, as do my
Chevy stripes. Just about everyone posting here has obvious
preferences, with the possible exception of Bill Stanton, who can
condemn the z28 he had, but still appreciate Fords and GM's, while
loving his Mitsu.
Maybe some day, in some far away place and time, you will buy a GM car.
Maybe some day, in some far away place and time, I will buy a Honda car.

>Lloyd has trained you well, it would seem.

Lloyd who?

Heres the leaking Honda headlight info you asked for, and note the last
sentence. You mentioned prunes? At least this fellow recognizes it.:

On 18 Jun 1997 04:48:23 GMT, (Sorcerer) wrote:

>Hi folks,
>I just bought a '97 Civix LX sedan a month ago and noticed I have
>moisture in my left front headlight. I called my dealer, they told me to
>bring it in, left it for a day and the service department proceeded to
>keep it the whole day and then informed me ...
>"The headlight assembly isn't a closed unit, so there's no way to prevent
>moisture from getting in there. Replacing the headlight won't fix it,
>you could have the same thing happen with the new unit. Try driving
>around with your headlights on to help the water go away."
>Is this the "solution"? I no longer have moisture where the headlight
>is, but now there is remaining moisture in the part of the headlight that
>houses the turn signal.
>I guess if I take my dealer's advice, I could ride around with my left
>blinker on constantly until the moisture goes away.
>Since this isn't feasible, is there a permanent fix for this or is it not
>even a problem and I'm just being anal?
On 18 Jun 1997 04:48:23 GMT, (Sorcerer) wrote:

>Hi folks,
>I just bought a '97 Civix LX sedan a month ago and noticed I have
>moisture in my left front headlight. I called my dealer, they told me to
>bring it in, left it for a day and the service department proceeded to
>keep it the whole day and then informed me ...
>"The headlight assembly isn't a closed unit, so there's no way to prevent
>moisture from getting in there. Replacing the headlight won't fix it,
>you could have the same thing happen with the new unit. Try driving
>around with your headlights on to help the water go away."
>Is this the "solution"? I no longer have moisture where the headlight
>is, but now there is remaining moisture in the part of the headlight that
>houses the turn signal.
>I guess if I take my dealer's advice, I could ride around with my left
>blinker on constantly until the moisture goes away.
>Since this isn't feasible, is there a permanent fix for this or is it not
>even a problem and I'm just being anal?

David Foley

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Andi Baritchi wrote in article ...

> wrote:
>> >Mike Howells wrote:
>> [leaky trunk]
>> >Funny how the Maximas are well-built -- something that Pontiac leaves
>> to be desired.
>> Funny, Nissan designed leaky fuel injectors instead. Go figure, you
>> may
>> need some "poor soul" in Pontiac with a trunk full of water to put out
>> your engine fire.
>Actually, my '97 Maxima SE 5-speed is running just fine, fuel injectors
>and all. Take a look at automobile magazine -- "Is this the best V6 in
>the world, or what?" They were talking about Nissan's VQ30DE, of
>course, not GM's cheapo 3.8 Series II.

The same cheapo 3.8 that has been on Wards' Top Ten Engine list for the
past couple of years ???

The same cheapo 3.8 that Jap-car-lover and Yank-car-basher James Healey
from USA Today admitted is *far* superior off-freeway to comporable V6's
from Honda, Toyota, and (wait for it ...) Nissan. "Sends 'em to the
showers !!!".

I hereby banish *you* to the showers for making stupid untrue comments ...
go fight for the soap along with Nissan Wolphie, Nissan Fred, and Honda

Andi Baritchi

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97
to David Foley

Maybe you missed one fact: Ward's list that you acclaim also awards my
engine (Nissan VQ30DE) as one of the 10 best. So you can't say that the
3.8 is better than my 3.0. You probably WILL say that it's comparable,
but it's not. Not as smooth, runs out of breath at much lower rpm's,
bigger displacement, bigger physical size per displacement, pushrods
(yuck! there's another 60 punds!)...

I love my VQ engine. I've tried some cars with GM's series II 3.8L, and
they weren't bad, but the Americans are always a generation or two
behind the Japanese... even the 85-89 generation of Maximas had SOHC
engines... GM's still pushing the aged pushrod anti-technology.


Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Just wondering, wheren't OHC engines around before pushrod engines?
Andi, what software did you use to design YOUR engine? Wasn't Nissan's
3.0 V6 engine good enough? If you are an American, then YOUR engine is
on Ward's list too.

Bill Stanton

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

On Wed, 18 Jun 1997 12:45:56 -0500, Andi Baritchi <>

> Maybe you missed one fact: Ward's list that you acclaim also awards my
> engine (Nissan VQ30DE) as one of the 10 best. So you can't say that the
> 3.8 is better than my 3.0. You probably WILL say that it's comparable,
> but it's not. Not as smooth, runs out of breath at much lower rpm's,
> bigger displacement, bigger physical size per displacement, pushrods
> (yuck! there's another 60 punds!)...

You know, GM must've done something right with the GTP, because I have
never seen a group of people (Maxima owners) so defensive and upset
about a competitor vehicle since the Mustang/Camaro wars!


征馬辰漫滌豕偕帘滌豕偕征馬辰漫滌豕偕征馬辰漫滌豕偕� 畔�_(畔�_(畔�_(BILL STANTON)_.毀�_.毀�_.毀� 征馬辰漫 Art -- Animation -- Design 征馬辰漫
_.毀� mail:bstanton<AT>gte<DOT>net (畔�_

Sloan E. Essman

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

myst@er.y wrote:

> Sloan E. Essman wrote:
> > Any idea where your water is coming in from?

> The problem as I explained to him is that the new body of the '97
> Grand
> Prix has trouble in the trunk. Where the sheet metal pieces in the
> wheel
> house meet the seams are not properly sealed. When he drives the
> water
> from the tires splashes up into the trunk through the improperly
> sealed
> seams.
> Unfortunately, as long as he is moving, water is leaking into the
> trunk.
> There is a fix that involves using a specific sealant to seal these
> seams.

I checked my spare tire assembly and didn't find any water. I guess
I'll look into the trunk with a little more detail this weekend to see
if I find any smaller leaks.


Sloan E. Essman

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Bill Stanton wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Jun 1997 12:45:56 -0500, Andi Baritchi <>
> wrote:
> > Maybe you missed one fact: Ward's list that you acclaim also awards
> my
> > engine (Nissan VQ30DE) as one of the 10 best. So you can't say that
> the
> > 3.8 is better than my 3.0. You probably WILL say that it's
> comparable,
> > but it's not. Not as smooth, runs out of breath at much lower
> rpm's,
> > bigger displacement, bigger physical size per displacement, pushrods
> > (yuck! there's another 60 punds!)...
> You know, GM must've done something right with the GTP, because I have
> never seen a group of people (Maxima owners) so defensive and upset
> about a competitor vehicle since the Mustang/Camaro wars!

Yeah, these GTP Vs Maxima posts are getting kinda old. It's pretty
obvious that most of the Grand Prix owners love their cars, and the
Maxima owners love theirs. These posts are pretty pointless. I think
I'll start a new one: "I like what I have, and it doesn't matter to me
what anybody else drives." *grin*


Andi Baritchi

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Bill Stanton wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jun 1997 12:45:56 -0500, Andi Baritchi <>
> wrote:
> > Maybe you missed one fact: Ward's list that you acclaim also awards
> my
> > engine (Nissan VQ30DE) as one of the 10 best. So you can't say that
> the
> > 3.8 is better than my 3.0. You probably WILL say that it's
> comparable,
> > but it's not. Not as smooth, runs out of breath at much lower
> rpm's,
> > bigger displacement, bigger physical size per displacement, pushrods
> > (yuck! there's another 60 punds!)...
> You know, GM must've done something right with the GTP, because I have
> never seen a group of people (Maxima owners) so defensive and upset
> about a competitor vehicle since the Mustang/Camaro wars!
> 征馬辰漫滌豕偕帘滌豕偕征馬辰漫滌豕偕征馬辰漫滌豕偕�> 畔�_(畔�_(畔�_(BILL STANTON)_.毀�_.毀�_.毀�> 征馬辰漫 Art -- Animation -- Design 征馬辰漫
> _.毀� mail:bstanton<AT>gte<DOT>net (畔�_
> 征馬辰漫滌豕偕帘滌豕偕征馬辰漫滌豕偕征馬辰漫滌豕偕�> _

Finally a smart post by somebody on this group. Bill, you're absolutely
right. The GTP is a pretty nice car, and it's approaching the
Maxima... but we still have the advantage :-)

Spiros Triantafyllopoulos

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Bentley <> wrote:
: Victor Smith ( said something like:
: : Yeah, this reminds me of Honda designing tail-light lenses that fill

: : with water every time it rains. Been happening for years.

