I call my 99 Wolfsburg Mozart or Wolfie sometimes.
Just wondering
Stupid question awaiting stupid answers.
Jorell Hernandez wrote in message <79saqj$953$1...@news.usf.edu>...
or, EGG. (she's white)
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:17:37 -0500, "Jorell Hernandez"
<johe...@suntan.eng.usf.edu> wrote:
affleck @ rohan . sdsu .edu (Nate Affleck) wrote in message
'83 GTI w/150hp "Hammer of the Gods"
Baron: '90 Jetta 8v (Short Shift, K&N, Mobil 1) (Maroon, close enough to
Not installed, YET: Dual Oulet manifold/downpipe, TT highflow cat, TT SS
cat-back exhaust, HOR Springs.
Nathan A. Marentette wrote in message <36C1CA25...@mnsi.net>...
>My brother's rapidly aging '82 FI Rabbit goes
>by the name of 'Golgameth the Destroyer'. I
>call it Percy, myself. :-)
>Jorell Hernandez wrote:
>> Do any of you guys have any nicknames for your cars?
> Do any of you guys have any nicknames for your cars?
> I call my 99 Wolfsburg Mozart or Wolfie sometimes.
> Just wondering
> Stupid question awaiting stupid answers.
> //jorell
85 GLi: The sh#tbox
89 Fox: the bitch, the POS, that thing living in my garage, the moneypit,
"the red car", ticketmobile, and previous to the GLi: the sh#tbox.
->Making Pic. book for web<-
Kris Rayner
1984 VW Scirocco
1981 VW Scirocco S - Soon to be a 16V :)-
"I do nothing in moderation but work."
-Charles Dickens
Pablo Veramendi wrote in message <79sts3$1...@news.acns.nwu.edu>...
>I call my '90 Jetta GL - Baron
>short for The Baron
>short for The Red Baron
>Was just listening to Tori Amos one night and it dawned on me! :)
>Baron: '90 Jetta 8v (Short Shift, K&N, Mobil 1) (Maroon, close enough to
>Not installed, YET: Dual Oulet manifold/downpipe, TT highflow cat, TT SS
>cat-back exhaust, HOR Springs.
>Nathan A. Marentette wrote in message <36C1CA25...@mnsi.net>...
>>My brother's rapidly aging '82 FI Rabbit goes
>>by the name of 'Golgameth the Destroyer'. I
>>call it Percy, myself. :-)
Jorell Hernandez wrote:
> Do any of you guys have any nicknames for your cars?
MP4130, a play on 2 things... MP3, the audio layer of MPEGs, I'm putting
a MP3 juke box into my car complete with 6" color TV. The 4130 come
from a type of metal used to make BMX bikes.
Other times I call it, "dear Lord, please don't let some moron crash
into this car".
Pencilneck blah blah blah
ASE Certified Steering and Suspension
ASE Certified Brakes
Custom H2O VW gauge overlays at:
penc...@icx.net penc...@hotmail.com
ICQ# 1805045
My French ladies have names:
Claudette is an 85 Peugeot 505S TD
Babette is aa 92 Peugeot 505 SW8
I also am the keeper of Freddy the Triumph Spitfire
Oddly enough, my 84 VW Jetta GLI tha I love dearly does not have a name - it's
just the Jetta (or often "that ^&*^*&^** Jetta")
Kevin Rhodes
Portland Maine
>Do any of you guys have any nicknames for your cars?
>I just call my car dude...
>or perhaps sometimes MR. GTI
>On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:17:37 -0500, "Jorell Hernandez"
><johe...@suntan.eng.usf.edu> wrote:
91 2.0 cabbie
Craig Castle
First Real Estate
(205) 823-1133
"Call for all of your home selling, buying, and relocation needs"
CCastle16V wrote in message
> Do any of you guys have any nicknames for your cars?
Chopsticks. Coz I'm always eating rice with it. :)
98 Black GTI VR6 I Eat Rice Edition
Electricity comes from electrons; morality comes from morons.
