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Parasound HINT 6

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Thomas Krueger

Nov 12, 2022, 10:06:32 AM11/12/22
Holy shorts, what a nice amp and DAC combo this is! Local store had one in stock and on sale as well. After about 6 hours it started to open up, and in a few days I am sure I will be even more blown away. Of course I emailed Richard, and there's something to say for a CEO who answers his company's email.

But a separate question, since the HINT 6 is integrated, changing absolute phase is a pain in the butt. Is there software that can do it? I have a Mac.




Nov 12, 2022, 1:40:36 PM11/12/22
How would you connect your Mac to the amp? The only USB input is a
digital input for the DAC section.

Thomas Krueger

Nov 13, 2022, 4:36:06 PM11/13/22
I have a 4K Apple TV that feeds the Toshiba 4K TV and I take the optical digital out from the TV and feed the amp. So I would either need to use my Stax DAC-Talent (plan to sell it) or get my butt out of the chair and swap at the speakers.

I suggested to Richard that the HINT 7 should have an absolute phase/polarity button and received "Hmmmm" in reply.

Fortunately for me, at least 80% of my recordings are more right than not. I didn't switch often but it would be nice to have the ability to do so.

Or at least re-encode the song. I've seen some software that can do it, but haven't gone farther than that, as of yet.

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