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Which amp for Quad ESL 63's?

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Edward Germain

Jan 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/11/99
Music-lover's dilemma:

Currently running Quad ESL 63's with a Conrad Johnson PV-3 preamp,
which hums slightly and needs repair, and a Quad 303 amplifier that
is at least 15-years old. I can tell these speakers want something
better. I've got roughtly $2,000 to spend. What do I get?

I begin with the idea of the Conrad Johnson integrated amp/preamp.
Anyone driving Quads with this?

Truly, I am stuck. I know if money was no object, I could have a
great system again. But it's an object.

Appreciate of any suggestion, I am,

-- Ed Germain

Stephane Tsacas

Jan 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/11/99
to (Edward Germain) writes:

> Currently running Quad ESL 63's with a Conrad Johnson PV-3 preamp,
> which hums slightly and needs repair, and a Quad 303 amplifier that
> is at least 15-years old. I can tell these speakers want something
> better. I've got roughtly $2,000 to spend. What do I get?

Hi Edward,

`Old' Mark Levinson's : ML12/ML11 (2x50W) and ML10A/ML9 (2x100)
drive my old Quads very well. They'll fit in your budget.

I've tried the 303, 306, and the 405mkII, they are not powerfull
enough, the 303 was made to drive ESL-57, it can't do much on the

I would only consider an all-transistor or all-tube solution...

Stephane -- Paris, France.
ps; I need some informations about the old Mark Levinson ML
serie, if you're a owner of one of these products, or if you have
reviews or documentation, please drop me a mail. Thank you.


Jan 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/13/99
I used to own ESL63's. I especially liked Electrocompaniet amps on these
speakers. The 60 wpc AW-60 at $1,995 is a fine sounding amp -- warm, rich,
detailed -- and should be perfect for the Quads.

Chris Malcolm

Jan 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/13/99
Stephane Tsacas <> writes:

> (Edward Germain) writes:

>> Currently running Quad ESL 63's with a Conrad Johnson PV-3 preamp,
>> which hums slightly and needs repair, and a Quad 303 amplifier that
>> is at least 15-years old. I can tell these speakers want something
>> better. I've got roughtly $2,000 to spend. What do I get?

>I've tried the 303, 306, and the 405mkII, they are not powerfull

>enough, the 303 was made to drive ESL-57, it can't do much on the

Naim amps were originally made (among other things) to drive ESL-57s
much better than Quad's 33/303, which they did, to a quite startling
degree, completely removing the congestion and poor dynamics on big
orchestral passages which until then I had assumed were a feature of
some other part of the system. They do just as good a job with the
ESL63. If you can't afford a new one check the 2nd hand market.

Whatever you go for, compare it with your 303: if it doesn't raise the
hairs on your neck with uncanny realism don't buy it. There's nothing
subtle about the difference you should get from a *good* upgrade here.

Chris Malcolm +44 (0)131 650 3085
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh University
5 Forrest Hill, Edinburgh, EH1 2QL, UK DoD #205

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
Well, quads like tubes, you may want to look at the conrad johnson
integrated amplifier, the audio research intergrated amplifier, or
the anthem integrated amp, all of these are very good, in solid
state, you could look at the Plinius 4150, the Audio Analogue Puccini
SE, the Creek 4330SE, and ohters... A quad dealer around here uses
Chord amps to drive their quads, with good results.


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Edward Germain

Jan 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/14/99
On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:07:18, (Edward Germain)

> Music-lover's dilemma:

> Currently running Quad ESL 63's with a Conrad Johnson PV-3 preamp,
> which hums slightly and needs repair, and a Quad 303 amplifier that
> is at least 15-years old. I can tell these speakers want something
> better. I've got roughtly $2,000 to spend. What do I get?

I _very much appreciate_ every suggestion!!!