E-mail: erict...@earthling.net.spamthis
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here's a few. the first 1 is mine. the next three were mine. the rest are
"little fast one" ----> 86 16V scirocco
"cyclops" ----> 81 scirocco S (monowiper....)
"the slow broken wonder" ----> 80 fiat X1/9 (most often uttered phrase when i
owned this car..."hurry up before it breaks down again!!")
"gritty" ----> 79 fiat X1/9 (no synchros in ANY gear)
"white lightening" ----> 89 subaru DL (it's white and slow)
"ophelia" ----> 86 ford tempo
"pete" ----> 74 bmw 2002 (i swear it looked like a "pete")
"zippy" ----> 75 honda CVCC (weber, 5 (4?) speed)
86 16V scirocco
I named my 80 diesel Rabbit "quad" after my SE RACING Quadangle(reynolds
531 not the 4130 type) because thats about how many directions my
fingers bend to change #1+2 glow plugs
my 85 Cabbie is "DAMMIT" is having 'lectrical problems again!
when he breaks down or needs a jump start i like to say "Idz Tam won't
IDZ!" or even better, "the rabbit died..."
i also had a 72 super beetle named Harvey (Harvey the Wonder Bug)
and we had an '89 golf named Farley (short for Farvegnugen) which is why
all golfs to me are Farley Cars and a jetta is a farley-car-with-a-butt
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Yeah, I named my 87 Scirocco 16V "BITCH". I usually say that while I am racing
or working on it.
'87 GTi
Jorell Hernandez wrote:
> Do any of you guys have any nicknames for your cars?
Scott King wrote:
> I've never really understood the whole "naming your car" thing,
73 Porsche 914 1.7L (Car in a box)
80 BMW 323i
8? Opel (GT-4 SCCA)
85 Saab 900Turbo
91 VW Jetta GL
"When the the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
-Hunter S. Thompson
"There is no long way in a fast car."
Mom&Dad's 1982 Honda Civic Wagon - "Little Brown Spud" or "the Spud" -
dubbed so by my friend as that "Little Red Corvette" song played on the
radio (aptly named - had the guts of a PEI 'tater) - the name stuck until
its sale at a yard sale for $40.
Steve Sears
1980 Audi 5kS
While my car doesn't go by its nickname all the time, I think it
deserves to have a name since it has never let me down and I enjoy
driving it :) It's not like I talk to it ... well, when we're taking on
other cars, maybe :)
92 Fox
aka "The Adamobile II"
Adam Bogucki
* Adam's VW Fox Homepage
* VWoT (VWs of Toronto) Club
Of course!! :) My 1992 Fox is known as "The Adamobile II", and my
previous car, a 1988 Fox was the original "Adamobile". I also tend to
think of my Fox as a guy, rather than a girl.. I don't know why.
92 Fox
Śmieszne!! Ciekawe ile ludzi zrozumie to po polsku...
> when he breaks down or needs a jump start i like to say "Idz Tam won't
> IDZ!" or even better, "the rabbit died..."
> i also had a 72 super beetle named Harvey (Harvey the Wonder Bug)
> and we had an '89 golf named Farley (short for Farvegnugen) which is why
> all golfs to me are Farley Cars and a jetta is a farley-car-with-a-butt
That's funny! :)
92 Fox
"The Adamobile II"
Ja tez bym chcial wiedziec.
I think picking a car nickname might be one of those things that just
happen. You don't pick out a pet name for your sweetheart from a list or
after making a long and hard decision. Pet names just sort of bubble up out
of nowhere.
That being said, the nickname of my future purchase (Golf TDI) just might be
TRamian napisał(a):
Hey, Guys- what about STICKERS...?!?
You know, little stuff that makes you smile, anybody got some?
Like this one: GERMAN
...wer Scheisse frisst, und Popel kaut-
Der auch faehrt was OPEL baut....!!!
