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Best roof rack for 98 Jetta?

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Jun 28, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/28/98

Having just bought a new 98 Jetta TDI, I would like to get a roof rack for
it. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or opinions on the best rack
to get. I'm hoping to have something that installs easily, doesn't mess up
the finish of the car, and will carry bikes and other gear. I am looking at
(1) Thule, (2) Yakima, and (3) the official VW crossbars, with attachments
from Thule or Yakima.

Thule makes a model 444 set specifically for recent Jettas and Golfs, and I
was wondering if anyone had any experience with them. Since I already have
one bike mount for a Yakima rack (that I used to use on an old generic
rooftop rack that I had on my old car), I guess it would make sense to stay
with Yakima, assuming all other things are equal. Anyone?

-Jason Gull

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Jun 28, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/28/98


I know the Yakima rack will mar the finish if it's left on for long. I'm
sure that's true about any rack that comes in contact with the paint. Because
of that, my Yakima rack stays on my older car. I haven't placed the rack on my
98 Jetta. It requires new towers/mounts that are quite expensive... $115 for
the towers, then another 40 for clips. I prefer to stick with Yakima because I
already have 3 bike mounts (including a tandem mount... expensive) and six
wheel forks. I'm still researching my options. Doesn't seem like I'd be happy
with a trunk mount. Lots of negative posts. Perhaps a trailer hitch mount?
But now there's the cost of the Class II hitch. Back to the point, if the
finish is marred, it's easy enough to buff out. But that's no fun. You're
better off mounting the rack only when it's REALLY needed. If you need it
every day (and leave it mounted), your paint will get marred unless you take
the rack off every night.

Good Luck,

Scott Farrell
98 Jetta TDI w/9900mi

Cosmo Kramer

Jun 28, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/28/98

I have the Thule rack on my '97 Jetta GT (444 kit) Works great!! May leave
marks though.....
Cosmo Kramer wrote in message <6n6c3q$2e$>...


Jun 29, 1998, 7:00:00 AM6/29/98

I have a 98GTIVR6 and I have tried the Thule and was less than happy with it
because it is heavy and has lots of loose rattling parts once it is taken off
the car (which when stored in your trunk makes lots of noise). Plus, the 444
kit's cross bars are way too long and stick way out past the car, so they have
to be cut down. It is a little tricky to mount to the roof because of the way
the hooks are designed.

I also have a Rhode Gear rear mount rack which I used to use on my old CRX-SI
and it is a very good rack. I heard from a few people that rear mounts were
unstable, but I never had a problem. The one big drawback of the rear mounts is
that you are going to scratch the paint, no matter how careful you are. The
straps that attach it to the top of the hatch and to the bottom of the bumper
slide around a bit when you are driving and will slowly create tiny little
scratches wherever they are touching the car.

I now have a stock VW rack. It is made well and is light and is easy to put on
and take off (especially when compared to the Thule). Plus, you can use the
Thule wind deflector with it, which I highly recommend since it makes a huge
difference where wind noise is concerned.

Never tried a Yakima, but have good things about them.


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