: It has? Funny, of the seven Hondas I've owned, and in which I've driven a
: quarter million miles, I've never had this happen. Which of your Hondas
: had this problem, Vic? Years and models, please.

I've seen MANY an 80's Civic, including mine, do it.

Spiros Triantafyllopoulos email:
at home in Central Indiana

Frank Kurucz

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

Andi Baritchi wrote:
> Actually, my '97 Maxima SE 5-speed is running just fine, fuel injectors
> and all. Take a look at automobile magazine -- "Is this the best V6 in
> the world, or what?" They were talking about Nissan's VQ30DE, of
> course, not GM's cheapo 3.8 Series II.

To be fair to GM, their 3800 engine has been labeled one of the ten
best engines in the world (I would still take the VQ30DE any day).


Frank Kurucz

Jun 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/18/97

David Foley wrote:

> The same cheapo 3.8 that Jap-car-lover and Yank-car-basher James Healey
> from USA Today admitted is *far* superior off-freeway to comporable V6's
> from Honda, Toyota, and (wait for it ...) Nissan. "Sends 'em to the
> showers !!!".

That may be his opinion. As someone who has owned both I disagree.
Of course the keyword is "comparable". Since Nissan, Toyota and
Honda do not make pushrod V6's there are no comparable engines.

I will admit that it is remarkable what GM has been able to
accomplish with ancient technology. I will also say that our
3800 ran rough and guzzled oil until it was repaired under



Jun 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/19/97

Victor Smith ( said something like:
: Seven Hondas, seven Fords, a couple of SAABS, a Monte. You are a busy

: bee buyer. How old did you say you were?


: Oh, GM owners are liars? Thanks.


: Geez, can't you read?

: One Ford, one Dodge, one VW. And my GM's just add up to your Honda's.

: BTW, I don't recall you mentioning owning *any* Ford in the past, save a
: work van your company really owned. Care to give a few details on these
: seven Fords you've owned?

No. I'll spar with you when it's fun, but you go too far, friend.

A little advice: If you're going to post flame-bait, learn to deal with
the responses.


P.J. Hartman

Jun 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/19/97

Andi Baritchi <> wrote:

>behind the Japanese... even the 85-89 generation of Maximas had SOHC
>engines... GM's still pushing the aged pushrod anti-technology.

Using technology for technology's sake is a waste of money.

Pushrods are old tech, but they do allow for a more compact engine and
a lower cost.

If they had no benefit at all, then it would be stupid to produce

P.J. Hartman | pjh{at}radiks{dot}net
'98 C5 Ord# 264DXT | '90 Kawasaki ZX-11
'90 Eagle Talon TSi AWD | '81 Suzuki GS450LX
'77 MGB Roadster | '90 Hyundai Sonata

Frank Kurucz

Jun 19, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/19/97

P.J. Hartman wrote:
> Andi Baritchi <> wrote:
> >behind the Japanese... even the 85-89 generation of Maximas had SOHC
> >engines... GM's still pushing the aged pushrod anti-technology.
> Using technology for technology's sake is a waste of money.
> Pushrods are old tech, but they do allow for a more compact engine and
> a lower cost.
> If they had no benefit at all, then it would be stupid to produce
> them.

I don't think that benefit is the issue, but cost to GM. Americans are
still willing to accept rougher running pushrod engines, so GM sells
In other markets a pushrod is not considered acceptable.


Jun 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/20/97

>On 18 Jun 1997 00:01:43 GMT, wrote:

>It wasn't the injectors, it is the fuel with alcohol level above 5%
>sold in the US. The injectors seals were not designed to handle


>it and dissolved. They didn't have problems in Japan.
>I had that problem in my 200sxTurbo, the car is 11 years old,
>runs well and handles better than my 96 Max...

Er, it's the gases fault that Nissan didn't design the car for use in
the US? (Hey they didn't bother to notify me that there was a problem,
either, I had to here it on the news, go figure, customer support?)
I'ld consider leaky injectors a far worse problem than a leaky trunk
(well, unless you like to put fuel in the trunk too), and the fact that
how many GP's are affected vesus how many Maximas (and other Nissans)?
(I heard Maximas had Rack problems too. I've had mine replaced 4 or 5
times, needs it again).