Oran Sands <o...@sandersnet.com> wrote in message
>>Do any of you guys have any nicknames for your cars?
>'83 GTI w/150hp "Hammer of the Gods"
James...the NCon4Myst
VW...4DO...For Drivers Only,'Cause if it aint' a VW, you're just riding!
'98 GTI..."BlackBird"
Bloody Viking wrote in message <7b7h3k$jm3$1...@hirame.wwa.com>...
>Oliver & Christie <Olis...@gte.net> wrote:
>: I call my one 'hopple flea' ....
>I call my '87 Quantum the USS Millennium Falcon. I have named cars in the
>past too, like the previous car was the HMAS Belknap, a '95 Grand Am. It
>met its fate at the hands of The Repo Man in a voluntary repo. (HMAS ==
>Her Magesty's Australian Ship) Both of these cars were my post-Navy cars,
>in which I served on the USS Belknap, which met a fate as ignoable as the
>Grand Am: It was sunk on purpose!
>I had 2 cars before the Navy, but I only named one, a red '72 Ford LTD,
>which I named Christine. I now name all personal vehicles with engines
>like ships. Unlike ships with Navy people, I do not tack on a nickname on
>top of it like USS Belknap and "Belcrash". (The USS Belknap got into an
>accident with a carrier in 1975.)
>Just what do they call those car carrier trucks anyways? I think of them
>as road-going carriers! :) If I owned one, I'd probably call it the USS
>Deathstar. This brings up the topic of what one would name theoretical
>vehicles they could own. Consider these fun ones:
>A flying car: USS Pegasus
>An experimental motorised bicycle: USS Challenger
>A truck (single-piece): USS Timothy McVeigh
>A low rider car: USS Low Rider
>An extremely fast car: USS Cheetah
>I tend to start to imagine militariness with transportation! A really cool
>flying car could be the USS Tomcat! Think of a flying BMW Zed-3 Roadster.
>Now, that would be a cool Flying BMW. If the commuting mission for the
>flying car is to go into the inner city (with Kevlar armour) it could be
>the USS Intruder. Naming of cars gets like accent theory a la my wierd web
>page about that topic. ( http://www.wwa.com/~nospam/Accent_Theory.html )
>CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
> Humans never fly. They either ride a flying bus or drive it.
>3560379 bytes of spam mail deleted. http://www.wwa.com/~nospam/
: I call my '98 GTI "BlackBird"...like the Legendary SR-71 Spyplane! So
: fassttt, or sometimes FatBoy cause...well it kinda resembles a fat boy! My
: two sons just call it "...Dad's CoolCar..."!
Cool! I'd reserve that name for a car that's real fast and outfitted to be
radar-invisible. That name would be great for an old cop car painted with
stealth paint and the car outfitted to help foil LIDAR as well. Of course,
it would have to be black too. :) My '87 Quantum is the USS Millennium
Falcon. I hope it's Y2K-compatible!
Have you got vanity plates saying "SR-71" and painted them to be non-
retroreflective to foil LIDAR? Nice militaristic name you chose for your
Flying, amphibious, nuclear car? USSN Flying Fish.
(Worthwhile purely because this is an actual sub. Although to my
knowledge it does not fly.)
i am stv-at-ot-dot-com.
"Rolf the Golf" ('86 Alpine white - retired)
"Rusty" or "Suzy Isuzu" ('85 Trooper - retired)
No name for my current '87 Gti 16v yet. "J.Dub's V Dub" ??
John Wilke
95 GTI VR6
: Bloody Viking you really need to get the meds adjusted or spend less time at
: the Army/Navy store. Good post though, it started out fairly calm and then
: escalated to a good laugh. I don't name the cars so much as refer to them by
I don't hang out with vets or go to surplus stores. :) Glad to see you
enjoyed the posting.
CAUTION: Email Spam Killer in use. Leave this line in your reply! 152680
Humans never fly. They either ride a flying bus or drive it.
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chace cupid
94 jetta gl