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Corrado - 92 VR6 with a starter problem

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Andrew Hurst

Jul 28, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/28/00
Any one out there experienced starter problem on a VR6? The solenoid
clicks but the starter motor doesn't appear to engage or turn. Besides
the obvious stuff is there any thing that may be a common problem with
corrado starters?

(We have the Bentley manual and weather permitting may look into doing
the job this weekend).




Jul 28, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/28/00
Dead battery?

Josh D

Jul 28, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/28/00
That'd be my guess.

If not, try putting the car in gear, assuming it's a 5 spd., and roll it
forward so the flywheel spins. Then ty to start it. The starter motor may be
jammed against the flywheel.


"Mark" <> wrote in message

Andrew Hurst

Jul 28, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/28/00
Don't think so.
Going from memory, it regulates at about 13.5V when the car is running
(after a push start)
and holds a good 12.6V or so when the ignition switch is off.
It dips a bit when the ignition switch is turned but is still a solid


Jul 28, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/28/00
You might still want to get it checked. I have had batteries that would
keep the car running (more of an alternator thing once it is running)
and light up the lights, play the stereo, etc.. .It just wasn't enough
to turn over the engine. (click click click)

'sides - it is a lot cheaper to get it checked (aka free) than it is to
replace a starter that might not be bad.... You'll really be pissed if
you get a new starter and it still doesn't run for lack of a good
battery (this is coming from experience ;)

Just mho

Alden Cates

Jul 29, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/29/00

> Any one out there experienced starter problem on a VR6? The solenoid
> clicks but the starter motor doesn't appear to engage or turn. Besides
> the obvious stuff is there any thing that may be a common problem with
> corrado starters?
> (We have the Bentley manual and weather permitting may look into doing
> the job this weekend).

My '90 G60 did the same thing. Turn the key and nothing but a >click< from
under the hood. The MFA, BRAKE and ABS light all continued to illuminate
without dimming and the automatic seatbelts zip back into place as usual (but,
from your e-mail address, you're in Canada with the normal seatbelts.)

I ended up replacing my starter with a rebuilt one (about $90 for a Bosch.)
Some Corrado owners mentioned theirs just needed to be cleaned, but I went for
the whole rebuild. I wouldn't call it a common problem, just something that
gets replaced. I had 107k miles on my starter.


1990 Corrado G60
G-Chip, AT SS exhaust, ISV check valve, 16" Borbet Type Cs
CCA Member #201

Orange Guy

Jul 29, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/29/00
I had a 1989 Jetta that had the starter semi-rebuilt... bad brushes
after 200k. The rebuild lasted 1 year, then the solenoid (wasn't
replaced in the rebuild) died.. It would click, but no
current/power would get through it.. contacts were burned off or

$110 cnd or something at Canadian Tire. (easy to replace, but you
need to support the engine if you remove the starter, as the starter
bracket is usually part of the front engine mount.)


On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 09:10:46 -0700, Andrew Hurst <>

>Any one out there experienced starter problem on a VR6? The solenoid
>clicks but the starter motor doesn't appear to engage or turn. Besides
>the obvious stuff is there any thing that may be a common problem with
>corrado starters?
>(We have the Bentley manual and weather permitting may look into doing
>the job this weekend).


- Olaf (93 corrado slc)

Jul 31, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/31/00

Andrew, does your car have an aftermarket alarm or any security device
install by the dealer (not in your factory brochure) ?? Mine did... and
when the dealer "black box" died the car wouldn't start till it was
- Olaf 93 STS Corrado)

Andrew Hurst

Jul 31, 2000, 7:00:00 AM7/31/00

As a matter of fact, it does have an after market alarm system. This
may be a possible fault to check for, but I don't think it's the problem
because the car can be bump started. Therefore it is not an ignition
cut-out as might be caused by a failed alarm/security module.

It's my son's car and he has said that the starter had been an
intermittent problem for a while before failing altogether. He has
arranged for a repair this week.

Thanks all for your comments. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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