I had my injectors replaced, but the car still runs eradically, must be
some other expensive part that needs to be replaced.

Jun 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/20/97

Actually, in my manual they say NOT to use
fuel with alcohol. Have you read yours?

Jun 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/21/97

Shawn Lin

Jun 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/22/97

Andi Baritchi wrote:

> I love my VQ engine. I've tried some cars with GM's series II 3.8L, and
> they weren't bad, but the Americans are always a generation or two

> behind the Japanese... even the 85-89 generation of Maximas had SOHC
> engines... GM's still pushing the aged pushrod anti-technology.

If it's not broken, why fix it?
Bigger displacement, pushrods... so what?

The Grand Prix GT has 195HP, 220 ft-lbs torque, 19/30mpg, 0-60 in 7.7
Nissan Maxima GLE's V6 has 190 HP, 205 ft-lbs torque, 21/28mpg (auto),
0-60 in 7.9 seconds.

Where are the HUGE performance gains with the DOHC technology? Where
are the amazing improvements in fuel economy? How is it this ancient
"anti-technology" comes so close to matching Nissan's state-of-the-art
DOHC techno-everything engine? How come GM's 3800 Series II V6
Supercharged in a Grand Prix GTP can even make the Japanese DOHC V8 in
the Ford Taurus SHO whimper? The non-Supercharged version isn't even
that much slower than the DOHC *V8* in the Taurus.

With the complexity of DOHC engines (FOUR camshafts you know) and the
need to replace those wimpy timing belts every 60k miles...
I would definitely pick the simpler, easier to work on, iron block, old
pushrod "anti-technology" if the power and fuel economy were close.

Shawn Lin <> SMSU student from Springfield, MO
"A friend will help you move, a GOOD friend will help you move a body"
Tape sucks, MiniDisc is cool,
Bored? See my webpage:


Jun 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/23/97

In article <>, Shawn Lin
<> wrote:

> Andi Baritchi wrote:
> > I love my VQ engine. I've tried some cars with GM's series II 3.8L, and
> > they weren't bad, but the Americans are always a generation or two
> > behind the Japanese... even the 85-89 generation of Maximas had SOHC
> > engines... GM's still pushing the aged pushrod anti-technology.
> If it's not broken, why fix it?
> Bigger displacement, pushrods... so what?
> The Grand Prix GT has 195HP, 220 ft-lbs torque, 19/30mpg, 0-60 in 7.7
> seconds.
> Nissan Maxima GLE's V6 has 190 HP, 205 ft-lbs torque, 21/28mpg (auto),
> 0-60 in 7.9 seconds.
> Where are the HUGE performance gains with the DOHC technology? Where
> are the amazing improvements in fuel economy?

Ah, but the same engine in the SE 5speed version runs 0-60 in ~6.6 seconds,
and in fact, the normally aspirated 3.0L V6 runs just about the same as
GM's Supercharged 3.8L V6 in the GTP.. So.. bigger engine AND a supercharger,
and about teh same performance.. hmm.. yea.. that shows how superior that
pushrod engine is..

> With the complexity of DOHC engines (FOUR camshafts you know) and the
> need to replace those wimpy timing belts every 60k miles...

Learn before you open your mouth. The engine in question, the Nissan 3.0L
V6 uses a timing chain; not a belt.. And, its one of the most reliable
engines on the road by just about any reporting agency.

Jun 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/23/97

>Actually, in my manual they say NOT to use
>fuel with alcohol. Have you read yours?

You are correct, I haven't read the whole manual (Unfortunately, I
inherited it from my parents, the manuel isn't exactly intact:).
However, I still believe that this is Nissan's fault, if it were not, I
don't think the Nissan would voluntarily replace the injectors for free.
And since this tread started with someone claiming that the Maxima is a
better built car than the GP, I simply pointed that out. And as farther
proof that Maximas are not the greastest thing since sliced bread,
yesterday I replaced the alternator again(again), in the new alternator's
box was a note listing common problems with, suprise, Maxima's. Some
problems listed were, low power at idle(need to change pulley), wiring
being to thin and some other problems that cause alternators to become

Jun 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/23/97