FYI, here are the suggestions I've had so far:

NAIM (2) -- comments: (were designed for original Quads, great
midrange detail); best transistor amp in world, period.
Electrocompaniet -- a former user (w/ ESL 63s)
Quad's own amps, the 77 and 707 -- from someone who has heard them
Bryston 4B-ST, with my own, repaired, CJ preamp
Burr-Brown op amp 405-2 -- from a dealer
CJ integrated amp -- hearsay evidence
Quad II monoblocks -- from seller
Audio Research VT-50 -- current owner. These are about $3000.
Alternative, VT-60 ($2000)
Quad 405 or 606 used -- should be under $1400 including the 34 or 44
preamp (dealer)
Roksan Caspian integrated amps -- (dealer)

Of these I am totally unfamiliar with the Burr-Brown, Roksan and the
sound of the newer Quad amps. My current thinking is learning towards
the AR VT-50 or a Naim. Am thinking about keeping my current preamp,
but perhaps the sound will be better with something else. It's all
getting pricey, yet this is the last sound system I expect to buy for
at least 30 years. I owned my original Quads for 37 years before
upgrading to the ESL 63s.

If anyone would like to add further comments or suggestions, they will
be welcome. I appreciate the thoughtful comments so far. They really

-- Ed Germain

Serge Basilewsky

Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
Salut Stephane,
J'utilise un ensemble ML1 préamp, ML3 ampli, sur des quad ELS63 Pro
depuis des années.
Je viens d'acheter des quad 7710L ancien modèle pour préparer les voies
arrières d'une config home cinema
A+ Serge Basilewsky
Stephane Tsacas wrote:

> (Edward Germain) writes:
> > Currently running Quad ESL 63's with a Conrad Johnson PV-3 preamp,
> > which hums slightly and needs repair, and a Quad 303 amplifier that
> > is at least 15-years old. I can tell these speakers want something
> > better. I've got roughtly $2,000 to spend. What do I get?

> Hi Edward,
> `Old' Mark Levinson's : ML12/ML11 (2x50W) and ML10A/ML9 (2x100)
> drive my old Quads very well. They'll fit in your budget.

> I've tried the 303, 306, and the 405mkII, they are not powerfull
> enough, the 303 was made to drive ESL-57, it can't do much on the
> 63's.

Chris Livsey

Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
In article <77l81t$>, Edward Germain
<> writes

>If anyone would like to add further comments or suggestions, they will
>be welcome. I appreciate the thoughtful comments so far. They really

Here in the UK I have driven the 63s with a range of solid states
(tedious to name as many are not available to you over there) and now
use an Audio Research D70 II . This was revelatory in comparison with
solid state. Again tedious to list soundstage transparency etc just that
feeling of being right. Front end is Counterpoint DAC and transport with
passive pre-amp (home brew). Price wise the differential here favours
the solid state so this was a choice based on sound not price.
Best Wishes
Chris Livsey

C. L. Hardy

Jan 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/15/99
Edward Germain wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:07:18, (Edward Germain)
> wrote:
> > Music-lover's dilemma:
> >
> > Currently running Quad ESL 63's with a Conrad Johnson PV-3 preamp,
> > which hums slightly and needs repair, and a Quad 303 amplifier that
> > is at least 15-years old. I can tell these speakers want something
> > better. I've got roughtly $2,000 to spend. What do I get?
> I _very much appreciate_ every suggestion!!!
> FYI, here are the suggestions I've had so far:
> NAIM (2) -- comments: (were designed for original Quads, great
> midrange detail); best transistor amp in world, period.
> Electrocompaniet -- a former user (w/ ESL 63s)
> Quad's own amps, the 77 and 707 -- from someone who has heard them
> Bryston 4B-ST, with my own, repaired, CJ preamp
> Burr-Brown op amp 405-2 -- from a dealer
> CJ integrated amp -- hearsay evidence
> Quad II monoblocks -- from seller
> Audio Research VT-50 -- current owner. These are about $3000.
> Alternative, VT-60 ($2000)
> Quad 405 or 606 used -- should be under $1400 including the 34 or 44
> preamp (dealer)
> Roksan Caspian integrated amps -- (dealer)
> Of these I am totally unfamiliar with the Burr-Brown, Roksan and the
> sound of the newer Quad amps. My current thinking is learning towards
> the AR VT-50 or a Naim. Am thinking about keeping my current preamp,
> but perhaps the sound will be better with something else. It's all
> getting pricey, yet this is the last sound system I expect to buy for
> at least 30 years. I owned my original Quads for 37 years before
> upgrading to the ESL 63s.
> If anyone would like to add further comments or suggestions, they will
> be welcome. I appreciate the thoughtful comments so far. They really
> help.
> -- Ed Germain

