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90-93 accord automatic shifter cable replacement step by step

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Aug 11, 2004, 9:28:15 AM8/11/04
The symptom is hard to move from Park to R or R to park. I searched
all the post on this problem, the answer is to replace the shifter
cable, but no detail instructions. Mine is 92. I did it last night in
3 hours, I think I can do it now in 1 hour. Here are the steps.
1. remove centre console 6 screws.
2. lower the exhaust heat shield. remove 2 10mm nuts on the front, 2
10mm screws on the middle and loosen 2 screws on the back only, these
two holes on the heat shield are slotted, so the heat shield can slide
back and forth a little.
3. once the heat shield is lowered, sitting on top of the Cat
converter, you can see two shifter cable mounting 10mm bolts and one
10mm cable clip bolts in front of it. remove all three bolts. The 3/8
ratchet can reach in ok.
4. remove the shifter cable cover bolts at the transmission end. Four
bolts, three 13mm (I think, may be 12mm, don't remember) and one 10mm.
5. remove one cotter pin and lift out the small lever plate at the end
of the shifter cable, (don't remove that red painted nut on the shaft
that go into the transmission),the shifter cable is now free from the
housing. Remove the small bushing inside the hole on the end of the
shifter cable. Put this bushing onto the new cable.
6. go inside the car and remove the spring clip at the end of the
cable, just lift it out with a screw driver and then remove the two
bolts that secure the cable. The shifter cable is now completely free,
you can pull it out from underneath the car now.

Install in reverse order. You probably need a new cotter pin if you
broke it while removing it. I just reused the old one. No adjustment
is needed afterward, the new after market cable is exact fit.
$65.00Can in Toronto. I don't know how much is the dealer one cost.
Probably an arm and a leg, I didn't bother to call.
I put up with this problem for a long time, because the book said you
need to remove the exhaust pipe to do it. The Cat converter is rusted
on solid to the pipe, I don't think I can take it out. But the cable
getting so tight now, I have to do it. You don't need to remove the
exhaust system at all, it has enough room to work once the heat shield
is lowered.

I hope this information may help others to tackle this project.


motsco_ _

Aug 27, 2004, 12:26:19 AM8/27/04
blackbubbleback wrote:
> hi, i am a new member to this site and i found some very interesting stuff
> so far!!!...the problem you (had)with your accord is the same problem i am
> currently experincing with my 1992 honda civic LX, i just wanted to know if
> it is indeed the same problem...and yes mine is also VERY tight shifting
> from park to reverse and vise versa...thanks!!!


I think your problem is an adjustment. Somebody around here will be able
to tell you how to do it. I have a manual for the Odyssey, but yours
might be completely different. :-(


Jun 13, 2014, 10:19:44 AM6/13/14
I have the same issue that I will attempt to resolve myself. Thanks for providing the steps; I've seen videos, but nothing like getting your hands dirty.

By the way, the dealer price for the cable is $300. In US, it's $130.

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