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Sound Technology 1700B

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Trevor Wilson

Jan 2, 2022, 8:17:34 PM1/2/22

Well, it's been a few years. My 1700B has decided to cease operation, so
it really is time for a repair and full rebuild. Here's what I am planning:

* Replace all electrolytic caps in the unit. One of the main filter caps
is dead, so it's time to do the lot.
* Replace all the carbon composition resistors. A quick check on half a
dozen has shown a 15 ~ 25% upward drift. Why did ST use CC resistors?
I've been using cracked carbon since the 1960s. I'm 68 years old and
I've never deliberately used carbon composition resistors. Crazy.
* I was going to replace the critical OP amps with LME49710 OP amps,
but, well, you know. NLA. AD797s look like the best, available option.
Any other suggestions?
* Replace all the opto couplers.
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