Ed, You do not list the suggestion from Stephane Tsacas (in Paris) of
older Mark Levinson gear. Specifically, the ML-11 amp is a very good
match for the Quad, not overpowering it, but with all the power needed to
drive it. Coupled to the ML-10A preamp (which has a great phono stage),
this combination produces a deep, wide soundstage and natural timbre of
instruments with the Quad. (If you should be interested, I have these
units im mint condition and might be interested in selling them; they
would be within the price range you mention.)

C. L. Hardy


Jan 21, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/21/99
I run my 63s with an ARC VT60 with excellent results. This unit originally
retailed for 2K and can be had for around 1K in the used market. It mates
incredibly well with the 63's IMHO. In the solid state flavour I like the
Spectral DMA-50 & DMA-80. The DMA-50 can be had for about $1000 dollars as
well and it sounds incredible on the ESL63. I've also heard that the new Pass
single ended stuff sounds great with Quads but I haven't heard that combination
personally -- check it out.

Well, good luck whatever you decide to do.


Jan 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/23/99
After purchasing a pair of ESL-63's several months ago I have tried some amps
on them:

The Audion Silver Night 300B monoblocks 20 watts did'nt have enough power,
although they made a pretty sound.

I tried a Levinson No. 29 that was synergistic in that it extracted at least
a half octave of extra bass and highs from the Quads! Many would be satisfied
with this combo, especially if listening habits run toward pop or rock. In
the end I judged it too electronic for my taste. Massed strings sounded more
like bzzzz than hmmmm.

I tried an ARC VT50. The sound was very pure and detailed. Bass not as good as
Levinson, but fairly extended. I may get taken to task here, but the overall
sound to be was tin-ey.

I tried a Pass Aleph 0s. What a disappointment. Loose bass not even as good
as the ARC. They sound was very thin. Instruments sounded like they had no
body, especially the cello sounded more like a thin violin. I couldn't take
much more than about 10 minutes at a sitting before I turned it off and
hooked my Audions back up.

Lastly I tried an AirTight ATM-1. Good bass somewhat in-between what the ARC
and the Levinson was giving me. The overkill output transformers on the
AirTight are capable of dealing with the Quad's impedance swings. This is the
only tube amp I know of, there may be others, that can double its output into
halved impedance. Highs slightly rolled off. This is not to say that detail
is lacking, it is just not pushed in your face. But oh that midrange and
upper bass. This really sounds like music to me. Recording after recording
knocked me out as I heard textures never before presented on recording that I
thought I knew well (which compared to the Audions was significant as they
have a reputation for being very transparent).

On the shaded dog Brahms Concerto for Violin and Cello the AirTight presented
these instruments with a life like quality. The Quads can sound a little thin
on these instruments, but somehow the AirTight seemed to inject the woodiness
back into them, something that I usually only get with box speakers. But this
was better than the wood one usually hears with box speakers, it sounded more
like rosin instrument wood than dead wood.

I purchased the AirTight. 36 watts is enough in my smaller room, those
seeking more power might look at the ATM-2 or ATM-3. Other amps I considered
but did not hear were BEL 1001 Mk II-IV, Spectral amps in general, and
someone wrote to me indicating he had great results with VTL-Deluxe 75/75's
converted to triode mode.

Hope this helps,


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